WWE Money In The Bank 2013 - WWE Divas Championship: AJ Lee (c) VS Kaitlyn


Occasional Pre-Show

With no love lost between them, Divas Champion AJ Lee and Kaitlyn will once again clash in a highly personal rematch for the butterfly-emblazoned title at the Money in the Bank pay-per-view!

After several weeks of sending texts and gifts under the guise of a feigned secret admirer, AJ and her friend Big E Langston publically humiliated a hopeful Kaitlyn on Raw — psychologically crushing the object of her ridicule to such an extent that it helped the unhinged Diva capture the championship from her one-time best friend at WWE Payback.

But the humiliation would hardly stop there, as AJ emerged on the June 24 edition of Raw in a stuffed muscle suit, looking to further mock Kaitlyn with an unflattering imitation.

On the following SmackDown, however, Kaitlyn would strike back. Dressing up as her eccentric adversary and suggesting that, in addition to the number of Superstars she is known to have dated, AJ had also dated several of the WWE personnel seated at ringside. Then, as she skipped around the ring, the distraction by the Hybrid Diva allowed third-generation competitor, Natalya, to pick up a quick pinfall victory over the reigning titleholder.

Now that Kaitlyn has met AJ on her level, she will attempt to reclaim her place on top of Divas mountain. When the bell rings on the heated Divas dust-up, who will hold the championship in their grasp as their No. 1 accessory? Don’t miss Money in the Bank, Sunday, July 14, at 8/5 PT, only on pay-per-view.

Source: http://www.wwe.com/shows/moneyinthebank/2013/aj-lee-kaitlyn-26128287
I am enjoying this rivalry and looking forward to the rematch, especially since these two had such a good match at Payback. I can't see Kaitlyn getting the title back, as AJ is far more over and really needs to hold the strap for a while to keep the division relevant. The bigger issue I see is that in the end, Kaitlyn really does need to get her revenge to make the feud end. However putting the belt back on her would not be a good move now, because she is not terribly over. Her tap out loss at Payback saw a lot of fans turn on her, and while AJ is getting pops, Kaitlyn is not. A victory for Kaitlyn would likely lead to a heel turn by Layla and a feud between them. I think it would be better to simply have Layla somehow cost her the match, either directly or indirectly. Then the AJ vs Kaitlyn feud could go on the backburner while Kaitlyn and Layla feud. and AJ could move on to a different challenger. I do worry about who that will be, as they have not really built anyone up, I would love to see Natalya in the title picture but WWE seems to have no faith in her. We have been given no reason to care about the others for sooo long, that there is really no one else on the roster right now that would generate interest. Perhaps a surprise return by a former diva or a move for someone from NXT or even Sara Del Ray could be in the works. This feud has definitely created some momentum for the Diva's, but they really need to tread carefully going forward to sustain some interest.
I am enjoying this rivalry and looking forward to the rematch, especially since these two had such a good match at Payback. I can't see Kaitlyn getting the title back, as AJ is far more over and really needs to hold the strap for a while to keep the division relevant. The bigger issue I see is that in the end, Kaitlyn really does need to get her revenge to make the feud end. However putting the belt back on her would not be a good move now, because she is not terribly over. Her tap out loss at Payback saw a lot of fans turn on her, and while AJ is getting pops, Kaitlyn is not. A victory for Kaitlyn would likely lead to a heel turn by Layla and a feud between them. I think it would be better to simply have Layla somehow cost her the match, either directly or indirectly. Then the AJ vs Kaitlyn feud could go on the backburner while Kaitlyn and Layla feud. and AJ could move on to a different challenger. I do worry about who that will be, as they have not really built anyone up, I would love to see Natalya in the title picture but WWE seems to have no faith in her. We have been given no reason to care about the others for sooo long, that there is really no one else on the roster right now that would generate interest. Perhaps a surprise return by a former diva or a move for someone from NXT or even Sara Del Ray could be in the works. This feud has definitely created some momentum for the Diva's, but they really need to tread carefully going forward to sustain some interest.

I actually see Layla costing Kaitlyn her rematch. AJ's stunts these past few weeks have been all too similar to LayCool's antics of the past. I think there's something behind that. Plus, Kaitlyn being screwed out of the title is a good way to keep the strap on AJ and still have Kailyn come out strong (or not weak, at least).
For the first time in an extremely long time, I'm actually looking forward to a Diva match.

Like most people, I kinda rolled my eyes and groaned in a mix of disgust and frustration when these two met at Payback for the Divas Championship. After all, what's the point right as the Divas have been nothing more than filler in WWE for...well in the grand scheme of things, they've kinda always been filler when you get right down do it with only a very select few reaching genuine relevance.

But, in what might have been the simplest and most unexpected surprise we've seen at a WWE ppv, these two women were actually allowed to wrestle a match at Payback and it was a pretty damn good one. Basically, the gals were given 10 minutes on the card and were told to go out and wrestle. When's the last time we've seen WWE do that with the women on the roster?

While I can't say that I've been blown away by the build for this match, it's been FAR better than what we usually see from the Divas. Hell, Kaitlyn & AJ have an actual feud with, get this, an actual storyline. Again, when's the last time we saw WWE do that with women? The storyline with AJ poking fun & Katilyn and vice versa has been kind of zany but it does fit in with the "crazy chick" aspect of AJ's character. Having Kaitlyn sort of play the same game by mocking AJ, while not amazing, I thought was pretty decent. It was nice to see Kaitlyn show some degree of personality, even if she was only impersonating the persona of another female wrestler. Still, at least it's more than we've seen from her before.

