WWA Revolution 7/19

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***Revolution opens up with big pyro as the Revolution theme song Striken by Dysterbed is playing***

JR: Hello ladies and gentlemen I'm Jim Ross along side the King Jerry Lawler. And we some great matches schduled here tonight. Including a big number one contenders match for the WWA Heavyweight Championship between Bob Orton and Jimmy Snuka Jr.

King: But also we have a Tag Team divas match. As Kristal and Mickie James team up to take on Trish and Ashley Massaro.

JR: But next

***JR is interrupted by Mr.Kennedy***

Mr. Kennedy makes his way to the ring and get on a mic.

Mr. Kennedy: Now on Saturday Nights Main Event I was cheated out of my, thats right my Intercontinental Championship and the man that is responsible for this AJ Styles. Now AJ get your ass out here and give me my championship back.

***AJ Styles's music hits***

AJ Styles: Now I was in the back and I heard to say something about this being your championship. Now I seem to recall me eliminating your ass at the end of the match. Now if you want a title shot then all you have to do is ask for it.

Mr. Kennedy: Give me my title shot right now.

AJ Styles: Come on whats the magic word ?

Mr. Kennedy: I am the man who is single handedly changing the face of wrestling, you really dont expect me to beg you.

AJ Styles: Alright then I guess you don't want a title shot

Mr. Kennedy: Okay please (says it with a whisper).

AJ Styles: I'm sorry I can't hear you what did you say.

Mr. Kennedy: I said please

AJ Styles: Okay Its on at Badd Blood you get your title shot

But before AJ Styles leaves he is attacked by the mysterious man who eliminated Carlito on SNME. And he takes styles mic

Mysterious Man: I just added myself to the match I guess it will be a triple threat match.

and before he leaves Carlito attacks him


***Backstage with Carlito***

Carlito: I know you guys are wondering who dat guy is is and I here to tell you its my little brother Edwin. I did'nt know he was in the US I mean he was never as cool as his older brother "Carlito". And now he wants to ruin my title shot so guess what I just added myself to that little triple threat match now it will be a Fatal 4-way. And dat well dats "Cool".

***Cut backstage with Kane***

Kane: Last week my older brother The Undertaker attacked me and I want revenge I want it. So I accept The Undertakers challenge but it will be more than a pleasure to rip Abyss apart in this match. Abyss attacks Kane and the two are brawling backstage and then The Undertaker comes from nowhere and attcks both of them but Abyss and Kane work together and Double Chokeslam The Undertaker. Abyss and Kane looka t each other and walk away leaving the Undertaker on the ground.

***Cut to the Ring***

Lillian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a tag team divas match.

***Mickie James's music hits***

Mickie James makes her way to the ring with Kristal Marshall. On the stage of the ramp the two kiss and smile at each other then they both skip down to the ring. Trish and Ashley make their way to the ring and now the match has started. Ashley and Mickie start this off and goes for the lock up. Mickie swings Ashley by her hair and slams her on her face. Mickie tags in Kristal and they tongue kiss again.Kristal takes Ashley by the hair and and slaps her, Kristal then takes Ashley and delivers a hard scoop slam. Kristal drags Ashley to her corner by her hair. Kristal stomps on Ashley and then tags in Mickie. Mickie lifts Ashley to her feet and and Ashley tries getting out by hitting Mickie in the stomach and Ashley leaps to her corner and tags in her partner Trish and Trish comes in delivering hard clotheslines to Mickie. Trish knocks down Mickie with a forearm Trish lifts Mickie to her feet and connects with the stratusfaction. Trish goes for the cover 1...2 and Kristal pulls Trish off of Mickie. Trish gets up and goes to hit Kristal but she jumps down before Trish gets to her. Trish turns back around and runs right into a Mick Kick. Mickie goes for the cover and Ashley breaks up the cover Mickie gets up and stomps on Trish. Mickie picks up Trish and goes for a Tornado DDT but Trish throws Mickie off of her and then tags in Ashley. Ashley comes in and clothes lines Mickie and another and another. Mickie gets up really slow and Asleygets on the top rope looking for a cross body, Mickie turns around and rolls underneath Ashleys cross body Mickie sets up for the Tornado DDT and Kristal runs and pulls Trish off of the apron and Mickie conects with the DDT and covers Ashley. 1.....2.....3

Winners: Mickie James and Kristal Marshall

Aftermath: Mickie and Kristal get their arms raised and Mickie is holding the belt. Kristal kisses Mickie and stares up at the belt. Mickie catches Kristal staring at the belt and asks her whats wrong and Kristal says nothing.


