WWE Great Balls of Fire - WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar VS Samoa Joe

[ W C W F ]. C O M;5705731 said:
As for your second point, that was literally 1 weekend's worth of Live Events and fans still blows it out of proportion. Reigns was outselling Ambrose before and after those two days of events and was even outselling Cena at Live Events at a point in time let's not forget that.

Yea first of all, it doesn't matter if it was a week or a month, Ambrose still outsold arena's in shows he was headlining. You can twist and turn it all you want, but the numbers are there. And when the hell did Reigns outsell John Cena. I don't believe that for a minute.

[ W C W F ]. C O M;5705731 said:
How you figure? because fans boo him as a babyface? Well by that logic, John Cena isn't a legend in the game? Right. Reigns is currently the biggest full-time name they have right now and this is a roster with legends like AJ Styles, Randy Orton, and Samoa Joe on it. Roman Reigns is a star not just because the guy draws an audience, sells merch, and get's the loudest reactions, or even because he's a former WWE Champion. Roman Reigns is a star because he's probably the only name (maybe with the exception of Seth Rollins) that has become a name known mainstream even with non-wrestling fans. I can walk up to plenty of people who either doesn't watch wrestling or hasn't watched in years and ask "Have you ever heard of a guy named Roman Reigns?" and they'll normally reply "Duhh be Superman Punching n**a's" or "I haven't f**k with wrestling in years...but who hasn't by now" or "He's the wrestler that does the Superman Punch." Let's not forget he is the main name that mainstream sports shows/channels brings up when discussing WWE or Pro Wrestling. That's a star!!! Love him or hate him.

John Cena was massively over before people turned on him. Reigns was as well but as part of a three man group. Fans turned on him pretty much after the Shield broke up because his shortcomings were on full view for everyone to see. And the guy can't draw shit, so please. Also who the hell walks up to people on the street and asks them if they know who Roman Reigns is? I mean really, do you actually do that. You are a weirdo if you do.

Most of my friends don't watch wrestling and the only wrestler they know is Hulk Hogan and some know Cena because of his work on the Today show. None of them would know Roman Reigns if they tripped over him in the street.

As for the topic at hand. I hope that Joe can put up some decent offense against Lesnar and it's doesn't become a squash. I think Heyman had it right last night on RAW when he said that Joe was the only one who would take a piece of Lesnar with him. Joe was the only one out of the 5 that I wanted to win. If Lesnar does squash him, then RAW might not be turned on for the rest of the year. I don't think I can sit through a Wyatt, Balor, Rollins squash match waiting until Reigns coming riding in on his white horse to win at Mania. What a waste of a year.
Yea first of all, it doesn't matter if it was a week or a month, Ambrose still outsold arena's in shows he was headlining. You can twist and turn it all you want, but the numbers are there.
FIRST OF ALL!! I never tried to twist anything and never denied that he did. I was pointing out that fans make it seem as Ambrose was outselling him for months when it was in fact only two shows.

John Cena was massively over before people turned on him. Reigns was as well but as part of a three man group. Fans turned on him pretty much after the Shield broke up because his shortcomings were on full view for everyone to see.
Another blind Reigns hater who believes Roman Reigns was never over as a solo competitor and fans turned on him the day after The Shield split when the guy was LITERALLY the most over babyface in the company from April 2014-Until his injury. Fans didn't even begin to slowly begin to turn on him until after his match with Randy at SummerSlam but that was only on the internet. Roman was still getting cheered louder than anyone else on TV and didn't really start getting booed until Royal Rumble 2015. He did face a small portions of boo's that was barely heard on two occasions before then though.

And the guy can't draw shit, so please.
So you mean to tell me he doesn't draw? So fans don't show up and remain quiet the whole show when all your favorites (Finn Balor, Dean Ambrose, Samoa Joe, even Seth Rollins) are wrestling and isn't loud as hell booing or cheering off their feet when Roman Reigns is "in the house" competing? If they actually are paying to see these other guys then why are they making some noise during the entrance and dead throughout their matches? Yeah OK, but the man doesn't draw.

