WWE are screwing Daniel Bryan - and make people hate him because of Roman Reigns


Pre-Show Stalwart
You can see how it has turned out.

Now that Daniel Bryan has a shoot at Wrestlemania - it's Daniel Bryan who gets a lot of heat. Just because the spot was for Roman Reigns.

WWE-fans are sheep "Boooo Roman Reigns" it should have been Daniel Bryan.

And then the other RAW they boooo when Roman Reigns have to defend his Wrestlemania spot against Daniel Bryan.

So Daniel Bryan gets heat out of it. :shrug:

I can tell you this, someone will turn heel soon. They can't have it like this. It's just chaos and people shitting on the product.

So someone will turn heel very soon, I can sense it's Roman Reigns or someone screwing Bryan.
I understand your argument, but I have to disagree. One crowd in one city, generally differs from that of a crowd in another city. One crowd may be head over for DB, while yet another is big into RR. Or we could have a kind of Cena lovers crowd vs. Cena haters situation. Some fans may be over for Bryan and others over for Reigns.
How are is the WWE making the fans hate Daniel Bryan? If anyone is going to get boo'd out of that arena it will be Reigns when he wins the match. Bryan fans are a very vocal crowd as we've seen, and this should never have come down to this in the first place. They have to use Bryan, because half the fans in all crowds hate Cena, so he is out of the equation.

Why is the WWE putting their most over babyface against the up and coming babyface you have to ask yourself? It's because the up and comer isn't getting the response that Vince wants, so he's using Daniel Bryan to put Reigns over. Reigns will most likely win the match and Bryan will give him his approval. In order words try to get the YES movement behind Reigns.

I think fans are smarter than that though. We saw what happened when the Rock tried to deflect the heat at the Rumble. Fans took one look, realized what was happening, said "fuck this" and boo'd both of them out of the ring. So when the Rock, one of the most over wrestlers ever, and one of the biggest movie stars in the world can't get his cousin some cheers, there is something wrong.

As usual the WWE, and it's probably Vince, haven't thought this through and don't realize that this could have the making's of a catastrophe for Reigns. If Bryan can't get him over at Fastlane, then there is no hope for the Mania main event. He'll get boo'd out of Levi Stadium, not a position I would want to be in. His run will be over before it even starts.
It's obvious WWE is expecting the fans to side with Reigns, who is acting much more like an anti-hero than he did before. Bryan was respectful and friendly but firm, like a traditional face. Reigns was much more intense, angry and disrespectful. Ideally, WWE is returning to what put Reigns over in the first place. Whether this leads to a heel turn is unclear.

I actually like what they're doing with Bryan. I don't mind him not being the champion right now. I do hope WWE includes him in future WHT plans though.
It's obvious WWE is expecting the fans to side with Reigns, who is acting much more like an anti-hero than he did before. Bryan was respectful and friendly but firm, like a traditional face. Reigns was much more intense, angry and disrespectful. Ideally, WWE is returning to what put Reigns over in the first place. Whether this leads to a heel turn is unclear.

I actually like what they're doing with Bryan. I don't mind him not being the champion right now. I do hope WWE includes him in future WHT plans though.

I'm not a Bryan fan so to speak, but they should have let him continue his title run and got it out of the way. It has been mentioned over and over again that the WWE doesn't think he's championship material, but obviously the fans do, and they are showing that.

Let the guy win the title, have his run, let Reigns get some experience and be done with it. That would have solved a lot of problems but the WWE's way is putting out fires after they're started it would appear.
Don't get me wrong, I agree. But the best way to have accomplished this is to have him win the Royal Rumble. But what's done is done. Now WWE has to figure out how to fix this bad decision without catering too much. If Bryan beats Reigns at Fast Lane, then they might as well bury Reigns right then and there. He'd be forever remembered as the Royal Rumble winner who fans rejected, causing the WWE to screw with tradition.

Personally, if Bryan gets the belt again, I'd like a better build up than what he would've had going into the Rumble. His Wrestlemania XXX storyline was awesome. The problem with the 2015 Rumble was that no one had a lot of momentum. There wouldn't have been a satisfying resolution outside of fanboys marking out.
Whatever you're smoking, can I have a hit of it? The fans do NOT want Roman Reigns anywhere near the title and WANT Daniel Bryan instead. Vince and the minions hate the idea that Bryan is as popular as he is. He doesn't fit the prototype of a big, muscled meathead. With Bryan, you have the opposite and fans can identify with him.

