WWE Hall Of Fame 2017 Speculation (Keep it in here!!!!)


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I just read and watched a video where Vader was told by 2 different doctors that he has 2 years left to live due to congestive heart failure, stemming from his wrestling/football career.

Vader's WWE career was mostly "chasing" the title, but never actually won any during his time with Vince. However, his wrestling career lasted almost 20+ years having wrestled in the AWA, WCW, WWE and was a huge star in Japan. And, IMO, he was the fastest of all the big men in wrestling (outside of Bigelow.....maybe).

Not sure if there will be room to fit Vader in since there are so many other wrestlers to choose from who have accomplished more, but I would love to see him inducted while he is still with us.

I expect him to get in within the next few years regardless.
I don't see why he shouldn't be inducted.

His time in WWE saw his star fade fairly quickly. Vader went from being the first to attack his boss (a huge stepping stone for what I'm sure led to Austin's anti authoritative character) garnering massive heat to losing Sunday Night Heat matches to lower tier talent. His time before is what makes him eligible for the hall of fame. His matches were so rare for someone of his size and his impact alone on future big men in the wrestling business sure warrants an induction. So WWE should definitely get on this.

As being inducted now is always better than being inducted after you're dead.
Absolutely, he should be. If we want to talk "accomplishments", he has more of them than many former WWF wrestlers who are already in. There's some guys that were mid or even mostly low carders that are in. Vader was at least a main eventer at times. And his career prior to WWF counts too, and he was fantastic there. His career stacks up well against half the guys that are in. Put him in! He was the best big man in wrestling in the early 90s....better than Sid, better than Bam Bam, better than Taker, better than Yokozuna, etc.
I lost interest in the WWF/E in the beginning of Vader's career there, but I remember all the things he accomplished beforehand (Like you guys brought up).

I remember when WCW would air vignettes on Vader when he was wrestling in Japan. They were amazing. I had never seen a force so scary than him walking to the ring in his infamous smoke mask.

Given some of the lesser talent that has already received the "call" to the HOF, Vader absolutely deserves the nod, especially given the fact that in recent years, performers have been inducted that achieved their success outside of WWE. Vader was a beast before WWE, was the most agile big man of his time, and I'll never forget his attack on Gorilla Monsoon. When his music hit, and he came out from behind the curtain, you knew it was Vader Time! Do the right thing, and induct the man. From what people say, he's a teddy bear behind the scenes. It would mean the world to Vader/Leon White to be recognized (especially if he is sick, unfortunately).
There are always going to be debates as to who "deserves" to be inducted into the HOF and who doesn't. Some feel that it should only apply to the bigger level stars, some are influenced by what they know about certain wrestlers are like behind the scenes, some feel it should be based on what they accomplished in only WWE while some feel it should apply to what they accomplished in wrestling overall if they weren't big stars in WWE, etc.

In the case of Vader, I don't think there's any real debate. Vader is probably the last truly great super heavyweight in pro wrestling. Maybe that will change in years to come with Braun Strowman and maybe it won't, only time will tell. Big Show has had a strong career but Show's problem is that Vince has mutilated Show's credibility in terms of being a long term badass by exposing Show to too much sports entertainment nonsense. For instance, it's hard to view a guy as "threatening" when you see him dressed up like and dancing with Pee Wee Herman or bawling his eyes out in the middle of the ring while begging not to be "fired" by the Authority.

By the time Vader came to WWE, the sun was probably in the stages of setting on his career as a top tier name in the first place. He was about 39.5 years old when he made his debut in WWE at the 1996 Royal rumble and while that's not old in the grand scheme of things, you have to take into account that Vader was roughly 40 years old, weighed well over 400 lbs. and had lifted extremely heavy weights most of his adult life; that much weight coupled with all the physical activity of powerlifting and his age made it a logical assumption that Vader's best days were probably behind him.

He may not have had the accomplishments and highlights in WWE that he had prior to being there, but that doesn't discount those previous accolades. Vader was a huge star in Japan as both a singles and tag team wrestler that included 3 runs each with All Japan's Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship and New Japan's IWGP Heavyweight Championship. We're all familiar with Vader's time in WCW where he was a dominant monster that won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship 3 times over guys like Sting.