Also who the hell walks up to people on the street and asks them if they know who Roman Reigns is? I mean really, do you actually do that. You are a weirdo if you do.
And you are an idiot if you truly believe that's what I do :lol:
Who the fuck would walk up to somebody on the streets just to ask that? If were at a party or kicking it and talking about sports and wrestling comes up and somebody who doesn't watch wants to know what happened and you want to tell them what happened..the first thing that's going to come out of your mouth is "OK so do you know____?..." as your conversation starter.

Most of my friends don't watch wrestling and the only wrestler they know is Hulk Hogan and some know Cena because of his work on the Today show. None of them would know Roman Reigns if they tripped over him in the street.
If it sounds good...EVERYBODY knows who John Cena is, just like EVERYBODY knows who The Rock is, just like EVERYBODY knows who Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Andre The Giant, The Undertaker, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Triple H, The Big Show, and Kurt Angle are. I've literally never met nobody who didn't know who any of those wrestlers are. As per Reigns, of course EVERYBODY don't know who he is but just because you're not a fan doesn't mean he's not a star or that nobody knows who he is. Alot of people know who Roman Reigns is you'd be surprised. I graduated High School last year and just graduated College two weeks ago and the biggest topic that came up always in both schools was what Roman Reigns was doing in the WWE. People talking about whether they like the guy, or whether they was sick of him, or non-fans wanting to know more about him.

And when the hell did Reigns outsell John Cena. I don't believe that for a minute.
Was literally buzzing all over the internet back in 2015. Which was one of the key reasons WWE stopped making Cena have to do live events reguarly.

Reigns coming riding in on his white horse to win at Mania. What a waste of a year.
Oh I see what this is about...You hate Reigns because he's not a decorated Indy vet of 15 years lol. In your mind, because I'm defending the guy I'm probably his biggest fan right? :lmao:
[ W C W F ]. C O M;5705773 said:
FIRST OF ALL!! I never tried to twist anything and never denied that he did. I was pointing out that fans make it seem as Ambrose was outselling him for months when it was in fact only two shows.

The numbers for Reigns were larger because he was playing bigger arena's, but they should have been a lot bigger.

[ W C W F ]. C O M;5705773 said:
Another blind Reigns hater who believes Roman Reigns was never over as a solo competitor and fans turned on him the day after The Shield split when the guy was LITERALLY the most over babyface in the company from April 2014-Until his injury. Fans didn't even begin to slowly begin to turn on him until after his match with Randy at SummerSlam but that was only on the internet. Roman was still getting cheered louder than anyone else on TV and didn't really start getting booed until Royal Rumble 2015. He did face a small portions of boo's that was barely heard on two occasions before then though.

All of the Shield member's were over, well except for Seth, but you are right it wasn't until Summerslam they really started to turn on him. Why, because his match with Orton was shit, and showed he couldn't hold his own in the ring at that point in time. He's gotten better, but he's been pushed despite all his drawbacks. Oh by the way, I used to be a Reigns supporter as well as a Shield mark, but this continued push has done me in.

[ W C W F ]. C O M;5705773 said:
So you mean to tell me he doesn't draw? So fans don't show up and remain quiet the whole show when all your favorites (Finn Balor, Dean Ambrose, Samoa Joe, even Seth Rollins) are wrestling and isn't loud as hell booing or cheering off their feet when Roman Reigns is "in the house" competing? If they actually are paying to see these other guys then why are they making some noise during the entrance and dead throughout their matches? Yeah OK, but the man doesn't draw.

Fans show up to see the whole show not just one person. Some show up to see Cena, some Reigns, some Ambrose. They are all part and parcel of the same thing. So really the WWE draws not the people in the ring.

[ W C W F ]. C O M;5705773 said:
And you are an idiot if you truly believe that's what I do :lol:
Who the fuck would walk up to somebody on the streets just to ask that? If were at a party or kicking it and talking about sports and wrestling comes up and somebody who doesn't watch wants to know what happened and you want to tell them what happened..the first thing that's going to come out of your mouth is "OK so do you know____?..." as your conversation starter.

You said it yourself. You said you can walk up to plenty people and they know who Roman Reigns is. I don't know anyone who knows who he is if they aren't a wrestling fan. They know Cena, The Rock and Hogan. Some of them have heard of HHH and the Undertaker, no one has heard of Reigns.

