WWE Battleground 2015: Bray Wyatt VS Roman Reigns

Who needs the win more???

  • Bray Wyatt

  • Roman Reigns

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That N Word

Actively evolving


Roman Reigns will face Bray Wyatt at WWE “Battleground” on July 19. The match was made official and announced during the 2015 edition of “Money In The BANK” on June 14.

Reigns was one of the seven men featured in the 2015 Money in the Bank Ladder Match. As he had cleared the ring and seemingly was set to pull down the briefcase during that bout, the lights when out and Wyatt appeared to attack the would be WINNER in Reigns.

**Keep it all in here*** By now i'm pretty sure everybody knows the rules the mods made for these type of post!!
Should be a bigger match than it is. But both appear to be going nowhere. Wyatt comes and goes so he has no real momentum. Reigns seems to just be waiting around for his next moment. I thought that'd be last night, but I guess they're holding off to save any Reigns fatigue.
I can see why they're feuding. I just hate they're feuding right now since Bray can't afford to get any more high profile losses.

This would have made more sense going into WM XXX last year or even MITB last year since The Shield had first split.
I think its funny that there is an outcry of Wyatt needing this so badly when he won his last feud against the current IC champ.

Says a lot more about the WWE booking than anything else.

I can see Wyatt winning as I think this feud will have a stipulation rematch at SummerSlam. Perhaps we see the reforming of the Family here?
For me the whole thing just got weirder, not that it wasn't friggin strange to start out with.

Last night on RAW Wyatt was rambling on about Reigns taking something from him, and then showed a picture of Reigns with his daughter. For the mom in me, if someone seemingly targets my child, I'm out for blood. I wouldn't be waiting for Battleground to get my hands on Wyatt. I'd be looking for him with a baseball bat in my hands.

I didn't like it when they used that child against Cena in his feud with Wyatt, and I'm not comfortable with this either.
For me the whole thing just got weirder, not that it wasn't friggin strange to start out with.

Last night on RAW Wyatt was rambling on about Reigns taking something from him, and then showed a picture of Reigns with his daughter. For the mom in me, if someone seemingly targets my child, I'm out for blood. I wouldn't be waiting for Battleground to get my hands on Wyatt. I'd be looking for him with a baseball bat in my hands.

I didn't like it when they used that child against Cena in his feud with Wyatt, and I'm not comfortable with this either.

OK, cmon... rambling about Reigns taking something? He clearly was talking about Reigns taking away his chance at MITB and through that, an opportunity to change the landscape of WWE. That was quite clear. He showed the picture of his daughter as a sort of warning of payback for taking away what he held most dear.

As for the uncomfortable part, I quite agree, but that's when Wyatt works best. That's his gimmick and not pulling stunts like that is why he's fallen so far. He's supposed to be this creepy cult leading psychopath, but what has he done the past few months that has shown that? Nothing. The feud with Cena worked so great because he was actually playing the character he's meant to portray, by targeting the children.

You can't have it both ways with Wyatt. You can't complain that he doesn't play his character well and than freak out when he pulls something that a real-life sociopath would pull. Hopefully this daughter thing actually leads to something and we can get a great feud out of it. Roman will end up winning, but it's Wyatt's job to get the fans to WANT to see Reigns win.

Reigns' daughter goes missing and Wyatt claims that the kidnapper was his "new friend." Wyatt starts doing promos with a masked man behind him who doesn't speak while Reigns' daughter is seen sitting in Bray's rocking chair, duct tape covering her mouth and her hands tied to the chair. Bray brings up Reigns' struggle to be accepted by the fans and says that his daughter now has a father that won't disappoint her. Wyatt and Reigns could have a few physical confrontations where Kane and Wyatt jump Reigns and Ambrose makes the save. Wyatt promises Reigns his daughter back if he wins at Battleground/Summerslam. Reigns wins the match and demands that Wyatt give him his daughter back. Wyatt claims that his "new friend" and him had a falling out and the "friend" left with his daughter. Reigns gets pissed and beats up Wyatt and threatens to hit him with a chair or something if he doesn't tell him where his daughter is. As he's about to hit Wyatt the lights go out. When they come back on Wyatt's sitting in his rocking chair at the bottom of the ramp and the masked man is standing in the corner on the opposite side of the ring, chair in hand, with Reigns' daughter on her knees in front of him. Starts to go after him but Bray tells him not to take a step or his "friend" will hit her with the chair. Reigns gets turns his back to Wyatt and starts telling his daughter everything will be okay and Wyatt jumps him from behind. The masked man hits Reigns with the chair a few times and Wyatt hits Sister Abigail. The masked man stands over Reigns' lifeless body and stares down at him. He then looks up at the camera and rips his mask off and reveals himself to be Dean Ambrose. Reigns starts to regain consciousness and starts using Ambrose to pull himself up to his knees. He looks up at Ambrose, not yet conscious enough to notice his attire and starts asking him what's going on and where his daughter's at and then he looks up and down Dean's body and sees the same dark robe that the mysterious masked man who's held his daughter captive wears. He looks up at Dean and starts to something like "What the h-" and Dean cracks him over the head with the chair. Wyatt, who was standing off to the side with his mouth over Roman's daughter's mouth, out of Roman's half-conscious field of vision, drops to his knees and starts laughing at Reigns. Ambrose unfolds the chair and takes a seat next to Roman and just stares at him with a blank expression. Wyatt starts singing little teapot while Roman's daughter cries at the sight of her unconscious father, to young and naive to run away from his side. Ambrose is now a heel and Wyatt moves away from wrestling into more of a manager/handler role for Ambrose. What do you guys think?
Seems as if a swerve is coming for this one, don't you think? Last time they fought, Reigns beat Wyatt in Roman's third match of the evening .....which hardly bodes well for Bray's chances in this one.

