
I got the idea from the article by Josh isenberg on WZ and thought it would be better to put the predictions in a forum then comments. So its simple... What matches do you think will go down at WM 28 and who will win and how? Heres Mine...

Rock vs Cena - They come to out to their huge special entrances then the match is off. Well get the typical face off then back and forth shots. The match will easily go about 25-30 Minutes long. The finish HAS to be clean. The most anticipated match ever has to be a clean finish. They will exchange seviral finishers. Then finally Cena hits the AA and then puts him in the STF and makes Rock tap out.
WINNER: John Cena

Chris Jericho[c] vs CM Punk (WWE Championship) - This will simply steal the show. The match could go anywhere from 25-40 minutes long. (I could watch it forever) I think we are going to need a No DQ stipulation because there will be too many regular one on one matches. They will probably go through the announce table. Then I think CM Punk will make Jericho tap out. We will say a battle of the submission finishers. Walls of Jericho vs Andaconda Vice. Punk would win by submission. (P.S. Im predicting Jericho to win at Elimination Chamber)
WINNER: New Champion CM Punk

Wade Barrett[c] vs Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan (World Heavy Weight Championship) I think we need a fatal 4 way match for the WHC. It would make PERFECT sense. They all have a reason to fight eachother. All have fueds. Bryan gave Orton a concussion. Wade and Orton have been fighting. Barrett and Sheamus fueded. Bryan and Barrett have history in Nexus. It would be great. The match would probably be a good 20 minutes. At the end, all should exchange finishers with Sheamus being the last one with the Brouge Kick. 1. 2. 3. Sheamus ends the "Royal Rumble Curse"
WINNER: New Champion Sheamus

Cody Rhodes[c] vs Goldust I want to see this match. It would be a nice 10 minutes and could actually be a good match. Cody Rhodes would obviouslly win.
WINNER: Still Champion Cody Rhodes

Kane vs Zack Ryder- May not be everyones favorite match but it makes sense. What im ready to see is Zack Ryder in front of the huge crowd at his first WrestleMania. I can imagine goosebumps when Ryder walks out to the huge pop. This one is a tough one to call. I think Ryder will win because it will be an amazing moment when Ryder wins at Mania.
WINNER: Zack Ryder

Primo & Epico[c] vs Usos TAG TEAM TITLES This will probably be a quick match but one that people wanna see. Probably 8 minutes and Primo & Epico will retain.
WINNER: Primo & Epico

Shaq vs Big Show BodySlam Match There should be a stipulation to this and it would be awesome for a bodyslam match. Shaq will probably win somehow.

MITB Ziggler vs Christain vs Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara vs Kofi Kingston vs Mark Henry vs Drew McIntyre Typical MITB match.
Ziggler wins.
WINNER: Dolph Ziggler

Triple H vs UnderTaker Last Man Standing Match (Shawn Michaels Special Ref This one im gonna agree with Isenberg. The match needs to be Last Man Standing. The amtch should be a good 25 Minutes. Im not sure what Shawn will do. I wont be suprised if he calls it straight down the middle. Might be bland but with his dispute with HHH. He may call it down the middle. No questions on what we will get. Same as alst year. Should be another fantastic match. Undertaker will win.
WINNER: Undertaker 20-0

wow that was long. Lol. :shrug: I ont expect anyone to go this deep into it.
But i would like to hear your predictions!
Rock vs Cena- Standard match between two masively over faces lots of finishers, ick outs etc. Should last around 30 minutes.
Prediction: Rock wins it after hitting 3 Rock bottoms in a row (the same as it took to beat Austin), this may just be wishful thinking being a huge Rock fan but the fact Rocks booked for a match at SS makes me think Cena could win the rematch.

HHH vs Taker (HBK special ref)- Around twenty minutes will definently be some sort of stipulation, Last Man standings a good call. I think HH will dominate most of the match yet again with Undertaker coming out with the win, think HBK may screw HHH.
Prediction: Undertaker

Y2J vs Punk- Will probably last around 30 minutes, I think we will get the usual back and forth action and Jericho will tap to the anaconda vice.
Prediction: Punk

Sheamus vs Bryan vs Barrett vs Orton (if fit): Usual fatal four way fare with the in ring chaos and exchanging of finishers. Think Sheamus will win it pinning either Barrett or Bryan.
Prediction: Sheamus

Cody vs Goldust- May be wishful thinking but I'd love it to happen would be a fairly short match with Cody coming out with the win after quelling a storng offensive flurry from Goldust
Prediction: Cody

Kane vs Ryder: Think this will be a stipulation of some point enabling Ryder to 'embrace the hate', possibly a hardcore match. Kane will dominate for most of the match and Ryder will rally and come out with the win.
Prediction: Ryder

Miz vs R-Truth: Their fued has never been resolved and has potential with their great mic work. Truth dominates form the start, Miz takes over, Truth regains control and looks like hes gonna get the win but Miz pulls it out the bag.
Prediction: Miz

Big Show vs Shaq: I really wish we didn't have to endure this celebrity involvement in mania matches is always awful and the fact they are consistently paired with the Big Show makes it even worse. Over in under five minutes Shaq makes Big Show look like a beeyatch.
Prediction: Shaq

Money in The Bank: Christian vs Ziggler vs Swagger vs Kingston vs Del Rio vs Henry vs Hunico vs Sin Cara
Usual MITB action full of high spotsto get the crowd going.
Prediction: Ziggler wins
I got the idea from the article by Josh isenberg on WZ and thought it would be better to put the predictions in a forum then comments. So its simple... What matches do you think will go down at WM 28 and who will win and how? Heres Mine...