[ W C W F ]. C O M;5705773 said:
Oh I see what this is about...You hate Reigns because he's not a decorated Indy vet of 15 years lol. In your mind, because I'm defending the guy I'm probably his biggest fan right? :lmao:

I don't hate Reigns, I don't hate indy wrestler's, just fans you like to dictate who others should and shouldn't like. You know those who categorize fans into groups of Reigns haters, indy wrestler lovers and so forth. If you are a fan of wrestling it doesn't matter how they go into the WWE. Yes I like certain wrestlers more than others just like every other fan does.
The personal best case scenario (for me, at least) is to have Samoa Joe almost win the Universe Title (like come an inch away from making Brock pass out with the Coquina Clutch) but inevitably come out the loser.

All things considered, this match could be absolutely fantastic if Lesnar's game for this. If not, it may end up a total clusterfuck.
If i could i would like to give my 2 cents on this whole debate going on as far as roman reigns and ambrose is concern because i think that's an interesting discussion that kinda spin out of control.

First of all, all do respect to Navi and Shinchan, i respect your opinion alot and we been through alot of thoses hated discussion before, but i have the other poster had some great point about Reigns but it's seem like because you guys are not into Reigns, you dismiss everything positive that's been said about him and some of the facts presented to you because you're not a fan of his. It's o.k., if you don't get it and you're not on the bandwagon, but the fact of the matter is this, if you watch Raw every week, He's the most over guy every single week.

To say that Fans don't go to a show just for one guy is also being small minded in my opinion. The fans especially younger kids are going to go to a WWE show to see the main event star. If Roman Reigns or John Cena or Even Brock Lesnar is on the card, they are going to do more business then if They are not. That's how the wrestling business worked and it's been like this for decades. Fans are attracted to stars, that's all their is to it.

As far as dean ambrose is concern, i love the guy, he's a great mid card talent but i agree that he became lazy after the shield breakup. I think that dean didn't like the fact that he was number three as far as the former shield members we're concern and after a while he just settle with doing the same match over and over again and doing what the creative team we're giving him without asking question. I look at Dean and his character and think that if he would just one time, go see vince and propose some minor twick to his character, he would be way more over then he his now.

Finally since this is a tread about the lesnar vs joe match. All i have to say about this is that i hope that this isn't another one of those 15 minutes squash match that lesnar like to do and this is more of a 50-50 type of match we're lesnar still look dominant without hurting Joe momentum too much.
Ambrose is too afraid? You're naming some stars who took risk and became successful. What about those who didn't? I would really like to know why you think that he's scared? to be liked by the boss. Just some.
He said something along those lines on the Stone Cold Podcast when Austin asked him to take more risk.

1 weekend's data? I would ask for evidence for it as well. But for your sake, let's assume that it was just one weekend. That's still a huge achievement.
I totally agree fam

And then you imply that I don't take Roman Reigns as the top guy. And then also tell where I said that he isn't a top guy because he's booed as a baby face. Or you like to put words into other's mouth to serve your purpose? John Cena is a legend. Who said otherwise? Atleast I didn't.
It isn't that I was attempting to put words in your mouth I was saying that IF you were making the point that he wasn't a star like many other's because he got booed that you were then essentially saying the same about Cena who became a legend from those reactions.
I don't think that Roman Reigns is a star. I don't feel it.
Again I don't think that Roman Reigns is a star. Daniel Bryan was. CM Punk was. AJ Styles is. John Cena is. I can't name Roman Reigns in these legends. .
I respect your opinion and I totally agree I wouldn't put Reigns in the same category as legends like Cena, Punk, Bryan, or Styles either because they've earned their place in history. My whole purpose was that Reigns is the biggest (non-legend) star they have right now.

The so-called star hasn't impressed me yet on the mic. If stars can be without good mic skills, I'll prefer Cesaro over Roman Reigns to chose as a star
Shinsuke Nakamura? Brock Lesnar? Andre The Giant? Rey Mysterio? Batista (to an extent)? Chris Benoit? Goldberg (to an extent)?
Why do I defend Reigns so much? Because no one else will give him credit. When was the last time Reigns cut a cringy bad promo? It's been a while for sure. I'm not saying he's great on the mic but I'm saying he's not bad anymore mainly nowhere near as bad as people make him out to be.
The numbers for Reigns were larger because he was playing bigger arena's, but they should have been a lot bigger.
Should have looked more into that you're right. Dirtsheets only reported it as he was "outdrawing" Cena.

