WWE Night Of Champions 2013 - World Heavyweight Championship: Del Rio VS RVD


This is a match that I think most have expected since Ricardo Rodriguez revealed himself as RVD's new "personal ring announcer." As a result of winning a singles, non-title match against Del Rio last night, RVD is the #1 contender for the WHC and has his shot at NOC.

While their match on Raw was pretty solid, I'm expecting better at the ppv. It wouldn't surprise me if RVD won the WHC only for Damien Sandow to successfully cash in his MITB briefcase almost immediately after, thereby winning the title himself. Given the alleged details of RVD's current deal, such as him going on hiatus after he's been working for 90 days, I think that's the best that can be expected as far as RVD's WHC future goes. If he doesn't just flat lose to Del Rio, Sandow successfully cashing in is a means of keeping RVD in the WHC scene and giving Sandow an over babyface to feud with, at least until he goes on hiatus.
It wouldn't surprise me if RVD won the WHC only for Damien Sandow to successfully cash in his MITB briefcase almost immediately after, thereby winning the title himself. Given the alleged details of RVD's current deal, such as him going on hiatus after he's been working for 90 days, I think that's the best that can be expected as far as RVD's WHC future goes.

Yes, I've read the same thing about RVD's contract, requiring him to work often in the first 3 months and sporadically after that. That type of deal hardly lends itself to championship reigns, unless they are of a transitional nature. Apparently, RVD isn't fussy about how he's used, given that he's already been cleanly pinned in a match, rather than building a huge winning streak as a returning hero.

On the other hand, RVD knows he's in the twilight of his career and probably came back to WWE only to secure some big bucks to secure his retirement portfolio. The guy surely knows he's slowed down. In fact, I watch him work with his gut hanging out and operating at a snail's pace compared to the days of his youth.... and figure he knows what he's here for.

At the same time, doesn't having Damien Sandow immediately cashing in on RVD bring the problem of no more MITB opportunities for anyone until next year? Dolph Ziggler held the briefcase such an impossibly long time last year.....and WWE apparently created a second MITB because they're so enamored with the concept that they want it to be a factor on all Raw and Smackdown episodes. Randy Orton already used his opportunity. If Sandow cashes in, it's over.

Plus, although I find Sandow an entertaining performer, I can't see him as a world champion.....no how, no way. Certainly, his won-loss record doesn't lend itself to a championship reign.

And remember, if Damien cashes in, there's no MITB holder to cash in on him, is there?
I may be in the minority here but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if RVD won the belt here. Even if Sandow cashes in at a later time, it at least gives some interest back to the WHC and some legitimacy.
I think this one will be pretty straight forward as I still think the culmination of Del Rio's new "Mexican Hero" stuff is going to be the return of Rey.

Ricardo is getting his revenge on Del Rio on these shows in the lead up to the PPV, but when the title is on the line I expect a clean win for Del Rio, adding RVD to Dolph and Christian on his list of successful PPV defenses.
This should be a very good match. I'm not convinced by Ricardo's involvement but I am fairly excited about this. I would love if RVD was to walk out as champ because I'm getting bored of Del Rio. Even if RVD just acts as a transitional champion for Sandow as long as Del Rio isnt' champ.

I don't want Rey to be involved either but that also seems a possibility. The Mexican theme running through his promos and the face RVD and Rey were tag-partners.
Hopefully this match spells the COMPLETE end of the terrible experiment of Alberto Del Rio as any sort of World or WWE Champion.

There ARE other Latino Superstars that could come up and be the face for Latinos if they actually started building them up.

I think RVD will win this match with a Frog Splash, celebrate, then when Del Rio recovers he will 'snap' and attack RVD and Ricardo with his finisher and a chair. In comes Sandow to cash in.

It makes sense because RVD's contract is up soon and when RVD leaves for a while, Ricardo can be paired with someone else or perhaps get in a singles feud with Del Rio to give Del Rio something else to do than bring down the World Titles.
I actually like Del Rio's current run with the title, and I think beating RVD would be another notch that Del Rio needs in this run. I thought Christian was going to take the title off of him at Summerslam, and when he didn't I started thinking they might give Del Rio a good long run this time around. I predict Del Rio beats RVD clean.
I had an idea for NOC. Apparently, I read that it is the 50th anniversary of the WWWF/WWF/WWE Championship. So, I think it would be cool if WWE had a segment where they fill the ring with former WWWF/WWF/WWE champions, for the fans to give them a standing ovation. Of course, some would be unavailable, but you could get people like Bruno Sammartino, Bret Hart, Edge, "Stone Cold", The Rock, Triple H, Mankind etc, and many Legends past and present, all having been former WWWF/WWF/WWE Champions.
Can't see Del Rio dropping the title. I also can't see Sandow cashing in. If I'm not mistaken, since WWE put two briefcases into play, they usually like to space out the cash-ins, so the they don't undermine one another in shock value. More recently, Cena cashed in his 2012 briefcase last year at Raw, and Ziggler didn't cash his in until this year. And before that, Del Rio cashed his in at Summerslam '11, and Bryan didn't cash his case in until TLC in December of that year.