I'm hoping for a repeat of what they did at Payback: which is WWE giving the gals a good amount of time and being allowed to wrestle. AJ should retain against Kaitlyn in my opinion because, frankly, AJ has been the best thing going for women in the WWE in quite a long time. Not really sure where they go from here, but here's hoping that AJ & Kaitlyn have been the start to the long dreamed of progression for the Divas as a whole.
AJ retains, because it wouldn't make a lot of sense for her to drop the title so soon. She'll torment Kaitlyn for a little while longer, and I think we'll see Kaitlyn get her big moment of revenge on a bigger stage at Summerslam, when she defeats AJ for the strap.

Expecting AJ to retain with a distraction from Big. E, or cheating by some other means. Not setting the bar too high for quality, because lighting rarely, if ever strikes twice in the same place for WWE women's wrestling.
Yes it is rare lighting can strike twice even rarer that it can happen in a divas match. But the divas stole the show at Payback (On a side note i will buy that DVD just for that match alone). For the first time in a long time and i honestly dont remember a feud that had this much punch to it. Plus the matches they have had have been outstanding. I expect AJ to go over and retain her title.

I expect Layla to screw Kaitlyn out of her complete revenge. I think all along were gonna find out Layla was helping AJ out all along. What better way than to have another friend betray Kaitlyn. This AJ and Kaitlyn feud will end at MITB,but man what a feud this has been. This definitely if the category of Feud of the year gets nominated for a slammy this should win it! Hats off to both young ladies. (Kaitlyn is Hot btw)
I'm extremely pleased that they are giving the Diva's TV time, and I mean big TV time and having a rivalry in place rather than a battle royal for the championship or something like that.

AJ is a good character and she pulls it off well however, I don't like that character which I guess is the way its meant to be but in saying that I do admire her, especially that submission move she pulls off.

Kaitlyn, I like the dominance there, at first I was not so into the character but now I've grown to like her but as others have said I don't see her winning the belt back and I hope she doesn't because if there is any time to fix mis-bookings in the diva division then that time is now.

The miss-booking I'd like them to fix is Natalya, I mean what the hell is she doing with Khali, come on she should be chasing the championship and that where I hope AJ's next opponent and feud comes from.

I do see this going all the way up to Summerslam if I'm being honest, I'm sure a lot of other think the same and I think AJ is the one who is going to come out on top every time.
Hopefully they get some time to show off what they can do, looking forward to this match more than the IC match. The feud has been pretty entertaining and we already know from their match at Payback that they can put on a decent match. There's a few things surrounding the match with Layla, Big E and possibly the Bellas, so should be interesting to see what goes on in the match.

I like the idea of Layla costing Kaitlyn, because it means we may get two different storylines in the divas division which could be cool and WWE could make them intertwine. WWE hasn't dropped the ball with the divas since Payback so lets hope MITB is no different.
I am also glad that this program has been given the time to be good. Haven't looked forward to a Diva's match in a while. I can't see any reason why they would take the title from AJ right now. I like the idea of Layla costing Kaitlyn the title, but i would much rather see AJ get a clean win and move on to another feud that is given equal the time of this one. AJ retains.
I personally feel that they will actually give this match some time and will allow the divas to try and put on a good match. I feel like we are bound to get some sort of heel turn following this match whether that be Layla or Kaitlyn herself. I think that despite AJ using her submission finisher that we are going to get a roll up victory for AJ and then proceed to see friction between Kaitlyn and whoever screws her. I could see this match getting a solid 8-10 minutes as its been built up and would be a travesty if this match got shafted in time.
If this match can be half as good as their bout at Payback, I'm all for it. One would think this would be the "money match" of the feud, but with Summer Slam right around the corner, look for AJ to steal a win of Kaitlyn. This program has been fun to watch unfold ( something the Diva's Division has lacked for far too long), and I'm looking forward to seeing where these women will go with it next.
The contract signing on SD was amazing! The best segment of the feud, and the best Divas segment since 06' (sans the Piggie James going-away party a few years back). Seeing as Kaitlyn came off strong in this segment the chances of AJ retaining have just been raised more than they already were. She won't win cleanly, though. I'm assuming Layla will play a big role in the outcome of this match. Super excited!
This has been the best Divas feud in a long time and the contract signing was a red hot segment to lead into the PPV. I actually think Kaitlyn might win here for a couple of reasons despite AJ being the clear long term champion.

One Kaitlyn has to get some payback for what AJ's done to her, and secondly AJ talked to Dolph on Raw about being there for each other to make sure they walk out with both titles, if she loses that will lead into her and Big E costing Dolph the WHC.

This will make it 1-1 and set up the blow-off match for Summerslam.

I can't believe I am saying this, but I am looking forward to a Divas Championship match. AGAIN. This is the best divas feud I have seen since Trish and Lita left. These two are clearly the future of the division. I don't know if they will top their Payback match but this rematch has potential. I doubt Kaitlyn will win. I expect her to be booked strong and ultimately lose. AJ needs to keep the Divas Championship for an extremely long time. Allow her to feud with every single other diva on the roster and show that she is the best the federation has to offer. I honestly don't expect it to end here. Summerslam is likely where this will end, with AJ coming up victorious in the feud as a whole although Kaitlyn is hopefully going to be booked strongly as a challenger. Should be good, for a divas match anyway. It will probably be toward the end of the card, it fits well for a match in between two of the more important matches to get the fans a chance to calm down. I see it being next to last following one of the MITB matches and before the WWE Championship match which will probably close the show.

AJ retains the Divas Championship.
Yeah, like most of us here, I'm also looking forward for this one. Their match at Payback was a pleasant surprise, it was a good match, probably one of the best (if not the best match) in the women division for at least two years.

About the outcome of the match, I'm not completely sure, well AJ should retain here, but after Kaitlyn, who could be a credible contender? Losing the title at the first title defense is going to make her look weak. Both outcomes are possible in my opinion, anyway could be another very good match from both women.

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