All of the Shield member's were over, well except for Seth, but you are right it wasn't until Summerslam they really started to turn on him. Why, because his match with Orton was shit, and showed he couldn't hold his own in the ring at that point in time. He's gotten better, but he's been pushed despite all his drawbacks. Oh by the way, I used to be a Reigns supporter as well as a Shield mark, but this continued push has done me in.
We're agreed on that, however I give the man credit he's pretty talented but my only problem with him is booking and I feel alot of people don't give him credit just because of his booking.

Fans show up to see the whole show not just one person. Some show up to see Cena, some Reigns, some Ambrose. They are all part and parcel of the same thing. So really the WWE draws not the people in the ring.
Which belittle's your own point that he doesn't "draw shit"

You said it yourself. You said you can walk up to plenty people and they know who Roman Reigns is. I don't know anyone who knows who he is if they aren't a wrestling fan. They know Cena, The Rock, Hogan, HHH, and the Undertaker, not as many has heard of Reigns.
Fixed that

I don't hate Reigns, I don't hate indy wrestler's, just fans like you like to dictate who others should and shouldn't like. You know those who categorize fans into groups of Reigns haters, indy wrestler lovers and so forth. If you are a fan of wrestling it doesn't matter how they go into the WWE. Yes I like certain wrestlers more than others just like every other fan does.
Just like how Roman haters call all of Roman's fans "idiots." :lmao: Nah on a serious note I made my comment because alot of Reigns haters makes it clear they don't like him because they feel (insert former Indy vet name here) deserves the opportunity he's being given.

So don't take it as if I'm trying to say you have to like Reigns. I'm just saying the kid's a star.
Look at us...

Fuckin' hell I remember when the match between Brock and Goldberg got booked, "oh he's gonna be fed, it'll be just the same waah waahh."

Shut up.

Enjoy the ride, Joe will be fine and there is a higher purpose they wish to serve here.

He WILL come out looking strong, he will be laying his stuff in.
Aha. The multiple quote game. :rolleyes:

[ W C W F ]. C O M;5705773 said:
FIRST OF ALL!! I never tried to twist anything and never denied that he did. I was pointing out that fans make it seem as Ambrose was outselling him for months when it was in fact only two shows.
I didn't make it seem as if Ambrose was outselling Reigns for months. The main point is that Ambrose outsold him when he was headlining in B-level areas while Reigns was headlining A-level areas.

Another blind Reigns hater who believes Roman Reigns was never over as a solo competitor and fans turned on him the day after The Shield split when the guy was LITERALLY the most over babyface in the company from April 2014-Until his injury. Fans didn't even begin to slowly begin to turn on him until after his match with Randy at SummerSlam but that was only on the internet. Roman was still getting cheered louder than anyone else on TV and didn't really start getting booed until Royal Rumble 2015. He did face a small portions of boo's that was barely heard on two occasions before then though.
I love it when someone who posts a constructive criticism on Roman Reigns and is called as a Roman Reigns hater. Such a good ideology to use, right? :rolleyes:

Oh I see what this is about...You hate Reigns because he's not a decorated Indy vet of 15 years lol. In your mind, because I'm defending the guy I'm probably his biggest fan right? :lmao:
Another lame assumption. I love Braun Strowman. Navi probably likes him. Is he a decorated indy vet? Stop with the baseless assumptions and judgments.

[ W C W F ]. C O M;5706037 said:
He said something along those lines on the Stone Cold Podcast when Austin asked him to take more risk.
He also said that Brock Lesnar didn't want to do something regarding their match which Ambrose wanted to do.

It isn't that I was attempting to put words in your mouth I was saying that IF you were making the point that he wasn't a star like many other's because he got booed that you were then essentially saying the same about Cena who became a legend from those reactions.
I don't think so.

I respect your opinion and I totally agree I wouldn't put Reigns in the same category as legends like Cena, Punk, Bryan, or Styles either because they've earned their place in history.
Same here.

My whole purpose was that Reigns is the biggest (non-legend) star they have right now.
I don't feel him as a star.

Shinsuke Nakamura?
The second biggest NJPW Superstar. Roman Reigns isn't in NJPW that his average mic skills shall not be considered.

Brock Lesnar?
Seriously? Paul Heyman?

