WWE Spring Clean - who goes???


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Last May WWE went on a rampage releasing Superstars from their contracts. Wade Barrett, Damian Sandow, Santino Marella and 5-6 more were given the boot. Shortly after Cody Rhodes and Ryback were granted their own release.
That was 4-5 solid mid-carders who departed!!!

Who do you see WWE releasing this year??? I think mid to lower card superstars are looking over their shoulder more than ever now due to the call ups from NXT and the 205 roster swelling. There are only so many spaces on the roster!!!

The Ascension
They have failed to get over and have fallen to the very bottom of the pecking order on Smackdown. They showed so much potential in NXT.

Aiden English
His tag partner was released the other week and I do not see him having the tools to break out on his own.

Bo Dallas
He either needs a huge repackage or go back to NXT to help advance talent. I do not see anything for him on the main roster and that is not good. Surviving on his name and brother.

Curtis Axel
If he wasn't Kurt Henning's son then he would have gone a long time ago. As above, he could have some value down at NXT but absolutely nothing is offered on the main roster.

Titus O'Neill
I fear for Titus. In the dog house and made to look a joke after his run in with Vince. I do not see him seeing the year out in WWE.

Alicia Fox
I can't remember her wrestling. Now working as a valet. No need for her to be around.

I simply cannot see wanting to return. I do not think it is because of the porn stuff but more so her attitude and alliance with Del Rio. The only issues with releasing her is a) she is very good and b) she is making a movie with The Rock. I believe WWE wants Paige more so than Paige wants WWE.

Summer Rae
Seems to have been injured forever. I do not see a strong comeback. There are far better on the roster.
I agree with everyone on your list and I think I personally would add James Ellsworth. It was kinda funny at first, now it's just so stupid and not believable that it's actually making me dislike Carmella. It's not her fault they stuck him with her but they got what they needed out of him - a comedy jobber for a few months - but enough is enough already.
My list would be

The Ascension - although i would send them back to nxt to reinvent them because they were cool in nxt but changed on the main roster

Paige - lets face to she is gonna be gone soon enough anyways with the who del rio thing so cut ties with her

Emma - sorry but this girl is useless and untalented and couldn't get over a speed bump lol she has had 3 different re-packaging and still cant get over + lets face it she was given a simple emmalina personaility and couldnt even handle it

Darren young - this guy just has trouble connecting with the crowd unless they gonna reunite the prime time players then release him
If they do a spring cleaning i would probably start it on the nxt roster before the main roster, so my list would be

Nxt roster

No way Jose: the guy isn't going anywhere really in NXT and will be a job guy when called up

Adreas ''Cien'' almas: not sure if i wrote is name right but pretty the same thing as no way jose at this point

Liv Morgan & aliyah: both girls are young and cute but don'T really connect with the crowd and i really doubt that would change even with a couple of years of staying on NXT.

Main roster

Breezango: they barely use them anymore outside of comic relief and while they need guy like that, i don'T see the point of keeping them right now.

Titus O'neil: sadly unless they have plan to put him back with darren Young, it'S time for the titus brand to go bankrupt.

Darren Young: again, unlees they do a reunion of the prime time players, they really don'T need him on the roster.

eva marie: even through she already kinda announce that she wasn'T coming back to wwe, wwe hasn'T made the official announcement yet so i could see them just use the spring cleaning to make it official.
It's hard to say really. There have been times where WWE will go a few years without really releasing anybody, though they need to because they've simply got too many damn people on the roster. But, I'll play along and I agree that it's usually people from NXT who're released first.

NXT Cuts

Hideo Itami - I honestly don't believe that a good number of WWE officials haven't labeled Itami as injury prone as he's spent more time out injured than he has wrestling since his debut some 2.5 years ago. I don't think he can stay healthy and he's burned out his body due wrestling a very physical style in Japan his entire adult life before signing with NXT.

Patrick Clark - Clark was a competitor on the last, disastrous season of Tough Enough and has made a handful of appearances on NXT episodes. I just haven't seen anything special out of the guy, though I suppose it's possible he can improve over time. The kid's just 22, so there could be time to mold him into something worthwhile but I'm not seeing it.

Tino Sabbatelli - Basically, the guy's another failed pro football player who spent 4 years in the NFL. He's been in NXT since late 2014, he turns 34 near the end of August, and he just seems like someone that's taking up space.

Mandy Rose - Rose is another contestant from the last season of Tough Enough. She's basically a blonde version of Eva Marie and while she is gorgeous, she just strikes me as another woman that's mostly interested in just being famous. She's also been featured on NXT a few times and apart from her looks, nothing special about her. Of course, I've no doubt it's her looks that's probably kept her around.

