Wrestlemania 28: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (c) - World Heavyweight Championship

I was also disappointed with the 18 second decision. I paid $60 to see a good match, but we get one move and BOOM, new World Heavyweight Champion. Yes, I was wanting Sheamus to win anyway. But I'm not happy with how it all went down. Daniel Bryan is great in the ring, as is Sheamus. Why couldn't we have a good match, at least 10 minutes? Hell, that whole Funkasaurus thingy-ma-jig was a complete waste of time. But, you know, what can you do?
Wow dude, "1) Taker's entrance
2) santino segments
3) rappers
4) brodus clay"

At no point does that say shit about Ziggler or Team Johnny. Learn how to read.

Sheamus winning in 8 seconds hurt him just as much. this isn't a HHH political thing. Fuck sake, stop with the conspiracy bullshit, you sound like a mark. The only HHH bullshit was the whole Taker feud. When the feud became as much about "will HBk screw HHH" it became a Kliq feud.

Sheamus was over, very over, and they made a (misguided) business decision. The decision hurt DB and Sheamus.

LOL maybe it's YOU your who needs to learn to read. I SAID HE WAS MORE OVER THAN ZIGGLER OR ANYONE on TEAM JOHNNY!

Oh it hurt Sheamus big time. I am sure he's going to get booed a lot now and people will chant DB every time he comes out. I just do not get what that accomplished. So all the great matches DB has had with Punk and others over the last few months makes them all look weak. Unless they have some grand idea for this, it was a pointless match.

You know it's funny how EVERYONE HERE always says what a great guy HHH is. I am not mark but I go by what MANY have said about him. There's no doubt in my mind he put the title on his friend's waist as a "business decision". If he really wanted a real champ then they could have put the belt around someone else. All I can think is Lesnar will come in and beat Sheamus in 19 secs. lol

Yeah I do agree with you about the UT/HHH feud. I personally feel they tried to make this the best WM ever but in doing so made it one of the worst.
I don't care what any of you think. The match being 18 seconds was a joke and a spit in the face to fans. Daniel Bryan is one of the best wrestlers in the world and we didn't get to see him. It was a mistake to make this match 18 seconds, i don't care what anyone says.

Understand something. When you post something in a forum asking what other people think, and then saying that their opinion doesn't matter makes you ignorant and will get you nowhere in these forums. Don't post if you don't want to listen dude. I understand that you're new, but don't post stuff like that on your own thread. It's a bit rude and unwise. Just letting you know...

In general, the card was awesome and as the OP Stated, I also agree that it was a slap in the face for both wrestlers. It might have been less of one if it took the allotted 8 Seconds, but it didn't. That would have been a good match of ability vs power. But we didn't get it. 1 kick and it's over. But I have a feeling that WWE Creative will recover this and give the fans what they want.
LOL maybe it's YOU your who needs to learn to read. I SAID HE WAS MORE OVER THAN ZIGGLER OR ANYONE on TEAM JOHNNY!

Oh it hurt Sheamus big time. I am sure he's going to get booed a lot now and people will chant DB every time he comes out. I just do not get what that accomplished. So all the great matches DB has had with Punk and others over the last few months makes them all look weak. Unless they have some grand idea for this, it was a pointless match.

You know it's funny how EVERYONE HERE always says what a great guy HHH is. I am not mark but I go by what MANY have said about him. There's no doubt in my mind he put the title on his friend's waist as a "business decision". If he really wanted a real champ then they could have put the belt around someone else. All I can think is Lesnar will come in and beat Sheamus in 19 secs. lol

Yeah I do agree with you about the UT/HHH feud. I personally feel they tried to make this the best WM ever but in so mad it one of the worst.
If you think DB is more over than Santino, you need to get your ears checked.

Also, I don't think HHH is great guy, in fact, I think his obsession with HBK ruined the Taker feud. I just think it's ******ed to think that Sheamus went over DB in 8 seconds because of HHH.

