WWE Interested In TNA Talent


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I think RVD would be a solid main eventer on Smackdown. Matt Morgan has really developed since he left WWE all those years ago and they could do something with him. Beer Inc would be great to start off as Tag Wrestlers and see where it goes. Doubt either would make any waves as single wrestlers from the off. A shame about Samoe Joe. You think he would be the most likely!!!

With the contracts of many top TNA superstars set to expire in the next year or so, there have been various reports about WWE's interest in these talents. Courtesy of PWTorch.com, here is a breakdown of the rumored names and WWE's interest level:

Rob Van Dam: WWE is very interested in bringing him back.

James Storm and Robert Roode: WWE was interested in bringing in Beer Money together as a tag team, but theres not much interest bringing them in as singles wrestlers.

Samoa Joe: Despite Steve Austin's strong endorsement of Joe last year and Joe's longtime friendships with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, there is unfortunately little-to-no interest from WWE.

Matt Morgan: The general feeling is that Morgan will jump to WWE when his TNA contract expires next year.

Bully Ray: WWE is interested. No word on Devon.

The Pope: Officials were interested early last year when he was being pushed but not so much anymore.

Ink Inc.: There may be some interest in bringing back Shannon Moore down the road but Jesse Neal is viewed as a developmental prospect at best.
Outside of name value RVD brings nothing to the table in 2012, that said the WWE are lacking in star names so I could see him being rehired to thread water on Smackdown.

Morgan is a no-brainer, sign him up.

Bully Ray has been the best heel in the industry this year, if they sign him back stick him on Smackdown and give him a chance to run with the World Title.

Beer Money probably wouldn't reform just to go to WWE. I don't know how Vince or Triple H don't see dollar signs on Storm, but that said he would need a slow build for a new audience so if I were WWE I'd be thinking of reforming them as well. I just don't see Bobby or Storm leaving top single spots in TNA to join a nothing tag division in WWE.

Shannon Moore should never be rehired.

Joe would have been hired a few years ago if they saw money in him, they obviously didn't so I doubt he will ever get a job in WWE.
The most likely is Rob Van Dam. Just because of star power.

I don't think bully ray would leave TNA in the near future.

Matt Morgan can be a good upper midcarder and frequent main-eventer in the WWE.

I have no opinion on Pope whatsoever.

Storm and Roode are doing well in TNA. I don't think they will come to WWE. Maybe a year ago when Bear Money existed but not now.

As for Shannon Moore-NO!
Its funny how WWE always says they dont view TNA as competition but want to bring guys in that are excelling there.

WWE has enough homegrown talent in FCW that they can bring up, as well as second and third generation stars. They also already have a full roster that are trying to work with.

Rob Van Dam: What is RVD going to bring to the table that he cant already do in TNA? Star power? Yeah...we've seen how much that worked for him there. Im not against it, I just dont see the need.

James Storm and Robert Roode: If there is no intent on bringing them in as a tag team then forget it. There are enough singles stars and they would just get lost in the shuffle.

Samoa Joe: Dont want to see it. He may have a good relationship with Punk and DB, but so did Matt from Tough Enough and look where it got him. Sad to say, Joe is on the decline if he doesn't doesn't change his act and lose some weight. He is already losing steam in TNA.

Matt Morgan: I can see it. I hope WWE reaches out to him...and then he throws it in there face! Look, Morgan is a large guy who can work with all sizes and WWE didn't see much in him. Now that he is huge in TNA WWE wants him back? As much as I would like to see him on WWE TV, stay where you are Matt.

Bully Ray: WWE may be interested but Im not. As much as I loved the Dudleys, and they could bring something back to the tag division...its time for these guys to hang it up. I know everyone wants "one last run" in WWE, but if there is no want for Devon, dont bring Bubba in as singles...there is no place for him in the ME.

The Pope: No. No place for him in the ME and he'll clog up the mid-card until they release him cause they dont have anything. Although...a feud with Truth would probably be good. Probably.

Ink Inc.: No. Dont need it. Shannon Moore is no good without Jeff and with his current problems he's not coming back anytime soon. Dont do it. If they think Jesse is developmental, bring him in to work with FCW guys on building their skills.