Vader should be in the HOF and if he has indeed been handed a death sentence by different doctors concerning his heart problems, an induction in the class of 2017 would quite possibly be the emotional highlight of the ceremony. I think WWE should make the offer to him, pay his way there, put him and his family up for the weekend and cap it off with an appearance on the post WrestleMania Raw.
There are always going to be debates as to who "deserves" to be inducted into the HOF and who doesn't. Some feel that it should only apply to the bigger level stars, some are influenced by what they know about certain wrestlers are like behind the scenes, some feel it should be based on what they accomplished in only WWE while some feel it should apply to what they accomplished in wrestling overall if they weren't big stars in WWE, etc.

In the case of Vader, I don't think there's any real debate. Vader is probably the last truly great super heavyweight in pro wrestling. Maybe that will change in years to come with Braun Strowman and maybe it won't, only time will tell. Big Show has had a strong career but Show's problem is that Vince has mutilated Show's credibility in terms of being a long term badass by exposing Show to too much sports entertainment nonsense. For instance, it's hard to view a guy as "threatening" when you see him dressed up like and dancing with Pee Wee Herman or bawling his eyes out in the middle of the ring while begging not to be "fired" by the Authority.

By the time Vader came to WWE, the sun was probably in the stages of setting on his career as a top tier name in the first place. He was about 39.5 years old when he made his debut in WWE at the 1996 Royal rumble and while that's not old in the grand scheme of things, you have to take into account that Vader was roughly 40 years old, weighed well over 400 lbs. and had lifted extremely heavy weights most of his adult life; that much weight coupled with all the physical activity of powerlifting and his age made it a logical assumption that Vader's best days were probably behind him.

He may not have had the accomplishments and highlights in WWE that he had prior to being there, but that doesn't discount those previous accolades. Vader was a huge star in Japan as both a singles and tag team wrestler that included 3 runs each with All Japan's Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship and New Japan's IWGP Heavyweight Championship. We're all familiar with Vader's time in WCW where he was a dominant monster that won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship 3 times over guys like Sting.

Vader should be in the HOF and if he has indeed been handed a death sentence by different doctors concerning his heart problems, an induction in the class of 2017 would quite possibly be the emotional highlight of the ceremony. I think WWE should make the offer to him, pay his way there, put him and his family up for the weekend and cap it off with an appearance on the post WrestleMania Raw.

They're coming up against an issue all the time with this though. As the list of dead guys who deserve to be in there grows, can they put Vader ahead in the queue? What if he did one worse than the Warrior and passed either at Mania or the HOF itself? What state would be be in by then.

Warrior was clearly struggling during his HOF induction, much less that RAW promo... it's blind luck he didn't pass then and Vince knows that. It was worth the risk with Warrior but they're not gonna take that chance for Vader.

It's harsh but the only thing worse than having a dead wrestlers family have to induct them etc is one who is clearly in a bad way from the business. It's why Tommy Billington will never go in while he's alive and thus probably Davey. It's why they're probably not gonna put Luger in (along with the risk of "You Killed Liz" chants) and why they'll put someone like DDP in ahead of Vader, despite the achievements being less.

They want guys who look relatively good for their age/careers, who can talk and do the speech... Think back to Bobby Heenan's speech - and how he never appeared again, or how JR was treated by WWE with his Bells Palsy over the years... If you're a physical wreck, Vince doesn't want you on his TV - even if it's not cos of the business, it feeds that "wrestling kills/maims guys" monster. Where as a fitter guy like a DDP makes the business look good "hey this guy got out and he's influencing a whole new generation of people with his Yoga" for example rather than "This guy went from the NFL to Wrestling, We dicked him over a bit and now he's really sick from the work he did"...

One way I can see it working for Vader is if they also inducted Bam Bam Bigelow - going from their tag team days Leon can induct Bam Bam and then Sting or Simmons can induct Leon. He is also mainly a non WWE/F guy, Goldberg is ahead of him in that queue as probably is DDP and even someone like Regal who has survived heart issues...

