WWE Burying Zack Ryder


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It seems to me that the WWE has been really burying Zack Ryder as of late.

I'm not sure how many have caught it but when Husky Harris got elimnated and Cody Rhodes went on a rant about the pros I believe he said "Zack Ryder? Oh yeah, you're a pro. Good luck in your future endeavours, pal!" or something like that, I'll find a youtube vid

right in the beginning.

Also, when Sheamus says he'll defend his title on RAW, we all knew it would be a squash match. Whos the person he'll pick? The best jobber? Santino? No. hornswoggle? No. Primo? No. Zack Ryder? You could have picked any of those other three i listed cuz they all job worse than him.

So, what do you think?
Is the WWE burying Zack Ryder

Why do you think they are doing this?

Do you think Ryder will be released in the near future?

I think they are burying him

I have no clue why they are doing this

I don't really want to, but I think he may be around for another couple months and then he'll be gone.

Let's discuss
There you go. When you post videos you only have to put in the part after ?v= between the brackets and not the whole url.

I don't think so. I think it was just part of Cody's promo and gimmick. Since Cody is suppose to be or act like he is better than everyone else.

Also, Zack getting chosen by Sheamus. I think he was really one of the only choices. Who else could they chose that they use on RAW. Evan Bourne???? Yeaaaa, we know that is not going to be a squash.

So.....pretty much I think it just happened by accident and your just over analyzing.
They're not burying rider. About 3 weeks ago on NXT they had him beat Joe Henning in one of his only losses. I think they're just trying to get him more exposser. Losing to Sheamus isn't a big deal they job people to him all day, and Cody's character is just a jerk it's how it's presented not meant to be literal.
I really like Zack Ryder. We all have guys who are kinda in jobber status that we like. In WCW I loved Norman Smiley. Don't ask me why, but we all have guys "We" like.

Zack Ryder is an under appriciated talent. He's a good worker, decent on the mic, and ACTUALLY has a gimmick. If he was given alittle push on Raw or Smackdown, and allowed to cut a promo on the crowd before each match finishing with WOO WOO WOO, he could get over as a heel and maybe a face later on.

I thought WWE was going to push him some when they paired him Alica Fox and made him a coach of NXT but neither worked out. Remember, he also retired Tommy Dreamer on ECW.

Ultimately I think he'll be released. Which is too bad.
zack rider put down the piper! zack doesnt do anything for the WWE as of late atleast give the man a last match against edge the man wh helped him in the begining. WOO WOO WOO YOU BLEW IT

lets look for zack ryders upside if he gets released maybe he can be on the next season of jersey shore
I'm sorry maybe it's me but I just can't see anything of value in Ryder. He had a funny gimmik at first and excels on the mic but unless they put him in the US Title scene heis screwed. Now if he shows up more and impresses me I will gladly sing his praises if that happens.
Of course Zack Ryder isn't being buried. In order to be ruried, you first have to be elevated somewhere. Ryder is notihng. He never has been anything and he is unlikely to be anything for the forseeable future.

So yeah, he's not being buried by virtue of not being anything to begin with.
I really hope they are not burying Zack Ryder hes a great talent he can work the mic and in the ring as well he can work however unless they give him a US title push i fear that sooner then later they may release him which really sucks as i like him i am a proud member of the zack pack i just hope that they do give him a push in some form because i would love to see more of Zack Ryder WOO WOO WOO You Know It
Actually, I think it's the opposite of a bury. All this attention hating on him is kinda pushing in my eyes. Woo, Woo, Woo.
I was backstage at an event recently and he was kinda off by himself; he was on his cell; he was one of the few not dressed up in the back and he honestly looked like that guy no one talks to; his hair was down (not spiked); no one asked for autographs-I honestly got the feeling he was not--well think Charlie Haas.
I love Ryder. it seemed like he was getting a US title push when he came to Raw from ECW, I think he even got a pinfall victory over Moriisson.
And now? Yeah, he is being jobbed into oblivion.
Also, Zack getting chosen by Sheamus. I think he was really one of the only choices. Who else could they chose that they use on RAW. Evan Bourne???? Yeaaaa, we know that is not going to be a squash.

Bourne used to job to Sheamus every other week it seemed. And after being in the Raw main event WWE went right back to making him irrelevant. They cant decide whether or not to give Bourne a push and he could easily have been put in that match instead of Ryder. Both are irrelevant, yet talented guys who are being held down and not given the chance to shine for whatever reason.

I see Ryder being around for maybe another 6 months of so. He and MVP are on the same level as well accept MVP gets to main event NXT. Congrats! you still are irrelevant. WWE has all of these great mid card talents who continue to do nothing but work house shows and the usual pointless match on TV. Ryder is one of them.

I was backstage at an event recently and he was kinda off by himself; he was on his cell; he was one of the few not dressed up in the back and he honestly looked like that guy no one talks to; his hair was down (not spiked); no one asked for autographs-I honestly got the feeling he was not--well think Charlie Haas.