***Back from the Commercial***
Vince: I have an announcement to make next week here on Revolution Triple H will be in action against Mark Henry. But tonight Shawn Micheals will face off against the Big Show.

***Cut to JR and King***

JR: Next ladies and gentleman we have Randy Orton vs. Jimmy Snuka Sr.

King: Yea you heard Randy he said he is going to kill another Legend and I personally beleive him. No disrespect to Jimmy Snuka but Randy is stronger, faster, smarter, and he is most definitely younger.

***Randy Ortons music hits***

Randy Orton makes his way to the ring. Now Jimmy Snuka Sr. makes his way to the ring and slides in and Randy goes and stomps on Snuka. Randy whips Snuka into the corner and puts his legs on the top rope and grabs Snuka's head and puts it underneath his arm going for a super DDT and connects. Randy pins Snuka 1......2 and Snuka gets his shoulder up. Randy is frustrated and lifts Snuka to his feet Randy delivers a european uppercut and delivers another and Randy whips Snuka into the ropes and executes a perfect bacdrop on Snuka. Randy picks up Snuka and hits an inverted headlock backbreaker. Randy goes for the pin 1.....2... and Snuka gets the shoulder up again. But Randy leaves Snuka on the mat and goes to the top rope and delivers an elbow drop. Randy is signaling for the RKO Snuka rises to his feet Randy jumps for the RKO but Snuka throws Randy off of him sending him flat on his back Snuka quickly jumps to the top rope and connects with the Superfly Splash 1.....2... and Randy kicks out. Snuka looks shocked and slaps the mat. Snuka raises Randy to his feet and hits a snap suplex. Snuka goes for the cover 1......2 and Orton kicks out again. Snuka gets up and is signaling for thr RKO Randy gets up and turns around and Snuka jumps for the RKO and Randy pulls away and Snuka lands on his feet. Randy rolls out of the ring and walks away and up the ramp. Snuka run up the ramp and attacks Randy. Snuka takes him back to the ring and rolls him back in the ring. Snuka gets up on the top rope and waits for Randy to get to his feet. Randy gets up and Snuka catches him with a crossbody Snuka lands on top but Randy rolls over and is pinning Snuka 1......2 and Snuka kicks out. Snuka gets to his feet first and Randy runs toward Snuka and Snuka hits an armdrag on Orton. Snuka lifts Randy to his feet and delivers a snap suplex. Snuka goes to the top rope and jumps going for the Superfly splash again but Randy was playing possum and Jumps up and delivers and RKO while Snuka is in mid-air. Randy goes for the cover 1.......2......3

Winner: Randy Orton

Aftermath: Randy Orton calls his dad to the ring and Bob Orton runs to the ring carrying a steel chair. Bob gets int the ring but Jimmy Snuka Jr. runs down to the ring and Bob and Randy flee. Jimmy Snuka Jr. gets on a mic.

Snuka Jr.: Later tonight I beat your old ass Bob Orton and then at Badd Blood I beat your sons ass and take his belt


Shawn Micheals: Now Vince I don't think that you want to put me and the Big Show against because guess what ohh your gonna love this Vince bring him in. The New Age Outlaws bring in a person in a chair with a blanket on his head. The New Age Outlaws take the blanket off of the person and its (The Big Show hog tied and his mouth is gaged). DX starts laughing and spray paints the cemera green.

***Cut to the ring***

***King Booker's music hits***

King Booker, William Regal and Queen Sharmell make their way to the ring. King Booker sits in his chair and the sparks go off as he sits down. And Joey MerK comes down to the ring and slides in King Booker takes off his robe. Booker kicks Joey in the mid-section and hits him with a knife edge chop and another and then forearms Joey in the back of the neck. Booker then jumps into the air and knee drops him to the face. Booker picks Joey up and delivers a scoopslam and hits another knee drop. Booker goes for the pin 1.....2 and Joey gets an arm up. Booker lifts Joey to his feet and Sharmell slides in a chair and distracts the ref Booker kicks Joey in the gut and goes for the Scizzors Kick and lands it on the chair Booker throws the chair back out the ring and pins Joey and Sharmell jumps down from the apron. 1......2.....3

Winner: King Booker T

Aftermath: Kurt Angle runs down to the ring and Booker just stand in the middle of the ring and the two have a stare down. These two will face of next week in the semi-finals. And Regal sneaks behind Kurt and hits him with a chair. And Booker and Regal stomp on Kurt but Joey MerK gets back tot his feet and Regal goes over to Clothesline him but Joey super kicks him right in the jaw. And then Booker runs over and catches him with a kick to the chin. But Booker turns back around and Kurt delivers a belly to belly suplex sending Booker out of the ring into Sharmell.


