WWE NoC 2010 - Six Pack Challenge - WWE Championship Match

I believe they will find a way to keep the title on Sheamus this will lead to a feud with Triple H for the title. What upsets me is that I believe this will be Jericho's last match in the WWE. His contract is up, and the WWE has been giving him the shaft because of his tv game show. That is too bad because at one time Jericho held the weight of the WWE on his back. He cuts really great interviews, he sells feuds and angles really good as a matter of fact he is the best in the world at what he does. Jericho said he will leave WWE if he does not leave NOC as the champion. What I noticed is Jericho did not say he is leaving wrestling, but rather the WWE. My question is will he go to TNA this way he will have more time for Fozzy and the game show. I will miss Jericho in the WWE.
A six pack challenge huh? There's not been many of these matches, but i have to say the only one i can truly remember anything about was the very first one 11 years ago (lol, at the September PPV as well. Coincidence?).

The very first Six-Pack Challenge featuring Rock, Mankind, Kane, Big Show, HHH and the British Bulldog (originally supposed to be 'Taker), wasn't all 6 men in at once having a total clusterfuck match like the others have been, but actually had them tagging in and out. This rule meant you could have 1 of 30 possible different pairings squaring off in the ring for a couple of minutes before another one came in. Then as things begin to break down due to cheating, that's where the ending comes in and HHH pedigreed the Rock while the others brawled (all of which was about 30 seconds worth out of a 25 minute match) and that was it. I for one was thoroughly entertainend.

What I don't want, is for it to be like the 1st NOC where they had 5 guys just beating each other up so that you missed most of what was going on because the cameras could only focus on one thing at a time, and then a flurry of finishers at the end and the champ simply retains.

As for who i think will or should win? Well, to be honest this stipulation added by Jericho has completely thrown my theories out the window. I felt this was the perfect situation for Wade Barret to win the belt in a very Sheamus fashion, where he steals the win, and re-legitimises Nexus as the big threat of Raw. After losing at Summerslam despite having the advantage (Team Raw had a 50 year old on it, plus Edge and Jericho attacked Cena halfway through), then losing 2 members in quick sucession, Raw's big stable have lost a great deal of momentum.

Ok so they beat up the Undertaker. Big deal. That's not going to help their credibility at all. What with Kane's interference and this whole 'Taker's not at full strength' angle, i wouldn't expect him to be able to defend himself. So Nexus are still looking kinda weak from where i sit.

And yes, they won their elimination match last night, but again they had a 5-3 advantage and they were still down to their last man before they were able to get the win.

So, a WWE Title win would help Nexus significantly.

Then again, if Barret doesn't win, at least this thing with Cena can carry on for a bit, and if he does, it can still carry on because he can fued with the other 4 while Barret's defending the belt.

Then there's Sheamus..... his last reign didn't last longer than this remember? Neither did Swagger's. So in all likelihood i don't really see him winning. And if he does win it's not going to solidify his ME status because he'll probably win in a cheap fashion, like pinning someone who's just laying there, or falling backwards on someone. Hell, even if he's the last in a finisher flurry, that doesn't solidify his ME status. Hitting a guy with your finisher out of nowhere doesn't prove you can beat the guy anymore than smashing him in the back of the head with a chair.

Remember when Angle won the 6-Man HIAC? At the end, he was on the mat for ages, Rocky gets stunned, the others kept fighting, and Angle rolled over and placed his arm over the Rock and got the 3. Did he beat 6 men or was he lucky that the Rock landed next to him? Of course that was done for heel heat, but it was also done to protect everyone else's credibility in that match, while doing nothing for his.

So, Sheamus pinning one guy in a free for all isn't going to prove he's good enough to be in the other's league in the fan's eyes. When he actually beats a guy one on one, definitively, and i mean after a 20 minute bout he gets the upper hand, hits his bicycle kick, followed by his Razor's Edge and gets a 1,2,3, without anyone else sticking their nose in, or using the ropes or the tights, or brass knuckles or hitting them with something when the ref isn't looking, well.... i can't speak for all of you, but they won't have boosted his credibility as a ME'er in my eyes at all.

Look at me, trying to justify credibility in a fake sport......

But then we have Jericho say he's going to up and quit if he doesn't win. What's that about? IS Jericho seriously going to leave and go off to do more Fozzy stuff instead? I mean, i do know that Fozzy are playing my home city in a couple of months so are they simply doing this so Jericho can take time off for a tour? Or is this seriously it for, as Mark Madden so expertly put it, 'the last true professional wrestler'? A statement that i fully back 1000%? OR, an even crazier idea, will he become the new GM?