Main Roster Cuts

I have to agree with the choices of the OP, but I see WWE holding off on Paige. Releasing her anytime soon would result in them being accused of doing so because of the sex tape thing, even if it had or has nothing to do with it. I like Paige, but she's made some really stupid choices that have to affect her professionally, such as Del Rio going on these drunken rants during podcast interviews and repeatedly calling Triple H a big nosed pussy.

James Ellsworth - Ellsworth has outlived his usefulness really. While he's not really bothering me as Carmella's "friend" or whatever, he's not vital to Carmella's character and it just strikes me that's money better spent elsewhere.

Darren Young - Darren Young has long since gone as far as he's going, though I think there was potential if they had the gimmick with Bob Backlund be something serious instead of some mid-card comedy act. He's someone that's also pretty injury prone as well and the guy's just dead weight.

Mark Henry - While I honestly don't know why WWE waited so long to go with Henry's "Hall of Pain" character back in 2011, it's obvious that his time in WWE as a relevant part of the card is long since over. He's older, he's also getting pretty injury prone due to decades of powerlifting so I'd just quietly let him go.

The Golden Truth - I think it's time for them to shuffle on out of the TV picture either as being released or give them positions as road agents.

Primo & Epico - Primo & Epico are probably the two least over wrestlers in all of WWE. It's not entirely their fault as they've been saddled with one lousy, shit storm of a gimmick after another during their time in WWE. I'm willing to wait and see what happens with them on SmackDown Live, they're a talented team inside the ring after all and they've honestly worked really hard at whatever they've been given. If it flops, then I think it's time to part ways.

Ho Ho Lun - Lun was introduced during the Cruiserweight Classic last year as the guy who started the first pro wrestling promotion in China. There's just nothing at all special about this guy whether it's his look, his promo work or his work in the ring. He's just simply "there" and you just don't notice him if he's not pointed out.

Tajiri - While it was kinda cool seeing Tajiri a few times on 205 Live, the novelty has worn off and the guy is hardly used anyway so just trim the fat.

Ariya Daivari - Another guy using the pissed off Arab gimmick. Nothing remotely special or interesting about the guy.

Dana Brooke - Dana is the epitome of dull to me. The most exciting thing about her is that little cartwheel/flip thing she does when she comes out onto the stage during her entrance.
It's hard to say really. There have been times where WWE will go a few years without really releasing anybody, though they need to because they've simply got too many damn people on the roster. But, I'll play along and I agree that it's usually people from NXT who're released first.

NXT Cuts

Hideo Itami - I honestly don't believe that a good number of WWE officials haven't labeled Itami as injury prone as he's spent more time out injured than he has wrestling since his debut some 2.5 years ago. I don't think he can stay healthy and he's burned out his body due wrestling a very physical style in Japan his entire adult life before signing with NXT.

Patrick Clark - Clark was a competitor on the last, disastrous season of Tough Enough and has made a handful of appearances on NXT episodes. I just haven't seen anything special out of the guy, though I suppose it's possible he can improve over time. The kid's just 22, so there could be time to mold him into something worthwhile but I'm not seeing it.

Tino Sabbatelli - Basically, the guy's another failed pro football player who spent 4 years in the NFL. He's been in NXT since late 2014, he turns 34 near the end of August, and he just seems like someone that's taking up space.

Mandy Rose - Rose is another contestant from the last season of Tough Enough. She's basically a blonde version of Eva Marie and while she is gorgeous, she just strikes me as another woman that's mostly interested in just being famous. She's also been featured on NXT a few times and apart from her looks, nothing special about her. Of course, I've no doubt it's her looks that's probably kept her around.

Main Roster Cuts

I have to agree with the choices of the OP, but I see WWE holding off on Paige. Releasing her anytime soon would result in them being accused of doing so because of the sex tape thing, even if it had or has nothing to do with it. I like Paige, but she's made some really stupid choices that have to affect her professionally, such as Del Rio going on these drunken rants during podcast interviews and repeatedly calling Triple H a big nosed pussy.

James Ellsworth - Ellsworth has outlived his usefulness really. While he's not really bothering me as Carmella's "friend" or whatever, he's not vital to Carmella's character and it just strikes me that's money better spent elsewhere.

Darren Young - Darren Young has long since gone as far as he's going, though I think there was potential if they had the gimmick with Bob Backlund be something serious instead of some mid-card comedy act. He's someone that's also pretty injury prone as well and the guy's just dead weight.