The only 2 guys I could justify bringing in are Motor City Machine Guns. They could get a nice push from Nash who has Triple H's ear. I just dont see them fairing well in WWE as singles and that scares me because we all know how WWE eventually likes to break up tag teams.

There are about 5-9 guys right now getting or starting to get a push; Primo and Epico, Hunico, Seth Rollins is reported to be working with the Smackdown crew along with Dean Ambrose. Watch for Joe Hening and Husky Harris to come back into the picture soon and Skip Sheffield is coming back. Hopefully Brodus Clay comes in at Royal Rumble. There are enough guys right there that WWE are pushing.
Out of those names mentioned I would only bring in RVD simply because he is the biggest name on that list that had tremendous success in WWE previously. Only way I would bring in Bully Ray is with Dvon, sorry but I'm not seeing a success as a singles wrestler for him in WWE. Definitely don't see Storm or Roode leaving - I can see Matt Morgan jumping over and absolutely no to Shannon Moore. The Pope I'm kind of up in the air on.
Rob Van Dam and The Pope seem like the most likely to jump back over to the WWE and are the only two I wouldn't really have a problem with.

Rob Van Dam had a huge amount of success in the WWE. Coming back would allow him to go out the right way in front of a bigger audience than what TNA supplies. Even if he doesn't retire anytime soon, I'll be fine with that. Rob Van Dam still has his name valued in the WWE and would do fine putting over the Rhodes, the Zigglers or the Barretts. WWE should never pass up the chance to hire a familiar name like RVD. He was mega over during his time in the WWE and there's no reason for him not to come back.

As for Pope, the WWE tried with him in ECW. I believe that if the WWE is willing to try with him again, why not bring him back? With Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes potentially moving away from the midcard division, Burke would make a solid replacement for either. He certainly possesses the charisma, the talent, the mic skills to get himself over again.

Bully Ray would make a nice addition to WWE Main Event. I, however, just don't see it happening in the WWE. If anything, bring him and D-Von in together and put them in the Hall of Fame already! However, how many times have they talked shit about Vince and the WWE? It seems unlikely. I don't know why the WWE would allow these two back in the WWE when the WWE gets upset when someone within their own company, talks shit about the company. Again, unlikely.

I do not know what anyone sees in Matt Morgan. His acting is downright pathetic. His wrestling skills are mediocre and he possesses nothing that isn't already there in the WWE.

Beer Money would make a fine addition to WWE's roster. Single wrestlers or not, the WWE would strike gold if they hire these two. However, they're loyal to TNA and I'm fine with that. I never see it happening.

Joe somewhat fits in the same boat as Beer Money. He's stated millions of times he's loyal to TNA. Although every man has his price, Joe just doesn't strike me as someone to jump ship for money.

Ink Inc.... yeah fuck that. Jesse Neal...ummm, what? Why TNA even kept him around after his first storyline with Team 3D is beyond me. Shannon Moore brings nothing to the table...like at all.
In the current TNA roster,only two people can have the best draw for WWE.Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy.Specially jeff.because he can be the spot filler for cena as kids loved him in the past.So WWE can turn cena heel.I don't know if he's cleared his rap sheet although.
I really wanna see James Storm and Bully Ray in the big E. RVD, Kurt Angle and Hardy are great wrestlers, very charismatic but it would be only for the oldschool watchers and the hype would die down pretty quick.
I read that Matt Morgan had resigned with TNA last year, but if he hasn't I can see WWE being interested in him as his size is to Vince's tastes and he's a solid worker who can still, learn, and decent talker.

It's sad that the WWE have more interest in a has been pothead like RVD than they do in two excellent talents like Roode and Storm.

Sadly Joe's stock has dropped so far I'm not surprised there is no interest despite him having good placed backers in the WWE. Pope is another that has treaded water so long that it's sadly no surprise that WWE have lost interest, although he was always a guy I was surprised WWE let go in the first place.

Bully Ray would be a good signing, he has experience and has developed into a hell of a singles heel, and with Cody and Dolph soon to jettison the mid card for the main event I think Bully would find a strong spot as king of the mid card with potential to work in the main event from time to time.
RVD most definitely brings alot to the table
James storm i can see him doing good things in the E midcarder maybe a IC title run
Roode same as storm i like his style hes very good in the ring
Morgan YES YES i may be going out on a limb here but he can be a huge monster in the E and maybe a WH title run
Joe Unfortunately for him his stock is so low right now i wouldnt even bother with it
Shannon moore God no no way not now or ever
RVD: Shore. He can still put up some good matches and he has the name to put over some new guys.

