WWE Payback - Dean Ambrose VS Chris Jericho


This should be a pretty fun match and I'm not too sure who comes out on top. After all, Chris Jericho has been winning his fair share of matches during his latest run, albeit while helping elevate younger talent in the process. I'm leaning towards Ambrose to pick up the win, however, as he arguably needs it more coming off his big loss to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania.
This was the rumored Wrestlmania 33 match, before Ambrose's growing popularity and Styles' impact changed the card and left Bray Wyatt in a segment with the Rock.

I think it's going to be good and I don't expect this to go more than 2 months.

First match happens here, second match with a stipulation at Extreme Rules and a rubber match possibly on RAW somewhere inbetween EXR and MITB or at a Network special.

For some reason I expect Y2J to win the first match at Payback and keep his Wrestlemania momentum going, only for Ambrose to make a comeback at the stipulation match, since his gimmick is somewhat being a "hardcore" wrestler.

I have to say though, I was dissapointed by that Ambrose vs Lesnar match, so I expect a great showing from Ambrose in this feud. Ambrose really needs that one feud, that one big victory that will push him into the World title picture. That moment didn't come at Wrestlemania so I think that Ambrose knows what went wrong at Mania and will do everything to make up for it in this feud, which has all the qualities to be a great rivlary.
Will this be horrible? I think it might be horrible.

Ambrose wins and it doesn't mean a thing because it's Jericho.
I had said this before, and I'll say it again. Dean Ambrose doesn't need to be elevated. Chris Jericho doesn't necessarily need to put him over in a PPV to make people believe that Dean Ambrose is relevant. For god's sake, Dean Ambrose is hugely over with the crowd and at this juncture he doesn't need a random feud with a Part-timer. He can bring back the relevancy to the Mid card division (Considering WWE doesn't want him to be a main event level star)

Anyhow, this match will be very much interesting (I meant the in ring action) and Dean Ambrose certainly is going over here. I can wager on that any time!
I had said this before, and I'll say it again. Dean Ambrose doesn't need to be elevated. Chris Jericho doesn't necessarily need to put him over in a PPV to make people believe that Dean Ambrose is relevant. For god's sake, Dean Ambrose is hugely over with the crowd and at this juncture he doesn't need a random feud with a Part-timer. He can bring back the relevancy to the Mid card division (Considering WWE doesn't want him to be a main event level star)

Anyhow, this match will be very much interesting (I meant the in ring action) and Dean Ambrose certainly is going over here. I can wager on that any time!

Sadly he's peaked in the mid card division. There's nothing left for him to do. He's been US and IC champion.

I'd just have this feud extend from Payback to Battleground.

Jericho wins at Payback for shock value.

Ambrose wins at ER to even the series.

Jericho and Ambrose both compete in the WWE WHC MITB Briefcase match where Ambrose wins.

Jericho wins the final match at Battleground and Ambrose goes on the MITB Briefcase winner losing streak and eventually cashes in on Reigns when it's time.
I'd say most of you guys are spot on. I think Y2J is having his best run since 2010. He wins at Payback. Ambrose wins the return match at Extreme Rules. Ambrose & Jericho become the first 2 guys announced for MITB match. I don't know how long this run will be for Y2J, but it's been enjoyable and he is really good as a heel.
Sadly he's peaked in the mid card division. There's nothing left for him to do. He's been US and IC champion.

I'd just have this feud extend from Payback to Battleground.

Jericho wins at Payback for shock value.

Ambrose wins at ER to even the series.

Jericho and Ambrose both compete in the WWE WHC MITB Briefcase match where Ambrose wins.

Jericho wins the final match at Battleground and Ambrose goes on the MITB Briefcase winner losing streak and eventually cashes in on Reigns when it's time.

I don't think Chris Jericho bounded to WWE for that long. He soon might leave WWE after Payback if not, at Battleground. Either way, you're talking about Dean Ambrose winning the MITB and apparently the WWE WHC at the end of this year, which seems quite unlikely as I don't see WWE had invested on that.
Been a while, but this thread gave me the itch. First off Ambrose is midcard for the long haul now. That time has passed. He had his chance and creative decided to have Lesner slap him around like a 4 year old child. Second, Jericho, if he can go back to his HBK feud form from a few years back, he can do more for Ambrose than Lesner ever did. Lesner is in it for Lesner. Not to make others look good. Jericho could make Ambrose look like gold, and that is something Ambrose hasn't been able to do for himself. It just sad that it is too late for anything to be done. Ambrose will win 2 of 3 matches, probably not the Payback match, but again because Ambrose is an afterthought nothing much is going to come from this.
It could be an awesome feud.

I believe that Jericho should win this match using some heel tactic. Then Ambrose can square off with him in a hardcore gimmick match at Extreme Rules where Ambrose can win.

Another option could be Ambrose going full nuts on Jericho and using a chair or anything else to beat the hell out of Jericho thus giving Jericho a DQ win.

Either way, Ambrose should surely win this feud unlike AJ Styles.
Beating Styles at WM has actually made Jericho a bit strong in the recent weeks. Should be a good match and I expect Ambrose to win he needs it more.
I don't think Chris Jericho bounded to WWE for that long. He soon might leave WWE after Payback if not, at Battleground. Either way, you're talking about Dean Ambrose winning the MITB and apparently the WWE WHC at the end of this year, which seems quite unlikely as I don't see WWE had invested on that.

Jericho said he'll be around for a while. I didn't say Ambrose would cash in at the end of the year. He would have until next June to cash in.
I don't think Chris Jericho bounded to WWE for that long. He soon might leave WWE after Payback if not, at Battleground. Either way, you're talking about Dean Ambrose winning the MITB and apparently the WWE WHC at the end of this year, which seems quite unlikely as I don't see WWE had invested on that.

From what I read of Jericho he say he'll be around forever, however, I wouldn't be surprised if he left around your suggested time frame, everybody should be healthy around Summerslam.

I wouldn't say he'll cash in at the end of the year. He could always cash in after WM 33 or if WWE wants to shake things up like they did with Sheamus this past year.
Scoring a clean win over Jericho doesn't have the same meaningful impact anymore, and it's been that way for a few years now. Still, Dean could use the boost after Wrestlemania 32 (if we're talking about progress, Dean's character is at standstill after the disappointing match, or the glorified squash with Lesnar), so hopefully The Lunatic Fringe walks away with the win after a solid match.

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