***Backstage with Bobby Lashley***

Lashley: Last week Rob Conway interfered in my match with Johhny Nitro. Now I have a rematch fir the US title but right now I am going to find Rob Conway and take him out.

***Lashley is walking around the building***

Lashley looks in one of the locker room and opens the door and is nailed with a mop. Rob Conway walks out and hits him again Lashley gets to his knees and Conway tries to hit him again but Lashley catches the mop snathes it and snaps it across his leg and spears Conway and stands over him, but Nitro hits Lashley over the head with the US title.


***Back from the commercial***

***Jimmy Snuka Jr. makes his way down to the ring***

***Bob Orton Jr. makes his way down to the ring.***

Snuka Jr. and Orton Jr. start the match by shooting at each other. Bob Orton starts this match by swinging at Snuka with the legendary cast on his arm. He swings but Snuka ducks and tackles Orton and catches with a bunch of rights and lefts. and the ref seperates the two and Snuka backs away Orton eventually gets to his feet and the two begin to shuffle around the ring, reaching for each other. Snuka grabs Ortona and whips him off of the ropes and hip tosses Orton. Snuka picks up Orton and chops him right acoss the chest and again and again. Now Ortons chest is purple and red. Snuka hits and suplex and Snuka pins Orton 1...2.. and Orton kicks out. Jimmy Snuka Jr. picks Bob Orton up and grabs him by the hair then connects headbut after headbut after headbut. Bob Orton gets busted open by the last headbut. Bob Orton is bloody and is laid out in the center of the ring. Snuka Jr. goes to the top rope and dives off connecting with a flying headbut.Now Randy Orton comes out and goes to cheer on his father. Snuka lifts Bob Orton to his feet and hits a belly to belly suplex and Snuka getting ready to finish Bob Orton but Randy gets into the ring and signals for a RKO and Jimmy Snuka runs down the aisle and stops Orton. Jimmy Snuka throws Randy Orton out of the ring and Jimmy Snuka Jr. goes to the top rope and connects on Bob Orton with the Superfly Splash. Snuka goes for the pin 1....2...3. and Jimmy Snuka Jr. wins a shot at Randy Ortons title.

Winner: and New number 1 contender for the WWA championship Jimmy Snuka Jr.

***Camera Cuts backstage to Randy Orton***

Aftermath: Randy Orton takes Jimmy Snuka Sr. backstage and beats him over the head with a steel chair. Jimmy Snuka and Randy Orton come up on the titiantron. Jimmy Snuka Sr. is busted wide open and Randy Orton sets up 4 tables (two different stacks).
Randy Orton takes Jimmy Snuka Sr. to a balcony and throws Jimmy Snuka off sending him threw all 4 tables. Randy Orton begins to talk to Jimmy Snuka Jr.

Randy Orton: You see this, this will happen to you at Badd Blood and just to let you know our match will be a 3-Stages of Hell match.


***Back from the commercial***

***Cut to JR and King***

JR: Well next folks the main event Samoa Joe vs. Batista

King: This will be very interesting.

JR: Let go to the ring with Lillian Garcia.

Lillian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing the first competetor.