James Storm: Yes, please please please yes. The moment I first laid my eyes on Storm, back in AMW days I saw awesomeness in this guy and he has not disappointed. He is ME material both as a face or a heel.

Robert Roode: He has continually grown in my eyes since he became a singles star in TNA and I believe with time he laso would be a main evente in the WWE, so this is a clear yes.

Samoa Joe: No. Many people have seen many things in Joe. I am not one of those. He can put some nice matches but that's as far as it will go. I don't care who is friends are, its your quality and he hasn't enough to be in the WWE.

Matt Morgan: He is my only doubt. In his early years I thought we would be much better than he is now. Vince and HHH will love him for his size but there is something in him that doesn't convince me. So I guess you could give him the opportunity and see what he does with it.

Bully Ray: No. Simply no. I believe he should be very happy with the moderate succes that he has currently as single stars in TNA because it is more than anyone expected.

The Pope: I just don't understand why they gave him the boot in the first place. He was very good as the "new face of extreme" and he is unbelievable good as the Pope. Very Good matches, very good promos. How he is not in the WWE right now I'll never understand.

Ink Inc.: No. Moore is ok, but with no cruiserweight division I don't see a place for him right noe.
Honestly I can only see Kurt, Rvd, and Matt Morgan being able to actually go there and being main-eventers. They could use all the knockouts, lets face it the divas divison sucks, beside 2 or 3 of them.
Only Matt Morgan on that list would make sense to me. He is the one guy I could see break the glass ceiling at WWE. With his size, WWE would push him. He also has the potential to develop into solid character with the Machine behind him.

James Storm and Robert Roode should stay. They are big fish in a small pond right now. No way they would jump into a high profile role in WWE. As a tag team, they'd be the best in WWE, but there's no one to feud with and they'd just flounder.
Rob Van Dam: Yes, will bring a lot to Smackdown in terms of star power and still has the ability to put on great matches. Still one of my favorite wrestler.

James Storm and Robert Roode: HELL YEAH, they are easily as talented or if not more talented than Rhodes and Ziggler put together. I'm surprise HHH has not pushed to sign Roode considering how similar he is to him. And a beer drinking loudmouth redneck never goes wrong.

Samoa Joe: Yes too, I don't get how people are putting him down just because his stock is low right now. Has people forgot that this is the same Joe that put on 5 star wrestling matches and great on the mic? I'd rather see him over Brodus Clay and Husky Harris any day.

Matt Morgan: Hell yeah too. Has a good look, size, athletic ability, mic skills and can only improve. Would contribute a lot to the roster as opposed to boring bodybuilders like Ezekiel Jackson.

Bully Ray: NO. Having a decent run as a single wrestler now so leave him at that. Don't see someone looking like him making it big in the WWE.

The Pope: No. Don't see anything special about him and from his current position in TNA they think the same way too. R-Truth is way more entertaining than he will ever be.

Ink Inc.: Shannon Moore is a Cruiserweight Wrestler at best and won't amount to anything significant when there's no Cruiserweight division. Jesse Neal is too green for the big one.
Rob Van Dam: Offers name value but is over, in my opinion, as a main event talent. Hasn't changed his character in years and just seems to coast through. Still capable of putting on some decent matches though so could be brought in to put people over. With WWE cracking down on marijuana though how long can he seriously last without being suspended?

James Storm and Robert Roode: If they can get them as a team then go for it. If not I wouldn't want to see them move for a little longer as singles wrestlers. Let TNA build them up and then snatch them away when they're at their peak.

Samoa Joe: As folk have said if Joe was going to make the jump to WWE and be a major player he would have done it a few years back. Now he's be nothing but a mid card player and unless he got himself motivated and dropped a few pounds and refound what a lot of people know he's capable of then I'd just imagine he's drift away if he made it across.

Matt Morgan: I can see why people think Morgan and WWE are made for each other. He screams WWE wrestler but I just wonder where he'd fit in? They're struggling to get Sheamus in a meaningful feud and they're very similar. They also have a bit of an influx of big men. Brodus Clay is surely going to debut eventually. Kane's doing his thing and Mason Ryan's around as well. I think he's be a good person for the E to bring in but I'd be worried for him he's vanish in the shuffle.