Andre The Giant?
The Eighth wonder of the world.

Rey Mysterio?
Everyone knows why he got the title.

Batista (to an extent)?
Not a star for me.

Chris Benoit?
Awesome in-ring skills. One of the best.

Goldberg (to an extent)?
Aha. Intensity. Booking. Monster persona.

Why do I defend Reigns so much? Because no one else will give him credit.
I did but some Roman Reigns fans literally ignore them to prove the other side a hater.

When was the last time Reigns cut a cringy bad promo?
I'll spin it out. When was the last time he cut a good promo? A promo good enough to be from a star?

It's been a while for sure. I'm not saying he's great on the mic but I'm saying he's not bad anymore mainly nowhere near as bad as people make him out to be.
He isn't great. He isn't bad. He is meh in mic. I don't want something meh from a star. All those you mentioned had something special as I specified. What's Roman Reigns speciality? He doesn’t have his music yet. Still continuing with Shield one.

Honestly, I like him but Roman Reigns fans over rate him as if he's a star already. And then I might termed as a hater.

And wrestlingmasters55, I don't dismiss everything positive about Roman Reigns. But can't blame you since you don't know me. After all, I & Navi are Roman Reigns haters.
Nah, this won't be routine for Brock Lesnar. Samoa Joe is going to give him the fight of his life, because Joe is a good wrestler. I expect to see the old Lesnar, that technical powerhouse that broke arms and built farms. I can easily see this bout going a solid 20 minutes, maybe more. I'd kill to watch Joe try to escape a Brock Lock, or The Beast Incarnate struggling in a Muscle Buster. Them throwing their entire arsenal at each other would be the last thing fans expect, making it fucking awesome. I actually doubt it will be the suplex, suplex, F-5 formula. Watch these two men surprise us all. They want Great Balls of Fire to be remembered as a historic night, perhaps an annual event, don't they? They'll make us care. This won't be an easy first defense for Brock. Joe has been a monster all on his own. I'm looking forward to this.

I do worry somewhat that what happened on RAW to Heyman will be justification for this being a squash-ish match. That Lesnar will just reach a level we've never seen before and unleash all hell on Joe, and I think the fact that Lesnar is gonna be the face in this feud only adds credibility to that. I hope I'm wrong though, I want this to be competitive. A match-up like this, which has been dreamt about for years now deserves to be competitive. I hope WWE realizes that.
Aha. The multiple quote game. :rolleyes:
LMAO see that's why you my dude

I didn't make it seem as if Ambrose was outselling Reigns for months. The main point is that Ambrose outsold him when he was headlining in B-level areas while Reigns was headlining A-level areas.
I wasn't specifically saying you I was saying that you see alot where fans make it seem as if Roman couldn't draw because of that one weekend.

I love it when someone who posts a constructive criticism on Roman Reigns and is called as a Roman Reigns hater. Such a good ideology to use, right? :rolleyes:
It wasn't that I was saying you were specifically a Roman hater. I was saying more so is that some of the stuff Navi was saying came off as a blinded Roman hater rather than someone just speaking the truth.

Another lame assumption. I love Braun Strowman. Navi probably likes him. Is he a decorated indy vet? Stop with the baseless assumptions and judgments.
Again I was saying vast majority not necessiarily you.

He also said that Brock Lesnar didn't want to do something regarding their match which Ambrose wanted to do.
That's cool but how is saying that exactly something to "fear" being punished for. It wasn't a negative comment. I was just saying that Ambrose is far better than he is showing but he said on Austin's Podcast he was in fear to take risk because he only does what he is told to do because he doesn't want to get in trouble.

I don't think so.

Same here.

I don't feel him as a star.
I respecty your opinion!

The second biggest NJPW Superstar. Roman Reigns isn't in NJPW that his average mic skills shall not be considered.
He's a legend, I would never take that from Shinsuke but what I referring to is his current run as a former 2x NXT Champ and a current undefeated top star on SmackDown.

