WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion **KEEP IT IN HERE**

So in ten years Snooki could be in the HOF because she hosted Raw? This is ridiculous. I didn't understand why Bob Eucker or Pete Rose were in the HOF, but at least they have contributed something to the WWE. Drew Carey was there long enough for a cup of coffee.

The entire idea of having celebrities in a wrestling hall of fame to me is a joke.

But i did have a quick thought about Snooki aswell, if people are getting into the Hall of Fame for doing so little then what is to stop Snooki and Flava Flav getting put in the HOF in 15 years from now? What if Justin Bieber was to go into the HOF?

The fact they've made a special wing just for celebrities and still haven't made room for people like Arn Anderson, Jake "the Snake" Roberts, Ron Simmons, Ultimate Warrior and quite a fair few others. It's going to get to the point where it'll become a joke soon.
Look at how people always used to aspire to be a NY times best selling author and then you find out amongst all the established writers in the world and hard hitting autobiographies, you look at people who can claim they are a NY Times best selling author, and you see people like Snooki on there? It kind of loses it's power.
It'll be the same in the Hall of Fame in a matter of time. You can see it now Ric Flair, Bret Hart, HBK, Drew Carey, Mr Per.... What? Drew Carey? Who the f*** is he?
This made me laugh. The WWE Hall of Fame is officially a complete joke now. You might as well induct every celeb who has ever appeared on Raw. :lmao::lol:
I agree with the guy's who think if they have to put in a celebrity that i would rather see Mr.T,MuHammed Ali,or Iron Mike Tyson over Drew Carey.He is a D-list celebrity who did nothing but run away from Kane @ a Royal Rumble.He wont help sell tickets in Atlanta, but U know who might Arn Anderson,Ron Simmons, & the Road Warriors.All of them were big in the NWA southern territory & were still big when it became WcW. I hope Vince has a bigger list because HBK aside the rest of thr list isnt doing it for me giving the fact that they are in Atlanta this year. If Vinny Mac wanted to put in
Boo i mean Drew Carey maybe he should of waited until WrestleMania goes to Clevland. Then maybe Drew might help see 20 tickets from his freinds ans family.MAYBE!

!!Just MY opin0n!!

As we have all be painfully made aware of, WWE has once again added another celebrity to their Hall of Fame, this time, none other than Jim Carey. This has got to be a direct insult to those who gave their all (and in some cases their lives, i.e. Owen Hart) to a business they loved. The Hall of Fame is supposed to be for those who made an IMPACT to the business of pro wrestling (NOT sports entertainment) and left their mark on said business. Jim Carey did neither of those and should NOT be apart of the Hall of Fame whatsoever. Now, I can't control what WWE decides to do with their company, however, I think it's time they stop with the foolishness and create a REAL WWE Hall of Fame. Or, maybe I should---and so should you.

Since we can't get rid of those who are already in there, let's pretend we're on the board at WWE Headquarters and it's our duty to call 7 men and women to notify them that they're being inducted. These individuals had to have been either a wrestler, referee, announcer, booker/promoter/owner or manager at some point. They CANNOT be celebrities who happened to appear at a WrestleMania (unless your name is Mr. T) or was a former guest host/GM of RAW (sorry Mike Adamle). So give us your REAL WWE Hall of Fame class of 2011 (we can keep Shawn Michaels but perhaps do away with someone else if you feel another person deserved the spot more.