Vince is the luckiest man in the world to not have viable competition or else I think he would be in dire trouble.
How are is the WWE making the fans hate Daniel Bryan? If anyone is going to get boo'd out of that arena it will be Reigns when he wins the match. Bryan fans are a very vocal crowd as we've seen

Read the original post? :confused:

Some fans hate Bryan now - well mostly Reigns kids outside USA because thats his biggest demographic foreign kids and women. But they hate him because he stole that shot.

Haven't you seen WWE-crowds? :rolleyes: They are not into the characters like back in the day.

The fans can stab any WWE-wrestler and turn on anyone these days.

Because they are not connected with the wrestlers like back in the day.

They change fav wrestlers like underwears . Thanks to kayfabe.
Some Raw crowds are going to cheer for Reigns, some of the Raw crowds are full of kids and women screaming as loud as possible for Reigns. But in cities like Philly, NYC, Chicago ect.. Reigns would get booed out of the building, and any PPV crowd will boo him out of the building as well.

Remember the Bryan support from WM when he faced Shemus for the WHC, next night the crowd was red hot for DB again. But the next week in I think Bama the crowd was totally dead with no DB support. A few weeks later the crowd was red hot for DB again.
This sounds like something you're projecting/hoping will happen more than something that's actually happening. So Bryan received a small handful of boos this past Monday. And?? We're supposed to garner that fans are suddenly turning on Bryan because....there's ultimately a chance of him beating Roman Reigns? Correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't Bryan in the WrestleMania main event essentially what most fans have been wanting in the first place? In getting what they want...they're gonna turn on the guy in favor of someone that a good many of them feel doesn't have the credibility, experience or necessary ability right now?

Daniel Bryan's the most over babyface on the WWE roster and has been for close to 1.5 years. Fans aren't embracing Roman Reigns the way he was hoping/expecting, hence what I'm thinking is that Vince is hoping to utilize Daniel Bryan to put Roman Reigns over in a highly competitive match, Reigns wins clean, Daniel Bryan congratulates Roman Reigns like a man, fans appreciate the effort from both men and that appreciation transforms itself into acceptance.

Now is there a possibility some fans might still be upset with Reigns winning over Bryan? Sure, in fact, it's a certainty but you can't please everybody and you'd go insane trying to. But, if Vince can sway enough people's opinion of Reigns after Bryan putting him over in a strong match, it MIGHT save his planed WrestleMania main event.

It's not a guarantee, it's really something of a gamble. However, if Vince wants to stick to his guns and have Roman Reigns take on Brock Lesnar, then this may be his last, big chance to get fans on Reigns' side. Or, at the very least, maybe it could the beginning of more fans shifting to accept Roman Reigns in this spot. After a strong match with Bryan, if Reigns is booked to look strong, has a compelling build up against Lesnear with Heyman in tow, to look more like himself, to seem more like himself, not using catchphrases from Looney Toons characters and isn't made to look like a John Cena clone, then MAYBE, just MAYBE the main event can be saved.
Some Raw crowds are going to cheer for Reigns, some of the Raw crowds are full of kids and women screaming as loud as possible for Reigns. But in cities like Philly, NYC, Chicago ect.. Reigns would get booed out of the building, and any PPV crowd will boo him out of the building as well.

Remember the Bryan support from WM when he faced Shemus for the WHC, next night the crowd was red hot for DB again. But the next week in I think Bama the crowd was totally dead with no DB support. A few weeks later the crowd was red hot for DB again.

This. Every crowd is different. At house shows you're going to see and hear a TON of support for Roman Reigns, because he's marketed towards kids and women, and house show crowds are mostly families with children who don't have the money for televised events or don't get shows often. Most major cities (New York, Philly, Chicago, Miami, etc.) have more wrestling fans and less families, and are overwhelmingly in support of guys like Daniel Bryan
and Dolph Ziggler, and are very vocally anti-Reigns, anti-Cena, etc. The only upside for Reigns if he wins is that WrestleMania 31 is in California, a very casual crowd that will likely have a large percentage of fans who will be pro-Reigns. It's even possible John Cena will get cheered at WrestleMania this year.
I definitely don't believe the WWE is literally trying to put heel heat on Bryan. They probably would love for the fans to stop cheering for him so strongly, as they see it as counter-productive to their plans for Reigns to be the "next big thing." But I don't believe they intentionally did anything with Bryan on Raw in hopes it would get people to stop cheering for him. If so, they didn't do a good job because he didn't do or say anything that would garner heat.

