Best Worst Movies


Pre-Show Stalwart
With Halloween right around the corner, there have been a lot of awful horror movie on TV. As bad as these movies are, for some reason we love them, and find them just as entertaining a good movie, infact most time the worst the movie, the more we like it. So now here is the question, what is the best worst movie?

I have two

I can't even being to describe how awesome this movie is. It is you stereotypical 80's movie, with bad acting and an even worse scripted. This movie has everything, long chase scenes, gratuitous violence, random nudity, and a women getting torched with bacon.

The second one is a cult classic.


Again this movie has everything as well, except Trolls. That right, there are no trolls in Troll 2. Instead they have vegetarian goblins. The town of goblins turns unsuspecting people in plants, and then eats them. This was voted one of the worst movies of all time, but is terrible entertaining.

Both these movie are a must see for everyone.
FrankenHooker..guy loses his girlfriend through death and needs to collect body parts to rebuild her..he has her head but he gets his body parts from other peoples leaft overs..she comes back to life and says "YOU WANNA DATE" to every man she meets lol...kills them if they have sex with her or not

Killer Clowns from OuterSpace

Aliens who look like clowns come from outer space and terrorize a small town. They turned people into cotton candy and drank their blood...killed people with shadow puppets..and melted people's skin with sizzling cream pie
Gotta agree with the previous post about Killer Klowns From Outer Space. The movie is so bad it's great. Been a long time since I've seen it, but if I remember correctly they use cotton candy to keep their victims in and popcorn is deadly. Classicly terrible.

Another great cult classic is Army of Darkness. Bruce Campbell makes this movie so great. Technically a sequel of Evil Dead I and II, but much different. This movie is purposely written to be so bad it's good. The cheesy one-liners and humorous fight scenes are nothing short of perfectly bad.
This thread seems familiar :rolleyes:. My favorite horrible yet hilarious film is not just one film, it is in fact a trilogy. Carnosaur is my shit and easily one of the funniest films ever. Rick Dean's sarcastic narcissism makes films 2 and 3 excellent to watch. Not to mention the fact that the first film actually took itself seriously and was based off of a book. Good times. The cheesy dialogue, mixed with the ridiculously fake looking dinosaurs puts these films right in the mix for worst yet funniest bad movie. Seriously, check them out.
3 words- The Stoned Age. Troll 2 was already taken. This has to be the best "worst" movie. I don't think the movie is that bad, it is pretty funny. I can understand why most people find it bad or have never heard of it before. I saw this movie on USA Up All Night about 12 years ago.



Another great flick is Ski School 2. Most people are more familiar with the first Ski School. I remember renting Ski School 2 on my 12th birthday party. Its another typical B movie, but its one of favorites. Another so bad its good movie.

Scarecrow it was a b list movie with b list stars, but it was pretty good best worse movie. it is kind of corny with the jokes that they have in it. i would recommend the movie to other people. it had some bad acting and a bad scripit but, i cant stop watching it.


it is good for a low budget film.
I remember renting out Killer Klowns from Outer Space with some mates as a laugh, it was awesomely bad. In particular though at one point one of the guys announced his intentions to heat up a mince pie (staple diet for any NZer) and two seconds later on the film one of the Klowns said "Anyone want a piiiie!??" or something similar, it was the uncanniest moment ever.

One that I've seen recently is BasketCase 2. Trumps the original and the third one by a million. Especially the BigGiantMouth mutant singing opera & mutant hand puppet baby. Oh and blobby mutant sex scene!!! Craziness personified!
Yes!! I SO remember Killer Klowns, I loved that movie, it was so cheesy, it was hilarious. And Troll 2, already another classic I remember growing up, both had such cheesy acting, especially the vegetarian ghouls. LOL. But for me, the BEST worst movie was Prom Night III: The Last Kiss. It was a part of the Prom Night Anthology. This one was more a comedy. One of the kid's teacher's gets crucified on a table with ice cream cones by the infamous Mary Lou Maloney. Then she stuffs him to death with food. Then, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention, The Toxic Avenger 1, 2, or 3, or 4. Anything by the Troma company is TRULY bad enough to be watched and be like :wtf: . The first Toxic Avenger, when Toxie crushes the Dry Cleaning lady in the hot press at the store...truly disturbing, but all the special gags and effects, warrants it enough you want to cheer him on and see the rest of the saga. I recommend anything in the Troma genre. :thumbsup:
Road House. Incredible classic. Stupid dialogue, dumb story and overly dramatic at all times. Just so awful, any time it's on I have to watch it.
Maximum Overdrive! Never has a "horror" movie made me laugh so hard and still does to this day that didn't have Bruce Czmpbell in it. The AC/DC soundtrack, the vast assortment of whacked out characters (the newlywed bride who does the voice of Lisa Simpson; the waitress who runs out screaming "We made you!", and the boy who for a few quick seconds goes Rambo on a drive through screen), and the way everything went together in an incredibly bad/good way.

Honorable mention: since I'd brought up Bruce Campbell and I know the Evil Dead and Army of Darkness movies were already mentioned. However, let me just say two other words for Campbell's legacy: Bubba Hotep.
Mine would have to be Showdown In Little Tokyo starring Brandon Lee and Dolph Lundgren


It was an early 90s buddy cop movie with typical cliches. Two cops coming from different backgrounds team up to stop the bad guy and his drug trafficking business (who also killed Dolph Lundgren's parents). It was incredibly cheesy with cheesy fighting, cheesy one-liners. Some of the best lines include Brandon Lee saying he doesn't like raw fish, then goes into a japanese club where guys are eating fish of naked women, he then says 'That thing I said about the fish, I can change my mind.
Oh, Oh I wanna play. I'm gonna go with Black Sheep. My friends and I saw a trailer on I don't remember what movie but it was so bad and we laughed so hard that we ordered it through Netflix. As soon as it came in we made a movie night out of it. Good times.


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