Mark Henry - While I honestly don't know why WWE waited so long to go with Henry's "Hall of Pain" character back in 2011, it's obvious that his time in WWE as a relevant part of the card is long since over. He's older, he's also getting pretty injury prone due to decades of powerlifting so I'd just quietly let him go.

The Golden Truth - I think it's time for them to shuffle on out of the TV picture either as being released or give them positions as road agents.

Primo & Epico - Primo & Epico are probably the two least over wrestlers in all of WWE. It's not entirely their fault as they've been saddled with one lousy, shit storm of a gimmick after another during their time in WWE. I'm willing to wait and see what happens with them on SmackDown Live, they're a talented team inside the ring after all and they've honestly worked really hard at whatever they've been given. If it flops, then I think it's time to part ways.

Ho Ho Lun - Lun was introduced during the Cruiserweight Classic last year as the guy who started the first pro wrestling promotion in China. There's just nothing at all special about this guy whether it's his look, his promo work or his work in the ring. He's just simply "there" and you just don't notice him if he's not pointed out.

Tajiri - While it was kinda cool seeing Tajiri a few times on 205 Live, the novelty has worn off and the guy is hardly used anyway so just trim the fat.

Ariya Daivari - Another guy using the pissed off Arab gimmick. Nothing remotely special or interesting about the guy.

Dana Brooke - Dana is the epitome of dull to me. The most exciting thing about her is that little cartwheel/flip thing she does when she comes out onto the stage during her entrance.

Hideo Itami is NOWHERE near getting cut unless he asks for it himself.

Patrick Clark and Tino Sabbatelli sure, why not. Nobody but them would care.

Mandy Rose will be used in some way, shape or form. A valet. A backstage interviewer. Or someone they use as a lackey to a big woman star. They won't just release attractive women unless they have zero value to them or do something stupid.

Paige won't be released unless she asks for it. She wants to be with the WWE or she would have asked for her release months ago. She's hurt. When she's healthy, she'll be back. She just may get shit on for a bit because of ADR.

Ellsworth is Carmella's bitch. He's not going anywhere for a while.

Golden Truth are the jobber team for Raw. They're needed to get other tag teams over. Expect The Revival to crush them when they're back.

Primo and Epico just moved to Smackdown and entered a rivalry with the former Smackdown Tag Champs. They aren't going anywhere.

Ho Ho Lun, Tajiri and Daivari are safe because of the need for more cruiserweights. They'll get a chance to shine, at least Lun and Daivari may.

Dana Brooke is dull, but she hasn't had her first real feud yet. I'd have liked to see her and Charlotte feud before Charlotte left Raw, but whatever. Her vs Emma will do.
My list would be

The Ascension - although i would send them back to nxt to reinvent them because they were cool in nxt but changed on the main roster

Paige - lets face to she is gonna be gone soon enough anyways with the who del rio thing so cut ties with her

Emma - sorry but this girl is useless and untalented and couldn't get over a speed bump lol she has had 3 different re-packaging and still cant get over + lets face it she was given a simple emmalina personaility and couldnt even handle it

Darren young - this guy just has trouble connecting with the crowd unless they gonna reunite the prime time players then release him

Could not disagree more on Emma. She had a great heel run in NXT and was doing quite well last spring when she first came back to the main roster with that gimmick. Then she got hurt.

Admittedly I haven't seen her during her return, yet.
I'll call R Truth and Fandango on the chopping block. Just not good enough to make the pre shows and rarely even used on television unless a multi-man match is on.
Some of the names here are ridiculous, and even more so the 'reasons'.
"They'll be jobbers on the main roster". Sadly, WWE need those types of guys, always a need for them.

Whilst its not great for people to lose their jobs, they do have a LOT of deadweight though.
I'll explain why a few of the people who have been listed are highly unlikely to be going anywhere:

Hideo Itami - The number one contender in NXT. One they're gonna hope can stay healthy and be a cornerstone of NXT.
Paige - The movie they're doing with The Rock. Pure and simple. She wants out, you can tell by the way she acts on social media with Alberto, its pure cringeworthy desperation but they can make more by keeping her around, regardless of her being on screen or not
Darren Young - Injured currently so it looks awful if they release him, plus, as one of (if not the only) openly gay men on the roster, they wont want to be seen in a negative light despite his lack of charisma/talent. Sadly, thats what Vince will care about.
Mark Henry - Henry goes when he wants to go. He's been a loyal servant to Vince and the WWE so they wont just fire him like that.
Emma - Really? Seriously good NXT heel run, unfortunately injured when bought back to the main roster, then messed around with the Emmalina nonsense. She's a very good readdition to the womens roster on RAW, especially with top heel Charlotte gone.
Andrade 'Cien' Almas - Another 'seriously?' one.. he's fine in the role he's in, very good heel to go against and build faces in NXT.