The Eighth wonder of the world.
So a nickname?
Everyone knows why he got the title.
:lmao::lmao::lmao: True ctfu

Not a star for me.
OK so I guess that's fair because he's pretty much Reigns from a previous era. So I stand corrected on this not just being because of he's being overpushed

I did but some Roman Reigns fans literally ignore them to prove the other side a hater.
I totally agree with you on that, but I don't hate Reigns myself because of his fans or because of his booking. I can't stand the way he is booked like a God at times, but in the same breathe he always delivers.
I'll spin it out. When was the last time he cut a good promo? A promo good enough to be from a star?
(See his promo before WrestleMania) Hell even his promo's of a few sentences getting straight to the point before slapping the shit out of somebody has been entertaining in the past few weeks.

He isn't great. He isn't bad. He is meh in mic. I don't want something meh from a star. All those you mentioned had something special as I specified. What's Roman Reigns speciality? He doesn’t have his music yet. Still continuing with Shield one.
Totally agree and not everyone needs some type of over the top character like a Shinsuke Nakamura, The Undertaker, or a John Cena. Reigns works best as a "I don't give a fuck about anybody" badass. WWE fucks that up at times trying to have him playing underdog when he's 265 pounds. I also agree he needs to get rid of The Shield stuff to be a true stand out stand alone star.

Honestly, I like him but Roman Reigns fans over rate him
I'm with you on that point...but the rest of the comment not so much. How do we say a 3x WWE Champion that literally has the crowd going nuts for him whether cheering or booing more than LITERALLY any other star on the roster including John Cena, getting pushed to the moon (even though it's being forced), and just retired The Undertaker at WrestleMania, and beat Triple H for the WWE Championship a year before isn't a star?
While I have my fears about the match, Joe ending up as the challenger to Lesnar got me to actually watch Raw for the first time in a month. Whether the match is good or bad, the build for the next 4 or 5 weeks should be outstanding, unless Joe has to go 50/50 in a match against anyone not named Roman Reigns as he(Roman) is the only other person that has enough credibility to push Lesnar to his limits. I really hope we get a slugfest between Joe and Lesnar and if Joe manages to beat Lesnar, we could have a major star on our hands.
Golden opportunity here for WWE. Have the match go back and forth and right when Lesnar gets the upperhand and hits the F-5. You have Gallows & Anderson run out along with ADAM COLE!!! They interfere allowing Joe to win the Title. Then Joe announces he's the new leader of THE CLUB!!! And now you have a 4 person heel club leading Raw. Lesnar goes away for awhile until Royal Rumble. You have Lesnar and Reigns eliminate each other at the same time. Reigns vs. Lesnar 2 at Mania to determine whose yard it is, not for the universal title. Book Joe strong all the way up to Mania when defends vs. Finn Balor (Rumble Winner) for the Universal Title.

Mania Matches
Joe vs. Balor (Universal Title)
Styles vs. Nakamura (WWE Title)
Reigns vs. Lesnar
John Cena vs. Chris Jericho (US Title Match)
Owens/Zayn vs. New Day - Tag Titles (New Day heel turn, Owens face turn)
Hardy's vs. Rollins/Ambrose - Tag Titles
Charlotte vs. Asuka
Banks vs. Bailey
Miz vs. Cesaro (I-C Title)
[ W C W F ]. C O M;5706257 said:
LMAO see that's why you my dude

I wasn't specifically saying you I was saying that you see alot where fans make it seem as if Roman couldn't draw because of that one weekend.
But I didn't so that's not point of concern here.

It wasn't that I was saying you were specifically a Roman hater. I was saying more so is that some of the stuff Navi was saying came off as a blinded Roman hater rather than someone just speaking the truth.
I'll tell you why. Even a Roman Reigns or anyone's hater has some credibility at least for them. Most of the people have problems with his booking which is overlooked. As much as I know Navi, she was a big Roman Reigns fan. And you know what, if a fan stops caring about his favorite, there's surely something wrong with it.

Again I was saying vast majority not necessarily you.
There's no need for that.

That's cool but how is saying that exactly something to "fear" being punished for. It wasn't a negative comment. I was just saying that Ambrose is far better than he is showing but he said on Austin's Podcast he was in fear to take risk because he only does what he is told to do because he doesn't want to get in trouble.
Ambrose is actually better than he's showing. But I know that he'll be overlooked by Vince.

Same here.

I respect your opinion!
Same Pinch.

