WWE is giving away Wrestlemania worthy matches


Getting Noticed By Management
As of today, WWE has announced that Braun Strowman vs Lesnar and Roman Vs Cena are being scheduled for No Mercy. Now these are both WRESTLEMANIA quality matches that are being given away on B LVL shows. Now this isn't the first time that this sort of thing happened. Just this summer WWE gave away John Cena vs Nakamura for free on WWE tv. WWE is also giving away Samoa Joe vs John Cena for free tonight on raw.

I understand the point of giving away these matches on Raw and Smackdown being that they will help boost the ratings but even if it boost the ratings this week by next week the ratings will go back down to normal. I also understand when people say well if you add these matches to B LVL shows then it makes those B LVL shows bigger deals and it stops people from complaining about boring wwe matches.

I understand all that but what I do not understand is that if WWE gives away these matches on for Free on Raw and Smackdown and at B LVL shows then what do you do at WRESTLEMANIA and the other big 4 PPV. How do you make these events special and how do you differentiate them to the other B LVL shows if you put all your Mania worthy matches on the B LVL shows which forces your WRESTLEMANIA Card to look like it is a B LVL show
You aren't GIVING AWAY matches by having them on B ppvs. The business model of WWE is different than it was 10 years ago, as the goal with the Network has to be in sustaining subscribers during the "B ppv" stretches of the year.

That being said, having WWE trying to bolster their fall plans is actually quite refreshing as opposed to simply conceding viewership to all things NFL.
I'll never complain because a card is too GOOD. This reminds me of Battleground last year and people complained because the Shield triple threat wasn't being saved for Mania. How about we just enjoy the fact that we're getting matches that are actually worth tuning in for? Also, let's not take for granted that all of these guys will be available for Mania. Injuries can and do happen all the time. I have no problem whatsoever with them putting together the best card possible for each and every show and striking while the iron is hot.
I understand your sentiment because I used to feel the same.

But I have to agree with LOD. We need to start embracing the present moment and the matches, even if they happen on TV or B PPVs.

After all, someone or the other could always be injured and they won't have that said dream match at Wrestlemania then.

I do not know for sure if it's going to detract from Wrestlemania, but it certainly makes No Mercy much more scintillating.

Remember the time around 2002-mid 2003 when the WWE had so many wrestlers and stars? Even a Backlash or Judgement Day from back then looks better than certain Wrestlemanias.

It's because of matches like Goldberg vs Rock or Hogan vs HHH.
Hey, i'm not complaining. As long as we get to see the matches, i'm happy.

At least it isn't like WCW where they consistently spammed PPV headliners for their Nitro tv shows.
I think the main point now a days is the network makes every PPV feel the same. Sure you have your big 4 and WM as the biggest event but it appears WWE is trying make every PPV feel special. I'm all for it to be honest as it keeps the ball rolling, and should challenge creative to some up with top heavy lineups in the big PPVs.

Keep in mind however the finish to these "WM worthy matches" may not be expected or preferred. So let's see what creative will do come Sept 24...
Christ, what exactly is there to complain about? Everything can't happen at WrestleMania, everything doesn't need to happen at WrestleMania, the end all and be all of professional wrestling, or WWE in and of itself, doesn't have to be about WrestleMania. As long as we get entertaining matches, I don't give the fuzzy crack of a rat's ass if it's on a B ppv, television or one of the big four just as long as we get 'em.

C'mon, complain about something that's actually worth complaining about because getting good matches on a frequent basis shouldn't be something to criticize.
Everyone's pretty much already covered it. How are they giving them away when you have to subscribe to the network for the $9.99 to see it? It's the same $9.99 that gets everybody Wrestlemania. Business is different than it was 10 years ago. They aren't "giving away" literally anything. If anything, they're giving you a better reason to have the WWE Network because they're putting on good shows throughout the year and not just focusing on making things happen at Mania.
How many times did Stone Cold and Shawn Michaels face off in singles matches on TV and B PPV's before their Wrestllamnia 14 bout?

How many times did Austin and The Rock square off in singles matches on TV and B PPV's, and the mid-card for the Intercontinental Championship before they went at it at Wrestlemania 15, 17, and 19? More than I remember.

You strike when the iron is hot every time, and you strike gold. If Cena/Reigns is still hot around Wrestlemania next year, you can do it there and bigger than ever, if not, they don't deserve it.
I'm surprised that there going with Cena vs Reigns at a "B show" ppv especially when you already have a huge main event with Strauman vs Lesnar. These are no doubt big money matches that are fresh and could've been done on a bigger stage.
But at the same time I'm glad they are putting some effort into there programming in the fall months rather than just filler until Survivor Series and Royal Rumble. The "B show" ppv's need some big money matches every now and then or else why is anybody going to care to watch it? You also have a lot more competition this time of year with Football coming back and a lot of popular shows airing new episodes for the new season. It's the right decision and I'm now even more looking forward to No Mercy.
Wwe still care about the arena an event is taking place. No Mercy will take place in Staples Center, an arena that used to be the home for Summerslam from 2009-2014. That's why they make it look more special. I too would like to see the match happen at Survivor Series or SSlam because the match would also feel bigger, but the Staples Center crowd will make it a classic.