For what it's worth I think Vader should go in, but he probably won't while he's alive.... There are other guys Angle, Jericho, Taker and Rocky who were all WWE headliners and can go ahead of him. Midcard, guys like Martel, JBL, Demolition could all arguably have a case ahead of him and on the dead guy side, Pillman, Rude, Bulldog and Owen could and really should be in there now... making the "downer" of Leon's health situation less likely to be allowed in.
They're coming up against an issue all the time with this though. As the list of dead guys who deserve to be in there grows, can they put Vader ahead in the queue? What if he did one worse than the Warrior and passed either at Mania or the HOF itself? What state would be be in by then.

Warrior was clearly struggling during his HOF induction, much less that RAW promo... it's blind luck he didn't pass then and Vince knows that. It was worth the risk with Warrior but they're not gonna take that chance for Vader.

It's harsh but the only thing worse than having a dead wrestlers family have to induct them etc is one who is clearly in a bad way from the business. It's why Tommy Billington will never go in while he's alive and thus probably Davey. It's why they're probably not gonna put Luger in (along with the risk of "You Killed Liz" chants) and why they'll put someone like DDP in ahead of Vader, despite the achievements being less.

They want guys who look relatively good for their age/careers, who can talk and do the speech... Think back to Bobby Heenan's speech - and how he never appeared again, or how JR was treated by WWE with his Bells Palsy over the years... If you're a physical wreck, Vince doesn't want you on his TV - even if it's not cos of the business, it feeds that "wrestling kills/maims guys" monster. Where as a fitter guy like a DDP makes the business look good "hey this guy got out and he's influencing a whole new generation of people with his Yoga" for example rather than "This guy went from the NFL to Wrestling, We dicked him over a bit and now he's really sick from the work he did"...

One way I can see it working for Vader is if they also inducted Bam Bam Bigelow - going from their tag team days Leon can induct Bam Bam and then Sting or Simmons can induct Leon. He is also mainly a non WWE/F guy, Goldberg is ahead of him in that queue as probably is DDP and even someone like Regal who has survived heart issues...

For what it's worth I think Vader should go in, but he probably won't while he's alive.... There are other guys Angle, Jericho, Taker and Rocky who were all WWE headliners and can go ahead of him. Midcard, guys like Martel, JBL, Demolition could all arguably have a case ahead of him and on the dead guy side, Pillman, Rude, Bulldog and Owen could and really should be in there now... making the "downer" of Leon's health situation less likely to be allowed in.

You know it's really sad when someone won't get into the HOF while they're alive to appreciate it because of how they look or would act on stage. Maybe the WWE shouldn't be waiting so long then to put these guys in. Maybe they should go in while they are till relatively healthy and can make Vince and his company look fantastic.

These guys have worked a grueling schedule, put their bodies through God knows what over the years, and now because they are a bit broken down they should be told they aren't good enough to be on TV. The "we'll wait till their dead, then we can show nice pictures of them in their prime" doesn't fly with me.

I would rather see them, some might not in the best of health able to enjoy a few moments of glory. Might do them a world of good as well. To tell you quite honestly I would rather cheer and stand up for the person themselves, than their picture on the screen. The WWE should maybe think of not putting celebrities into the HOF anymore. Wouldn't the fans rather see Vader than Donald Trump go in. I mean shit Vador did a lot more for wrestling than Trump ever could do.

Of course he should go in, and before anymore time passes.
Vader should definitely be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

His accomplishments within professional wrestling and contributions to the industry definitely merit the honor.

But his induction speech for Stan Hansen was scary and depressing.

Vader didn't hide and spoke candidly about his injuries affecting his speech and cognitive skills.

Vader beamed with pride at the podium, but also trailed off and repeated himself frequently.

Now I'm not sure what would be more tragic...

Either Vader doesn't live to be honored for his Hall of Fame worthy career.

Or the deterioration of Vader's physical and mental health is broadcast to a horrified public.