They always try to make Mania the best. This one definately wasn't one of the worst. Not with 3 high quality matches of a variety of styles. It's better than 2, 4-6 (nonstop 6 minute matches, like 15 matches per show average), better than 9, 11, 13 (that's a one match show), 15, 16, maybe 20 (same problem as 4-6, too many meaningless short matches).

It's definately not one of the worst. Great hardcore/brutal match, great "wrestling" match, great epic style match.
If you think DB is more over than Santino, you need to get your ears checked.

Also, I don't think HHH is great guy, in fact, I think his obsession with HBK ruined the Taker feud. I just think it's ******ed to think that Sheamus went over DB in 8 seconds because of HHH.

They always try to make Mania the best. This one definately wasn't one of the worst. Not with 3 high quality matches of a variety of styles. It's better than 2, 4-6 (nonstop 6 minute matches, like 15 matches per show average), better than 9, 11, 13 (that's a one match show), 15, 16, maybe 20 (same problem as 4-6, too many meaningless short matches).

It's definately not one of the worst. Great hardcore/brutal match, great "wrestling" match, great epic style match.

Oh no Santino is over right now! All comedy jobber have their moments and honestly the guy deserves it. Even the Brooklyn Brawler had his moments.

No I think he had a little something to do with it. I mean Sheamus is over (until he steps in as champ and is booed). What reason would they have to bury DB like that? The guy did get a fan reaction when he turned but not 100% over. They splash Ziggler each and every week in our faces and he gets no reaction same thing with ADR (When around). All I can hope is this was part of some bigger picture. I think the WWE really dropped the ball with this one. I am thinking at Extreme Rules he will wrestle again after blaming AJ.

And to be quite honest my mood went down after the DB match, and the next two. So maybe my one of the worst comments isn't exactly dead on. Hell I even went to watch The Cleveland show after the DB match as I was totally out of it after they buried the guy.
Definitely agree with the disappointment over Sheamus vs Bryan. You could tell the people were upset, because up until the Taker vs HHH match I could hear chants of "Bull S---!" and "Daniel Bryan clap clap clap-clap clap!"

For the second year in a row, the winner of the Royal Rumble, the man promised to "headline" or "main event" Wrestlemania, is the opening match.

That said, this year's event overall was still better than last year's.
1) Rocky winning isn't my choice but it's not bad, Cena is where he'd be regardless win/lose. Plus you don't know what'll happen tomorrow.
"It's all apart of a storyline" is never a valid excuse. Remember Christian dropping the title to Orton after a week? Exactly.

2) Not that big of a deal, the match wasn't that prominent and DB wasn't that over (except last night coincidentally). easy fix, not a big deal, and this is coming from a HUUUUGE DB fan.
Every time we see him on Raw, the crowd gives him a good amount of heat like a heel is supposed to. He was over.

3) Yea, it sucked, I hate KK and whoever the Z lister was. However, it was better than a lot of matches on Wrestlemania 2000 and many of them had trained male wrestlers.
I thought Wrestlemania was about putting on the greatest show of the year, not settling on mediocrity like "Oh at least it wasn't as bad as THIS Wrestlemania match."

4) The crowd cared it's just harder to hear in an open air. They had colored shirts on because it represented the other guys. How is that a flaw? The match was fun, that's all it was ever supposed to be.
Listen, people heard the crowd during the Taker match. We heard them in what few seconds of Bryan/Sheamus match. We heard them during the Orton/Kane match, and the Cena/Rock match. We did not hear a damn thing during the 10-man tag team match.

It's team representation, fine, whatever. But the way the camera was set up and the sheer volume of people around the ring made the action in the ring blend in with the people outside the ring. And again, Wrestlemania is the PPV people buy. If they don't buy any other PPV throughout the year, they buy Wrestlemania. So why would you just have a throwaway "for fun" match on the card?

5) the last minute stipulation added an unexpected dimension and stacked the odds even more against Punk. That's pro wrestling 101 dude. This is a pretty damn stupid complaint. the entire first part of the match showed this and in fact, it sort of fixed a plothole that would occur.