Who I wouldn't mind seeing go (from the main roster):

Titus O'Neil - What value is he? He used to do a lot for sponsors with WWE but since the 'handshake' he's been treated as nothing. Plus, we get it Vince, he's black, he doesn't need to be shoehorned into every other black guys promo. New Day, now Apollo Crews? Come on.
The Ascension - Cool in NXT but it just hasn't worked on the main roster, and they'll never be seen as anything in a developing division across both shows. They're at the bottom of the pecking order, of a list of teams including the likes of The Golden Truth, and that says everything.
James Ellsworth - The novelty wore off with Ellsworth about the time they actually announced he'd been tied to a full contract. It was fun for a while, but its pointless now. He wont 'wrestle', he'll just drag the women around him down. Time to go.
Aiden English - I actually like him, but I think Gotch going has pretty much killed him in WWE.
Eva Marie - 99% already gone, so why not fully announce it.
Tajiri - Cool to see him back in the Cruiserweight Classic, but where's he been since? No point. Focus on the younger guys and let Kendrick be the 'experienced vet' in the division

Would be perfectly fine if Kane, Henry and Big Show announced their retirements and go out on their terms around now too... Kane's off to run for Mayor, Henry is never around and Big Show is used to just job guys out to for no reason and to really make Braun look good... he's done that now, no real purpose left.
Could not disagree more on Emma. She had a great heel run in NXT and was doing quite well last spring when she first came back to the main roster with that gimmick. Then she got hurt.

Admittedly I haven't seen her during her return, yet.

Agreed. I don't know where anyone could say Emma. If you want to get super technical, she's been repackaged once. Her heel gimmick in NXT is the same as her current one. Emmalina... I'm not even sure that counts since it lasted for a total of 30 seconds. Also being injured for awhile doesn't help.

Primo and Epico... they need to go. From their first formation as a team, Los Matadores, Shining Stars, now the Colons... literally nobody cares. Nobody.

Ascension... never liked them. Never saw anything special about them. Being over in NXT doesn't make you good.

Dana Brooke... I don't want to see her go. She's great to look at. I find her ridiculously attractive. But everything she says and does is like nails on a chalkboard. They need to find something for her to do.

Ellsworth... He won't go anywhere because they signed him to a 2-yr deal. Never understood his purpose from the get-go. Waste of money. Adds nothing.

Itami... give the guy one more shot. If he's injured again... let him go. I legitimately can't remember the last match I actually saw of his. I don't watch NXT regularly... but if he's been around for 2.5 years, he hasn't been in the ring for 80% of it. Furthermore, Nakamura has overshadowed him and has that market by the throat. I barely remembered Itami was still around.

Eva Marie... just make it official.

Aiden English... unless there's a miraculous gimmick change, he's gone too.
I'm gonna veer left and predict no releases this spring. An issue that's constantly being raised is roster depth, so the answer to that is definitely not thinning the roster out.

Last May they cut Zeb, El Torito, Hornswoggle, Santino, Cameron, Sandow and Alex Riley. Wade Barrett and Ryback also exited at or near this time. These cuts were made despite WWE having the new brand extension in place.

None of those names had been on TV in months, except Riley who had been in NXT trying to be intense and overly suntanned. They all made sense, most were bad, old, or no longer useful.

I don't think Aiden English is a cut. Look at the heat he grabbed singing when he jobbed on Smackdown last week. Despite shopping for the same sunscreen as Sheamus, have you looked at English's physique? He's well over 6 feet tall and has very defined muscle definition. I'd say he's very much a keep at this point, with some kind of repackage could make for an excellent enhancement talent.

I'd be looking at the guys that can't get on TV. Darren Young, Bo Dallas, and Curtis Axel fit that bill. Bo and Axel both have family lineages. I'd be shocked if they released Axel considering work he's done outside the ring in the past (training, working with The Rock). He's someone who they'd want to transition to a training role eventually.

Young has the whole LGBT thing going on. Are they really going to release their first openly gay wrestler, even if he's just not that good?

Bo's brother was just in the WWE title match at WrestleMania. I can't see them releasing Bo. Nor do I see Bo Wyatt happening any time soon.

I'm surprised how many people are suggesting Itami. I'd dare say he's on thin ice, but release due to injury prone seems extreme at this point.

2015 never saw a mass talent release. It's stands to reason that 2017 doesn't necessarily need one.

Most of the lists are here just seem to be "people we don't like" more so than actually well thought out releases with just reasons behind them. A lot of these talents could be repackaged and revamped before being let go.