Hard to be happy when you finally get your dream job, then end up jobbing every night.

zack rider put down the piper! zack doesnt do anything for the WWE as of late atleast give the man a last match against edge the man wh helped him in the begining. WOO WOO WOO YOU BLEW IT

lets look for zack ryders upside if he gets released maybe he can be on the next season of jersey shore

How do you blow an oppertunity you never got?
Zack Ryder is far from being buried on Raw. To my knowledge, he was just in the main event on Raw and although he was destroyed by Sheamus in that match, who can honestly say that they weren’t surprised by Sheamus’ choice of number one contender? I know that I was and I am sure that I am not alone in that view.

Basically, it comes down to this. Zack Ryder may have a bright future with the WWE and I think you have to give him credit for making his persona so unique. However, for some reason the WWE have no faith in him and that is the problem. He was in the main event of Raw and who knows what this might do for his character. I will say that I did think it was completely refreshing to see him stepping into the ring against Sheamus.

However, as Remix has already said, he would need to be elevated to be buried and that simply hasn’t happened for Zack Ryder. I am intrigued to see how he spins what happened on Raw to his favour and this might be something new for him to work with. I just think he needs some help and a little faith from the WWE and he will come good. He has the fan support anyway. Now it is just a matter of securing his push.
Well that night that Cod said that Zack did beat Kofi's pro but he hasn't gotten a chance to do much, he is mostly used has a jobber or for fun. Woo woo woo you know it
I personally think WWE is about to turn Ryder face. Think about it: Sheamus beats him in the main event. Cody Rhodes insults him. He gets a rookie thats a face on NXT. Its a goofy gimmick but a lot of people like goofy gimmicks.
Yeah i agree with some of the posters, you need to be something more than a jobber to be buried, i do think that zack can do a lot more but right now he is drowning in the heavily star powered RAW, and he is no more relevant than santino and kozlov.
i think so i mean he went from being on raw every monday with the whole rosa love angle to being on nxt (and having his rookie gone first) and being on raw occationally teaming with Regal or Primo to lose to the likes of Santino&Kaslov
Ryder is like the next Carlito great start then put on the backburner and when it looks like a revival is coming BAM! pink slip
"Good Luck with you Future Endevors"
His in ring skills are decent and while his mic skills need improvement I think he has a lot of potential. The problem IMO is his gimmick. The whole long island ice Z name and his catch phrase of 'woo woo woo' is just not very good. He needs a new gimmick.
No they arent burying Ryder as in order to be buried you actually had to mean something in the first place and Zack has never done anything and most likely never will do anything.

Why are they doing this? Because he isnt that good, its that simple, in my eyes he is a cheap mans version of The Miz he is good on the mic average in the ring but unlike The Miz he just isnt very interesting, there is nothing about him that would make me pay money to see him and at the end of the day if you cant draw there in no way in hell Vince is gonna push you.

Where do I see Zack? Either released or a jobber in my eyes he has nothing to offer the WWE and he should be released but if not he wont climb any higher than where he currently is.
Haha, I just read a thread that said he is getting a push.

He might be, I don't know. He hasn't done much to allow himself to get buried. I think he has some potential, but WWE doesn't believe in him.

Personally, I like his music, gimmick, and catchphrase.
...and this matters because why?

What discernible value do any of you see in Ryder, honestly? You really think mediocrity like this should be championed for it's marginal effectiveness to meet the bare minimum – that is the ability to garner a few boos and lose more matches than he wins, all while clinging to his gimmick like the crutch it is?

Ryder is flotsam – unequivocal flotsam, and inconsequential at that. To gauge his value, one need only to imagine the WWE without Ryder, which is a very simple task to accomplish. I think that's all that needs to be said about the value of run-of-the-mill Zack Ryder.
Zack Ryder sucks. Another un-original wanna be. He's lousy on the mic & has no charisma. WOO WOO WOO. How original. They should repackage him and put him back in a tag team or get him a manager or valet to do his talking. I'm just waiting for the day I read about his release & his future endeavors on WWE.COM
proble with ryder is he is too much like the miz and ziggler except those two are more talented and are getting big pushes rite now. 2 things are gonna happen for ryder 1-he get relesased or 2-turn him face and rejoins curt hawkins
His in ring skills are decent and while his mic skills need improvement I think he has a lot of potential. The problem IMO is his gimmick. The whole long island ice Z name and his catch phrase of 'woo woo woo' is just not very good. He needs a new gimmick.

I gotta say I disagree. First, I think he is great on the mic, better than Morrison, Ziggler, Kofi, Drew, DiBiase, or anyone else in the midcard aside from Miz and Cody..

second, I think his gimmick is fantastic, it sets him apart from the other guys.
He would work great as a face on Smackdown, maybe give him an IC title feud against Cody, Drew or Dolph.
its hard to say, maybe he pissed off the wrong officials but Ryder has never really gotten any respect. he had like the tag title for a lil while and since then its been like nothing. if the WWE can take The Miz(My favorite wrester) to the top so quickly, then they can do something with Ryder. i think this might be a push.

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