But it wasn't necessary. There didn't need to be any stipulation. We had an arrogant heel who went extremely personal against a face out to prove himself, angered by the heel who has gotten into his head. There didn't need to be a stipulation, the match was already solid.

Punk logically should have snapped, however, the stipulation meant he didn't. Being last minute stacked the odds against him because at the last minute, he had that on his mind. the first half of the match wasn't jarring, it was telling an in ring story of how Y2J is in Punks head. How is that jarring?
Nobody wanted the stipulation. Nobody wanted this stipulation story to be told. They wanted a straight-up match between two great wrestlers and it wasn't delivered. Plain and simple.

Rhodes dropping the IC made sense. Also, how is not inducting Randy savage a bad thing? You DO realize that they don't just wave a magic wand right? They have to talk to people and set this shit up
I excluded those two from the list, remember? I just didn't like the opponent Rhodes lost it to. I know they have to set things up and talk to people for the Hall of Fame, it was just sad that a great wrestler wasn't even mentioned in memoriam, or celebrated for the legacy he left behind.
Not too surprised about the outcome of this match. The match had zero steam going into the event and its not a good sign when the divas tag match drew more interest.

I wish they gave them 10 minutes to wrestle but if any match was cut short I'm glad it was this one, as hard as it may be to believe them cutting this match short made the most sense and was smart booking, finish up the match no one cares about quickly and open up room for the rest of the show. It made sense.

Wrestlemania was great this year, not one horrible match, all of them were watchable and a few of them were awesome. It was much better than I expected so anyone who is compplaining about this really needs to look at the big picture.
Just a little point here. The WHC is now considered pretty much the secondary title, whereas 24 years ago it was the IC. Anybody remember SS88? You all know the one, where Hokytonk had been IC champion for 64 weeks, and was then beaten in 31 seconds by someone whop had been there barely a year, namely the Ultimate Warrior. Was that disrespectful to Honky? Discuss. Actually, don't bother, none of us have a crystal ball, none of us are employed in WWE Creative, so therefore we don't know where this programme is going to go to. Just relax, wait and see. If this sees DB getting pushed down the card, then fine bitch and moan then, but until that happens stop with the moaning, and the intimations that you could book a better card than the guys who are employed to do it. If you could then YOU would be employed.
"It's all apart of a storyline" is never a valid excuse. Remember Christian dropping the title to Orton after a week? Exactly.

Every time we see him on Raw, the crowd gives him a good amount of heat like a heel is supposed to. He was over.

I thought Wrestlemania was about putting on the greatest show of the year, not settling on mediocrity like "Oh at least it wasn't as bad as THIS Wrestlemania match."

Listen, people heard the crowd during the Taker match. We heard them in what few seconds of Bryan/Sheamus match. We heard them during the Orton/Kane match, and the Cena/Rock match. We did not hear a damn thing during the 10-man tag team match.

It's team representation, fine, whatever. But the way the camera was set up and the sheer volume of people around the ring made the action in the ring blend in with the people outside the ring. And again, Wrestlemania is the PPV people buy. If they don't buy any other PPV throughout the year, they buy Wrestlemania. So why would you just have a throwaway "for fun" match on the card?

But it wasn't necessary. There didn't need to be any stipulation. We had an arrogant heel who went extremely personal against a face out to prove himself, angered by the heel who has gotten into his head. There didn't need to be a stipulation, the match was already solid.

Nobody wanted the stipulation. Nobody wanted this stipulation story to be told. They wanted a straight-up match between two great wrestlers and it wasn't delivered. Plain and simple.

I excluded those two from the list, remember? I just didn't like the opponent Rhodes lost it to. I know they have to set things up and talk to people for the Hall of Fame, it was just sad that a great wrestler wasn't even mentioned in memoriam, or celebrated for the legacy he left behind.
I don't remember anything about Christian. It wasn't that relevant and christian isn't and wasn't over enough to worry about it. Just like this, in the long run, it doesn't matter. If anything, this forces DB's character to evolve and become more interesting.

