WWA Revolution 7/13; Premiere Show

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*Show Opens with pyro and Revolution theme song Striken By Dysterbed*

JR: Hello ladies and gentlemen to the live premiere show of the W-W-A. I'm JR along side The King. King we have a great trumandous night planned here for you fans.

King: Thats right folks a Blockbuster premiere night. First we have a 4-corners tag-team elimination match for the WWA Tag Championships.

JR: Lets go to Lillian inside the ring.

Lillian: The following contest is for the Tag team titles it will be competed in Elimination rules. The last team left will be the New WWA tag Team champions.

Spirit Squad vs. The Highlanders vs. NAO vs. The Hardy Boys

The match starts with Robbie of the Highlanders and Matt Hardy. Robbie kicks the match off with a slap to Matts face. Matt turns his back on Robbie, runs off the ropes and clothelines Robbie. Matt sits on Robbies chest and catches him with rights and lefts. Matt lets up and signals for the twist of fate. Robbie gets back to his feet and Matt goes for the twist of Fate but Rory get involved and knocks Matt to the mat. Rory goes back to his corner now both Robbie and Matt are both out on the mat. Matt crawls to the Spirit Squads corner and gets a tag to Nicky while robbie in his own corner tags in Rory. Rory goes crazy hitting rights and lefts and landing forearms. Rory now in control lifts Nicky to his feet, Rory putting Nickys feet on the top turnbuckle going for a superplex. He connects but nicky rolls through pinning Rory and holding the tights 1.....2.....3. The Highlanders are eliminated. Now Billy Gunn gets in the ring staring down Nicky. Nicky throws the first punch and Gunn throws one back the two getting into an exchange of fists, but Gunn hits Nicky with an elbow and Nicky falls flat on his back. Gunn tags in James and and james kicks the holy crap out of Nicky. James lifts nicky up to his feet but before he could get Nicky up he hits a low blow on James Nicky jumps to his corner and gets a to Johnny, Johhny runs in and kicks James. Johnny lifts james up and hits a suplex Johnny snaps on a headlock, James counter it with a back suplex. James tags in Gunn, But Rory of the highlander makes his way back down the ramp and grabs nicky before johnny could get a tag Gunn turns Johnny around and hits the Fameasser and Gunn goes for the cover 1....2....3. The Spirit Squad is eliminated, leaving NAO and The Hardy boys.
Jeff comes in for the hardys against Gunn. Gunn lands a good combo of rights and lefts. He whips Jeff int the corner and Gunn running to the corner with full speed and drives his shoulder in to Jeffs gut. Gunn goes and tags in James. James picks Jeff up but Jeff lands a standing drop kick to Jamess' face both crawling to their corners taging in their patner Gunn and Matt go at it rights and lefts flying at each other Gunn spears Matt and keeps striking him. Gunn picks Matt up and tries for the Gunn Stinger but Hardy counters. Hardy going for the twist of fate but Gunn gets out and goes off of the ropes and hits the Fameasser again he goes for the pin 1... jeff gets in the ring but James hold him off 2...3.
Winners and New Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws
JR: Well King I give my congrat to all the men in that last match my aht is off to them for putting on such a great show.

King: Yes JR I agree with you and was an amazing match.

JR: Our next match here on Revolution is Randy Orton vs. Abyss, Lets go to Lilliian in the Ring.

Lillian: The next

*Ortons music cuts her off; Orton signals for his music to be cut.*

Orton: Now um, Myself and Mr.McMahon were talking before I came out here and we thought that the WWA needs a Champion on its opening night so. Tonight this match will be for the WWA Heavyweight Championship.

*Orton gets off of the mic and continues to the ring as Abyss's music hits*

Abyss and Orton are now in the ring and Orton shuffles around to get away from Abyss. Orton kicks Abyss in the back of the knee Abyss is struggling to stand and orton connects with a flying forearm but Abyss is still standing Orton whips Abyss into the ropes and tries for a backdrop but Abyss kicks him in the chest. Abyss catches Orton on the throat and chokeslams him Abyss goes for the pin 1....2 orton somehow get his shoulder off of the mat. Abyss lifts Orton up and puts him on his shoulder as if going for a powerslam but Orton slides out turns Abyss around and RKOs him Orton goes for the pin 1....2 and Abyss kicks out also Orton looks around in shock. Orton locks on a sleeper hold and wraps his legs around Abyss body but Abyss is fight to his feet, first to his knees and Orton looks a little worried and Abyss gets back to his feet and Orton lets the hold go and runs off the ropes and runs his shoulder into the back of Abyss's knee. Orton tries for it again but before he got to Abyss he turned around and nailed Orton with the Black Hole Slam. Abyss goes for the pin but a mysterious man comes from the crowd and distracts the ref. But Kane makes his way down to the ring and Uppercuts Abyss to the throat and he grabs Abyss and Tombstones him. Kanes gets out of the ring, the man jumps down fromthe apron and Orton goes for the pin 1...2...3
Winner: New WWA Champion Randy Orton
The Mysterious man takes off the outfit and its Bob Orton Jr.