It's not a guarantee, it's really something of a gamble. However, if Vince wants to stick to his guns and have Roman Reigns take on Brock Lesnar, then this may be his last, big chance to get fans on Reigns' side. Or, at the very least, maybe it could the beginning of more fans shifting to accept Roman Reigns in this spot.

The one aspect of Raw on Monday that I found weird, if Vince & Co still want Reigns to go over with the crowd (and I believe they do still want that), is the part of the opening where Stephanie talked to Roman about them understanding one another since they both came up in wrestling families. To me that was an unusual tactic to take because it certainly isn't something the fans would identify with. In fact it was one of the things Steph was saying to DB the last couple of years to show the stark contrast between her as the pampered, everything has been handed to you on a silver platter, rich and snotty person versus Bryan as the work hard and come from humble origins guy. So that part made no sense to me if they want Reigns getting over with the crowd.

Frankly I think they need to be very careful how they play that angle about his family heritage. It could backfire if they play it up too much. Right now fans aren't really enamored with guys that had everything handed to them. So if I were the WWE I'd nix that angle and just let Reigns be the quite tweener with a bad attitude.
I definitely don't believe the WWE is literally trying to put heel heat on Bryan. They probably would love for the fans to stop cheering for him so strongly, as they see it as counter-productive to their plans for Reigns to be the "next big thing." But I don't believe they intentionally did anything with Bryan on Raw in hopes it would get people to stop cheering for him. If so, they didn't do a good job because he didn't do or say anything that would garner heat.

The one aspect of Raw on Monday that I found weird, if Vince & Co still want Reigns to go over with the crowd (and I believe they do still want that), is the part of the opening where Stephanie talked to Roman about them understanding one another since they both came up in wrestling families. To me that was an unusual tactic to take because it certainly isn't something the fans would identify with. In fact it was one of the things Steph was saying to DB the last couple of years to show the stark contrast between her as the pampered, everything has been handed to you on a silver platter, rich and snotty person versus Bryan as the work hard and come from humble origins guy. So that part made no sense to me if they want Reigns getting over with the crowd.

Frankly I think they need to be very careful how they play that angle about his family heritage. It could backfire if they play it up too much. Right now fans aren't really enamored with guys that had everything handed to them. So if I were the WWE I'd nix that angle and just let Reigns be the quite tweener with a bad attitude.

Why is that?

The fact is that both Reigns and Stephanie have that similarity and it can't be avoided, especially in today's day and age.

However, whilst Steph's family has mostly been made up of 'power hungry' people, Roman's family has actually been beloved to those following WWE, and therein lies the difference between both.

Now, if the WWE tries to manufacture sympathy by making Reigns an underdog like Daniel Bryan... then definitely the crowd would shit all over it. It's horses for courses... Reigns is better as a no-nonsense BadAss guy, who just happens to be from a great wrestling family.
I'm glad that WWE found a way to bring it up as it adds some sort of depth to the Roman Reigns character that was sorely lacking during the entirety of his singles push.
Exactly, Daniel Bryan doesn't fit the mold of the typical WWE champion so Vince wants to screw him.

Athletic? No.
Physique? Bad.
Gimmick? Lame.
Charisma? Not really.
Move set? Average.

All of the above applies to CM Punk.

I see all three sides of it. Roman Reigns isn't ready. Daniel Bryan doesn't fit the mold for success, but WWE is not giving the fans what they want.

WWE really should have saved Bryan as the surprise entrant to the Rumble, let him conquer the beast, and let him enjoy the title run he should have had last year without his injury.

That way the fans can get this awkward desire for an ironic champion out of their system already.
Nobody is making anyone hate Daniel Bryan. Putting him in the same ring with Reigns and having him lose is a boneheaded move that will put even more heat on Reigns. I dont think they were booing Bryan. I think they were booing the idea.
The reason the WWE is trying to screw with DB is that Vince is trying to recapture lightning in a bottle. Let me tell you a story about two wrestlers: One who was technically gifted, but did not have a real physical presence, was not a great talker with a real vanilla gimmick. The other had charisma in spades, a great physique, had a poor moveset, and a gimmick to die for. Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns? No.

