Adam Sandlers best & worst


Master of the Aussie kiss
Simply put. Wich of Adam sandlers movies is the best?

For me it is easy. No movie with Adam sandler in is better then Big Daddy. His acting in this movie, is by far the best I have seen him do. I know there isnt much to compare him too, but he has made a couple of ok movies with Big Daddy standing out in the crowd. It wasn't just a funny movie, it containd alot of seriousness in it. who didnt want to see him end up without the kid? This is the movie that if anybody told me to suggest an Adam sandler movie it would be this without Hesitation.

and his worst?...

Little Nicky. Dear god how on earth could this be any worse? the storyline was god awful, and made little sense if any. I'm surprised they even bothered putting it out on DVD. the acting was bad, the Special effects was bad.

well there is mine what is yours?
My personal favorite with Adam Sandler is 50 First Dates. It may not have been the best movie, but he definitely did some good acting, and still worked his comedy in. Big Daddy is another great movie, and you can never go wrong with watching that.

My least favorite, is probably Waterboy. The movie is hysterical, but when you cut away all the humor, it's not much of a "movie", and even the comedy is a bit forced sometimes.
I'm not sure there is a best here. I've never been a fan of Sandler in the slightest as I just don't find him funny. It's the same formula every time and it's just not my style. I've seen a good amount of his movies and they're ok with a laugh or two here or there, but for the most part not great.

As for best, I'll go with Longest Yard I think. He's toned WAY down in it which makes him more likeable. It's a remake of a great football movie where the plot is good, he has a strong cast backing him up, including several pro wrestlers and football players, and the whole thing is just fun. He plays a decent game of football as someone that's been out of the league for years so it fits really well. Overall it's good. Not great like the original, but fun.

Worst-I'll say Mr. Deeds. The only thing that made me laugh was the butler and Sandler might as well have been a statue. he did nothing of interest at all and just was there because he is a "funny guy". I've seen it twice and likely won't see it a third time. Just unfunny Sandler annoyances.
Best- Happy Gilmore. As a kid, that was the funniest movie ever. I haven't watched it in years, so I am not sure how it would hold up now. But the movie was all around golden. The highlight was when Bob Barker punched out Happy. Or the classic line "I eat shits like you for breakfast." "You eat shit for breakfast?!" Overall, it is a funny movie, and the only Adam Sandler movie I hold close to my heart.
Gilmore was good if nothing else for the Barker fight alone. it would likely be the second on my list as it was his first "insane" movie I saw. After that it was just the same thing time after time. He played the character very well indeed and was actually funny at it. The rest of the cast was ok at best, although Ben Still made me laugh which he has only done one other time. Sandler is good with his sports movies, I'll give him that.
Happy Gilmore would be my faveourite, most definately, it was a funny movie and had quite a few memorable quotes, well for me atleast, e.g when he fights his golf partner, "The price is wrong, bitch" and when Ben Stiller asks Happy's grandmother if she'd like a nice warm glass of shut the hell up and he tells her that she will go to sleep, or he'll put her to sleep. True point about him being good with sports movies aswell.

My least faveourite, would probably be 50 first dates, nothing from that movie was very memorable for me, I just didn't find it that great. I'm tempted to say Bedtime Stories aswell, I thought it was a little bit too childish.
I'm tempted to say Bedtime Stories aswell, I thought it was a little bit too childish.
Sorry, but isnt that the point of making a movie called Bed time Stories? If it came across to you as a bit Childish that is becouse it most likley was. It was made for kids, recreating all of the popular Kids fantasys and putting them into one Movie. I am yet to see this movie but it is on my list.
I can say with ease that Big daddy, Happy Gilmore, and Billy Madison were my favorite Adam Sandler films. All movies were solid in there own right. I slightly enjoyed Big daddy more, though. It had alot of good, comedic moments and the plot was kindly original that was not only funny, but serious. I think Adam played his character very well, and other characters played off him or complimented him.

The worst, although I still liked it, was his more recent film, "Don't mess with a Zohan". Too many unappropriote scenes/moments, prime example: The constant (Large) crotch references.
Zohan was just out there. When I look at Sandler i could suspend my disbelief enough to let myself believe him he's a football player or a golfer, but a killing machine? Something about that just doesn't work for me. The idea of the movie was a good one, but Sandler just wasn't the right kind of person for it. I would have loved to see Arnold in that. Granted he's the governor so therefore it wouldn't happen, but Sandler just wasn't a good choice for it to me.
When Talking about Adam Sandlers best movie would be a toss up between Happy Gilmore and 50 First Dates. Now while 50 first dates was a good movie in comparison to Happy Gilmore it did not have a fight with Bob Barker "The Price is Wrong!" and although i think 50 First dates had a better story, I watch Adam Sandler for funniness rather then story, and Happy Gillmore had more funny moments so i think that that was his best movie.

As for his worst I agree with Sparktista Little Nicky had a crap storyline and made little sense, and did not have enough funny moments to make the movie entertaining to me.
Now this one is rather tough imo. For the best films I'd say his originals...Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, and The Waterboy. Those are all classics I think and no matter how many times I watch them, I still get a good laugh.