If they plan to stretch this match-up to several bouts, I'd say Bray wins the first one.....not by fair means, obviously, but the swerve would give it to him. Perhaps it would be as simple as Rowan & Harper rejoining Bray and pounding the hell out of Reigns.

Ultimately, Wyatt will wind up another stepping stone for Roman....but not at Battleground.
Really, looking at the main event and upper midcard right now, Reigns doesn't have many options. Maybe he gets absorbed into the family for a few months until he can unshackle his mind from Bray's mind control? I don't know. I don't like this match, mainly because I can't comprehend how Bray Wyatt is even on the main roster.
This is a feud that just shouldn't be happening. Neither of these guys need to lose a feud right now, but one will have to. Wyatt has been taking a lot of heat with his promos and it seems he hasn't been able to fully come out on top. And Roman, well we all the issues that have been present for him since winning Royal Rumble. So they put the two guys in a slump against each other and expect something good to come of it. I hope my pessimism is overstated and turns out to be wrong, but I just don't know about this one.
I hate the idea that either wrestler has to take a loss here, that's why I didn't vote. A Bray Wyatt loss is just another set back and will result in yet another roadblock is his career, how can anyone take him seriously after if he can never beat anyone other than Ambrose. Speaking of that , he can beat Ambrose over and over again but lose to Reigns ? What does that say about Ambrose then ?

Roman Reigns losing is another set back for Reigns as well. Reigns headlined WM and was screwed and out of the title picture in a snap. MITB he is set for the briefcase , but screwed again. Elimination Chamber he didn't even have a match.

A loss hurts both wrestlers.
wwe should have wyatt succeed in getting reigns to embrace his "inner monster" where he failed with cena. have reigns be his brainwashed monster before eventually having him "break free" and beat wyatt (survivor series/TLC)
Does anyone really care about Wyatt's feuds anymore? He had an interesting motive with using Roman's daughter and all but that seems to have been scrapped altogether. Now he is just a thorn in Reigns side until Reigns beats him at Battleground and Wyatt moves on to someone else for no reason. Anyone but you? Wtf does that even mean?

I haven't cared for Wyatt's feuds since his Cena matches, but thats on booking more than anything else. It will start off as something that could be great television but then seems to be dropped altogether and turns into Wyatt speaking nonsense and attacking his opponent before they beat him like he was an annoying pest rather than a legit challenge. Expect this one to go the same route.
Does anyone really care about Wyatt's feuds anymore? He had an interesting motive with using Roman's daughter and all but that seems to have been scrapped altogether. Now he is just a thorn in Reigns side until Reigns beats him at Battleground and Wyatt moves on to someone else for no reason. Anyone but you? Wtf does that even mean?

I haven't cared for Wyatt's feuds since his Cena matches, but thats on booking more than anything else. It will start off as something that could be great television but then seems to be dropped altogether and turns into Wyatt speaking nonsense and attacking his opponent before they beat him like he was an annoying pest rather than a legit challenge. Expect this one to go the same route.

One of the most annoying things for me, is just the fact that he doesn't ever seem to ever seem to actually have a match with his intended target. That might be part of the gimmick, but it leaves the other guy just sort of hanging. Reigns is in a feud, but doesn't really have anyone to go up against. The guy he's feuding with is sitting in the back in front of a camera, playing with scissors.

I could understand it before Mania with Taker, because part of the build was "Would Taker even show up?". Well we found out he would, and did, and handed Wyatt his ass.

This thing he has going with Reigns is just plain bad. He attacks Reigns at one PPV, then decides that he's the new target, but has never stepped into the ring with him. Except of course to interfere in almost every match that Reigns has had, including according to reports the house shows. What kind of feud is this?

Wyatt is the "new face of fear" but is coming across like a chickenshit heel. It's almost like he's scared of facing Reigns, unless of course Reigns has been knocked senseless first. So I'm expecting the promo's to continue, they won't have a match till the PPV, and then Reigns will either go down fighting, or more likely hand Wyatt his ass again.

Either way it's a lose/lose for both of them. And for us fans, not so ruddy fantastic either. Worst part is, we'll be doing this again in another few weeks with a new target.
I could give two shits about this match, mainly because we all know Reigns is going over and then both men will walk away with no direction, the same way they started.
I would love to see Bray win the first one. Reigns can recover from a loss for sure. Especially if he wins at Summerslam.

Reigns has barely talked since this feud has started. It seems they are trying to play on the fact Bray has got in his mind. The commentators are for sure. Him losing can be simply because he was distracted. He mentally wasn't right.

I'm looking forward to this match for sure. Both guys have had some tremendous singles matches and I'd suggest they can do it when paired together. Bray winning the first match makes sense because this feud has the potential to stretch across a few PPV's.
I would love to see Bray win the first one. Reigns can recover from a loss for sure. Especially if he wins at Summerslam.

Reigns has barely talked since this feud has started. It seems they are trying to play on the fact Bray has got in his mind. The commentators are for sure. Him losing can be simply because he was distracted. He mentally wasn't right.

I'm looking forward to this match for sure. Both guys have had some tremendous singles matches and I'd suggest they can do it when paired together. Bray winning the first match makes sense because this feud has the potential to stretch across a few PPV's.

This probably will be like Cena/Bray feud. Bray tried mind control on him too. I definitely can see this dragging out.

Reigns get the win at Battleground, Bray steals one at Summerslam with the help of someone like Luke Harper, Reigns faces Harper at NoC then Reigns faces Bray at HIAC in a HIAC match and wins.

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