Everytime we see him he gets decent heat, but not enough to protect him from a match like this. No one will remember this match and if they were given 15 minutes, likely no one would remember that either. I love DB, but this isn't as big of a deal as it's made out to be.

they didn't settle for mediocrity. I was saying that the particular match was better than a lot of others. Sure it sucked, but there are very few, if any, manias without one filler womens/celebrity/shit match. It gives the crowd a breather.

You heard noise at the end. At the beginning they were exhausted. Taker/HHH took a lot out of them. By the end they were loud again and they reacted to Eve's low blow.

A "for fun" match isn't throwaway. You NEED fun matches. Most people think serious pro wrestling is goofy as fuck. Why else is santino so over? People like to have fun when they watch wrestling, who would have thought right? The show should have variety.

If you want to split hairs with "necessary" then whatever. The stipulation didn't hurt the match and I'm really perplexed as to how that even crossed your mind. Adding turmoil to the match is a good thing.

You don't get it. When i say "story" I mean the in ring story. Also, in case you missed it, THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE STIPULATION. So that it WOULD be a straight up wrestling match. the feud was volitile, so there is no logical reason for it to be a straight up wrestling match unless it had to be. Plus the next ppv is extreme rules. the stipulation pretty much ensured that it'd be a straight up wrestling match, which it was, so why the fuck are you complaining? How wasn't it delivered? Because instead of feeling each other out (which would be absolutely ******ed since it's a hate feud) they had a teaser of Punk losing his temper?

What the fuck did you want out of Punk vs jericho? I really want to know. You say "unnecessary stipulation' which was really just a stipulation that forced it to be a straight up wrestling match, not like they changed it to a ***** on a pole match. Second, it WAS a straight up wrestling match and a damn good one. Yet you bitch that it wasn't? WHAT in the hell are you really complaining about here?

My guess is that the stuff early on pissed you off because they were exchanging wristlocks. Instead they were doing character work and telling an IN RING story. Not the story of the stipulation, that's not what I'm talking about smart guy. I'm talking about the story that jericho is in Punk's head and Punk knows it. the story that Jericho is willing to win the match by using his brain and taking a beating.

Randy Savage had that raw dedicated to him. Why put everyone in a sad ass mood? You are already inducting Yoko and Edge and the Horsemen. Savage should be a centerpiece inductee.
"It's all apart of a storyline" is never a valid excuse. Remember Christian dropping the title to Orton after a week? Exactly.

Every time we see him on Raw, the crowd gives him a good amount of heat like a heel is supposed to. He was over.

I thought Wrestlemania was about putting on the greatest show of the year, not settling on mediocrity like "Oh at least it wasn't as bad as THIS Wrestlemania match."

Listen, people heard the crowd during the Taker match. We heard them in what few seconds of Bryan/Sheamus match. We heard them during the Orton/Kane match, and the Cena/Rock match. We did not hear a damn thing during the 10-man tag team match.

It's team representation, fine, whatever. But the way the camera was set up and the sheer volume of people around the ring made the action in the ring blend in with the people outside the ring. And again, Wrestlemania is the PPV people buy. If they don't buy any other PPV throughout the year, they buy Wrestlemania. So why would you just have a throwaway "for fun" match on the card?

But it wasn't necessary. There didn't need to be any stipulation. We had an arrogant heel who went extremely personal against a face out to prove himself, angered by the heel who has gotten into his head. There didn't need to be a stipulation, the match was already solid.

Nobody wanted the stipulation. Nobody wanted this stipulation story to be told. They wanted a straight-up match between two great wrestlers and it wasn't delivered. Plain and simple.

I excluded those two from the list, remember? I just didn't like the opponent Rhodes lost it to. I know they have to set things up and talk to people for the Hall of Fame, it was just sad that a great wrestler wasn't even mentioned in memoriam, or celebrated for the legacy he left behind.
I'm going to start out with the stipulation stuff first because you really don't get it.