The only thing that makes me suggest that, is that Jericho is the only guy who's had any real problems with Bret lately, what with the way Bret has been slagging him off despite their history, and the 'GM' has stated that he 'doesn't like Bret', so that's where that crazy theory came from. Might as well throw it out there now, i guess.

I mean, that stipulation alone makes me want to disregard all other factors and root for Jericho all the way, even if i know it won't do anything to help anyone in any fashion.

So i honestly don't know what to make of this match. But here's what i do know.

1. Barret is the only one of the 6 who would benefit from winning, but WWE doesn't seem to care about keeping stables dominant for more than a little while. Just look at the S.E.S.

2. Unless it's done the way i described it earlier, i doubt this match will be very good.
Chris Jericho laid down the stipulation that if he looses the 6 pack challenge, he is quitting the WWE. SO, that tells me Jericho is going to win it and thea the Miz will cash in. Jericho isn't getting a reign but he aint leaving either. It is the most logical decision. Miz won't cash in on Barrett, it would be a waste. Instead, whoever gets the belt at NOC will be a transistional champion, and sadly, Jericho is the go to guy for that.
This is a tricky one to call. Wade Barrett winning wouldn't surprise me at all. The Nexus is the #1 stable in the WWE right, and they continue to reek havoc on Raw. Then there's Sheamus. There's a chance he could retain here, and I wouldn't be surprised if he did, because Triple H's name has been mentioned a lot on Raw over the past couple of weeks, and we all know he's going to get his revenge for what happened at Extreme Rules. I believe Edge and Jericho have no shot at winning this. They're just there to add some extra star power to this match. Randy Orton is way over right now, and a WWE title win for him would make a lot of sense. But then again, there's a part of me that doesn't want Randy to win, because if he wins, then that means will see another Orton VS Sheamus match. The matches they had at the Royal Rumble and Summerslam were just dreadful, and I don't want too see these two go at it again. Then there's John Cena. You can never count Cena out, especially when it comes to a WWE title match.

Now of course The Miz is the x-factor in all of this. He could cash in his briefcase on the winner, and that's what I think could happen if John Cena wins. The Miz/Cena feud could be revitalized, but of course Cena will end up crushing him at some point. With all of that said, I think Wade Barrett is going to pull this off some how. I just can't see Barrett beating Sheamus, Orton, or Cena one on one in a championship match, but a six pack challenge would be a perfect way for him to him sneak away with a title win, and send shock waves through the WWE. I think Miz will cash in his briefcase on Barrett at some point, but I just don't think Miz is going to do it at NIght Of Champions. The Nexus is about to end soon, and I wouldn't be surprised if they went out with a bang. Having Barrett as champion would be a perfect way to do this.
Orton MIGHT be hurt, so he may not win. Jericho's not gonna win, his contract runs out. Cena may win, to look like the hero once more. IF Sheamus wins, it will really really really cement him as champion. IF Barret wins, it will really really really cement him and the nexus. I don't know what will happen, edge may win, but i intend to but the show and find out.
Whoever is saying Barrett should win, hear me out.

Now everyone is always complaining about Cena being in the title picture or New upstarts winning the title.

Now hear me out, honestly im all about the up and comers but this has been pissing me off, you all want and think your goingto see Wade win the title at NOC, first of all his feud is with cena right now, they are going to have to eventually have a one on one match as a blow off, now there are 2 things wrong with this picture.

1. Wade Barrett- While impressive, still a rookie, have not seen anything to great out of him aside from when he has his goons, there is someone else that would be getting a title to fast, something else for you all to bitch about.

2. John Cena: He is feuding with Barrett, so putting the title on him its just going to have cena.. Back in the title picture, regardless if he wins or not to " put over Wade" u know whats going to happen, supercena will win, everyone will bitch about cena being back in the picture which is what you all bitch about. but guess how he did it, because everyone wants the title on Wade, which is something else you bitch about, putting the title on people who are not ready, and quite honestly, i dont believe he is ready, and you guys bitch about how the Miz isnt ready? you all make me sick
My guess is that it won't be cena or orton. Right now, in their roles as unstoppable faces, they are typically going to only win the title in decisive one on one victories, not because they get lucky during a big old CF during a 6-pack challenge.