*Camera Cuts to JR & King.*

JR: That damn cheat Abyss had the match won, Orton had to rely on his dad and that damn monster kane.

King: Hey calm down JR I mean Orton won that match fair and square to the referee, But nonetheless Randy Orton is the new WWA champion.

*Camera Fades black*

It goes to a promo for Aj Styles debut in the WWA. Coming Soon
*Backstage With Randy Orton*

Todd Grisham: Well I guess Ill say congrats on your title win and ask you how do you feel right now

Orton: You guess, you guess, YOU GUESS what is that supposed to mean but anyway to answer your question. I am feeling very well I mean I am the WWA champion. And I will next week make an open challenge to anyone this weekend at Saturday Nights Main Event. That right anyone in the world can challenge for the title this weekend.

*Cut back to JR & King*

JR: Next we have D-Generation X to Face off against The New Corperation

King: This match is like a David and David vs. Goliath and Goliath.

JR: Exactly, What can come of Mark Henry and The Great Khali teaming together under the guidance of MR. McMahon.

*Cut to A Commercial*
*Back From the commercial *

Lillian: The following match is scheduled for one Fall.

*DX makes their way to the ring*

* The New Corperation Makes their way to the ring accompanied by Davari.*

Triple H and The Great Khali start the match together, Triple H fakes a test of strength and kicks Khali in the mid-section Khali drops to one knee and Triple H gives hima Running high knee to the face and Khali is on both knees now. Triple H takes Khali by the hair and strikes him on the forehead but Khali grabs Triple H by the throat and raises to both feet and slams Triple H with a a Double handed chokeslam and Triple H is flat out Khali goes for the pin and Shawn Micheals runs in the ring and kicks Khali in the head. Khali gets up in Fury. Mark Henry begs for a Tag and triple H is still laid out. Khali tag in Henry. Henry goes to Triple H and lifts him up and takes him up into a military press he presses Triple H 3 times and lets him fall on his face Henry runs over and attacks Micheals but he jumps down before Henry gets there. Henry goes for the pin on Triple H 1....2..and triple H kicks out and 2 and three quarters. Micheals gets back in his corner. Triple H is whiped into the ropes and henry wants to hit a spinebuster but Triple H counters into a DDT. Now both wrestlers are down and Triple H is crawlin toward Micheals and gets a tag and so does Henry. Khali is slow getting in the ring And when he gets in Micheals nails the Sweet Chin Music but Khali is still standing so Micheals delivers another and Khali is still standing so micheals runs off of the ropes and delivers another and Khali falls. Micheals goes for the cover 1....2... Khali powers out. And micheals cant believe it. Shane is running down the ramp with a kendo stick and gets in the ring. And Nails Micheals with it ding ding ding Winners by DQ DX

Aftermath: The New Corperation in beating the hell out of Micheals and Triple H but Chyna and the New age Outlaws make their way down to the ring. Khali stays in the ring while the rest flee. X-pac comes through the crowd armed with a steel chair He Jumps in the ring and nails Khali in the back of the head with the chair but it doesnt hurt Khali. Chyna then strikes Khali and the New Age Outlaws join in and Khali is down and DX stands over him.

*Cut to a Commercial*
*Backstage with Vince McMahon*

Vince: Good Evening, I'm here to announce the new Intercontinental Champion. But before I do that, I just want to announce something else DX will pay for what they did to my Corperation, So this weekend at Saturday Nights Main Event. All of DX will take on The Great Khali, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, Kane and The Big Show. And now for the New Intercontinental Champion I dont want to give it away so umm this weekend at SNME there will be a 15 man battle royal for that Championship. Thank You.

*Cut to JR and King

JR: Wow two great matches made for SNME this weekend.

King: Yea this great you heard the Boss DX will pay.

JR: But next The United States championship match. Lashley vs. Nitro w/ Melina

*Lashley makes his way down to the ring, But half way down to the ring Nitro nails him with a lead pipe.*

Nirto throws Lashley into the ring and covers him 1...2.. and Lashley kicks out. But Nitro argues with the ref. and Lashley makes his way to his feet and when Nitro turned around and Lashley hits him with a powerful Spinebuster lashley goes for the pin 1...2.. and Nitro kicks out. Lashley waits for Nitro to get up. Nitro gets to his feet and Lashley puts Nitro on his shoulder and hits the running powerslam Lashley pins him and Melina get up on the apron as Rob Conway hands Nitro the lead pipe from earlier Nitro picks it up and nails Lashley with it. Melina hops down and Nitro pins Lashley 1...2....3 Winner and New US Champ Johhny Nitro

JR: Oh my god that damn Nitro he couldnt get it done by himself so he got his Girlfriend and a partner to beat lashley.