Bob Backlund and Hulk Hogan

When VKM took over WWWF from his father, Backlund was the champ, and Hogan was a failed heel who wrestled Backlund in 1980 and lost in the Garden. Hogan started a feud with Andre the Giant, and it played before crickets. Despite Hogan claiming that he was responsible for the sellout crowd at Vince Srs Shea Stadium show, it was sold out because of the war Bruno was having with Larry Zbyzsko. Hogan was a non-entity. However, it was not until he left the WWWF to make Rocky III (against Vince Srs. wishes, mind you) that he began to see stardom.

Backlund was well received. He was a great technical wrestler. He was worshiped by children, and parents loved him because he was seen as a wholesome character. Very similar to Bruno in those areas. BTW, there was a time when children under 16 could not attend wrestling matches in some of the major places in New York. (Yes, there was a law in New York State at the time). It was through the efforts of Bob Backlund, who personally lobbied the New York State Legislature, that Governor Hugh Carey signed into law the bill that would lift the age restriction in 1979. This would allow for kids to see their hero in the major arenas in New York (it was never fully enforced in the smaller gyms.). It was then that the money really started being printed.

The problem was what worked for Vince Sr did not work for Vince Jr. VKM had delusions of grandeur that his father simply did not have. But, circumstances around Backlund did not help, either. One thing was that Backlund only fought heels for the title. Though it is like "big deal!" for us now, it was serious back then. Backlund was EXTREMELY protected by VJM. So much to the point that the Wrestling media started calling the WWWF title a "Regional" rather than a "World" strap. Enter VKM, his expansion dreams, and a blunder along the way.

Hulk Hogan, who left WWWF on bad terms to make Rocky III (Which VJM absolutely opposed), was dropped into VKM's lap after Verne Gagne and the AWA made the mistake of not making him Champion when the public clamored for it. Hogan just came off a huge crossover from being Thunderlips in Rocky III, and he was being cheered for everywhere. Gagne was too "old school" for the changing times. VKM took over from his father in 1982, and immediately set upon the wrestling world. He needed Backlund out. So, how did VKM do it? He had Hogan rescue Backlund from the Wild Samoans. Sound familiar? Backlund praised Hogan, and in less than a month after arriving, Hogan would win the WWF strap from the Iron Sheik (who beat Backlund for the belt a few weeks earlier).

Moving along 30 years, and several attempts to recreate that moment. VKM is at it again. This time Roman Reigns is Hogan and Bryan is Backlund. Problem with Reigns is that he has not done anything in Hollywood as of yet. Nor has he proven anything in regards to crossing over. However, who could you see as a member of the Champions of the Galaxy? Justice League? Super Friends? The X Men? It is not Bryan, who I could see as a dwarf in Lord of the Rings. But, Reigns looks like the stereotypical superhero, coming in to save that damsel in distress. The one who will save a plane from crashing, or hold together that nuclear plant to keep it from blowing up. In the case of Bryan, he has been well received almost from Day One. If I sent out the Miz, Seth Rollins or even Rey Misterio to Daniel Bryan's music and "Yes!" chants, they are going to get lynched. That is an organic Bryan support network, which is similar to what Backlund had.

Problem is that people are NOT anywhere near sold on Reigns as they were on Hogan. Sure, Bryan may job to Reigns, but that does not mean Reigns is going to get as popular as Hogan was. Backlund only praised Hogan, as he refused to job to him. But, there was no need for Backlund to put over someone who was very much over already. Reigns NEEDS someone to put him over, because he sure is not over. The Rock could not do it the way he did it. Bryan may not be able to do it. The fans are NOT going to hate Bryan anymore than people hated Backlund back in the day. The problem is that Reigns is NO Hogan, and by trying to bury Bryan, may end up burying Reigns.