Worst is rather hard for me. I don't think any of his movies are really bad...some just aren't as good. He's one of the few actors who can turn anything to gold it seems, making even the bad films (stories that is) watchable. Now the best at that are easily Will Smith and Denzel, but Sandler has a knack for it too. So then, I think the Sandler film that is not quite up to par with the rest would be Bulletproof or Eight Crazy Nights.
I always loved Happy Gilmore. Especially the line "You little son of a bitch ball! Why you don't you just go home? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your home?" :lmao: But Happy Gilmore is a classic and one of his best and most successful films. It's in my opinion one of the best comedy movies ever, and really shows how well Sandler can act in comedic movies, particularly comedic sports movies.

As for his worst, i'll say Click. I don't know what happened with this movie, it could've been great, but it just wasn't. Sandler didn't seem to really care about this movie when you watched it, it looked like he was doing it just to get paid and he just wanted to do the lines and get out of there.
I loved his original movies like Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, The Longest Yard, Little Nicky, Billy Madison & The Wedding Singer. He played those roles perfectly especially in Happy Gilmore which is his funniest movie to date. Now in my opinion his worst movie to date is You don't mess with the Zohan. That movie was terrible & a total ripoff of Disaster Movie.
Wow. I am not a fan of Sandler by any means. I think he is drivel in any movie. Except for one.

Reign Over Me - This movie is about a guy who lost his family on 9-11. Sandler is that guy in the movie. He runs into his old friend from college. Sandler was a dentist at one point until his family perished on 9-11. He like I said meets up with his old college buddy, and his buddy tries to get him to come back to real life. I can't and won't explain the movie in detail for anyone who has not seen it. But it is Adam Sandlers best movie and his best performance of all time. It's fantastic. One of the best parts of this movie...NO ROB FUCKING SHCHNEIDER!

His worst is everything else. I mean really. Once you've seen a Sandler comedy you have seen them all pretty much the same cast, the same lines. It just gets old. Happy Gilmore was ok as was Big Daddy the first time you see them. Biut they wear off. Regin Over Me does not. If you havent seen it. Check it out.
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I would have to say his best that I've seen from him was 'Punch Drunk Love'. Like "Reign Over Me" (I haven't seen it before) he was out of his comfort zone in this one. You litterally have to pay attention to just about every single detail to get this movie.
I myself am a big Adam Sandler fan, and love most movies hes in. My favorite would have to be Billy Madison. I simply love that movie, and can watch it non-stop. I also love Big Daddy, and Happy Gilmore. In Big Daddy Rob Schneider was great in it along with Sandler, and Happy Gilmore is just a classic.

The worst would have to be Little Nicky. That movie made little to no sense, and was just stupid. I watched it once, and can not bring myself to watch it again, because it was just horrible.
It's hard to judge Sandler on "quality" because much of his work is supposed to be stupid comedy, so it's hard to try an pick out a mature storyline with a point to it. I've enjoyed 2 out of his 3 phases. He's started out with the stupid comedy, which I enjoyed, moved onto more sensible comedy (Anger Management/50 First Dates) and then tried to be serious with Spanglish. Zohan looked bad because he went from a dramatic actor back to his early days.


Favorite: Anger Management; Great chemistry with Jack, and I simply found it entertaining.

Worst: Spanglish. Just the wrong guy for the movie.
I'm going to take a different approach with Sandler's Movie's, while I love his comedies, I'd have to say Punch Drunk Love is my favorite from him. It's a drama, not what you'd expect from Sandler, and I thought he was great in it. His character was passionate and believable, and the story was excellent. It's an underrated movie in my eye.

For his comedies, I'd have to say it's a toss up between Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison. I also liked Anger Management, 50 First Dates, Spanglish, and Click.
For the most part, I can watch any Sandler film and enjoy myself. I even got some enjoyment out of You Don't Mess with the Zohan, but my favorite would have to be Happy Gilmore. It's a hilarious concept of a hockey player trying to become a golfer and the different characters are great. It also introduced one of the greatest Movie douches of all time in Shooter McGraff.

The worst Sandler film without a doubt is Overboard. Absolute shit, and I couldn't even finish it. The comedy was juvenile even for Sandler.
Waterboy is by far my favorite Adam Sandler movie. I laughed my ass off every time I saw it. He reminded me of Ken Shamrock the way he would snap. He was spearing mutha fuckas throughout the movie & even delivered a suplex to some dud during a game. Plus, how could you not like Farmer Fran?

Little Nicky-I don't know what the fuck they were thinking when they made that shit. I hate that movie! That's his worst movie in my opinion. I didn't like anything about. Nothing interested me.
I squeal for Happy Gilmore. It just made me feel good and it didn't feel manufactured. How do you knock a guy that's willing to embarass himself to buy back his grandmother's house? The character was irreverant while being likeable, which is a task Sandler failed at in some later films. If I had say worst... I'd have to go with 50 First Dates, because it felt like he was trying too hard.

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