Spring Cleaning: Who Should Stay?


Dark Match Winner
This is around the time when the WWE starts releasing superstars that have just been siting around or only making appearances on Superstars. Now with the cancelling of Superstars and the incoming of talent from TE and NXT we could see the biggest number of releases in a while.

With that said, who do you want to see kept out of those who have the possibility of being released?

Zack Ryder, Trent Barreta, and Curt Hawkins
They all can go in the ring and have showed charisma when given a chance. They could definitely be mid-card champions at some point and have potential to go further. Their gimmicks are great also but Ryder's could be toned down a bit.
Spring Cleaning is one of the worst times of the year imo. WWE always releases guys who could have a good future given a chance.

Anyways here are my thoughts:

DH Smith and primo
these two have done nothing for a long time. Its time to let them go.

And the guys to be released with Potential
Jimmy and Jay Uso
This is a great tag team that deserves a chance. Seriously pissed they got squashed so fast. I hate that there is no tag team division, or even crusierweight.
I'm gonna go with Ryder; he's not cruiserweight-esque as the other two. He has reasonable height and size to be a "relevant" talent on the roster. He got a push on the now defunct ECW; had it not been cancelled, he could have realistically been the champ for that brand. Ryder had heat on ECW and had some when he would appear on Raw/Smackdown after ECW ended; his gimmick was something that had buzz generating. This was cut due to the chronic "wasting and burying" of talent that the E is notorious for. I dug the the Zack Attack thing and marked out for the Woo Woo Woo business. Hawkins was only relevant during the angle where he and Ryder were Edge's flunkies: later went on to team with somebody, I think Barreta. As for Barreta, he should go get a Barreta and end it all now or head to the indy scene.
Vince is scared that if he hangs onto these guys he will fail.

How can you produce future Rocks, Austins and Cenas if you don't give the younger guys a chance? This is why Vince, in my eyes, no matter what he has done to the Professional Wrestling and Entertainment Buisness, is a fail.

Since 2008, he hasn't produced that many new stars. He gave Rock and Austin a chance, why not give Ryder or Bourne a chance? Just try.

IMO here are the released superstars this year:
- Jey Uso
- Jimmy Uso
- Primo
- Yoshi Tatsu
- Zack Ryder
If the WWE ever decides to straighten up their act about revitalizing the tag team division, I'd love to see the Usos stay. From what I've seen, those guys have tremendous chemistry in the ring and work as a well oiled machine when they're not put in the receiving end of squash matches.

Maybe it's because I'm a mark for the guy but I wouldn't mind keeping R-Truth either. Depending on how he and Johnny Curtis work as a team, they could win the tag team titles and have a long reign. That's of course assuming WWE hasn't forgotten about their tag team title shot. Also, I'd love to see Truth turn heel as I think his character has needed some refreshening as of late.

I'd also want both members of the Hart Dynasty to stay but only if they reunite as a tag team and the tag team division is given meaning again.
DH should have NEVER gotten a chance but got one because of who his dad was; his dad SUCKED too by the way. Primo is a casualty of being a cruiserwieght type wrestler and son of a FAMOUS wrestler. Jimmy and Jay really do have talent and potential but can't get a meaningful break; the tag team division really needs to comeback and these two could help it out big time.
Hart Dynasty should be more of a stable instead of a Tag Team; Kidd is clearly better than DH and carried all their matches. Kidd is a bonafide cruiserweight and would have great matches with Bourne, Sin Cara, Mysterio, etc. DH can fight guys like McIntyre, Reks, and other lowly-mid mid carders like that. As for Yoshi, he's in that cruiserwieght crop too.
well i have to say the wwe should not cut anyone they should develope a new concept or bring back a old one !!
should move the b guys and let them be ran buy nash and xpac have the show be pg-13 or worst have the main roster guys apear havea invasion of that happend where wwe and wcw in primes have more roster stealing going on !! wwe is dieing a hard death with tna !!
vince should go to tna and say look i want to have a split show with you guys where both our rosters can meet in match we would have dream match every week then take some of the over loaded ppvs have them with tna share the money and make wresling worth a shit again !!!
Poor talented JTG; he should've been axed with Shad. Ted DiBiase needs the Paul Orndorff "Mr. Wonderful" gimmick where he develops confidence, cockiness, and motivation from an outside person. Micheal McGillicutty WONT be relevant unless he adopts his dads gimmick or has a total reinvention. Husky is young Rotundo; a few good moves but will ultimately be a jobber in the WWE. Tarver can go to hell and stay there; has a good luck but wreaks completely. He'd be useful as someone's manager. Chris Masters is clusterfuck of size, look, and irrelevancy. Chavo could be a PR guy or scout international talent because his days of being a wrestler are over. Whats pro wrestling without a Guerrero?
Noting the OP wanted the thread to be about "who should stay":
I think Tyler Reks, Chris Masters and Skip Sheffield (if he's even signed) and I'm not sure those old Nexus members especially people like Husky Harris will be future endeavoured.

Reks is a potential bad ass with the correct gimmick and would seem a perfect fit to a group (e.g. SES)

Masters has improved quite a bit and hasn't been involved in drugs and stuff recently so I think he could be atleast a decent mid carder.

Sheffield is basically because I think he is the future super face of the company. He has all the attributes for it and was impressive during Nexus.
Skip can return and fued against the Corre or Nexus for night being there for him while hurt; Masters can go back to the master lock challenge or do the Mike Awesome WCW thing when he ran around backstage out of control beating people up.
I feel that the Uso's, D.H. Smith, Tyson Kidd, Primo, JTG, Trent Baretta, and quite possibly Tyler Reks. Probably its not going to be Zack Ryderor Goldust. They are both entertaining and can still be relevant. WWE may get rid of Yoshi Tatsu before those 2 guys. I know Smackdown is running on a ghost crew of superstars and most of the wrestlers going will be raw jobbers. I remember there was even talks about Kozlov going. I felt he had the most potential of becoming the next monster and maybe being the main event type player. The sad part is that WWE has used him as a joke to Santino.
If the Tag title get revitalized, the Uso's would be a waste to let go, I really would like them to stay. Watching the LongIslandIcedZ youtube vids, I got a new respect for Ryder. I think they could repack him somehow. I'd love to see all the "crusierweight" type's stay and that title be brought back. Otherwise, I think it's gonna be a bad year for anyone that hasn't been on TV in the past 3-5 months

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