Just like the failed experiments with Lex Luger, Sid Justice and Shawn Michaels. Maybe VKM will learn someday.
Bryan got over with the fans on his own and Vince doesn't like it. Vince is the Kingmaker but the support for Bryan is out of his control and Bryan losing will just increase their dislike for Reigns and fans would be even happier if he wins. If Reigns wins, especially by turning heel, Vince better have a pair of earplugs because its gonna get loud. Reigns losing in any way will increase the support of Bryan because they know Reigns hasn't earned what Vince has given him. Reigns can't turn the offer down but the fans know when something is rotten.
Sure, in fact, it's a certainty but you can't please everybody and you'd go insane trying to.

Damn tootin'

I've been presuming that if Daniel Bryan goes over Roman Reigns at Fast Lane, it's strong evidence that Vince McMahon is listening to fans and giving them what they want, which is a full dose of Daniel. After all, the storyline seemed set; the winner of the Royal Rumble gets the title shot at WM31......and Roman won the Rumble. Done & dusted, right?

Instead, now we're worried that folks will turn on Daniel because Reigns is being screwed out of his rightful opportunity? On one hand, I'm surprised to learn there were some boos toward Bryan Monday night.....but on the other hand, isn't this so with every wrestler?

For sure, there are going to be some Roman Reigns fans out there, upset to see him possibly lose what was his....and yes, they might blame Daniel for it. At the same time, there are probably a bunch of Seth Rollins fans living in steaming fury that he isn't getting the title shot at WM31.

The point of this post? It's that as much as we rail against Vince McMahon and his company for not considering the wants of the fans, many of these passionate folks are going to be dissatisfied no matter what they're getting on their TV screens. There will always be someone who wants something else, which isn't a bad thing at all.

Hey, debate is good for the soul.....and one reason why this forum is a great place to air it all out.
The WWE is not screwing anyone...

Vince's idea for Reigns went down the toilet very quickly because there was no decent planning on getting him over. Almost every single thing that was booked for Reigns had a predictable outcome, all because there was no effort put into it. A lot of fans thought it was just his mic skills which needed work, but it's been more than that from the beginning.

There all of a sudden is this rush to push him and make him look as strong as possible before this years WM. Reigns getting injured did a lot worse than good for him I believe, because there was not enough time to elevate him as a strong believable competitor who could win the RR.

This past RAW, you were looking at a last minute desperation move to save the main event of WM and Reigns' career in the WWE. No one can touch Bryan in the WWE, he is more over than anyone has been on that roster for quiet a while now. It's solidified him a spot at the top that most superstars in the locker dream of. I'm most certainly not taking anything away from Bryan. His in-ring work and passion for wrestling is expressed each and every time he is out there and he deserves the recognition. So no way do I believe Bryan is being screwed by the WWE in any way. His being used to put Reigns over if that isn't obvious.
No, you Bryan marks are the result of that. You have no problem trying to hijack a show but then get upset that other fans may be upset by the constant crying and complaining for Bryan to go over constantly.
Him strictly being marketed to kids is ridiculous. Plenty of Roman fans out there. Acting like the only way you can be a 'real fan' is if you root for little Bryan is idiotic. God forbid others have different tastes.
Exactly, Daniel Bryan doesn't fit the mold of the typical WWE champion so Vince wants to screw him.

Athletic? No.
Physique? Bad.
Gimmick? Lame.
Charisma? Not really.
Move set? Average.

All of the above applies to CM Punk.

I see all three sides of it. Roman Reigns isn't ready. Daniel Bryan doesn't fit the mold for success, but WWE is not giving the fans what they want.

WWE really should have saved Bryan as the surprise entrant to the Rumble, let him conquer the beast, and let him enjoy the title run he should have had last year without his injury.

That way the fans can get this awkward desire for an ironic champion out of their system already.

Except generalizing what 'fans' want is BS. You guys don't speak for everyone. You love and are obsessed with technical wrestlers. We get it. The IWC is a vocal minority. The smarks yell the loudest and cry the loudest but by no means, are they the majority nor do they speak for everyone.

No idea why so many of you fail to realize why fans and WWE wouldn't want Bryan to get the title or headline Mania again. For one, we already saw the "overcome the odds" story and they gave in to Bryan fans and he got injured derailing an entire year of plans. So why in the hell would WWE put their eggs in that basket only to see it possibly get derailed again?

Bryan will get another chance down the line. Time for someone else to have their moment.
Maybe the majority of the fans won't dislike Bryan, but there have been some posts around here and other sites lately that are just oozing with hate for Bryan. Pathetic.