I guess they could have someone else speak in his honor, but that's supposed to be his time, Vader's time.
Should he be inducted? Definitely. Will he? That's up to Vince McMahon. If he does indeed have two years left to live then his health will not get any better as the time goes along. If they wait until next year he may not be physically able to be there. I think this would be the perfect year to do it. If that does happen and he mentions how he has two years left, there won't be a dry eye in the house in Orlando I can tell you that.
In regards to health, I think it depends on how he looks and feels around that time. They might make him the last entrant closer to the HOF date. Many people didn't think Barry Windham could make it to the 2012 class and he did.

Without a doubt, Vader will get in sometime. I guess I should reiterate the question on whether he should go in the 2017 HOF due to this recent health news.
As harsh as it may sound, the RobTaylor guy might be right. I don't think WWE wants to put a spotlight on somebody like Vader considering both his health and the fact that his mind really seems to have deteriorated over the past year. Of course, this is just based on the stuff I've been hearing from him on Twitter and public appearances so it's possible I'm wrong and he's more coherent than I'm giving him credit for. Still, it's a huge risk to put Vader front and center in this kind of scenario given the timetable for his heart. I'm not saying he would drop dead on stage or anything, but I am saying there is the possibility, however slight, of unforeseen complications.

It sucks because I was a huge fan of Vader. He's still my favorite big man of all time barring The Undertaker, but I do think WWE will probably wait to induct him posthumously. Things could always change though. Perhaps if there was enough pressure from legends and fans, Vince would relent and induct him this year.

I personally think Vader should be a part of the 2017 class, I just don't think it will happen.
Definitely. He has the credentials internationally as well as in the states but I have no idea what makes a McMahon Hall of Famer anymore.
That's the thing... it is a McMahon HOF not the defacto Wrestling HOF... I am sure to Vince, Leon was a good hand who did a job for him... but he also didn't set the world on fire as planned. Remember he was supposed to be the monster heel when he came in, taking out Monsoon etc (that honor wasn't given lightly) and, perhaps not all his fault...but he fizzled. Austin happened and he was surplus to requirements.

I think had his son worked out better he'd be a lock and already in as Jesse would have been main roster by now... but it didn't.

Like I said, there are guys like Martel who were equally good hands/more loyal and who Vince could say he was "responsible for" in the main. ALL of Vader's best work was outside the WWE.
Like I said, there are guys like Martel who were equally good hands/more loyal and who Vince could say he was "responsible for" in the main. ALL of Vader's best work was outside the WWE.

Believe me I hear what you're saying and I'm not trying to come across as arrogant, but there are other's in the HOF that worked outside the WWE. Just look at the year AJ Styles has had, and the run's that Balor, Nakamura and Samoa Joe have had in NXT. Surely at some point in time they will be inducted, and you could also say the same about them. Their best days were spent outside of the WWE.

I don't think it matter what promotion a wrestler hails from originally. If they step into a WWE ring and perform like Vader did, then of course he deserves to be inducted. His health is an issue, but give him cue cards to read, or have someone standing with him to help him along. But if the guy only has two years to live, putting him in now would be the best time. If they don't do it this year, then as someone else said, he might not be able to even make it next year. God knows what condition he could be in then. He could even do a speech by satellite if it comes down to that, or pre tape it so it can be edited if need be.
Abbudulah is in the hall of fame and Leon white isn't yet...

The wwe argument makes no sense.

Abby is only in for being mick Foley's pal.

And inoki wasn't terribly a wwe guy either.
The first inductee for the 2017 class of the WWE Hall of Fame was announced a little while ago and I've little doubt a good number of fans will be pleased. The first inductee is set to be Diamond Dallas Page, though it's being reported that he probably won't be the headliner.

I was never a huge Page fan, but I thought the guy was okay and he was one of the more memorable guys in pro wrestling from the mid 90s through the early 2000s during the Monday Night War. I think it'd be kinda cool if both Roberts and Hall inducted him as he's gotten so close with them and, let's be honest, he's probably flat out saved their lives.
It wasn't officially announce yet by wwe so until wwe confirm the rumor, I'm not going to believe it. But havig sad that, the guy does deserve a spot in the hall of fame, not just for all he did during is career but for everything he did since he retired from wrestling with ddp yoga.