King: Okay JR I dont even know what happened I was to busy watching Melinas puppies. JR your just mad cause you dont have a hot girlfriend like Melina.

*Cut To JR and King*

JR: Next we have a very very good match. This bout is very promising Edge against Samoa Joe.

Lillian: The Following contest is the First in the WWA heavyweight Championship tournament. The winner of this match will move on and advance going toward the prize the WWA Heavyweight Championship.

*Edge and Joe make their entrances*

The match starts with the two locking up, Edge backs Joe into the corner Edge elbows Joe in the Neck and then backs of Edge then runs full speed right into the post Joe just moved out of the way. Joe snaps in the Kokina clutch and Edge doesnt look to good but Edge rolls onto his stomach and Edge slowly but is moving toward the ropes. After about 20 secs into the hold EDge is ready to tap. Edge reaches out and grabs the bottom rope. Joe releases the hold now Joe jumps to the top rope. Edge is up to his feet and turns around Joe jumps and hits a crossbody and pins Edge 1...2 Edge kicks out. Joe is waiting for Edge to get to his feet. Joe tries for the Kokina clutch but Edge elbows his way out. Edge gets behind Joe and snaps on the Kokina clutch Joe immediately gets to the ropes. Edge waits for Joe to get to his feet, Edge sets up in the opposite corner for the spear and Joe is back up and turns around. And Edge goes for the spear but Joe moves again and catches Edge with the Kokina Clutch. Joe has it sinched in and Edge might tap. Edge starts to move but cant reach the ropes. after 20 secs on the hold Edge is red the ref checks Edge's arm 1.......2........3

Winner Samoa Joe

JR: A great match just like I thought but what does this mean for Edge I mean he never tapped out so will he be back or what.

King: I guess we will find out.

Lillian: The Following is a Fatal-4-Way match and is a Tournament match for the WWA Heavyweight Title.

*Kurt Angle, John Cena, and Rob Van Dam made their entrances*

Everyone is in the ring except the mystery opponent. Everyone in the ring begins to fight. And Chris Masters music hits and he runs down the ramp and Van Dam leg drops Masters but he get right back up. And clothelines Van Dam. Meanwhile Kurt has a sleeper hold on Cena. Angle grabs Cenas ankle and has the angle lock, locked in. Cena is riving in pain and Angle is twisting as hard as he can. But Masters breaks it up Angle gets up and is in rage and attacks Masters, Angle takes Masters out of the ring Angle whips Masters into the stairs Angle gets back into the ring as Van Dam kicks Angle in the head and Angle is down. Van Dam goes to the top rope and Hits the five star frog splash 1...2.. cena breks up the fall Cena takes Van dam and F-U's him and locks in the STFU. Angle is still out and Masters is on the outside of the ring and Van Dam is going to tap, after 20 secs Van Dam doesnt tap and Cena lets go. He waits for Van Dam to get back up and F-U's Van Dam again but Masters knocks Cena out And locks the Masterlock in on Cena. But Angle German Suplex's both Masters and Cena. Angle takes off the straps and snaps the ankle lock on Van Dam. Angle wraps his legs around Van Dams leg and twists as hard as he can. Van Dam kicks Angle in the chest with his free leg and Angle is still twisting Van Dam continues to kicka nd finally Van Dam gets out. Cena and Masters gat back up to their feet and they throw rights and lefts until Masters falls Cena capitalizes and stomps out Masters and Hits the five-knuckle shuffle and pumps up his shoes Cena hits the F-U on Masters and snaps the STFU on him and Angle gets back on Van Dams ankle with the ankle lock. Both Angle and Cena are looking at each other as they have their submissions on their opponents. Van Dam and Masters are both riving in pain as Van Dam looks at Masters, Masters passes out. Theref comes over and checks Masters 1.......2..... and as the ref counts the 3rd arm down Van Dam taps.

The Final decision is a DRAW

*Cut To JR and King*

JR: What a match that was a Slobber Knocker these men gave it their all. Tune in on SNME to see who advances to the next round. This has been WWA revolution and I'm Jim Ross

King: And I'm Jerry Lawler

JR: And we will see you on Saturday. Thank You and goodnight.

*WWA Revolution Goes off the Air*
Thanx man and Ive seen your show its perfect. Nirto as champ its good i want to see what happens next.
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