These people are the true definition of MARKS. The amount of anger shown in their posts makes their complete mark status obvious. All because a supposed "vocal minority" are hijacking shows??? How about learn to book based on what crowd you're dealing with? For them to think they could book the rumble like that in Philly and not get the rection it did, just shows how out of touch they really are. And it doesn't matter what side of the debate you're on, if you thought they'd get away with that rumble match in Philly, especially after the previous years mess, you must be new to the product. Personally, I think they knew what they were doing and just didn't care about the reaction. There is no way that can be that out of touch with their product, could they?

This situation has nothing to do with Bryan other than he is the most organically over, so he's the poster boy for one group of fans. Reigns has nothing to do with it either other than he's the poster boy for the other group of fans who are obviously happy with the same old WWE booking style. It's like a politcal debate that will have no end. Booking and creative is, and always have been, the problem.

Except generalizing what 'fans' want is BS. You guys don't speak for everyone.
Right back at ya jack. I'm tired of people like YOU GUYS generalizing Daniel Bryan fans. "Oh, he's not in the main event so we're all gonna cry." Not true at all. Just don't book Daniel Bryan to be an afterthought. Which is exactly what this year's rumble was trying to achieve. And fans are pissed at that, not that he's not in the main event. I wasn't expecting him to be in the main event this year, but I'd certainly thought they would have at least had some solid Wrestlemania plans for your MOST OVER wrestler.

A certain segment of fans are responding to seemingly petty booking with petty reactions. That's on booking. If it were my job to get Reigns over, I'd make sure the Daniel Bryan fans were as happy as they could be without him winning. Good booking could have achieved this without Bryan winning. Bryan has a strong showing and gets eliminated by whoever he gets a WM. Maybe have Sheamus cost Bryan the rumble, and put tons of heat on Sheamus. And actually give this thrown together match they've been trying to put on like 5 wrestlemanias in a row, some meaning. The end of the rumble was gonna get some heat regardless, but with some planning, you can curb the backlash. Marks on either side of the fence are easy to manipulate. DO YOUR JOB CREATIVE!
How are is the WWE making the fans hate Daniel Bryan? If anyone is going to get boo'd out of that arena it will be Reigns when he wins the match. Bryan fans are a very vocal crowd as we've seen, and this should never have come down to this in the first place. They have to use Bryan, because half the fans in all crowds hate Cena, so he is out of the equation.

Why is the WWE putting their most over babyface against the up and coming babyface you have to ask yourself? It's because the up and comer isn't getting the response that Vince wants, so he's using Daniel Bryan to put Reigns over. Reigns will most likely win the match and Bryan will give him his approval. In order words try to get the YES movement behind Reigns.

I think fans are smarter than that though. We saw what happened when the Rock tried to deflect the heat at the Rumble. Fans took one look, realized what was happening, said "fuck this" and boo'd both of them out of the ring. So when the Rock, one of the most over wrestlers ever, and one of the biggest movie stars in the world can't get his cousin some cheers, there is something wrong.

As usual the WWE, and it's probably Vince, haven't thought this through and don't realize that this could have the making's of a catastrophe for Reigns. If Bryan can't get him over at Fastlane, then there is no hope for the Mania main event. He'll get boo'd out of Levi Stadium, not a position I would want to be in. His run will be over before it even starts.

They should have never had Reigns feud with Show. He just isn't somebody who can help you get over as a competitor. I could see if this was 2005 but it's 2015, it's only so many times fans can get invested with a feud Big Show is involved in. I believed if he feuded with Rollins when he returned, maybe fans would have got behind him and he would have been an alternative to Cena for fans.

Now, he's feuding with Bryan and this is the Batista situation last year all over again. The worst thing they can do is have Reigns win by interference or DQ, he needs to win clean. WWE just going to have the bite the bullet and stick to their vision.
A certain segment of fans are responding to seemingly petty booking with petty reactions. That's on booking. If it were my job to get Reigns over, I'd make sure the Daniel Bryan fans were as happy as they could be without him winning. Good booking could have achieved this without Bryan winning.

I have said this before and will say it again fans are using the excuse of shit booking as the reason they are unhappy it is pure bollocks if Bryan had of won no one would be complaing nobody would be cancelling their network subscription at the end of rumble the fans would be doing the yes chant instead of booing and bitching and nothing would be said about the poor booking of the event FACT

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