1) Punk hates Jericho, so it's not logical for them to have a straight up wrestling match (Punk wants to maul Jericho) unless....
2) there is a stipulation that confines Punk. Which there was. If nothing else, the stipulation FORCED it to be a straight up wrestling match. Which it was.
3) You are bitching that it wasn't a straight up wrestling match....yea it was. there were no shenanigans. There was the storyteling IN RING STORYTELLING (not whatever the fuck garbage you thought I was talking about). the in ring storytelling that Jericho is in Punk's head.

I think you're just upset that punk and jericho didn't spend the first 5 minutes having a sporty wristlock exchange, which is dumb considering the feud.

Tell me exactly what you wanted out of Jericho/punk? Don't just say "straight up wrestling" because it WAS straight up wrestling. Did they not work the match EXACTLY as you wanted? Because in reality, they covered all their bases. They added turmoil to the match before it, which is good, they added a stipulation that covered the plothole that would exist if they would have just had a normal wrestling match. My biggest pet peeve on the indies is that in supposed hate feuds, guys exchange wrist locks and kip ups at first. You don't do that with someone you hate.

From the top now:
I don't remember what you're talking about with Christian because neither Christian or the WHC are really relevant enough to remember that stuff. Just like this match, in the grand scheme it won't matter and will actually force DB's character to evolve.

They don't give him that much heat, not enough that he should be protected from these kinds of losses. Again, he's a heel, he's a chickenshit heel, if anything, this forces him to evolve. I guarantee I'm a bigger Daniel Bryan Danielson fan than you are. Trust me, this is going to be good for him in the long run because he'll have to evolve his character. remember when he was on a losing streak? See how that turned out?

I was only referring to that one match vs other matches. EVERY wrestlemania has a dud women's/celebrity/shit match. It gives the crowd a piss break.

Actually by the end of the 12 man people were reacting. They reacted to the flip plancha, the falsies, Ryder, santino, and Eve's low blow. They were exhausted from Taker/HHH at the beginning so logically, the wrestlers kept the pace and action at a methodical pace.

"Fun" matches aren't throwaways. Believe it or not, people enjoy "fun" pro wrestling, it's why Santino is over. Most people think serious pro wrestling is goofy. The show needs variety. These fun matches are every bit as important as the big ones because you need variety.

It's sad that he's not in the HOF, what do you want them to do about it? Good thing you took it off the list because it makes no sense to complain. Plus, Savage should be a centerpiece hall of famer like Edge was.
I'm going to start out with the stipulation stuff first because you really don't get it.

1) Punk hates Jericho, so it's not logical for them to have a straight up wrestling match (Punk wants to maul Jericho) unless....
2) there is a stipulation that confines Punk. Which there was. If nothing else, the stipulation FORCED it to be a straight up wrestling match. Which it was.
3) You are bitching that it wasn't a straight up wrestling match....yea it was. there were no shenanigans. There was the storyteling IN RING STORYTELLING (not whatever the fuck garbage you thought I was talking about). the in ring storytelling that Jericho is in Punk's head.

I think you're just upset that punk and jericho didn't spend the first 5 minutes having a sporty wristlock exchange, which is dumb considering the feud.

Tell me exactly what you wanted out of Jericho/punk? Don't just say "straight up wrestling" because it WAS straight up wrestling. Did they not work the match EXACTLY as you wanted? Because in reality, they covered all their bases. They added turmoil to the match before it, which is good, they added a stipulation that covered the plothole that would exist if they would have just had a normal wrestling match. My biggest pet peeve on the indies is that in supposed hate feuds, guys exchange wrist locks and kip ups at first. You don't do that with someone you hate.

From the top now:
I don't remember what you're talking about with Christian because neither Christian or the WHC are really relevant enough to remember that stuff. Just like this match, in the grand scheme it won't matter and will actually force DB's character to evolve.

They don't give him that much heat, not enough that he should be protected from these kinds of losses. Again, he's a heel, he's a chickenshit heel, if anything, this forces him to evolve. I guarantee I'm a bigger Daniel Bryan Danielson fan than you are. Trust me, this is going to be good for him in the long run because he'll have to evolve his character. remember when he was on a losing streak? See how that turned out?

