Wrestlers and Movies.


Getting Noticed By Management
Now look, wrestlers are actors in a way, they just never seem to find success mainstream. Maybe they aren't taken seriously? The only 1 that has had success was the Rock, although Nash it bit roles is pretty good. Which wrestler that hasn't been in a movie would you be most interested in seeing? Past or present. Or is there 1, (please say no), that you enjoy currently? I'm sure there are enough Cena marks out there. Or a movie where you think a Wrestler could have played a great part. Like Sting as "The Crow".

Off the top of my head, these are Wrestlers that have appeared in movies: Hogan, Austin, Rock, HHH, Nash, Kenndy, Kane, Show, Buff Bagwell, DDP, (that doesnt include that horrible WCW movie) Show, Hardcore Holly, Savage, Billy Graham, Piper, Andre, Nathan Jones, Khali, and many others with bit parts ala R-Truth in The Wrestler and Luthor Reigns in girl next door. And others have appeared in TV shows as well.

I think the Undertaker would be good, he did appear in a tv show, don't remember what. That whole dead man thing could work. Edge could be intwersting as well. I will admit, I do enjoy the Rock.
Edge was in Highlander: Endgame and Taker was in Suburban Commando in bit parts. Mysterio was in some cheezy horror movie but I don't remember what it was called. I think Chris Jericho would be good in a comedy flick, as he has been hilarious in the past.
Terry Funk was in the best movie of all time "Road House". He had one of the most legendary lines in film history when he said to Dalton "I heard you had balls big enough to come in a dump truck but you don't look like much to me". His performance was awesome.

But to answer the question I think it's a few things, for one like you said I don't think people take them seriously and two they just aren't that good of actors and three they are just too recognizable of people. It's not just wrestlers either, it's the same way with athletes. Take Shaq for example he tried venturing into movies and they all sucked. When you're known or recognized for something besides acting it makes it hard to play in a movie because when they see you in the movie all they think about is you the wrestler not who you're playing in the movie. Think about it, anytime you watched a Hogan movie did you think of him as the character he played in the movie or just Hulk Hogan? Wrestler's are just so recognizable because of their build too so it makes it that much harder for you to get past that they are wrestlers.
Mick Foley was in the ICP film "Big Money Hustlas", but, of course, he was playing himself. I wouldn't mind seeing him in other films. I'm sure we've all heard about his planned sitcom that fell through, so maybe his heart just isn't in acting as it is with wrestling and writing. Besides, I guess, his range is probably limited to eccentric, roughneck type characters. But I guess I'm just a big Foley fan.

As has been pointed out, wrestlers rarely succeed in Hollywood, as they're never taken seriously. It's not made any easier when they're credited as their wrestling names. I think when a non-wrestling fan sees "Behind Enemy Lines starring Mr. Kennedy", they're going to say WTF. You have to admit, it does seem silly.

Most wrestlers aren't exactly known for their great acting abilities, either, when it comes to showing emotions, etc. Only the best promo workers have a chance of having some decent Hollywood roles, which is why Cena has had some (mild) success, while Kane's movie was a humiliating flop.

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