So yeah, Del Rio walks away with the gold. RVD is the first challenger to the WHC to be excited about in a long time. Plus, the little backstory with Ricardo adds some much needed intrigue to ANY storyline with Del Rio. RVD would be the PERFECT (he's been one of the most over guys on the roster since his return, and you can't deny that) choice for the savior the WHC so desperately needs, I can't see it happening at NOC, because whether we like it or not, WWE seems hell bent on pushing Del Rio as a mainstay in the WHC picture no matter what.
I see Ricardo maybe screwing over RVD to try to get back in good with Del Rio. I know this is a big what if, but just throwing it out there. I really don't want them to push Ricardo as a singles wrestler. He's fun I guess, but just could never see him becoming anything really. I would rather some of the great talent in NXT get air time over Ricardo.
Rodriguez turns on RVD so Del Rio leaves with the title. Seems pretty obvious to me. Rodriguez vs. Van Dam is not a long term pairing.

Next month (what that show called!) RVD defeats Del Rio for the title. Which is a good choice, that's RVD's level.
Del Rio hasn't got any feud going for him, wwe has not planned his reign well. The title is secondary i can understand but they don't seem to build a story for him. Del Rio has shown little progression and added some depth to his character during his feud with Ziggler and they should have continued the feud further IMO.

RVD should win and let Sandow cash in on him. Anyway, Del Rio has run with the title long enough and there's almost no point in continuing with him as they don't seem to find a better story line feud for him.

Sandow has been losing all his matches ever since he won MITB, its like you won MITB and you would be future WHC so you have to lose all your matches till you win WHC. Kinda boring. Hope he doesn't go Ziggler way and cashes in soon.
I'd really like to see RVD with the belt, even if it is only for a month or two. RVD can still go in the ring and has been part of some great matches here lately. Del Rio winning wouldn't be terrible but either way I'd like to see this feud continue for another month at a minimum, with the basis of the program moving past Ricardo and focus more on ADR and RVD
The World title is so useless these days.

Del rio is a good wrestler but he barely gets a reaction no matter how hard they try and he is probably the most overpushed talent.

It's great to have RVD back and I wouldn't mind seeing him with that bogus world title

This has a lot of potential. I really don't get why Ricardo is helping RVD. It just doesn't make any sense. I've tried to give it a chance regardless. The match will probably go on toward the middle of the evening. As for the results? It really could go either way, although RVD winning makes more sense for one reason. There is a certain money in the bank holder who may be cashing in at this event. Sandow is a heel, so why would he cash in on Alberto? I think we may see RVD win the belt only to lose shortly afterwards to Sandow when he cashes in his briefcase that resembles chocolate candy bars. Every time I see it I get hungry for a hersheys chocolate bar. Anyone else had that problem lately?

Oh, right. The match. RVD will probably win, get cashed in on by Sandow, setting up a triple threat feud at Hell In a Cell between them. RVD might still win even if Sandow does not cash in at Night of Champions. Maybe he'll wait until Hell In a Cell. Or perhaps we get this odd scenario: RVD defeats Alberto to become World Heavyweight Champion. Sandow cashes in his chocolate briefcase and becomes World Heavyweight Champion. Then Cody Rhodes will show up with the blue briefcase saying this is the real money in the bank briefcase, and is allowed by the federation to cash THAT in, ending with Cody as the champion setting up a Fatal Fourway feud. Hey, weirder things have happened. I can see Sandow walking out with the belt having cashed in successfully though, in all seriousness. This is Night of Champions, a perfect time to give him his first world title in the WWE.

RVD will win the World Heavyweight Championship.
Damien Sandow will cash in and win the World Heavyweight Championship.
It'll be weird seeing a face challenge for the world title with a manager in his corner while he's facing a heel but as far as who I think is going to win this I'm pretty sure Del Rio's walking away victorious here the way RVD got his title match is a lot like Christian and I think the end of the match will end the same too with Del Rio victorious.

I go into more detail in the prediction game vid I just put up
I would be very surprised if RVD walked out with the belt here. Without a story behind the feud, this has all the makings of a story developing within the match, and that's having Ricardo turn on RVD and rejoin Del Rio.

The RVD/Ricardo pairing has been awkward from the start. RVD isn''t such a bad talked that he needs a mouthpiece/ring announcer, and of all people, a Hispanic with whom he has no chemistry.

This will likely be a good match, but I feel like they're building towards a long Del Rio title run. With his over-the-top Mexican pride, it feels as if they're setting the stage for a Rey Mysterio return/feud, or building Ziggler back up into a credible challenger, and eventually, champion.

Ricardo and RVD don't make sense together, nor are they a good fit for one another. I feel they split them up just to have Ricardo turn on RVD in an attempt to draw more heat for ADR. He needs it, that's for sure.

I almost forgot about Damien Sandow, which is a sad indictment on WWE. Booking-wise, WWE doesn't seem ready to take the belt off of Del Rio, which means they're not ready for Sandow to cash-in on a babyface either. Ricardo turns, Del Rio retains, and Sandow holds the case for another month.
As far the storyline goes with this feud, there is actually not much to said as it didn't have any kind of progression, it didn't show any personal aspect and not even simple random/surprise attacks between both men.

However the match itself could be very interesting and entertaining, but I expect ADR to retain, probably Ricardo is going to turn on RVD and screw him.
Sandow's absence on the card is interesting but having a similar cash in from SummerSlam less than a month later is ridiculous. I'm certain that Sandow cashes in on an episode of Raw. As for the match; I am undecided but I am leaning towards Del Rio. There hasn't been enough focus on RVD for them to put the World Title on him even though he would be the perfect transitional champion. Ricardo should turn heel because his work with RVD has been awful. However, even that would be desperately lacking logic.
VAN TERMINATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I seriously turned into Joey Styles when that happened. I was watching with my friends who don't know ECW so I had to sell it extra good.

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