Bully Ray: Best heel around at the moment. Perfect for putting over some young faces if he comes in.

The Pope: Can't see it happening all the momentum this guy had has been destroyed.

Ink Inc.: If there was a cruiser weight division I could see a spot for Moore but at the moment no. Neal just isn't good enough I don't think sadly so no to him too.
WWE could really use AJ Styles, RVD, and Pope. That's all, I think WWE could do a LOT more with these guys than TNA has.

AJ should go to Smackdown and play a cocky heel, similar to the original Kurt Angle character. He should claim to be the "saving grace" of WWE, a talent who is unmatched and is also a great role model. I would feud him with SD's best faces like Big Show, Sheamus and Orton.

RVD should return to Raw and insert himself in the main event. He would be a face and an ally to CM Punk, Rey and Cena. I could see him having meaningful feuds with Miz, Ziggler and Kane.

Pope (Elijah Burke) should return to WWE as a tweener, a sharp-tongued midcarder who has his sights on championship gold. I would love to see him verbally spar with Cody Rhodes on Smackdown, cutting the type of promos that the Rock made famous. Eventually Burke would move into the main event and has the potential to be a great babyface.
RVD would be kinda like a Booker T. He'd be there to specifically put over guys loke Cody and Dolph.
Beer Money would be a nice start to rebuild the tag division but give me a good reason for them to leave TNA? Both are in the main event spotlight
Joe I would sign and rebuild him the WWE way but have him keep the Samoa Joe name.
Morgan the same as Joe. I would keep Morgan to fued with guys like Sheamus and Kane.
Bully I would sign as a top heel on Raw and then move Alberto Del Rio over to SD!
Pope already tried WWE and I just think he'd get lost in the shuffle.
Ink Inc. is a giant hell no. TNA told jesse he wasn't ready so what makes you think WWE wants him. Shannon would only be a good signing to recreate the cruiserweight division that had been in talks of bringing back. Other than that, he is useless to WWE.
RVD: Maybe. I think since Orton is out for a while, he could fill the void for a bit. He shouldn't be on RAW, though. No space for him. Keep him as an upper midcard and occasional main eventer on SD!

Beer Money: I would love to see Beer Money back in WWE as a tag team, but I doubt that it's even possible considering Impact just gave them both World title reigns.

Joe: Unlike most everyone here, I think Joe would be a great heel to throw into Raw's dying midcard. All he needs is a character rejuvenation and he could jump into the US title picture against Ryder.

Morgan: Meh. I'm indifferent towards Morgan. The E has no place for him, honestly.

Ray: No. He was released from WWE for a reason. I think he's done great things for himself at Impact, but that shit wouldn't fly on WWE. He'd fall down the card fast if he went back without Devon.

Ink Inc.: Jesse Neal sucks, and f*** Shannon Moore.

Pope: YES! If they took anyone out of this lineup, just one, I'd wish it were Pope. Its sad to see how TNA pushed him so far and got the people behind him just to drop him back down. I think the Pope character would work well in WWE and would fare better than his 1st run. Can you imagine a Pope/Cody feud? I would tune in just for the promo spots.
Rob Van Dam: He brings name value and star power to the table. If he comes in, he can compete in the upper midcard and occasional main event. At the same time, he can help get young guys like Rhodes, Ziggler and Barrett over. Can you imagine a RVD/Ziggler feud, where they constantly try to one-up each other? He's very likely to jump ship.

Beer Money: They could work as a tag team or singles guys. Both have great qualities as singles wrestlers and could go far on their own if seperated. Storm could succeed due to having a relatable character while Roode could shine as an old-school heel, just like they're currently doing in TNA. But I doubt we'll see them go to WWE anytime soon, especially with how strongly they've been getting pushed in recent months. Besides, they both seem very loyal to TNA.

Samoa Joe: If there was any point in time where Samoa Joe could jump over to the WWE from TNA and truly make an impact, it would've been back in 2007. He could've wrestled on ECW as a major heel and reignite his feud with CM Punk. But Joe is not the same wrestler he was years ago. If he loses some weight and gets back that edge, than I can see him going over to WWE. But until then, it seems unlikely we'll see him show up soon.