Some posters have been clamoring for Barrett, and I could certainly see creative choosing him just because of the whole nexus storyline. But I don't think that barrett is ready to stand on his own as a champion. In fact, I think that one reason for this 6-pack challenge was so that Barrett didn't have to stand on his own in a championship match. Now if he wins the title, for storyline purposes he could rely on constant outside interference to retain, so there is a way around that problem. So I guess in the end as far as barrett goes I say I sure hope not but I could see him being selected to win and then go to feud with either orton or more likely cena for the title.

Before last night I would have said no chance for jericho, but with this new stipulation that he's done if he doesn't win, I guess it depends on whether or not things get worked out with his contract before the pay per view. If not, then no, he's gone.

Edge seems doubtful because there is no one good for him to feud with right now if he wins, unless we see him vs. orton or cena for the millionth time.

So I predict that it will be sheamus retaining actually. Probably steals one, but I think it will be him (again, hoping that WWE doesn't go for the almost too obvious choice of barrett).
Now hear me out, honestly im all about the up and comers but this has been pissing me off, you all want and think your goingto see Wade win the title at NOC, first of all his feud is with cena right now, they are going to have to eventually have a one on one match as a blow off, now there are 2 things wrong with this picture.

What's wrong with the picture? Cena is Mr WWE. He is someone who should (and does) spend most of his time in the title picture. And in this case he's in on an angle being booked above aforementioned title. Nowt wrong that I can see.

1. Wade Barrett- While impressive, still a rookie, have not seen anything to great out of him aside from when he has his goons, there is someone else that would be getting a title to fast, something else for you all to bitch about.

There's a difference between giving Wade the title and giving it to Jack Swagger. Jack Swagger came the fuck out of nowhere to win the title. He was doing nothing and going nowhere one week then bam he's WHC. Sheamus was doing virtually nothing, sure he beat some jobbers and 'retired Jamie Noble' but what part of that made him look like he was on the same level as John Cena? The way he won didn't help either. On the other hand Wade Barrett is being solidly booked as a threat to the title. Look at Raw. He KOed 'Taker and Orton this week, beat Chris Jericho two weeks ago and has been running rampant for months. Wade Barrett has been built very well to be a legit challenger to the title.

Whatever you think about him, the booking means he's ready.

2. John Cena: He is feuding with Barrett, so putting the title on him its just going to have Cena back in the title picture, regardless if he wins or not to " put over Wade" u know whats going to happen, supercena will win, everyone will bitch about cena being back in the picture which is what you all bitch about. but guess how he did it, because everyone wants the title on Wade, which is something else you bitch about, putting the title on people who are not ready, and quite honestly, i dont believe he is ready, and you guys bitch about how the Miz isnt ready? you all make me sick

Only idiots complain about "Super Cena" being in the title picture. And like I say above, when you're being booked like Wade and you're in the title picture, you're ready.
I have two ideas on the outcome of this match.

1.] (If Jericho gets a new contract) Jericho wins the match but then Miz cashes in MITB (and it would be really cool if Daniel Bryan ruined the MITB match).

2.] Barrett wins the match, most likely by pinning Jericho or throwing Jericho out of the ring and stealing his pin. Then Barrett would be 'ending' Jericho's career which would be a HUGEEEEE push plus he would be WWE Champ.

I assume that this match was made a 6PC so it could be treated like 4way and Barrett could steal a win like the Miz usually does. That would be the only way Barrett would get a clean pin for the championship. No one would believe it if he did it by himself.
I think Wade or Cena is the best choice. But I think a lot of that is because the other guys in the match really don't need it:

Edge is very blah at the moment. Everything he does is suppose to be a 'big' deal because a 'big' star is doing it, but he just hasn't been impressive at all since returning from injury.

Jericho is about to leave?

Orton may be the most over thing on the show, but I can't be the only one who doesn't look forward to his matches. I don't think he does a good job at making other people who aren't good look good. Plus, I just think his matches are flat out boring.

Sheamus has prolly had the most growth of ANY person on ANY show. He went from a generic smasher to a whiny heel that can still kick your teeth to the fourth row. I think he has done a great job as a champion, but he hasn't really be at the top of the card, like you expect from the person holding the belt.

Besides being in love with Wade (<3), I think he is the best choice because he has been that damn good. When he speaks you listen. When he knocks someone the hell out, you believe it. He looks and acts the part of a champion. I think could also be the perfect catalyst for either continuing or breaking up Nexus.