Except Eva Marie. She's just not very good.
ok, i give my list in a second, but first i'll go over the others people listed.

The Ascension
i agree 100% here, send them back to NXT change them to their old gimmick. move on from there.

she's not leaving due to a movie being filmed (if i'm correct) now personally, i want her out and then for Impact Wrestling to get her. she's still great in the ring, just needs maturity.

i disagree. Emma can go in the ring and is entertaining, the problem is injury, but i think she should be given a chance to do well. i dont find her useless and i think WWE wont let her go either (unless she does something else wrong). also, i blame the not getting over (the first time) on Santino. that gimmick she had with Santino was dreadful.

Darren young
Dull as dirt, they cant make Darren Young Great Again because the man was never "great" (i cant believe they made him a face either with THAT gimmick, it screams heel). i think, if there's a spring cleaning going on, it starts with him.

Hideo Itami
Another disagree and this is a major disagree. Even though he's been injury prone, give the man a chance before we pull the plug on him. Hideo can still go in the ring and is worth giving a chance on. i doubt WWE cuts him.

James Ellsworth
This is another doubt they cut him. should they cut him...eh sure. he's lost his sizzle that he had. he was entertaining (in the ring) at first, but now he's just comedy (which is why i see WWE keeping him)

Mark Henry
i dont think they'll cut him, he'll likely just leave on his own if they are thinking about cutting him. he's had a good run though. a much better run than i ever thought he'd have.

The Golden Truth
they should cut them...dont know if they will, but they should. R-Truth hasnt been taken seriously since his return...even his heel run was lame because he acted so stupid. as for Goldust, he was great when he was teamed up with Cody and still would be great if he had Cody, but that ship has sailed and now he's just a jobber at best, so i'd get rid of him

Primo & Epico
firstly, WWE isnt going to cut them right now. they are being pushed and in better fashion. Gone (at least now) is that stupid time share scamming gimmick they have and back is just them being The Colons. Epico and Primo dont need a stupid gimmick like that, just let them be themselves more or less.

Dana Brooke
Another i dont think so on WWE cutting them and also i would keep her. the fans gave her a good pop when she attacked Charlotte, so i'd try her out as a face and see if the pops stick.

as for who i think could get cut here's my list

Bo Dallas-- i hope this doesnt happen because i feel that Bray Wyatt should start another "family" and the members should be Bo Dallas and Elias Sampson. it'd be a great way to get him back on track. i feel that Dallas has potential as a singles star if wwe books him right.

Curtis Axel-- i like him, but no personality it seems and even having a play on his dad's name and uncles nickname didnt help him get over. people just dont care for him, though he has nice entrance music.

Fandango-- this is more of my hope as i feel that he's holding Breeze back. is Breeze a main event guy, no...but i like him as a gimmick and think he can go in the ring, but Fandango's gimmick has always stunk. his dancing gimmick is more useful for a midcarder at best.
Pretty much everyone that was named on most of those lists could go and not really be missed. It's sad that even with the brand split, some of these guys still can't get on TV.

Breezedango is a good team but have been booked horribly. I would rather watch them though than the former Shining Stars.

Titus has run the course for me and is now just a pain when he does come on.

Darren Young I had completely forgotten about, haven't seen him in ages. Same with Eva Marie.

Paige will still have a job for awhile, even though it looks like she is doing her best to get the boot. Keeping her on the roster is probably pissing her off more than she's pissing them off, so tit for tat.

The Ascension, yea huge disappointment, but it wasn't all their fault. They were ruined the first night and never fully recovered from it.

Emma just got back so let's see what she can do, but Dana Brooke can leave, she bores me to tears.

The biggest issue is the WWE is on the road all the time, and they need talent for these house shows. A lot of who has been mentioned work primarily as jobbers or filler feuds at said shows, so they are being used just not on TV. So as long as they are okay with being used that way why not keep them employed.
I think Emma is pretty good heel and she's good in the ring. I'd honestly let Summer Rae or Dana Brooke go before I'd consider releasing Emma. The injuries are a concern but other than that, she's an asset. When they bring up Peyton Royce and Billie Kay, they can pair them with Emma for an Australian faction.
ok, i give my list in a second, but first i'll go over the others people listed.

The Ascension
i agree 100% here, send them back to NXT change them to their old gimmick. move on from there.

she's not leaving due to a movie being filmed (if i'm correct) now personally, i want her out and then for Impact Wrestling to get her. she's still great in the ring, just needs maturity.

i disagree. Emma can go in the ring and is entertaining, the problem is injury, but i think she should be given a chance to do well. i dont find her useless and i think WWE wont let her go either (unless she does something else wrong). also, i blame the not getting over (the first time) on Santino. that gimmick she had with Santino was dreadful.