I was only referring to that one match vs other matches. EVERY wrestlemania has a dud women's/celebrity/shit match. It gives the crowd a piss break.

Actually by the end of the 12 man people were reacting. They reacted to the flip plancha, the falsies, Ryder, santino, and Eve's low blow. They were exhausted from Taker/HHH at the beginning so logically, the wrestlers kept the pace and action at a methodical pace.

"Fun" matches aren't throwaways. Believe it or not, people enjoy "fun" pro wrestling, it's why Santino is over. Most people think serious pro wrestling is goofy. The show needs variety. These fun matches are every bit as important as the big ones because you need variety.

It's sad that he's not in the HOF, what do you want them to do about it? Good thing you took it off the list because it makes no sense to complain. Plus, Savage should be a centerpiece hall of famer like Edge was.

The Punk/Jericho match was supposed to be a match between two "Best in the Worlds" and the two supposed to be "Best in the World" didn't deliver. The match was mediocre.

Watch Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels from Wrestlemania 21. That match was the match between two "Best in the Worlds" who don't need to repeat the same quote that "I am the Best in the World" and delivered a perfect 5 Star Wrestling match.

Punk/Jericho didn't deliver as any "Best Wrestlers in the World" would have delivered in the Biggest event of the year.
The Punk/Jericho match was supposed to be a match between two "Best in the Worlds" and the two supposed to be "Best in the World" didn't deliver. The match was mediocre.

Watch Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels from Wrestlemania 21. That match was the match between two "Best in the Worlds" who don't need to repeat the same quote that "I am the Best in the World" and delivered a perfect 5 Star Wrestling match.

Punk/Jericho didn't deliver as any "Best Wrestlers in the World" would have delivered in the Biggest event of the year.
o lol Angle vs Michaels where Angle goes into his usual "EPIC MATCH FALSIES" and doesn't work a body part and Michaels does a shit job as selling his broken back? That match? far from perfect, then again, you clearly don't understand IN RING storytelling or selling. This is why you think Punk vs Jericho was mediocre.

Punk vs jerich started out with Punk outwrestling Jericho, Jericho realized it, then got in Punks head with the taunting and trying to get him DQed. Then he gets the advantage and then does some big damage on the back that Punk sells incredibly well. Then we get Punk persevering through sheer determination and outwrestling Jericho.

That's the in ring story of the match, more coherant and better sold than Angle/HBK, I don't give two shits how many big moves or highspots it had.
Such a shame.

Now, I can see the argument for this match going the way it did. You know, Daniel Bryan losing a match in that fashion isn't going to hurt him. He's a coward and he got caught. Losing in 18 seconds just amplifies the cowardice. That's fine, but...

On the other hand, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan are the future of the WWE. It doesn't matter if you're a fan of them or not, it's just a fact. They will be true main eventers in a couple of years, when this "youth kick" comes to fruition. Why not help the process along by giving them 10-15 minutes on the "Grandest Stage of Them All"? Really allow them to cement the gimmicks and truly get themselves over in front of the biggest audience WWE gets. Considering how lacklustre the build was, this point is even more important and relevant.
This build did nothing for both men. It didn't bury Bryan, but it didn't give him any ammo either. I'm kinda disappointed on Sheamus winning, and I know he is too, concerning the fact on how good DB is. Sometimes WWE booking is crazy stupid.

I think Extreme Rules will be their moment to shine, but not on the biggest stage of them all, and it's disappointing to me and to the fans.
WWE screwed us over with D-Bry and Sheamus Two Wrestlmania's in a Row. First we were suppose to get there US Title Match last year but never happened due to them being in dark matches. And now this piece of crap. I am not mad sheamus won I wanted him to win. I am just pissed that they made him win this way.
I have to admit as an Irishman this pissed me off. So im delighted with me self. Was in work all Sunday got home Mania was at midnigt, deadley.

