WWE Extreme Rules: Women's Championship Submission Match - Charlotte (c) VS Natalya


Natalya gets her rematch at Extreme Rules in a submission match in which Ric Flair is barred from ringside.

These ladies have delivered some very entertaining matches against each other, though I still think their best outing was at Roadblock, and though it's pretty self explanatory, a submission match can only be won via submission. I'm wondering if the ladies will get a little "extreme" during this match as it's, essentially, a night of no DQ matches. At any rate, I expect Charlotte to retain against Nattie and I'm guessing she won't drop the Women's Championship until SummerSlam.
The finish to their Payback match was too dumb and illogical.

Ric Flair being banned from ringside makes me happy as his interferences have despised me. WWE even made Ric interfere at Wrestlemania 32 which sucks.

I am curious as to how Charlotte would use a heel tactic here. There is no way, Nattie wins this. The match being submission one intrigues me more. Atlast, Charlotte wins via Figure 8. I am exoecting a better match from these 2 good women wrestlers.

About the WWE Women Championship, I think that Charlotte would be the champ till Summerslam to lose it to Sasha Banks. Then Sasha could reign until Wrestlemania 33 where Bayley defeats her for the title. Thus, Both Sasha and Bayley get deserved moments at the 2 big PPVs.
Now that they got that ridiculous Montreal screw job ending out of their system, then can have a proper one on one match without grandpa Flair getting involved. They had a great match at the PPV before Mania and I don't see why they couldn't do it again at Extreme Rules.
No Flair is always a positive. It's just a shame they're starting their new division by treading water. The plan is to put the title on Banks at some point, right? Charlotte is just holding it until what everybody wants happens.
No Flair is always a positive. It's just a shame they're starting their new division by treading water. The plan is to put the title on Banks at some point, right? Charlotte is just holding it until what everybody wants happens.

Yeah it's like they only got 4 wrestlers in that division - Charlotte, Emma, Natayla and Becky. We've already seen Charlotte vs. Becky and Charlotte vs. Paige. I assume like everybody we'll have the title change take place at Summerslam against Sasha. I just wonder what they could do in the meantime to hold it off.

I expect Natayla to pass out to Charlotte's finisher then face Natayla again at MITB and win. Then, I guess we get Charlotte vs. Sasha at Battleground and Summerslam.
So Charlotte won this match via some help from her new Ric Flair aka Dana Brooke.

I am really happy to see Charlotte away from the shadows of Ric Flair.

I wouldn't have minded a Charlotte win via any other heel tactic. But this finish was just okay. Atleast too better than that Payback one.

Happy for Dana too. Her plans were with Emma, but due to latter's injury, former's plans were ruined.

I would really like this duo or trio (add in another women)to rule the division until Summerslam where Sasha can defy the odds to become the new Women Champion.

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