WWE hopes to make AJ Lee modern Miss Elizabeth


Here Comes The Pain!

"It's being said that WWE is currently very high on Diva AJ Lee, and hopes to one day establish her as a modern day Miss Elizabeth. The creative team continues to push her as a centerpiece in WWE's top feud, and has big plans for her in the future."

I am happy a Diva is getting this much attention from creative and is putting her on the map. I don't think she will be as great as Miss Elizabeth, but if WWE wants to rebuild the divas division with AJ as the face then I'm all for it.

What are your thoughts on this? Are you happy about this? Why or why not?

They are almost there already.

She simply has the it factor. Every time she comes out the fans are eating out of her hands. She is very charismatic, very good looking and believable in her role.

I don't even know if she has to be a legit wrestler/Diva as much as just someone who finds her way into storylines.

She is clearly a great find for the WWE and has added a crazy amount of interest to the Daniel Bryan v. CM Punk feud.
In away, she has already surpassed Liz. She's shown more versatility of character as well as ring competence. Considering this being not even two years on one of the major rosters, she has a huge future for her. She can be Liz AND Sherri just within the change of a facial expression. Awesome for her, and awesome for the divas in general
Unsure on all this. Miss Elizabeth (as I remembered her) didn't go from pashing Randy Savage to Hulk Hogan and back again. The most racey thing I saw her do was strip to her briefs to distract an opponent. I think I see AJ as more of a Sensational Sherri than an Miss Elizabeth
In away, she has already surpassed Liz. She's shown more versatility of character as well as ring competence. Considering this being not even two years on one of the major rosters, she has a huge future for her. She can be Liz AND Sherri just within the change of a facial expression. Awesome for her, and awesome for the divas in general

Definitely agree with wrestler36, she brings a little more to the table especially that not only is she good outside of the ring but also inside. A more challenging area of concern for her would be if given the opportunity could she also revive the divas division while being relevant in the main picture. An asset that would in WWE's perspective be killing two birds with one stone or getting more bang for your buck. :rolleyes:
I cannot even think about putting AJ in the same area as the divine Miss. Elizabeth. I see AJ's character as a cross of Scary Sherri and the original storyline of Micki James, in the WWE. She has some decent in ring talent, her mic skills are getting better with every show and the 'crazy chick' angle is what reminds me of the James angle, when she came up being fond and crazy about Trish.

Liz never wrestled, and when she was in the WWE, with Savage, was always the height of gorgeous and class. The best angle for her was a tie between the wedding with Savage and the Love-Triangle with Hogan. The other reason, I cannot compare AJ to Liz, is because, when it came to Miss. Liz, the writing was so much better. I feel the writing for WWE, which has been passable at best is grasping at straws when they push her down our throats at every turn, like they do.
without A.j that storyline would be made boring. she brang the exictment passion. her charcter is great and i hope to see her hold the divas champion with her same charcter of couse
I understand what they're saying, but Elizabeth and AJ are VERY different personalities. Elizabeth is always pointed to as a woman of class and dignity, whereas AJ is fun, but wacko. Elizabeth was also never really a wrestler, nor did she want to be.

WWE needs to find a way to use this feud to springboard AJ onto bigger and better things when it's over, like becoming Divas Champion.
AJ seemed to be going down the Miss Elizabeth road as an abused innocent girlfriend who stays with a bad guy that treats her poorly but they have switched her role in the last 3 months so that she is a complete enigma. You don't know what she wants or what she is going to do next. This is the furthest thing from Miss Elizabeth.

Some moments have worked better than others but overall it has been a fun ride. I would not be surprised if she reached a point very soon where she was getting involved in a Cena storyline.
If this means that they will treat CM Punk like Randy Savage, then I will be both for and against this.

The Macho Man was one of the few performers from my youth that I idolized, but I firmly believe Punk can be better. Punk is a thinking man's Stone Cold; he's the intellectual cousin of Steve Austin. That's how I would book him. Savage could never truly surpass Hogan in the WWF, and unless they treat Punk like Austin he won't surpass Cena in the same way. This is the time for the WWE to cement their new star for the future, and making AJ the new Ms. Elizabeth only scares me that they don't see Punk as more than the second banana to Cena.

