WWE NoC 2010 - Six Pack Challenge - WWE Championship Match

I have a feeling that people are reading to much into the Darren Young return. He was booted out of Nexus for a reason. That reason is that he wasn't good enough so why put him in the title picture.

It will be either Jericho or Morrison in my opinion.
It'd be awwwwweeesome if Miz was the 6th man, won the title w/o cashing in the MITB then after the Kane/Taker match he cashed in, won and became the unified champ at NOC! once again, liely won't happen but would be awesome.

You stole my idea here... It would be the ultimate push for the "future face of the company." It would set up a three-way (or more) HIAC for the new Unified WHC (Miz/Taker or Kane/Sheamus?) and he'd be the king of the mountain after all that.

Could Miz pull it off though, believability-wise?:shrug:
Im still gonna have to go with Jericho getting back into the match and pulling the win off. While celebrating JoMo attacks Jericho, Miz 's music hits and he comes down with a ref and tried for the Pin then Daniel Bryan's music hits coming down (after loosing earlier to Miz) and costs The miz the title. Thus setting up a fued between Jericho and Miz aginst each other and JoMo and Bryan fueding..I dont think we have seen either one of these 2 fueds have we?

Course i like the idea of Miz winning the 6 pack challenge legit, and earlier cashing his MITB shot on Kane and winning both belts..AWWWWWWWWSOME!!!
I think the 6th guy could be Darren Young. In a way, he's been getting his own push lately despite being removed from Nexus. He has had beef with Cena in the passed, he just got RKO'd by Orton, and we all know how much he hates Barrett for what he did to him. It'd make sense, story-line wise. But I'm not sure why a guy like that would be put in a main event because obviously he'd lose and where would he go after that? Certainly not in anymore main events. But maybe a feud with one of the other guys in that match.

I'm just trying to think outside the box here, and Young came to mind. I really don't see HHH coming back and why would Miz cash in for a 6-pack challenge? That's silly-stupid. If he cashes it in, it'll be after the match. Not for the match itself. The other thought was like Bourne, R-Truth, or Morrison. I don't think Bourne makes it on the card and isn't R-Truth probably going to tag WITH Morrison at this show? I thought that was getting built-up, I could be wrong though. And to the guy that said maybe CM Punk because it's in Chicago, no. He's in a match with Big Show.
IF there is a sixth man I think it will be Trips if he is medically cleared to preform. But if not I don't think they will have a sixth man because the only other person that could be the sixth man is The Miz and he's already got a match. But I will have to say JoMo if they have a sixth man and it's not Trips because he eleiminated Jericho from the match and I can't see Jericho going back into the match.
Im still gonna have to go with Jericho getting back into the match and pulling the win off.

I think so, too, because if Jericho isn't in the 6-pack match, what's he going to do? Are they going to have a PPV without him? Seems hard to believe.

No, I think he's going to insert himself in the match, somehow...... and if WWE wants to give him a reason to sign his contract renewal, maybe he'll even win it.

Of course, it could work the other way. Maybe he gets in the match and wins the title for a short time as a reward for his past service before his escape to Fozzy-land.
i agree with kaneanite, that darren young will take the place of jerico in the 6-pack challenge. they are giving him a push to fued with wade.
I think HHH returns but not in the match. Maybe Sheamus somehow retains. Hes celebrating, and HHH music hits, takes out Sheamus with sledgehammer. Miz comes cashes in and wins title.
Here's my line of thinking on the situation:

When this match was made there were 5 participants excluding Wade.
There were also 5 members of Nexus excluding Wade.
Each member could have taken out a participant in order to give Wade the cheap victory.
Now with Skip injured there are 4 members of Nexus excluding Wade.
So it's possible that they pulled Jericho from the match so that now each member can once again take out a participant in the match.

What throws me off however is the return of The Missing Link Darren Young. He'll most likely have a role to play now. Hopefully my boy Jericho just weasels his way back into the match because no one wants to be deprived of the best at what he does at a ppv.
I think its pretty much nailed on that HHH will be returning for it. I think the WWE/vince will have some kind of plan for Jericho for example him costing the match for somebody or another match in the night. Also maybe it could be the case that Barrett is going to win with the help of Jericho and he reveals himself to be the "leader" of NEXUS.
I think Darren Young would never be in it as him beating the likes of cena and orton just wouldnt happen. Most likely HHH will come back - cost sheamus the title not win it himself then cost him his rematch too. They can feud for a bit, barrett will win it and be dominant - probs beat cena and orton n a triple threat at next ppv to put him over. then they should make him pretty dominant as a heel until miz cashes his mitb in making miz a face. Then nexus storyline can go to the bigger plan. edge will probs feud with john morrison for a bit after this. and i think jericho will actually take some time off for now...
There IS going to be a sixth member and we are finding out AT the PPV. They said so on Friday. I'm thinking it will be Jericho somehow managing to get back in and if not, it will probably be a swerve. Darren Young? Please. I see him costing Barrett the title, but no way is he getting into the match. Miz will not insert himself, especially since they've announced that there will be a replacement. For that matter, everyone fantasizing or speculating about Miz cashing in for the WHC, he CANNOT. His contract is for Raw's title, which is the WWE title alone, as he won the Raw MITB match. End of story.