If it wasn't for him, scott hall and jake Roberts would probably be dead by now. Aj styles, chris jericho and many others current wwe performers wouldn't wrestling and having the best run of their careers.

Ddp would be a great selection for this year hall of fame and I hope that this report is true and wwe confirm this soon.
For some reason I thought he was already in there, but anyway nice to see him go in. Doubt highly that he is the headliner and I'll wait to see who else is announced in the coming weeks.
It really is about time.

Diamond Dallas Page was one of the most over wrestlers on the roster when WCW was at the height of the Monday night wars. While he wasn't the most technically sound athlete on the roster, his work ethic proved that he was a great commodity for WCW in the late 1990s. DDP is responsible for giving Goldberg his best match even though Goldberg was still incredibly green and that alone is an accolade that should be glorified more than it is.

DDP is the reason we finally got Scott Hall in the WWE Hall of Fame - same with Roberts. He's the reason Jericho can still go on a nightly basis at age 43 and for that he deserves this honor. It's actually a bit weird it didn't happen sooner.
Some will be annoyed that Page goes in ahead of some others but there is, in reality only one reason he is going in and it's not cos of Jake and Scott.

DDP is potentially the most positive "ex-wrestler" story they can showcase in their HOF other than The Rock. Here is a guy who has gone out and actually impacted lives with his message, even if he bought the Yoga system rather than devised it.

It's good stuff, I'm starting it myself... and Page has that inspiring quality that is going to get WWE a lot of positive press out of the HOF.

Now.. this could be interesting for the HOF in that maybe one or two more deceased wrestlers can go in as a result. As Page's positve message will help soften that some aren't there any more. What it also means is that anyone who had a "beef" is probably off limits this year.

Page is the most obvious HOF addition this year, his career, while not in WWE was pretty impressive and showed "it's never too late", which is pretty much the message of the Yoga. Goldberg, Rock or Angle headline the HOF... but Page is a fair "number two spot".

Also don't forget that this year is the 10th anniversary of Benoit... so there will be the inevitable scrutiny on WWE/How things have changed, especially with Linda in the Cabinet... so a positive tale or three will help them immensely.
I respect Diamond Dallas Page for bringing the best match out of Goldberg in the latter's whole career, as has already been mentioned.

That match against Goldberg at Halloween Havoc is my favorite Goldberg match until now. Goldberg Vs. Brock Lesnar II was good too, by the way. ;)

Last I remember seeing DDP was executing DDP cutter to multiple wrestlers in Royal Rumble, I don't remember if it was in 2015 or 2016. Most probably, latter.

He does deserve to be in Hall Of Fame and I support this decision. He was good enough to accomplish a place in Hall Of Fame.
DDP started his wrestling career kind of late in age after managing for a long time. It took awhile for me to adjust seeing him in the ring but he ended up growing on me. He ended up winning the WCW Heavyweight Championship a few times ...

(Twice on one Nitro). ..

...and was super over with the fans. His match vs Sting for the WCW Heavyweight Championship on that Nitro was a career highlight for me. The fans exploded when Sting won. Later on the same show, DDP won it back anyway.

Another highlight was the reaction he got when he gave Scott Hall a Diamond Cutter when it looked like DDP had crossed the line to the NWO, the fans blew up for that one too. Happy to see DDP get the HOF nod because he deserves it. Self high five, BANG!!
In addition to what others said, DDP would hit the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere and from different positions and situations. He really was the precursor to Orton's RKO out of nowhere, both in the similarity of the move and in the way they can hit it out of nowhere.
Man, DDP was awesome back in the day. I still remember clearly the night when he swerved Hall and Nash and gave Hall the Diamond Cutter. If I'm not mistaken, that was the first time any wrestler got the better of the NWO up until that point. A case can be made that he wasn't the biggest star of his time, but if WCW wasn't so adamant on pushing the stars of yesteryear, he probably could have been up there.

Solid choice for the HOF. He deserves his spot.

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