My HOF for 2011
Shawn Michaels
The Road Warriors
Lance Russell
Owen Hart
Paul Heyman
Randy Savage (with Elizabeth)
Lex Luger
hall of fame..u do mean to say vince's favorite people list...its not an HOF people no writers get any votes like a real HOF ..also in this thing they like 2 call HOF when will all wwe fans be inducted? if not 4 us fans there is no wwe in the 1st place...instead we get another person not worthy of recognition.....if they were gonna do a celebrity type thing when does former champ dave arquette get in atleast he won a title bs or not thats more than pete rose or fat ass drew ever did
I can't say I agree that Sunny should be inducted. My reason here is because of the fact that, though she was popular throughout the mid 90s, she hasn't really put in a lot of work for the company. I think if she is to be inducted now then shawn michales should have been inducted years ago....Either way I guess it's not as bad as Drew freaking Carey in the hall of fame! I mean honestly if that's the case then why deny Goldberg?
Don't get me wrong, i love Drew Carey and everything he's done, but......why? I don't get it, seriously, this makes no sense. He was in the 2001 Royal Rumble, yes, but........to my knowledge that was it. I don't get this at all. By this logic, ANYONE could enter the WWE Hall of Fame. Sure most say the WWE Hall of Fame is redundant, but hey, I actually think it adds a little prestige to legends that are in it. But.......this? I don't know -___- your guys thoughts?
He enters into the celebrity branch of the Hall of Fame. A Hall of Fame for a fake sport so getting bent out of shape for a celebrity entering the "Hall" seems a little ridiculous to me.

Now if Drew Carey enters the NFL Hall of Fame then I can see your concern, but this is entertainment and Drew Carey is an entertainer.
He enters into the celebrity branch of the Hall of Fame. A Hall of Fame for a fake sport so getting bent out of shape for a celebrity entering the "Hall" seems a little ridiculous to me.

Now if Drew Carey enters the NFL Hall of Fame then I can see your concern, but this is entertainment and Drew Carey is an entertainer.

While the sport may be "fake" as you say it takes a lot more than the ability to simply entertain to be a star in wwe, and even more to be someone people will remember

That should be the point of the HoF. Many preformers have spents YEARS perfecting their craft and hope to be a HoFer because they don't just get that in a contract.

This really does belittle all the work the true preformers have put in to their art.
How is that any different than Bob Uecker being inducted? Do any of these celebrities really have much purpose in the Hall?

I never understood the purpose of having celebrities who appear on your program once being inducted in the Hall. Some I can understand...but Drew? I do like Drew Carey, but I'm not too sure about this...
Again he enters into the Celebrity branch of the Hall.........

I understand the Brooklyn Brawler, Doink the Clown, and Scotty too Hotty worked hard to become stars but they do not belong in the "Wrestling" branch of the Hall of Fame.
Im not a fan of it, but it does often state ''Celebrity wing''. While it is cheesy it is entertainment, with Drew being an entertainer. It is a waste of time, but I feel the WWE Hall Of Fame will never be taken seriously, with the likes of (not including the ''celebrity wing''), Koko B. Ware, Mad Dog Vachon, Junk Yard Dog in there. When former then ''WWF'' stars also turn it down, you see how it can be deemed a joke.

Add that with storylines in TNA with Hogan losing his ring to Abyss, and the fact that MachoMan, L.O.D, Mick Foley, Ultimate Warrior, Rick Rude, British Bulldog and the Dynamite Kid, The Rock haven't been inducted it looks as though they have their preferences messed up.

But yea the celebrities are apparently deemed in an unofficial celebrity wing so take that as you wish.
Pete Rose was inducted a few years ago because he got beat up by Kane a few times (which was actually pretty funny). It's clearly a publicity stunt to get more attention on the HOF and plug Carey's new show (which will probably suck).
I don't think it's a bad thing to have a celebrity inducted every few years. It's fun after all. The wrestlers who TRUELY deserve the honor receive. Don't bring up Brooklyn Brawler, Doink the Clown and Scotty too Hotty in the HOF discussion. That's a joke
Im not a fan of it, but it does often state ''Celebrity wing''. While it is cheesy it is entertainment, with Drew being an entertainer. It is a waste of time, but I feel the WWE Hall Of Fame will never be taken seriously, with the likes of (not including the ''celebrity wing''), Koko B. Ware, Mad Dog Vachon, Junk Yard Dog in there. When former then ''WWF'' stars also turn it down, you see how it can be deemed a joke.

Mad Dog is a mutli time AWA champion and was a top star back in the day. JYD was also mad over not only in WWF but in Mid South.