Cena is my other choice. He has been really the only consistent victim of Nexus, and without much reasoning other than a "higher purpose". Well, why not give him the belt and Nexus a visible reason to keep attacking Cena?
The contract situation with Jericho makes me think he is not getting the win, the WWE needs to start showing video packages highlighting Jerichos career. This maybe the last time we see Jericho for awhile, They could at least make it seem like he is not ever comming back.

Sheamus could use the win in this match. It could make him look even stronger as a champ if he could beat five of the top guys in the company. I would like to see Sheamus retain the title here, but don't think its going to happen. I don't know when HHH is supposed to return, but I could see him interfering in this match, rather it be getting physically involved or showing up on the stage and cutting a promo during the match.

Edge might be the ultimate opportunist, but this opportunity will pass him by. I think Edge will be stuck in the upper mid card, until he makes the move back to SMACKDOWN!.

I think Orton has become stale since dropping the Legend Killer gimmick all them years ago. He no sells everything, I don't like his promos, he throws fits all the time, and he acts like he has autism. I do not find him intriguing as champ at all and dread the day he recaptures the gold.

Barrett getting the win here would defiantly help get him over. a lot of people say he is to green to get the belt this early, but I think it could help him and Nexus get over. Nexus could interfere on his behalf, helping him keep the title around his waist, like the Horsemen did with Flair. This would get Nexus lots of heat and could help revive what was lost at Summer Slam.

Cena needs this win less than anybody else in this match. I find myself liking him more when he is chasing the title than when he has it. The deck is stacked against him, being the only babyface (Orton don't count) with this logic Cena will pick up the win.

Who I want to win: SHEAMUS or BARRETT...Who I think will win: Cena.
Okay, so Jericho's contract is obviously coming up. I don't think Jericho will win. He's touring UK with Fozzy and he needs some time off. Just because he said he would "Quit WWE forever", does not mean, he actually is going to do that, as any major wrestling fan would know.

I can see Wade Barret winning, and Jericho making a big deal about it. Then he just keeps his word and leaves. Hopefully, he will return as face because returning heel wouldn't make sense.

Wade Barret needs the win, sort of. That gives him another "angle" for Nexus. His stable is the most dominate because it has the world championship in it.
Since Jericho was removed... I hope the match will be changed to a fucking scramble match! It would be reaaaally nice to see scramble match, because it would be a lot better than six pack challenge, actually...
So who gets to replace Jericho in the match now. My first instinct was JoMo would get to replace him. But since it wasn't mentioned last night (and surprisingly neither Jerry or Cole asked "who will be the new member in the match), I am thinking we may see the return of Triple H.

He will go right after Seamus and maybe end up getting the two of them DQ'd. Which means I think Orton will win the belt, and maybe start feuding with the Miz (to continue the little mini feud that look like was starting up before summer slam)
So who gets to replace Jericho in the match now. My first instinct was JoMo would get to replace him. But since it wasn't mentioned last night (and surprisingly neither Jerry or Cole asked "who will be the new member in the match), I am thinking we may see the return of Triple H.

He will go right after Seamus and maybe end up getting the two of them DQ'd. Which means I think Orton will win the belt, and maybe start feuding with the Miz (to continue the little mini feud that look like was starting up before summer slam)

-applause- the HHH thing wouldn't be a bad idea except for one thing: it's a first fall gets it challenge. I gotta say I'd love to see JoMo in there too but someone backstage has a hard-on against him and I don't know why.
The major question now is who will fill the sixth spot in the Six Pack Challenge? Even though Chris Jericho was removed from the match and only five confirmed competitors are competing for the belt, it is still being billed as a "Six Pack Challenge" at the pay-per-view. So there are only two options in this situation: Jericho gets back in the match or a new participate will be included. If they do include someone new then who will it be? Would they give someone like John Morrison some time to shine in the main event? I remember they gave him a similar shot earlier in the year at Elimination Chamber.

But I think I'm just over looking this because I have this big feeling that Chris Jericho will be reinserted into this match. They only have a week from Sunday which means this upcoming RAW will be their last to make any further developments to this match before the pay-per-view. Again my bet os on Chris Jericho still getting his expected title opportunity.
I doubt Chris makes it back in. I think he's planning on taking a hiatus again, which is why he's been losing matches.

Unlikely scenario: Triple H. WWE may decide to bring him back early as a surprise and bring him out at NoC. I doubt this happens, cause Triple H isnt fully ready still and it's too obvious.

Likely scenario: Miz cashes in to join the match. While possible, I dont see it happening. Cause when he cashes in, Im sure WWE wants him to win. My bets on winning the match go to Wade Barrett.