***Batista's music gits and he makes his way down tot the ring.***

Batista's pyro goes off and he gets into the ring Samoa Joe comes out and gets into the ring. batista and Samoa Joe stare each other and talk trash to each other Batista shoves Samoa Joe and Samoa Joe looks down and shoves Batista back. Batista laughs and tries to clothesline Joe but Joe ducks underneath it and batista turns around into a spinning wheel kick from Joe. Joe elbow drops Batista. Joe brings Batista to his feet and but Batista punches Joe in his face and Joe punches back Batista punches and Joe punches back and the two trade blows until Batista swings Joe into the ropes and back drops him Batista grabs Joe and brings him to his feet and puts him on his shoulder and delivers a running powerslam. Batista kicks Joe on the back and drops a knee to his back. Batista gets on Joe's back and delivers crossfaces. Batista turns Joe over (on his back) and goes to the top rope. Batista jumps off going for an elbow drop but Joe rolls aside. Batista falls on his side and Joe gets to his feet and stomps on Batista back and neck. Joe lifts Batista to his feet and steps behind him and grabs him around the waist and connects with a german suplex pin 1.....2 Batista rolls off of it. Batista gets to his knees and Joe runs toward him and hits a shinning wizard, and Batista falls flat on his back. Joe runs off the ropes jumps up and falls backward onto Batista. Joe goes for the cover 1.....2 and Batista kicks out. Joe lifts Batista to his feet and whips him off of the ropes and Batista comes back to Joe and Joe delivers a drop toe hold sending Batista's head off of the ropes swing him back to his feet and Joe grabs Batista and applies the Kokina Clutch. Batista is stuck in the hold and looks to be fading but Batista rols to his stomach and pushes up off of the mat and reaches the ropes. Joe can't believe it and is angry. Joe lifts Batista up and goes for a DDT but Batista trips Joe and Joe falls on his back. But Joe gets right back up and runs toward Batista nd Batista connects with a powerful spinebuster. Batista seems to be going crazy and shakes the ropes. Batista gives the thumbs up and thumbs down. Batista lifts Joe up and puts him in position for the Batista Bomb and has Joe up to his shoulders and Joe hits Batista with hard punches as Batista drops on his back, Joe rolls off of Batista's chest and flips Batista over(onto his stomach) and tries for the Kokina Clutch but Batista hits Joe with the back of his head hitting Joe in the mouht and Joe releases the hold and Joe is bleeding from the nose and mouth. Batista and Joe both are stagering and are weak footed. Batista and Joe look at each other and run toward each and DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE !!!!! both of them are down now. The ref starts the count
6.Joe grabs the ropes to help him get to his feet
7.Joe getts to his feet and Batista is on his knees
Joe picks up Batista and connects with a Samoan Drop. Joe brings Batista to his feet and tries deliver a Muscle Buster but can't get Batista up. Joe forearms Batista in his back. Joe tries for the Muscle Buster again and this time it connects. But Batista gets right back up again from it and shoulder blocks Joe and runs off the ropes again and tries for a clothesline and Joe ducks and is behind Batista Joe locks in the Kokina Clutch and squeezes tighter and tighter but Batista won't tap Joe screams out tap, tap. Batista is trying not to tap. Joe's nose becomes a bloody mess as Joe sqeezes tighter. After 30 secs of the hold Batista taps out and the crowd is in shock.

Winner: Samoa Joe

JR: And Samoa Joe advances to the finals he will either meet Kurt Angle or King Booker.

King: Either way we have a killer match for the finals at Badd Blood

JR: Well this has been WWA Revolution I'm Jim Ross

King: And I'm Jerry Lawler.

JR: Please join us next week for the first stop after Badd Blood.

***Camera fades black as Revolution goes of the air***

please vote on poll please.
1-5 ( 5 being the best) i gave it a four cuz i like it but you should make it longer
Best Match- Batista vs Samoa Joe... Great, back and forth match... Nice seeing Samoa Joe get the victory!

Worst Match- Booker T vs Joey Mercury... It sounds really good, and these 2 can both put on a decent match, so I would've liked to see it a little longer

Wow! Great Build up for Bad Blood! I cant wait!

Overall Rating: 89/100
If possible, It's 4.5 stars lol
I thought it was great my fav was the Batista Samoa Joe match surprize eneding
- Hahaha, I laughed my ass off at the opener. It's always funny when the heel is made to look like a complete wimp. AJ making Kennedy beg for his title was great. I would have liked to see it go on a little longer, but it was still hilarious. Edwin sounds like an interesting character. I hope him and Carlito end up feuding.

- I LOVED the divas match. Finally, someone else who uses Divas in their fed. This match was extremely well written. It seems like Kristal is going to be going after the Women's Championship...love it.

- Triple H VS. Henry should be good. Hopefully, HHH wipes the mat with Henry' fat ass.

- The Orton match was fantastic. I loved the finish, RKO in mid-air...awesome stuff.

- DX captures Big Show...oh man, he's gonna be pissed.

- Even though it's in WWE right now, I love the Court teaming. The aftermath beatdown on Angle and Joey was fantastic. Hopefully, a tag team feud could spawn from this segment.

- The assault on Lashley was great.

- Snukas and Ortons are really at it with each other. Snuka beating Orton was great, not a big Bobby fan. Orton getting some revenge on him was awesome, that bump Snuka took sounded insane.

- Wow...even I'm in shock after that main event. I can't believe the ending. Samoa Joe has made a huge name for himself after that.

All in all, awesome show...keep it up.


- Vertan
Best match: samoa joe vs batista!! great match...

i really like your promos and storylines!! Ortons vs Snukas...thats cool!!
and nice build on the other feuds.

92/100...its good dude!!! Keep em coming!!:headbanger:
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