There are still a bunch of guys that should go in that haven't that really seem logical. Like Davey Boy. But only Vince knows why they aren't in yet.
Add that with storylines in TNA with Hogan losing his ring to Abyss, and the fact that MachoMan, L.O.D, Mick Foley, Ultimate Warrior, Rick Rude, British Bulldog and the Dynamite Kid, The Rock haven't been inducted it looks as though they have their preferences messed up.

WWE said awhile ago they didn't want to induct wrestlers that are still active. They made an exception for Ric Flair (who was suppose to retire the next night). Animal from L.O.D. still wrestles. Once he's done, he'll be in for sure.
Mick Foley is in another promotion, he won't be in there till he's done as well.
I agree British Bulldog and The Dynamite Kid should be in there.
Ultimate Warrior has been offered the spot (so I've read many times) but turned it down.
I know I come across as being a jerk for nitpicking your suggestions but there are some reasons behind it.
I don't think Drew Carey deserved it for his 1 appearance, but then again, theres precedents.
Mad Dog is a mutli time AWA champion and was a top star back in the day. JYD was also mad over not only in WWF but in Mid South.

There are still a bunch of guys that should go in that haven't that really seem logical. Like Davey Boy. But only Vince knows why they aren't in yet.

If you ask most wrestling fans who Mad Dog is or what he has done they won't be able to tell you. Junk Yard Dog didn't accomplish anything that is like me saying Scotty Too Hotty was a multi-champion in WWE, wrestled for many different associations and countries, which he did. He doesn't deserve Hall of Fame. People remember the matches and moments of a wrestler, such as Snuka flying from the cage... Helped usher in more moments like this. Great Khali was a champion, does that mean he will be in the Hall of Fame?

Im not being ignorant, but the fact remains majority of fans could tell you one moment in most wrestlers matches, let alone ONE match of others.
He enters into the celebrity branch of the Hall of Fame. A Hall of Fame for a fake sport so getting bent out of shape for a celebrity entering the "Hall" seems a little ridiculous to me.

Now if Drew Carey enters the NFL Hall of Fame then I can see your concern, but this is entertainment and Drew Carey is an entertainer.

I don't mind the celebrity branch, but at least make it a celebrity that did something memorable. Pete Rose is a good example because of his run ins with Kane. Mr T could work because of his match with Hogan at the first WM. Tyson because of his involvement in the DX/Austin storyline.

What about the other people that actually meant something to WWE: Randy Savage, Lenny Poffo, , Demolition (who I swear have been shafted in ever major way possible), Jake Roberts, Owen Hart, Chris Benoit(good luck there).
WWE said awhile ago they didn't want to induct wrestlers that are still active. They made an exception for Ric Flair (who was suppose to retire the next night). Animal from L.O.D. still wrestles. Once he's done, he'll be in for sure.
Mick Foley is in another promotion, he won't be in there till he's done as well.
I agree British Bulldog and The Dynamite Kid should be in there.
Ultimate Warrior has been offered the spot (so I've read many times) but turned it down.
I know I come across as being a jerk for nitpicking your suggestions but there are some reasons behind it.

Haha not a jerk you do bring some interesting points, but Mick Foley could've been inducted before he went to TNA? LOD should be inducted because lets face it, I doubt many knows he was still wrestling and where and how often is another point. I get The Ultimate Warrior stories, but Ive heard it was due to money so could be Warrior getting greedy perhaps, or WWE not showing enough respect?
It sounds pretty ridiculous that Drew Carrey will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, but as long as I look at it as strictly the CELEBRITY WING of the hall of fame it is "OK". He really did nothing in the WWE besides enter the Royal Rumble match but if that is what the WWE wants then whatever. If Drew is going to be inducted then they better not leave out Mike Tyson, Floyd Maywheather, Mr. T, Snoop Dog, Donald Trump, and some others.
Completely and utterly pointless. I understand the "celebrity wing" of WWE HOF, but that is really something that should be done every 2nd or 3rd year. And they did do it that way. They inducted Pete Rose and then waited 2 years to induct The Fridge and then 3 for Uecker last year. Back to back celebrity inductees. Too soon. And they are really reaching into the fish jar for this one. While Drew's Royal Rumble moment was humourous, we could point out that Tyson, Ali, LT, and Mr. T, have made more memorable and exciting appearances in wrestling. But then again those four either don't want to or can't for publicity sake. WWE is really selling out this Wrestlemania, as seen on RAW with the Snooki match, and Drew hosting Price is Right and losing all that weight is more publicity. Plus I'm fairly sure they'll get Bob Barker to induct Drew as the audience and WWE seem to enjoy working with them.