Sheamus likely won't retain, as he will need to be free of the title for HHH's return, and it's incredibly unlikely that the sixth man will be HHH because of that. He might show up to cost him the match, but it's logical to assume that his return would be in a one-on-one after he reappears on Raw or somehow costs Sheamus the title. If for some reason it does end up being HHH, neither of them will win. I certainly don't see their feud involving the WWE title.

I think that the likeliest scenario, based on the five participants we know, is that Orton wins, defends successfully against Sheamus (rematch clause) at HIAC in a grueling match, possibly due to interference from a returning HHH, which then sets up their feud and removes Sheamus from the ring area, THEN Miz cashes in. I doubt highly that the cash-in would be against a heel, so unless they don't plan on letting him cash in for a while, I'm guessing the next champion is a face. If Miz is going to job to DBD, I'd like him to be booked against main event talent on Raw for the next couple of weeks, winning some matches in order to establish his credibility as a worthy champion, cheap cash-in or not.
Theyve done this two Pay Per Views in a row and I wonder why. I wonder if its simply for the surprise element or just due to weird booking.

Now I can say I would want it to be Triple H, but I doubt that will be happening. I dont know whom it may be. John Morrison won the match so you would think he would get in, but he didnt get announced to be so far. So it could possibly be that Jericho will figure a way to get back in.

Time will only tell.
I have to disagree with the two posters above....Darren Young? While I could see a feud with barrett in the future, Young has not done anything to prove himself worthy of a title shot. That's true both for storyline purposes, and in ring--he needs to prove himself a bit more before I can see WWE putting him in the main event at a pay per view, even one of the lower tier pay per views. Putting barrett in right now is a bit of a stretch, to be honest.
These past weeks saw a succession of Randy executing RKO on Wade Barrett, Sheamus and Edge in the run up to Night Of Champions, which is fast becoming a promo for The Viper to clinch the much coveted title of WWE Champion at the PPV.

What sets Randy apart from the rest of the roster is his resilience and sheer tenacity to put up a good fight despite being down with shoulder injuries a number of occasion in the course of his career. He is one champion who should be given the wild card to attain the title that had eluded him since Fatal Four Ways and Summerslam in recent memory.

With Jericho’s defeat to John Morrison that got him booted out as a contender of the title, there is indeed animosity for the six-pack challenge.

Who will replace Jericho is anybody’s guess but unwittingly what will be the outcome of the match, only time will tell. The primary focus on Randy in the present moment as a much anticipated champion cannot be overlooked and likely set to be attainable with Jericho out of the way.

Egde, Wade and Cena could still create an upset to gain an upper hand but there is generally a strong wave of confidence that Randy’s determination can overcome any obstacle thrown in his way that would result in Sheamus losing the belt with an RKO that knocks his winds off.
Yeah....it'll probably be Miz cashing in after losng The US Title to DBD. Here's how I say it'll go: Triple H interferes and Pedigrees Sheamus to reignite theire fued, but then leaves to kill any hope of him being the 6th man. Then Randy gets ready to RKO Sheamus, but after he does Miz KOs him with the case, cashes in as the 6th man, and pins either him or Sheamus to win The WWE Title. BTW, while all this happens I say Cena and Barrett are fighting in the crowd or something so they'll be out and Edge be out on the floor or something.
I am pretty sure Jericho will not be in this match at all. Darren Young could be in the match, but he will definitely not do much or win at all. I can see HHH surprising us all, but I really think he will not return until Royal Rumble or something of that nature.

I really do not see them keeping this a 5-pack challenge because I think they have a surprise wrestler as the 6th man and all we can really do is just wait to see who this person will be.
I really like the idea of The Miz coming in at the end and cashing in. I would like to see Orton lay everybody out with the RKO then Miz come in from behind and hit the Skull Crushing Finale and get the pin. That alone would set up so many possible fueds with that scenario. I just hope it's not Darren Young it makes no sense to put him in the match he isn't ready if he is going to fued with Nexus have him fued with a guy like Otunga or Slater not Barrett. Barrett is the only Nexus guy in my opinion that can handle a main event at this point. I think John Morrison could be a possibility also.
Really, I think that the person who defeated Jericho to take him out of the 6-pack challenge should take his spot!! Yes, I thimk John Morrison should take Jericho's spot!! If not morrison then what was the point of their match on Raw? Now I hear that they are making a feud between Morrison and Jericho, I don't know if that is true or not, but if theyt are then having Morrison in Jericho's place could be the jumping off point for that feud!!!!
Darren Young, no. They've been hyping up Barret like crazy to get him ready to be in a WWE title match and make it seem legit, and even then they had to add another 4 top stars to make people care. So to throw Darren Young in after having him do nothing but tap out to Cena multiple times so far would be ridiculous.