Best case scenario: They hold a battle royal, and someone like Evan Bourne or R-Truth or Morrison wins. Probably what happens.
Jericho's out. This got me interested. I want to know what Jericho will say next week.

Anyways, they need to find a a 6th member. Or, they will make it a 5-pack challenge, which is highly unlikely. Who else is a former WWE champion on RAW? The only name that comes to my mind is HHH. I don't think they will bring him in to wrestle right away, just because he has a pretty huge injury.

So since there are no more former World Champions on RAW, either Jericho will join back, or they will have a tournament on RAW next week. It's gotta be one of them.
If Jericho doesn't get in I could see Morrison taking his place if they want to push him. If they want him to keep tagging with R-Truth and all that he probably won't be in it. I could also see them doing something where they don't announce who will be in it until NOC and then either announce who it is right before the match OR because there will likely only be 6 title matches, have a battle royal or fatal 4 way or something as the opening match to determine the spot. I could maybe see CM Punk be a suprise for this match since NOC is in Chicago and he likely won't have a match. HHH could also be put in, but I see him costing Sheamus the title in another way than getting into the challenge.
While I really hope it is not the case, the surprise new entrant could be kaval. He now supposedly gets a title match at a pay per view, and it would be a good way to get that title match out of the way and then move him on to whatever is really planned for him next.
So, besides debating who should, could, deserves to win, etc etc, what is the most compelling thing about this match is you are in fact interested in it?

  1. Wade to me is the X-factor
  2. Orton has been chasing for a while
  3. Sheamus has had it for a while
  4. People can't call Cena Superman fast enough when ever he does something
  5. There's a sixth slot still advertised
  6. And I guess Edge is important to someone. I don't know who, but hey, why not?

For me, it is Wade Barrett as the X-factor. I think the one void that Wade fills more than anything: he is a heel that is actually getting booed. The top bad guy at that. Fans of the guys can't sing his praises high or long enough. Yet, there is that reality that he simply as experienced as the other guys in the match. Does the WWE have the nerve to give it to a guy who will no doubt be Rookie of the Year or should they wait like the guys in the mid-car who still "needs" time?
I think unless they just make it a 5 pack challenge the 6th man will be triple h. I dont know how is injury is coming along or anything but it would make perfect sense for him to come in and get the title of sheamus seen as i dont see sheamus keeping the title. only thing is it would bury nexus. although every1 always gets on triples hs case about that nyway.
Something tells me it will be Darren Young. While it makes a tiny bit of sense considering his history with Wade Barrett, I dont think he is at all ready for a title shot lol. I hope im wrong Young returned on raw only to get his ass handed to him. Maybe jericho will get into the match again which wouldnt make a lot of sense, maybe morrison? could be. I highly doubt Triple H will be returning but hey never say never right?
I agree with DJ Mathix; I strongly believe that it could be Darren Young. It seems almost inevitable that it'll be him, due to the history from NXT with Barrett and Young, and the fact that he was in Nexus with him. I suppose you could also mention that the fact he was in Nexus, brings even more heat to the match being that, in Nexus he ambushed just about everybody else who are in the match.

On the other hand, I don't quite believe that Young's ready for a major title shot yet, MAYBE a mid card Championship yes, but a World Championship? No. Not yet anyway. I'd like to see what turns out though, I'm really looking forward to NoC this year.

If not Young though; then I haven't got the first clue as to who it could be. Many are saying Triple H, however, many are saying Triple H has just been given a managerial position in the business. So I don't really know other than Darren Young.
Surely not Darren Young. Surely. If they are just handing out opportunities to compete for what is supposedly their most prestigious title, then we might as well have the six pack challenge consist of Sheamus, Mantaur, Booty Man, The Ding Dongs and Mr Fuji.

I'm not ragging on your opinion, I'm just living in an intensified state of denial and fear.

Triple H is a sound bet, they have been conspicuously quiet regarding his absence. But given the card and buy rates, HHH is someone that history has told us they usually hype, in the hope of better numbers. If he's announced on the next Raw, then sure, but I don't see it being a surprise on the night.

I still think there is plenty of time for Jericho to weasel his way back into this. With the exception of Trips, I think anyone else apart from Jericho would look out of place with the line up they have for this match. And that's actually a compliment to WWE, given how green in reality Wade Barrett is.

I'm sticking with Jericho finding his way back into this match, even if by taking someone else out.

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