He's a legend, I would never take that from Shinsuke but what I referring to is his current run as a former 2x NXT Champ and a current undefeated top star on SmackDown.
Being the NXT Champion, mic skills don't matter much. Being in 3 consecutive main events of Wrestlemania does. Current undefeated top star? You expect him to lose this soon? Even Tye Dillinger hasn't lost yet.

So a nickname?
Wanted to convey indirectly how much big sensation he was due to some special abilities.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: True ctfu

OK so I guess that's fair because he's pretty much Reigns from a previous era. So I stand corrected on this not just being because of he's being overpushed
I do respect him for putting over Daniel Bryan though.

I totally agree with you on that, but I don't hate Reigns myself because of his fans or because of his booking. I can't stand the way he is booked like a God at times, but in the same breathe he always delivers.
Roman Reigns' main problem is booking and it was the same.

(See his promo before WrestleMania) Hell even his promo's of a few sentences getting straight to the point before slapping the shit out of somebody has been entertaining in the past few weeks.
Haven't been impressed yet.

Totally agree and not everyone needs some type of over the top character like a Shinsuke Nakamura, The Undertaker, or a John Cena. Reigns works best as a "I don't give a fuck about anybody" badass. WWE fucks that up at times trying to have him playing underdog when he's 265 pounds. I also agree he needs to get rid of The Shield stuff to be a true stand out stand alone star.
Exactly. The Roman Reigns I love is the one that beat the hell outta Triple H. That's the best one. Agree about Shield stuff as well. He's probably affecting the impact of reunion of Shield as well.

I'm with you on that point...but the rest of the comment not so much. How do we say a 3x WWE Champion that literally has the crowd going nuts for him whether cheering or booing more than LITERALLY any other star on the roster including John Cena, getting pushed to the moon (even though it's being forced), and just retired The Undertaker at WrestleMania, and beat Triple H for the WWE Championship a year before isn't a star?
Because I have yet to feel that he's a star. Accomplishments won't make me care for him. Performance will.

P.S: Sorry for late reply. I was too busy for a fully-devoted reply.
How many times have we been robbed of what could have been decent Brock matches in favour of squashes? Orton vs Brock could have been good, ditto for vs Ambrose, even vs Kofi at the Japan network special.

Here's hoping the Goldberg squashes serve as a humanizing of Brock. Joe beating on Brock before ultimately going down would do wonders for both men. Joe doesn't grow if he gets obliterated.

We'll see a coquina clutch spot where Brock nearly passes out but ultimately gets up. The match won't be long, but hopefully it gets 10 minutes. Both these guys hit hard, so let them hit hard. Brock will look tougher if he takes a beating from Joe and still wins.

Where does Joe go from here though? Isn't his only way down from here? It'll be interesting to see how they keep his momentum going.
If the Brock from the CM Punk match decides to show up we could easily be in for a match of the year contender. I mean it's pretty obvious creative is behind Lesnar doing the same suplex match over and over, but regardless, if they let Lesnar and Joe go balls to the wall for 15 minutes or so it could be a classic.

What I don't want to see is Lesnar giving him 10 suplexes and then hitting an F5 for the pin. It's fine if Goldberg, Cena, and Orton take that, they didn't need a competitive match against Brock and were fine after a good ol thrashing. Rollins, Ambrose etc. are a different story but that's for another time. I am however surprised that we are getting Joe vs Lesnar this soon as Joe just came up a few months ago and hasn't really done much. Which furthers my fear that this could be just a squash for Lesnar and he moves on to the next victim on his road to crowning Reigns next year at Mania.

Look, I get it if you want Reigns to be the guy to take Lesnar down and, depending on if Lesnar resigns or not, make the beast ride off into the sunset, but we can at least make it interesting on the way there. I've never been opposed to the Reigns/Lesnar rematch as everyone else on this forum seems to be. Their first match was rocking and I have no doubt their second match will be. I just want some kick ass matches from Brock before he hangs it up. These guys like Joe don't have to beat him, but have a brutal brawl and look good doing it. There's no shame in losing to Brock nowadays, but taking him to the limit can certainly do way more than a squash could.
What show are people watching? Samoa Joe isnt getting the job treatment, hell to make this clusterfuck ppv work, Joe may well win the belt and defend in a rematch at Summerslam. With HHH returning, and he is HHH hired gun, whats to stop HHH returning and giving the assist? Lesnar chasing the title, and the belt on Raw every week will improve things.

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