I'm reading too far into this and that's bad, I know. Still, Punk hasn't been pushed as the star he can be. The WWE has dynamite in their possession, and instead of blowing the roof off of the joint, they're too scared of containing the blast to let it go. Don't make AJ the new Ms. Elizabeth, because she can be different. Don't make Punk the new Savage, because he can be different, and even better, if one will allow me to be so bold.

This is all my over-analysis and over-valued opinion, though. Good for AJ that the company is high on her, but I just have a hunch that the WWE is drawing metaphors that will only hold performers back.
I dont see her as a Miss Elizabeth, I see that as Lilian Garcia as Liz was the classiest chick of her time as is Garcia for her generation. This new gen of girls doesnt have a Liz type girl to me.

AJ Lee would be more like their Lita or Trish of this era which shouldve been Melina and Mickie, but things happen...

atleast her and Eve are getting pushed, Kelly's already over and Kharma will make Beth relevant again and give them both spotlight when she returns. As soon as the best female WRESTLER they have (Naomi Knight) quits being a lacky to a man who will never be anything more than midcard and is allowed to shine with the athleticism and flexibility Melina has in the ring and becomes a champion, the division will be that much better
I think this is a load of nonsense. Miss Elizabeth was used to further storylines but did very little. She didnt get involved in matches, very rarely took any bumps and was extremely one dimensional (smiled, waved).

AJ has lots more to offer.
AJ is already over. Can anyone tell me the last time Monday night Raw finished with a Diva stood on the turnbuckle? Well i cant remember one
She's earnt the push and played the part well

It remains to be seen what happens once the punk/bryan feud is over as i fear she may just fade into obscurity and become 'just another diva'
How? I just by comparrison not even close. They have AJ playing a psycho. Miss Elizabeth never playeda psycho. Also AJ can kinda wrestle. I like AJ's gimmick better then Miss Liz because all she did is run around crying getting help for Macho Man or getting Macho Man beat up. Dont get it.
AJ should be insulted by the comparison to Miss Elizabeth, who was not a wrestler. AJ, in my opinion, is already the best acting diva ever. At the very least, she's shown she can play the pyscho chick part even better than Victoria or Mickie James, who both did it well in their own right. The next step for her is to show she can deliver in the ring, which she hasn't really had a chance to do. Trish and Lita interacted with the men but could also hold viewers with feuds against other divas. Can AJ carry a feud with Beth or Kharma? Hopefully, she'll get the opportunity.
As for Miss Elizabeth, she was great at being a damsel in distress. That hardly makes her special.
"Punk needs to be treated like so and so to suprass Cena" no, Punk just needs to keep doing a good job and get himself over.

What is it with this notion that the WWE is the reason guys are over. They give them pushes, guys get themselves over. A lot of you give the bookers too much credit and not enough to the wrestlers. If a guy NEEDS certain things to get over, he's not really that good. Punk IS that good.

I don't think AJ is like a Elizabeth. Donno where that comp even comes from. Maybe in the way that she's a catalyst for things.

I think AJ works because she's tiny and pretty much normal looking. People relate to her and she's vulnerable, but crazy. She pulls it off well.

This feud can go so many different ways. I don't think the WWE literally wants her to be "miss Elizabeth part 2" I think they are just saying that they want a valet that is as well known as some wrestlers and is as much a spark to feuds as one. I mean, she can favor neither guy and just continue to be crazy, she can side with Punk who is reluctant to let her but is a good guy so he allows her to stay there. She can help DB and it'll be one of those "A PLAN ALL ALONG" type of things. So much that they can do and it pretty much all sounds awesome to me.

Also, I think this (smartly) means she won't be wrestling a lot in the divas division. She can wrestle for sure. However, most people don't give a shit. So why would you put an over asset in a less visible situation? Keep her managing stars. If you want, give her a few matches, but it might over expose her. Most of her overness is coming from the unknown and how well she's playing it up.

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