Plus they'll need a program on RAW after Lesnar's gone and I don't think Cena vs Reigns will be one and done. A hot personal feud between Reigns and Cena until November will keep things interesting on RAW.

ALSO, will Cena either be there for Survivor Series? He was not last year. Plus they might wanted Cena vs Reigns to happen in order to make Roman feel like Lesnar. He also defeated Taker and he squashed Cena. Roman might lose at No Mercy but I wouldnt be suprised if he goes on to squash him at the next PPV or even squash him at the same arena Lesnar did, the Staples Center.
I wanted this to happen at Wrestlemania because I knew that Cena/Reigns would be good as it was last night and that Reigns/Lesnar probably wouldnt be this good.

It is Wrestlemania worthy feud but cant see its a bad thing to do it. WWE lacks legitimate stars. Back in the day it was easy to do Michaels/HHH or any other feud on any PPV and to feel big. Now other then Lesnar, Cena and Roman and with number of others like HHH and Taker gone or doing part time, they are in dire lack of true stars. Other factor that we need to look is that PPV concept now allows people who arent even worthy of PPV matches to have them because RAW or Smackdown have their own PPVs now. So you had matches like Zayn/Kannelis on Battleground PPV or "such 5 star classic" main event in Jinder/Orton Punjabi prison match were former World Champion Great Khali came back. So you see, now when they do big match like Cena/Reigns on B level PPV it just feels way bigger because right now PPV matches are there for the sake of it. Because B level PPV shows now are more like an episode of RAW or Smackdown and notPPV level content. And why wouldnt they do that, after all we are paying 5 dollars per PPV(9,99 and get two per month) and at current PPVs concept we are getting as much as we are paying from.
Yeah it's ridiculous how they're having this on a B-PPV like No Mercy.

But that's not really a big deal and is complaining for no reason.

This is a great feud. That promo from Cena last night was just insane. He made Roman look awful and verbally buried him. Yeah Reigns will be fine, and that was probably his best promo to date. However that's the problem. In Reigns best promo he got absolutely destroyed. It might be unfair to ask him to be on Cena's level, but being the guy brings that responsibility. He needs to be a viable replacement for Cena, and simply he's not.
Yeah it's ridiculous how they're having this on a B-PPV like No Mercy.

But that's not really a big deal and is complaining for no reason.

This is a great feud. That promo from Cena last night was just insane. He made Roman look awful and verbally buried him. Yeah Reigns will be fine, and that was probably his best promo to date. However that's the problem. In Reigns best promo he got absolutely destroyed. It might be unfair to ask him to be on Cena's level, but being the guy brings that responsibility. He needs to be a viable replacement for Cena, and simply he's not.

He said what much of the fanbase has been saying for a long time, but it has never been acknowledged on air. There was a time when Reigns garnered a large percentage of the fan support (remember how badly everyone wanted him to beat Batista in the '14 Royal Rumble?), but it stopped being organic. Cena has, for the most part, won over most of his nay-sayers...I think mostly because he has withstood their discontent for so many years.

But there is something very satisfying about having something that is painfully obvious simply acknowledged. I think it helped Cena, and I'm wondering if they are trying to employ a similar strategy with Reigns.

Reigns could really benefit from a longer program with Cena, and series of "B PPVs" that don't garner the pressure that comes with Wrestlemania might be the best place to do it.
No offence, but the complaint that big matches are given away on free TV/"throwaway PPVs" is easily the dumbest idea half the IWC run with when it comes to WWE.

4-5 years ago, it was that PPVs didn't feel special. WWE didn't care about their fans and just threw cards together. That was a valid complaint, because the show did generally suck.

Now they're putting a lot more stock into younger talent, making the entire years schedule matter (instead of only getting good around WM season), and the same fans are complaining that the show is too good. "WWE don't know what they're doing", because they're putting out an entertaining product apparently before they're supposed to.

As a fan, I'm glad these matches aren't being held off for another 7 months. I don't understand how people can ever hope to be entertained by WWE if they're going to complain when it's entertaining. Just seems dumb. Complaining for complainings sake.
He said what much of the fanbase has been saying for a long time, but it has never been acknowledged on air. There was a time when Reigns garnered a large percentage of the fan support (remember how badly everyone wanted him to beat Batista in the '14 Royal Rumble?), but it stopped being organic. Cena has, for the most part, won over most of his nay-sayers...I think mostly because he has withstood their discontent for so many years.

But there is something very satisfying about having something that is painfully obvious simply acknowledged. I think it helped Cena, and I'm wondering if they are trying to employ a similar strategy with Reigns.

Reigns could really benefit from a longer program with Cena, and series of "B PPVs" that don't garner the pressure that comes with Wrestlemania might be the best place to do it.

Roman's biggest weakness is his mic skills. Simply put, he's not that good. So you would think WWE would cover up that weakness. Yes he's the face of the company, but every one has weaknesses, including Cena.

However WWE doesn't seem to realize this. They insist he does these long promos. Sometimes they don't work out, but last night he just got embarrassed.

People have been saying this for 3 years - let Reigns be a silent badass. How hard is that? It worked at TLC 2015, it worked in the Sheamus and HHH feud, it has worked against Strowman. Why won't it work against Cena?

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