My thought. Save the celebrity inductee for another year. Aside from Shawn Michaels, this HOF list is on life support.
Completely and utterly pointless. I understand the "celebrity wing" of WWE HOF, but that is really something that should be done every 2nd or 3rd year. And they did do it that way. They inducted Pete Rose and then waited 2 years to induct The Fridge and then 3 for Uecker last year. Back to back celebrity inductees. Too soon. And they are really reaching into the fish jar for this one. While Drew's Royal Rumble moment was humourous, we could point out that Tyson, Ali, LT, and Mr. T, have made more memorable and exciting appearances in wrestling. But then again those four either don't want to or can't for publicity sake. WWE is really selling out this Wrestlemania, as seen on RAW with the Snooki match, and Drew hosting Price is Right and losing all that weight is more publicity. Plus I'm fairly sure they'll get Bob Barker to induct Drew as the audience and WWE seem to enjoy working with them.

My thought. Save the celebrity inductee for another year. Aside from Shawn Michaels, this HOF list is on life support.

Ok, this is ENTERTAINMENT. Wrestling is FAKE. Of course Vince is "selling out" this Wrestlemania. He's trying to break over a million buys this year. That's why the Rock's back, that's why WWE has been in the press so much lately.

Shawn Michaels is the only person this year deserving of the Hall of Fame?? Hacksaw Jim Duggin won the first Royal Rumble. Sunny is one of the biggest influences in modern day divas. Bob Armstrong is huge in Georgia.

Guys, the Hall of Fame is just WWE's glorified Alumni section. It's their way of touting off who they feel they are most proud of to have work with their company. They can put whoever the fuck they want in it. It's their way of thanking Drew for what he's done with them. It does kinda throw things off when you're looking at the list and you see "Drew Carey", but I think it's kind of funny. What's next, David Arquette?
Ok, so I know this happened a week ago, but I've been giving this a lot of thought and I have to just rant about this.

Drew fuckin Carey?

It's official, the WWE HOF is a joke. Getting in means nothing, and putting Hall of Famer before your name is now worthless.

How do you put Carey in, when guys like Sammartino, Jake the Snake, Warrior, LOD, Randy Savage, are not in. I know some of them have been asked, and they've refused, and now I know why. These great don't need there name among other greats from the WWE like Drew Carey.

Ok so Carey is going into the celebrity wing, fine. What about Mr. T? He was in the main event at Wrestlemania 1 and 2. How come he's not in. What about Mike Tyson. It made nation news when he was picked to ref the Austin v. Michaels match at Wrestlemaina.

I don't know how you make the cut to be in the WWE HOF, but it dosn't matter now, because getting in is now meaningless.
I have heard so many rumours concerning this over the past six months or more.

During this time, his nephew (Dos Caras Jr - Alberto Del Rio) has transformed himself into a genuine main eventer and won the Royal Rumble. Also the acquisition of Sin Cara (Mystico), means that WWE are giving more credence to Lucha Libre more than ever before.

For me, he also has more credible WWF/WWE experience than most, having challenged Superstar Billy Graham for the belt at MSG and spent time there during the 1970's, as well as a short appearance in the 1997 Royal Rumble on top of his legendary status.

If the outpouring of rumours are true, then he most certainly deserves it and this is clearly the right time. The only thing I can think that would prevent him from doing so is his backstage reputation; poor ego and a notorious reputation for not selling.

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