First match was sheamus vs D-Bryan. i was dissapointed because i didnt expect to have a world title match as an opener two years in a row. Disrespect for the title. I now have little to no interest in this title. (this match wasnt the sole reason for it, merely the straw that broke the camels back).

Ok this match is first, but still I want seamus to win but i want to get emotionally involved in the match. 18 seconds in Seamus won, i was in shock. I wanted him to win but i wanted to see a match. I was dissapointed last year when he wasnt even on the card.

I kept thinking Bryan was going to evoke his rematch clause. It never came.

Now I know the reasoning behind this is to create surprise, to advance storylines, create a buzz. But that does not excuse the fact I was dissapointed.

Everything after that match more than made up for this i have to admit. Probably my favourite Mania and ive been watching since WM15.
But I just wanted to put out me opinion on this match. I hope that they do have a good competitive one on one rematch for the title soon. But with ADR getting involved it doesnt look likely.

Ice Tigers are go
The only question I really have is if VKM knew the crowd's reaction to DBD if he lost in a surprise squash. I'm assuming they didn't because they had DBD act like a woman-hating heel and now he's developed a bit of a tweener persona (as evidenced from his post-Raw promo).

If VKM knew the crowd would sympathize with DBD, he is much more of a genius that I even gave him credit for. I hope Sheamus doesn't suffer because of this, however.
The only question I really have is if VKM knew the crowd's reaction to DBD if he lost in a surprise squash. I'm assuming they didn't because they had DBD act like a woman-hating heel and now he's developed a bit of a tweener persona (as evidenced from his post-Raw promo).

If VKM knew the crowd would sympathize with DBD, he is much more of a genius that I even gave him credit for. I hope Sheamus doesn't suffer because of this, however.
Vince is more of a genius than you ever thought. Think about how DB's character has been developed. He's "under" a hated IWC guy, he's wrongfully fired, he's given a losing streak, he's turned heel, he's beaten in 18 seconds, that's a perfect way to get a smarky audience to love a guy. Not only that, but he loses to a guy known as a "HHH guy". I mean Jesus, 2 years ago if you asked me to sit down and write how to get a net darling over I couldn't come up with a better list.
I saw Smackdown is touring Ireland in the next few weeks. I wonder if this was one of the sole reasons why Sheamus won. I know there were rumors ADR won because of the tour in Mexico last year.

But if anything, I'm glad he won. I think he needed the belt more than DB. I am starting to like both though. I think Sheamus wasn't that great as a heel. Maybe it's because he was pushed to fast. But I like his character now. And DB seems to be getting heat without the belt. The AJ angle is working.
I was really disappointed in the 15 second match. I thought it was an effing joke bc of the caliber of superstars in that ring:disappointed:
Vince is more of a genius than you ever thought. Think about how DB's character has been developed. He's "under" a hated IWC guy, he's wrongfully fired, he's given a losing streak, he's turned heel, he's beaten in 18 seconds, that's a perfect way to get a smarky audience to love a guy. Not only that, but he loses to a guy known as a "HHH guy". I mean Jesus, 2 years ago if you asked me to sit down and write how to get a net darling over I couldn't come up with a better list.

I'm pretty sure the boo's Sheamus got after he won and during RAW was not part of the plan. No sorry I can't give credit on Vince on this, fans were totally behind Bryan during Mania and after. If anything I am willing to be Vince was expecting the for Sheamus to go over as a dominant/Batista/Goldberg like face and all it did was backfire.
I absolutely hated this match! If you were going to do this crap do it at another PPV, not Wrestlemania. Like every wrestler is quoted in saying, Wrestlemania is what every guy works toward every year. So WWE is basically saying this is what we thought of your work this year, and don't say they had to have that match cut short like that because Brodus Clay could have been cut out of the show and they could have cut some time off other matches. I hate short matches like this, this was one of the matches I was most looking forward to because we were screwed out of it last year. Ehhhh, maybe sometime we will get the match we deserve between these two.

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