Darren young
Dull as dirt, they cant make Darren Young Great Again because the man was never "great" (i cant believe they made him a face either with THAT gimmick, it screams heel). i think, if there's a spring cleaning going on, it starts with him.

Hideo Itami
Another disagree and this is a major disagree. Even though he's been injury prone, give the man a chance before we pull the plug on him. Hideo can still go in the ring and is worth giving a chance on. i doubt WWE cuts him.

James Ellsworth
This is another doubt they cut him. should they cut him...eh sure. he's lost his sizzle that he had. he was entertaining (in the ring) at first, but now he's just comedy (which is why i see WWE keeping him)

Mark Henry
i dont think they'll cut him, he'll likely just leave on his own if they are thinking about cutting him. he's had a good run though. a much better run than i ever thought he'd have.

The Golden Truth
they should cut them...dont know if they will, but they should. R-Truth hasnt been taken seriously since his return...even his heel run was lame because he acted so stupid. as for Goldust, he was great when he was teamed up with Cody and still would be great if he had Cody, but that ship has sailed and now he's just a jobber at best, so i'd get rid of him

Primo & Epico
firstly, WWE isnt going to cut them right now. they are being pushed and in better fashion. Gone (at least now) is that stupid time share scamming gimmick they have and back is just them being The Colons. Epico and Primo dont need a stupid gimmick like that, just let them be themselves more or less.

Dana Brooke
Another i dont think so on WWE cutting them and also i would keep her. the fans gave her a good pop when she attacked Charlotte, so i'd try her out as a face and see if the pops stick.

as for who i think could get cut here's my list

Bo Dallas-- i hope this doesnt happen because i feel that Bray Wyatt should start another "family" and the members should be Bo Dallas and Elias Sampson. it'd be a great way to get him back on track. i feel that Dallas has potential as a singles star if wwe books him right.

Curtis Axel-- i like him, but no personality it seems and even having a play on his dad's name and uncles nickname didnt help him get over. people just dont care for him, though he has nice entrance music.

Fandango-- this is more of my hope as i feel that he's holding Breeze back. is Breeze a main event guy, no...but i like him as a gimmick and think he can go in the ring, but Fandango's gimmick has always stunk. his dancing gimmick is more useful for a midcarder at best.

1) The Ascension-Maybe move them back to NXT with their old gimmicks, or repackage them on the main roster with their old gimmicks (the ones they had in NXT).

2) Paige. I get the feeling that Paige WANTS to be fired. I think she is pissed off with WWE over how they treated her and Del Rio. Maybe she will join her new husband on Impact.

BTW, I thought that the film that the Rock was doing was an independent production, and had nothing to do with WWE.

3) I don't want Emma to go. Amongst other things, she is from my country of Australia. In fact, she is from Melbourne, the state I live in. When WWE toured Melbourne a couple of years ago, she got massive cheers.

Also, WWE would have fired her over the Wal-Mart thing if they didn't rate her. I think they see potential in her, but she needs to get over her injuries.

4) Darren Young- He is unfireable, since he is gay, and that somehow makes you bulletproof, no matter how poor you perform.

5) James Ellsworth- comedy jobber. Maybe have him be enhancement talent to make new guys look dominant.

6) Mark Henry-should have gone years ago. He has been around since 1997, and is stopped and started all the time. They have other big guys, he isn't needed anymore.

7) Golden Truth-Provide some comedy. Besides, WWE will never release Goldust (unless he does something to get fired), because he has been working backstage as a trainer, and WWE want him to continue to do that. So, I tip that he will retire, show up in segments where Finlay and other roadies show up, and occassionally make cameo appearances as Goldust in Royal Rumbles, Andre Battle Royals etc. WWE will keep Dustin Runnels around for life in some capacity.

8) Aiden English. I heard someone suggest that he wind up on the same brand as "Gentleman" Jack Gallagher, and they be the new Vaudevillians. Since they are on different brands, then maybe release English.

9) I agree with Curtis Axel and Fandango. I would also officially release Eva Marie and Primo and Epico.

Kane should retire.
Aiden English is surely on the chopping block. I would be shitting myself if I was him anyway. I always enjoyed the Vaudevillains but they were never really given that much of a chance on the main roster. They're arguably that kind of gimmick that never really translates well onto the main roster, but I don't think too many tweaks would have been required to capture the essence they had in NXT. But now that Simon Gotch has gone, I see no reason for WWE to want to keep Aiden English. No matter what excuse they can conjure up, what will they actually use him for? Their roster is far too packed to think they can do anything with him singles-wise.