Matt Morgan: If Morgan decided to leave TNA for WWE in the next couple of days, you know damn well Vince McMahon and Johnny Ace would welcome him back with open arms. It's no surprise that WWE has interest in him, considering he has the look that would McMahon cream his pants. He could succeed in the upper midcard and main event if pushed properly. But I don't see him jumping ship either because he seems loyal to TNA at the moment.

Bully Ray: Again, it's no surprise that WWE is interested. In my opinion, Bully Ray is the best heel in the industry today. He's certainly making the most of his singles run and could be a huge heel in WWE. But considering how critical both Ray and Devon have been of the WWE in the past, I don't see him jumping ship. Besides, it was Johnny Ace who pretty much told them to take a hike back in 2005, which lead to them joining TNA.

Ink Inc.: I don't see anything special about either Shannon Moore or Jesse Neal. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Neal looks like a messed-up CAW character and Moore hasn't done anything relevant since he was Matt Hardy's sidekick. But I can see WWE bringing them in as a tag team, which I think is the only way they'll be successful. The minute they split up, they're both doomed.

The Pope: Out of the whole group, he's the only one I see the WWE snatching up. He's someone who WWE should've have never let go of in the first place. He could be a real steal from TNA. The WWE didn't know what to do with him the first time around, but now would be a great time to bring him back. He has the charisma, mic skills and athleticism to really shine, especially if they bring him as the Pope or some variation of it.
Bully Ray is easily the best heel around and been for nearly a year. LOL at some people here ragging on him probally because they still can't get over him as a singles wrestler even though he has reinvented himself and become amazing especially on the mic. The WWE need Bully Ray as they don't have many heels that could draw reactions like he can again especially on the mic. The problem is WWE would tone down Bull Ray so much that they would probally ruin what makes him so good now.

RVD isn't going to do anything new and I'm a huge old school RVD fan but face it his time is pretty much up.

Do people really think Morgan is going to go back to the company that nearly ruined his career with a horrible gimmick? Morgan is a future TNA world champ for sure so I can't see him jumping.
TNA was only leasing talent from WWE anyway, or so it would seem. However, I'm of the opinion that they've a surplus of talent that is struggling to stay over with audiences.

I've always rooted for pot heads, so I'd like to see RVD back (the lights on WWE TV are so cool, man). Beer Money would be cool if there was any emphasis left to the tag division, but I also what they're doing on Impact right now.

Morgan... eh, sure. I don't have much for an opinion on this guy, so he might as well go back and get the better payday.
1. I would love to see Samoa Joe in WWE but he does need to tone up his weight isn't the problem its that he looks unathletic
2. Matt Morgan would be a great return becuz with the eventual retirement of Taker and Kane there would be a big void to feel for a near 7ft athletic giant.
3. A new reformed Beer Money and Dudley Boyz would be huge for the tag division in WWE but I think the 1 tag team WWE should focus on in TNA is MCMG.
4. With the current gimmick of Brodus Clay I think Pope would be a perfect tag partner. Could u imagine the promos he would cut lol.
5. RVD I think could put on a soild program with almost all the top stars in WWE but has anyone noticed how slow his pace has gotten lately. Him vs Punk would be cool or RVD vs Daniel Bryan but he has to pick it up becuz the faster he goes the cooler his spots look.
One name I didn't see listed that I think is a complete sham is AJ Styles. Ur talkin about the 1 guy who could be put in the ring with Cena, Orton, Punk, or any other big name WWE guy and hold his own off the back. I knw some are gnna throw in Kurt or Sting but as far as TNA homegrown talent AJ is the most WWE ready of the bunch. I would also like to see Crimson come over 2 and maybe run a program like Sheamus is doing nw. Also the X division guys mixed in with Kofi, Evan, Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel, and Hunico could bring in a revival of the cruiserweight title nt to much bring a boost to the tag team division. Here's to hoping that Vince buys TNA soon( which if WWE network isnt a big hit I think is gnna sooner rather than later)
RVD is one of the most overrated characters of all time. I want to see people trying to win Championships who appear to want to win Championships. His 'indifferent, I'm too cool for school, Patrick Swayze attitude' blows

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