WWE Money In The Bank - Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match


Afteran entertaining brawl between the five women scheduled for a fiveway elimination #1 contender's match, Shane McMahon announced that Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, Natalya, Carmella and Tamina will compete in the first female MITB ladder match.

This will be interesting and I've little doubt the sheer novelty will generate a few WWE Network subscriptions just to see whether or not it's any good. If they let the ladies go all out, then it'll be a memorable match and this is a match I was hoping to see at least year's MITB show. Charlotte is the clear favorite I think, though it's pretty wide open when you consider SmackDown Live has developed a reputation for being a little more outside the box compared to Raw. Whether you think it's a good thing or not, the blue brand does shake things up from time to time.
I think it's too soon to have a money in the bank match for the women. I mean they haven't even had a normal one on one ladder match and now your chucking a few average wrestlers in this historic match. Not that they need to do a one on one ladder match first, but like the hell in the cell last year, it was highlighted by the awesome feud between Charlotte and Banks. I'd prefer to go down the Charlotte vs Lynch (etc)for the title in ladder match and see how that plays out instead of making a cluster match and hoping it turns out similar to the men in terms of how it's perceived. I probably live Carnella more than 99% of the forum, and she has improved leaps and bounds, but having her and Tamina in this match is like what the fuck. I have a soft spot for Natty so I'm liking this little push thing that's not really a push that's she's getting.

I know the match won't be a cluster and should be decent (but I wouldn't be surprised if it did turn out less than average), so I guess why the main reason why I'm shitting on this is because I just think WWE are taking this equality thing a bit too far. There is just no need for a ladies money in the bank match and when you only really have one major threat and someone who should be doing better than how they are being booked (lynch) it doesn't really scream awesome match coming. Go the trdiontql ladder match first. I have no idea why this pisses me off so much as I love how equal the WWE has become since Charlotte and co have come up from NXT. The Hell in the Cell match was a perfect ending to Sasha and Charlotte so I have no problem with that, I just think this is like that case in Australia were they had to change some of the traffic light signs to look like a girl because it was sexist that they were all man looking (I mean come on). I know it's that extreme but a combination of not having the 4 horsewomen and maybe a Bliss or Asuka (I know it is impossible to have all 4 on the same brand as once but still), it seeming kinda rushed ( I guess that is what happens when you have a PPV every 2 weeks) and potentially not seeing how it could play out in a one or one first just doesn't make me excited for this match. I'll probably change my mind on that but that's how I feel at the moment. I still expect a somewhat decent match with Lynch and Charlotte doing a lot to carry the leftovers.

Also I realize the money in the banks don't traditionally have the best guys in there but usually you have more than two options to go to and the other guys are there to excite the crowd. Tamina ain't exciting me
I like this very much for two reasons. Firstly, I think it is VERY unpredictable. Secondly, it should be a hell of an entertaining match.

It's easy to see why the assumption would be Charlotte. While I think she does need to get some wins under her belt on blue brand pay-per-views, that can wait a little while longer. When you consider how SmackDown just put the WWE Championship on Jinder Mahal, anything is possible. I don't see the need for Charlotte to carry the briefcase around. Personally, I see more value to someone like Becky Lynch. You could have her either cash in on the face champion, perhaps Charlotte when she wins, for the shock value and a potential turn. Or, she could exact revenge on someone like Natalya who maybe is champion down the line. I see James Ellsworth somehow getting involved, and getting his ass kicked, but I don't see Carmella winning. Equally, Tamina probably isn't going to win, but it would be a kick ass way to reintroduce her. I'm going with Becky, though I really wouldn't mind at all if Charlotte or Natalya won. I'm very open and excited for this one.

It is a shame though, that this isn't a cross branded event. I really think WWE could have put on two great ladder matches with perhaps four guys and girls from each brand competing for the briefcases. That would have gotten rid of the unlikely candidates (Carmella yeah?) and allowed for others with a realistic chance to get some action in.
I like this very much for two reasons. Firstly, I think it is VERY unpredictable. Secondly, it should be a hell of an entertaining match.

It's easy to see why the assumption would be Charlotte. While I think she does need to get some wins under her belt on blue brand pay-per-views, that can wait a little while longer. When you consider how SmackDown just put the WWE Championship on Jinder Mahal, anything is possible. I don't see the need for Charlotte to carry the briefcase around. Personally, I see more value to someone like Becky Lynch. You could have her either cash in on the face champion, perhaps Charlotte when she wins, for the shock value and a potential turn. Or, she could exact revenge on someone like Natalya who maybe is champion down the line. I see James Ellsworth somehow getting involved, and getting his ass kicked, but I don't see Carmella winning. Equally, Tamina probably isn't going to win, but it would be a kick ass way to reintroduce her. I'm going with Becky, though I really wouldn't mind at all if Charlotte or Natalya won. I'm very open and excited for this one.

It is a shame though, that this isn't a cross branded event. I really think WWE could have put on two great ladder matches with perhaps four guys and girls from each brand competing for the briefcases. That would have gotten rid of the unlikely candidates (Carmella yeah?) and allowed for others with a realistic chance to get some action in.

I 100% agree with this. I don't think Charlotte will win but kayfabe wise she is leaps and bounds beyond everyone. Lynch is almost leaps and bounds beyond everyone. I do think Carmella wins though, she's improved heaps (still got a long way to go) but I think she could play off the constant talking that a money the bank holder does and play thay role of stealing it off Charlotte without Ellsworth in her side.
We expect so much from ladder matches now that I'm not sure if the novelty of a female one will be enough.

There will also be a James Ellsworth comedy spother that'll kill the matches momentum. Count on it.
I predict Carmella will win. Heels usually win these matches and carry the case more effectively than faces. Having Ellsworth to distract and her wiley quickness will make a victory for her make sense.