Im glad they havent thrown Morrison or Truth in the match (atleast not yet) cause those two always just feel like fillers in matches like this for me. Personally I dont see either of them winning a world title for atleast a couple more years. So when they get added to these world title story lines it just makes it easier to pick who will win cause you can garauntee neither Morrson or Truth will.

I dont see Jericho getting back into it either, I think they just threw him in at first with every intention to have him lose his spot to further push him on this downward spiral angle which has been building for awhile now. Which will lead to him leaving for awhile when his contract expires. If they went with him leaving if he lost at NOC, the fact that he was leaving would have been lost in the shuffle due to the focus beeing spread across six participants. This way they can put him in an angle where the focus is on him leaving.

On some of the promos for NOC the annoucers have mentioned "Who will replace Jericho as the 6th man?" alluding that they dont intend on keeping it as just 5 men. A Triple H return would be the best possible option, provided he is ready. Other than that I can only think of something completely out of left field like Bret Hart or maybe someone from Smackdown! finding a way in. Possibly even Kaval seeing as he has a match for the championship of his choice at a PPV, though I see that happening beeing as likely as Darren getting in.

Final opinion, Triple H.
John Cena: He won't be the guy who wins here, he's going to most likely reignite his fued with Nexus and more specifically Wade Barrett

Wade Barrett: The WWE won't make it THIS obvious when Barrett gets the title. He's too green, expect him to be screwed out of the win by Darren Young

Sheamus: He COULD keep the title to legitimize his title reign which has seen him get the hell beat out of him every week on Raw, so he's the 2nd most likely to win

Edge: Not likely to win, but the WWE could throw us a curveball and have him win the title. Then the next night on Raw he could come out and insult us for not believing in him anymore, but how he's on the top of the mountain again.

Randy Orton: My pick to win this match. He's been chasing a World Title since January, and now's his time to win it after being screwed out of the title since the Royal Rumble

6th guy: John Morrison has to fill this void because he's the one who kicked Jericho out of this match in the first place

After Randy Orton wins the title, have Miz cash in and finally give us the Miz vs Orton fued that has been hinted since Miz came out and interrupted Orton's promo during Orton's fued with Edge in the early summer.
I really like the idea of The Miz coming in at the end and cashing in.

As do most people on this forum it seems. Just like everyone salivated at the thought of him cashing it in at the last pay per view. Or the almost monday night raw against sheamus twice.

I actually now hope he cashes it in too just to end it, because I am soooo tired of reading the same comments about miz and his briefcase on more than a dozen different threads in this forum.
Now that the six pack challenge is an elimination match, I think is a bit more complicated to predict who is going to win this one. And before I continue, people you need to stop saying that Miz is going to cash in! Every single fucking PPV is the same,"Cena is going to turn heel, Mr MitB is going to cash in, Triple H is going to return" STOP IT!

As I was saying, well if Jericho is back on the match, he is going to be the first eliminated (not idea by who), then is going to be Edge (I do not know either who will eliminate him) and then it gets tricky...Cena, Sheamus, Orton or Barrett? Well I think that first, Sheamus. Yeah, I said it. He obviously needs a clean victory but if he gets that, he will end all the momentum for Nexus.
The next one that gets eliminated is either Cena or Orton. One way or the another, Cena or Orton gets eliminated by the interference of Nexus, and in the same way, Barrett becomes champion!

At first look I said that either Sheamus or Orton were going to win this match, however the game has changed, I think that Wade Barrett has LOADS of chances to win the big one and make Nexus incredibly BIG!
i think is a bit more complicated to predict who is going to win this one. And before I continue, people you need to stop saying that Miz is going to cash in! Every single PPV is the same,"Cena is going to turn heel, Mr MitB is going to cash in, Triple H is going to return" STOP IT!

Well, i agree that hearing it is getting old. First off, i dont see Cena turning heel, as for Triple H returning, i think it will happen as soon as he's ready to return and my thinking is that if Sheamus retains his title and you hear Triple H's music, then i think we need to get ready to see a Miz title run. If Triple H does return at NOC, then this is the perfect set up with a Triple H and Sheamus feud. Sheamus can say that Triple H cost him HIS WWE Championship and they feud then Miz claims how awesome he is and feuds with either Orton or Cena and cheats to beat them and making him a top heel.
I am looking forward to this match now more than ever. Mainly because it is an elimination match, those are always more exciting to me because the matches actually have to have something happen in them.

Imma predict the final three are Cena, Orton and Wade. I don't know who is gonna win. But I still think if Wade some how outsmarts the veterans, it would totally believable having him as champion. Maybe Orton gets an unlucky break (aka Dusty finish), RKO's Cena and Wade and then they just go from there?

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