Eva Marie wouldn't surprise me either. She's made it all but clear that she is going. If she isn't going then you fooled us. But yeah just making that official is probably all that will happen. Either that or they just let her contract expire.

I can't see why people think they'll be releasing Paige though. Not that I can fathom why they are doing a movie about her, but they are doing a movie about her. And because of that, they surely aren't going to be releasing the person who it focuses on. I understand there is a history WWE wants to explore with her and her family, but I find it so very random. Plus, she's controversial. Controversy equals cash apparently.

James Ellsworth likely isn't going anywhere either. As much as he brings nothing to anything, WWE clearly finds him entertaining. The thing they have with him and Carmella is quirky and WWE likes those kind of things. Although if they did release him I wouldn't at all be surprised because, well, why not?
Adreas ''Cien'' almas: not sure if i wrote is name right but pretty the same thing as no way jose at this point

This one is laughable, he is getting over as a heel carrying is ingobernable character over. Maybe watch NXT before making stupid fucking comments

My picks are probably
Bo Dallas - Was built up only to job in China or India or wherever

Curtis Axel - Doing nothing either he will want to go or WWE will let him go

Darren Young - Probably safe but he's done nothing the push in early 2016 flopped spectacularly that was probably the last play to get this guy somewhere on the card

I have no idea why people are thinking Titus O'Neil has a possibility of being released he has a vital role in the company with all his media and charity work I could see him just being used as an ambassador to WWE but no way will WWE cut him
I can't really see that many people getting the boot this year, if for no other reason than because Raw and Smackdown are already showing a lack of depth due to the brand split. There's no reason to cut people just to cut them. I think if anybody is likely to get cut, it'll be some of the "prospects" who the brass don't envision as having a future in the company.

Somebody like Darren Young will likely get some filler time when he comes back. Primo and Epico are a useful enough waste of 7 minutes if you need a decent match. Aiden English has the potential to be a low-card heat grabber; mid-card if he drastically overachieves. Titus is a vital piece of WWE's marketing scheme. Goldust and R-Truth offer versatility and can usually be relied upon to make a segment work. There is a need for guys to fill these types of roles. At this point, I can pretty much only see them getting rid of people who offer literally nothing.

Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel, Eva Marie, and The Ascension seem like the most obvious options to me. I can't really see them having a legitimate reason for getting rid of anyone else.
Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel, Eva Marie, and The Ascension seem like the most obvious options to me. I can't really see them having a legitimate reason for getting rid of anyone else.

Yeah. I mean there is reason for guys like Hideo Itami just to exist and walk around the performance center. You can glance at the main roster on both sides, and I'd like to hear a logical firing explanation for at least 10. It's kind of weird I guess for people to see that there is a place for guys like Titus and Bo. Someone like Natalya for instance is at endless social media and in person WWE events outside of wrestling even when she is off screen. Titus is out doing charity work and being a good guy locally giving them endless good press one way or another. Enhancement talent always has a place. Especially reliable and possibly long term loyal enhancement talent.

A lot of the talent in NXT kind of just sitting around is being used for enhancement talent and to fill live event cards so they serve a purpose. All the people yet to debut, but have signed a contract overall have a solid history and pro-wrestling training not too ridiculously different than WWE's style in current. Especially the Chinese / Female / Japanese talent.

For instance we have seen what they did with Corey Graves and even if you don't like his style of commentary plenty of people do. He's responsible for a lot of connections to WWE and the Metal / Alternative music on PPV's wether it be NXT or WWE. He got them the connection with Slipknot singer Corey Taylor. He would have pro-wrestlers on a show or interview them for publications like Alternative press. Bray Wyatt's ring gear, Baron Corbin getting and sporting Blackcraft which is a clothing brand often promoting non-theistic satanic imagery. Guys like Corey Taylor, Ronnie Radke, Bobby from Blackcraft, Danny Worsnop, etc. just being at their shows and exposing WWE to a VERY different audience helps. New Day can be credited with the same thing referencing social media, hip-hop, American black culture, and video games / geek culture.

They've slowly shifted their agenda as time has gone by. Taker is gone one way or another. Dudleys came back, and the ECW originals and only one stayed. Rhyno and he was helping Heath Slater get over whether you see it as that or not. Goldberg? Done. Golden Truth has been slowly moving off the TV and we're seeing what looks like signs of near goodbyes from Mark Henry, Big Show, and even Cena has started leaving a little bit. Jericho is looking aged. Orton is hitting the 40 mark soon not too long from now. The Hardys are going to come and then go.

