WWE Divas Rankings


Championship Contender
I am gonna list all the WWE and NXT divas and I would like you to rank them in order of wrestling ability, looks can be factor in how you perceive them as a wrestler but is not the focus of this, just rank based on talent.

There are currently 13 Main Roster Divas as well as 7 NXT ones according to Wikipedia so rank them between 1 and 20 on your personal opinion of their talent. If you dont watch NXT just do the Main Roster between 1 and 13. The Divas in alphabetical order are:
1. Alexa Bliss
2. Alicia Fox
3. Bayley
4. Becky Lynch
5. Brie Bella
6. Cameron
7. Carmella
8. Charlotte
9. Dana Brooke
10. Emma
11. Eva Marie
12. Layla
13. Naomi
14. Natalya
15. Nikki Bella
16. Paige
17. Rosa Mendes
18. Sasha Banks
19. Summer Rae
20. Tamina
I rated them on how I see them in terms of overall total package....

1. Nikki Bella
2. Paige
3. Natalya
4. Naomi
5. Layla
6. Tamina
7. Summer Rae
8. Brie Bella
9. Emma
10. Alicia Fox
11. Cameron
12. Eva Marie
13. Rosa Mendes
I agree on ranking on overall package, since we all know being a great wrestler won’t mean much if you don’t have “it”. Especially in the Divas Division.

1. Charlotte - I feel like with a little time and effort the crowd will take anything she has to offer simply because she’s Flair’s daughter. Not to mention she knows her way inside and out of the ring so that’s even more reason to root for her. The only downside is, I honestly don’t think she’s that attractive, which has the potential to be a huge downside. Unless we’re ready to see her “ugly duckling” to Mickie James’ “miss piggy".

2. Paige - It took me a while to warm up to Paige, she was another NXT diva I knew nothing about from actually seeing her, I just took what people had to say about her as truth and felt that for all the hype she was kind on “meh”. Though her feud with AJ wasn't done as well as it could’ve been that’s when I really started digging her. She was getting much more comfortable both in the ring and on the mic and it showed greatly. I still don’t truly feel I’ve seen the anti-diva persona that put her on the map so that’s also something to look forward.

3. Layla - You wanna talk about a diva who has it all?? Layla is beautiful with personality and an in ring ability with the experience to back it up. She’s on the back burner now do to injuries and younger divas, but if they gave her another shot I have no doubt she would do great heel or face.

4. Nikki Bella - I blame 99.9% of Nikki Bella’s problem since she’s improved on WWE creative. She’s made strides in the ring (anyone who says otherwise can kiss her perfectly tanned ass) and I believe that if given programs that aren’t completely shallow and/or a character that didn't change whenever the wind blew she’d be an even better diva. Considering she's had this faulty handling and she’s still improving and entertaining says a lot.

5. Sasha Banks - Ok not going to lie, I’m not as impressed with Banks as some others are. I’ve only been watching NXT for a short while but I can definitely vouch for her in-ring ability. But again, I was expecting a little more personality wise given the hype around “the boss”. Again, I’ve only been watching for a short time (and I'm a few episodes behind as is) so I probably missed most of her character development, but I don't feel like she'd struggle to command a large crowd's attention.

6. Bayley - I feel like the crowd would eat her up just like they ate Eugene up. They’d be sad for her when they needed to be happy again when she needed them to be. Then she’d get in the ring and they’d be like, “What’s this black magic?? She can go?” Imagine a less attractive but more adorable Maria whose not stupid just oozes innocence. If handled properly she could be big.

7. Emma - Another diva who knows her way all the way around a ring, but I’m just not feeling her. They, apparently, took a small crowd gimmick and tried it on the main stage to a big fat flop, and I haven’t seen any damage control for me to take her seriously. No, Santino didn’t help. That being said whenever the recovery begins I still feel like they could do a lot with her.

8. Naomi - I feel like Naomi has a good personality, but up until a few weeks ago it was very one dimensional. She’s doing alright with her heel turn, nothing spectacular but it’s watchable. She’s the most athletic diva on the roster, but at times would get ahead of herself, especially with divas who couldn’t keep up as is, and it made for very awkward spots. Her match with Nikki at Extreme Rules though was very enjoyable which leads me to believe my earlier assumptions that if she just slowed down a bit (as most heels do) she would do just fine.

9. Alicia Fox - She seems to be the go-to beta diva in most cases. She’s good in the ring, and if they would giver her a different character…or any character for that matter, besides the chick that goes a little wacko sometimes and then is fine and then goes a little crazy again but then is fine…you get where I’m going with this. She’s a bit uncomfortable on the mic but with some more exposure I think she’d do fine. She also has one of the best diva finishers.