I'm just glad they continue to give the women the opportunity that the men get (I hope Dagger doesn't get too upset). A MiTB ladder match is different and can be more dangerous but there has been nothing stopping these women for the past couple of years that they can't plan out, overcome and entertain. The men's MiTB has become stale, it is about time they changed it up.

I do wonder if we will get a sixth competitor to even out the fighting and add another possible winner. Asuka? Paige? A masked Eva Marie?

Next throw in a tag MiTB ladder match where the cash in rules are further complicated and I will be further interested in watching SD.
I like the idea of Becky winning it and eventually turning heel. They teased it briefly with here joining the welcoming committee. Plus, she's really started to flounder as a face.

When she first showed up to Smackdown she was getting the biggest pops for the women. Over time, including her title run, they dwindled as she couldn't maintain that momentum. She's just too bland.

It sounds cliche I know, but I've been a fan of hers and I'd hate to see her go to waste. If it has to go to a current heel, I'd go with Carmella simply because she's not the other two.
Would be a lot more interesting if there wasn't 6 women on the entire Smackdown roster and their had to be qualifying matches or something. Instead of just giving them the chance because this is the whole "division". I really can't stand that and only hope they combine the Women onto one show. At this rate with 2 titles every woman in WWE is going to be a former champion.

Having said that it should be an interesting match. Probably not as brutal as a men's match but that's expected. I am however digging the Women getting chances in these gimmick matches. Something I never thought I would see especially back when watching girls like Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres etc. in the "piss break era" of Women matches. Could you imagine those past talent in a match like this?
I'm really glad they are doing this with the women.

What I want to see is Bex win the MITB. Then have Nattie feud with Naomi and eventually beat her for the belt. Then have Nattie have a run, then feud with Charlotte leading into wrestlemania. Have Charlotte win the belt at WM and have Bex immediately cash it in on Charlotte to take the title.

I'm thinking Carmella wins it though with some kind of shenanigans from Ellsworth and that can be the big payoff of the James Ellsworth storyline. Maybe all the women are knocked out and Ellsworth climbs the ladder, gets the briefcase and gives it Carmella.
This has all the makings of being a fun and memorable match. Always excited to see the female talent get their moment to shine, and women like Charlotte have proven they can hold their own in stipulations once reserved for bulky men. In my gut, I feel this is Becky Lynch's to win, and if she does the crowd will go nuts. Everyone to a degree is athletic and can carry this contest. Great way to elevate the women of Smackdown.

So, naturally, I see James Ellsworth climbing the ladder and taking the briefcase.
While it's not the lineup I would have wanted to see in a match as historic as this, I am extremely excited to see what happens. It wasn't very long ago that this match seemed like an impossibility. Even just a year ago it seemed like a distant possibility, yet here we are. I wish Money In The Bank was the 5th dual-branded event. This match as well as the mens' Money In The Bank match should be for an opportunity at either title featuring competitors from both brands. I would have had Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Bayley, Sasha Banks, Mickie James, and Natalya. If Alexa Bliss wasn't the Raw Women's Champion then I would have added her in Mickie or Natalya's place. Regardless, this match has a ton of potential and could steal the show. History will be made no matter what. Wonder what the briefcase will look like.... Maybe it will be purple? Blue and white to match the Smackdown Women's Championship? Or maybe they bring back the red one for the women since the men have the blue one? While a somewhat nitpicky detail, it is worth speculating on.

As for who wins.... I am hoping Becky wins. She would benefit from it the most and absolutely deserves it. Charlotte is also another likely winner. Natalya I wouldn't mind seeing win though Becky or Charlotte are more likely to get the win. I have my concerns about Carmella. Part of me thinks she is only in this so that Ellsworth can get put in a crazy spot going through a ladder. The other part of me is concerned that she actually gets the victory, with or without help from Ellsworth. I won't go as far as to say she doesn't deserve the win, however there are much better options. Tamina is very out of place here. She won't win. This is what happens when the match is not dual-branded. I would much rather have seen Sasha in that spot instead. Oh well. I am happy for the history-making opportunity the women have here. Can't wait!
So happy this is happening on Smackdown instead of RAW. The women's division is so much better and has more depth. This mach has potential to be so good, although half of these women might be in the hospital afterwards.

I really don't care who wins because it's wrestling. I just want to see an interesting match,
I'm happy to see the women get first Money In The Bank match. It makes much more sense than first Hell In A Cell match for women.

Natalya won't win. Tamina won't. So it's between Carmella, Charlotte and Becky. Won't mind if anyone out of these 3 wins.

By the way, what about the No. 1 contender for Naomi's Championship? Wasn't that elimination match made for the purpose of a new challenger? Lana, maybe?
I doubt Charlotte will win MITB, as I don't think they want to give her a "cheap" title win so to speak.

Becky winning and cashing in on Charlotte at some point, is the money maker. That's what I'm hoping for.

Naomi is not in a match (at least as of now) so don't be shocked if she's ringside or at the commentary table. If she is, then there's a good possibility of an immediate cash in if it's one of the "welcoming committee" members as they could beat up Naomi and then let Nattie or Carmella cash it in right then and there.
All I want to make sure it's that they don't make the briefcase pink or something stupid. I think things like that is what took the women's division down in the first place. I just have a bad feeling they're going to do that.
It should have been this!!

the logical thought would be to think that Charlotte is winning this thing since she won pretty much every other first the did for the woman's division but i don't really see it that way.

Personally, i would love to see carmella sneak by and win the briefcase, not really because she's the best wrestler of the bunch but because i think her and Ellsworth would do a fantastic job promo wise with the briefcase. They are by far the most entertaining thing in the division right now as far as character development is concern so let her run with this for a while just to see how well she can do with something as big as this.

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