Then we have the other side of guys like Styles, Nakamura, Bobby, Eric Young, Owens, Zayn, etc getting here after a long time and finally serving their purpose and moving WWE forward. The wheel does keep turning and from getting rid of these "Dream matches" to old pro-wrestlers they really have been trimming fat and giving people second uses and opportunities. Let's not forget the announcing desk frequently changing and ask yourself where Jerry Lawler disappeared to, but why you have heard Jim Ross. It's all a big plan of monopoly and if you fit the mold in the right time like our friend Jinder Mahal does good things come your way. If you are a guy like Simon who just recently got released, get with it or get out basically.
They will not cut a lot of the folks people expect.

Instead, they will cut people like Eric Young, Rhyno, etc.-
guys who are good and not near the bottom.

Also, Kane is retiring, as is probably Mark Henry.

They may not cut Breezango- despite every attempt for WWE
to bury them, they have done well and seem to have caught on.
The Ascension
They have failed to get over and have fallen to the very bottom of the pecking order on Smackdown. They showed so much potential in NXT.

Aiden English
His tag partner was released the other week and I do not see him having the tools to break out on his own.

Bo Dallas
He either needs a huge repackage or go back to NXT to help advance talent. I do not see anything for him on the main roster and that is not good. Surviving on his name and brother.

Curtis Axel
If he wasn't Kurt Henning's son then he would have gone a long time ago. As above, he could have some value down at NXT but absolutely nothing is offered on the main roster.

Titus O'Neill
I fear for Titus. In the dog house and made to look a joke after his run in with Vince. I do not see him seeing the year out in WWE.

Alicia Fox
I can't remember her wrestling. Now working as a valet. No need for her to be around.

I simply cannot see wanting to return. I do not think it is because of the porn stuff but more so her attitude and alliance with Del Rio. The only issues with releasing her is a) she is very good and b) she is making a movie with The Rock. I believe WWE wants Paige more so than Paige wants WWE.

Summer Rae
Seems to have been injured forever. I do not see a strong comeback. There are far better on the roster.

I think Alicia and Summer can add a lot of value as valets. Valets can really compliment someone's act. Maryse has added a lot to The Miz, Lana added to Rusev. Alicia is a one note stereotypical 'crazy chick' which they've done so often, in a division that now has character depth. But putting her with someone like they're doing can really help. Summer could rejoin Fandango and Breeze. Do they still have Rosa Mendez? Was she on maternity? I remember her being with Primo/Epico at one point. They might not add much to the women's division in the ring but more faces gives the illusion of depth.

I like Bo, I liked his pastiche, OTT heel who thought he was a face in NXT. Eventually I think they'll put him with Wyatt. For guys like him and The Ascension, I wonder how they'd be received if they got sent back to NXT. People have gotten repackaged several times before getting over. If The Ascension go back to NXT and are over with that crowd, then it frees up a tag team to move up without depleting the NXT roster too much.
I agree with the people mentioning Primo and Epico. I'm sorry but they just don't do it for me, they never have. I realize they are from a famous wrestling family or they would most likely have been future endeavored by now.... The Shining Stars gimmick was so stupid and now just as primo and epico they're just blah... I hate that WWE keeps around guys of a certain ethnicity, just to make that particular demographic happy.
I'd be surprised if they do a 'Spring Cleaning' as it's something the company rarely does now. Last year was hardly a sacking spree. Barrett, Sandow, Cody and Ryback all chose to leave while Santino actually retired in 2014 so there was no need for him to be on a contract really. If a load of people ask for a release, I can see departures but if not, the WWE would rather keep them to turmoil on the roster than pay the money to sack them.
I wouldn't release anyone. You need some jobbers to help get new "pushed" talent over.

In terms of the ones mentioned what about this.....

With Kofi Kingston out have Titus O'Neil join the NEW DAY!!! A powerhouse team of Big E and Titus with Xavier as the mouthpiece would bring some freshness to this group.

Bo Dallas (re-package as Bo Wyatt and put him with his brother on Raw)

Now Paige is clearly gone though. WWE wants to get as far away from her and Del Rio as possible.

Summer Rae should be packaged as Charlotte's minion on Smackdown. Perfect role for her in my opinion.
I read a report which said that there's no plan of bringing Paige back to action in future. If it's trur then I'll miss Paige as she was my favorite woman wrestler. Basically someone who ignited my interest in women wrestling.

Also, I don't think that Summer Rae will return. She wasn't even included in Superstar Shake-up and she seemed quite upset on noticing it.

As for spring clean, I would like Darren Young to leave. But he won't and we all know why. Also Bo Dallas, Eva Marie & Fandango.

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