10. Natalya - No one can take away from what she has to offer in the ring, but that really doesn’t change the fact that she has the personality of a brown paper bag. Even on Total Divas I found myself being bored to tears with her and her woe is me storyline. Is what she’s complaining about true? Yes, for the most part, but that doesn’t make her any less of a drag to listen to. I do fault creative for years of mishandling with few and far between glimpses of hope, and I still believe she should have been the first Divas Champion, because for the most past she’s been lost ever since she lost all those years ago.

11. Summer Rae - When you think of a WWE diva some Summer Rae-ish type of woman should be one of the first things to pop up in your head. She has charisma and the look, and she’s decent in the ring given how little experience she has.

12. Becky Lynch - From the very little that I’ve seen she can go in the ring and has a personality I feel most fans would enjoy. I just feel like she’d be the current day Katie Lee if not handled properly though.

13. Tamina - She has a great look, I honestly expected her to be the next Beth Phoenix. Really can’t remember much about her in-ring ability besides a power kick (which, granted, was impressive), and she’s also a little stiff on the mic from what tidbits I’ve heard.

14. Brie Bella - BRIE MODE!! (just to piss you off :p) Once upon a time, believe it or not, Brie was actually ahead of Nikki in the ring. I honesty don’t know what happened, as Nikki’s taking her opportunity and running with it Brie seems to be sort of ambling along for the ride. Again blame creative for the ambiguous character, or lack thereof, but she doesn’t do herself any favors because she’s often so stiff and…BRIE MODE!! Sorry once I get going I can’t stop, where was I? Ah yes, if they showed her for the down to earth hippie she is maybe all would be well, but having her behave like a teenage bully (complete with the holding a giant L to her forehead) just shows how much she’s acting…and how bad she is at it. Following her on Instagram and seeing her on TV at times makes me feel like there’s a 3rd twin running around.

15. Alexa Bliss - Might as well call her Kelly Kelly…Kelly. She’s what K2 improved to be by the time she left, so she has plenty of room to grow and seems at least comfortable being interviewed backstage. I’ve only seen two of her matches, both with Sasha, one better than the other, but the second seemed like it was nerves more than anything else. With some concentration she could be a good baby face diva. Or at least a good face valet.

16. Eva Marie - She’s trying guys. You can see videos of her training and it didn’t take years for her to get that she has a golden opportunity so why not make the most of it and do as best you can while you’re at it. I commend her for her efforts. Her look is Maximum Hot 100 worthy, need I say more? I feel like she has a personality that can easily rub people the wrong way but with a few teaks that can be worked to her advantage.

17. Carmella - I don’t know why the crowd is all the way down her back but I like her. Her personality is on 10 without looking cheesy and she oozes charisma, hopefully she can match it up in the ring. Given the crowds approvals I feel like she can be a successful face or heel.

18. Cameron - Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron. I know she’s on just about everyone’s sh!t list and she’s embarrassed herself far too many times to forget…but I feel like she could at least be a good heel valet. At most? From what I’ve seen, she’s actually decent in the ring if you forgive her erm, pinning error. But unlike Eva I don’t see her doing anything to improver herself so, eh.

19. Rosa Mendes - I remember hearing great things about her in the ring before she debuted as Phoenix’s super fan…maybe I made it all up. She’s just, not…it.

20. Dana Brook - N/A. I couldn’t tell you what she looks like.
I'd rank the main roster divas separately from the NXT divas given how differently the divas are booked on the shows.

Anyway, here are mine from who is the best to who is the worst.

Main Roster Divas
Summer Rae
Tamina Snuka
Nikki Bella
Alicia Fox
Eva Marie
Rosa Mendes
Brie Bella

Natalya and Paige are so far above the others it's not even funny. They are both former Divas Champions who are top tier in every category. Emma and Summer Rae both have a ton of potential, but once you take accomplishments into account they dropped down on the ranking a little. Nikki Bella, while she still sucks in the ring, has begun to impress me, so she moved up a few spots. The whole bottom half of the list is made up of divas who suck at basically everything. How does Rosa Mendes still have a job at WWE? Brie and Cameron are easily the worst of all though.

NXT Divas
Becky Lynch
Sasha Banks
Alexa Bliss
Dana Brooke

Charlotte's main roster promotion has to be coming any day now. She's the best NXT has and there is nothing left for her to do there. Becky Lynch is the best of the remaining divas with Sasha not far behind. They all have potential to do quite well, even Dana Brooke who just needs more time to improve in the ring. Her current in-ring skill level is my only problem with her, I see the potential. Carmella is the only one I'm not confident about. She sucks on NXT so it's all but guaranteed she will suck on the main roster if she ever even gets there.

Just for fun I'll still do a combined list:

Becky Lynch
Sasha Banks
Summer Rae
Tamina Snuka
Alexa Bliss
Nikki Bella
Alicia Fox
Eva Marie
Dana Brooke
Rosa Mendes
Brie Bella

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