Rock vs Cena - They come to out to their huge special entrances then the match is off. Well get the typical face off then back and forth shots. The match will easily go about 25-30 Minutes long. The finish HAS to be clean. The most anticipated match ever has to be a clean finish. They will exchange seviral finishers. Then finally Cena hits the AA and then puts him in the STF and makes Rock tap out.
WINNER: John Cena

Chris Jericho[c] vs CM Punk (WWE Championship) - This will simply steal the show. The match could go anywhere from 25-40 minutes long. (I could watch it forever) I think we are going to need a No DQ stipulation because there will be too many regular one on one matches. They will probably go through the announce table. Then I think CM Punk will make Jericho tap out. We will say a battle of the submission finishers. Walls of Jericho vs Andaconda Vice. Punk would win by submission. (P.S. Im predicting Jericho to win at Elimination Chamber)
WINNER: New Champion CM Punk

Wade Barrett[c] vs Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan (World Heavy Weight Championship) I think we need a fatal 4 way match for the WHC. It would make PERFECT sense. They all have a reason to fight eachother. All have fueds. Bryan gave Orton a concussion. Wade and Orton have been fighting. Barrett and Sheamus fueded. Bryan and Barrett have history in Nexus. It would be great. The match would probably be a good 20 minutes. At the end, all should exchange finishers with Sheamus being the last one with the Brouge Kick. 1. 2. 3. Sheamus ends the "Royal Rumble Curse"
WINNER: New Champion Sheamus

Cody Rhodes[c] vs Goldust I want to see this match. It would be a nice 10 minutes and could actually be a good match. Cody Rhodes would obviouslly win.
WINNER: Still Champion Cody Rhodes

Kane vs Zack Ryder- May not be everyones favorite match but it makes sense. What im ready to see is Zack Ryder in front of the huge crowd at his first WrestleMania. I can imagine goosebumps when Ryder walks out to the huge pop. This one is a tough one to call. I think Ryder will win because it will be an amazing moment when Ryder wins at Mania.
WINNER: Zack Ryder

Primo & Epico[c] vs Usos TAG TEAM TITLES This will probably be a quick match but one that people wanna see. Probably 8 minutes and Primo & Epico will retain.
WINNER: Primo & Epico

Shaq vs Big Show BodySlam Match There should be a stipulation to this and it would be awesome for a bodyslam match. Shaq will probably win somehow.

MITB Ziggler vs Christain vs Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara vs Kofi Kingston vs Mark Henry vs Drew McIntyre Typical MITB match.
Ziggler wins.
WINNER: Dolph Ziggler

Triple H vs UnderTaker Last Man Standing Match (Shawn Michaels Special Ref This one im gonna agree with Isenberg. The match needs to be Last Man Standing. The amtch should be a good 25 Minutes. Im not sure what Shawn will do. I wont be suprised if he calls it straight down the middle. Might be bland but with his dispute with HHH. He may call it down the middle. No questions on what we will get. Same as alst year. Should be another fantastic match. Undertaker will win.
WINNER: Undertaker 20-0

wow that was long. Lol. :shrug: I ont expect anyone to go this deep into it.
But i would like to hear your predictions!

1. MITB.
Participants: Jack Swagger, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler,Christian, Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, Mark Henry, (Insert another champion here).

They've been planning to put all the former world champions in this years MITB. So I think they'll include most of these name.

Prediction: Ziggler. (I guess Zig Zag should win it.)

2. Beth Phoenix vs Kharma. Divas Championship.

This would be one match I'd love to see. I think this will be a 7-8 minute match with Beth getting a bit of offense only for Kharma to implant her for the victory starting one of the most dominant Divas championship reign ever.

Winner: Kharma da beast!

3. Epico/Primo vs Usos vs Curt and Tyler vs An odd team.

This will be a WM give off. I don't think there are other tag teams in the WWE other than Usos and Epicrimo.

Winner: IDK. Guess, Usos?

4. Shaq vs Big Show. ( A standard match..Wait a spooky:)rolleyes:) stipulation match)

Winner: Shaq. (Big show is the reverse UT, lol)

5. Cody vs Dustin. (IC Title)

I want this this to be build nicely and given at least 12-15 minutes action.
We'll see some great action with Cody getting the cross Rhodes to go over.

Winner: Cody.

6. Kane vs Ryder.

With the recent story line going on, this will surely be on the card. I don't know if Ryder will fight himself or get a substitute as a returning wrestler. I think the latter would be interesting but that's just a guess.

Winner: If Kane vs Ryder, Kane.. You can't have a man who has dominated Cena lose to Zack lol.

7. WHC Match.

D-Bryan vs Sheamus or a triple threat with Barret.

D-Bryan vs Sheamus sells for me. Their match was cut last year and look now, they're in the main event. If Wade wins the chamber (I doubt because he'll only get a less than 2 month reign) it'll be a triple threat.

Winner: Sheamus.

8. CM Punk vs Chris Jericho. (WWE Title).

It'll be a great match. I expect a 30 min MOTY candidate stuff from these two.

Winner: CM Punk.

9. HHH vs UT( HBK Spe. Referee)

It'll be an emotional match and it is already getting a positive build-up. I am sold.

Winner: UT( With some controversial stuff from HBK).

10. Rock vs Cena.

Now, I want an outside interference and some controversy here. I don't want it to end clean because I feel they'll have a rematch.

Winner: Rock.

Just my 2 cents.
John Cena vs Rock-Will probaly last 30-40 mins,cena coming out on top with the stf.

Undertaker vs HHH in a last man standing match with speical ref Shawn Micheals-All I have to say is 20-0.

(c)Wade Barrett vs Sheamus-I see Barrett retaining over Sheamus and the fued will continue.

(c) CM Punk vs Jericho-Punk with the anaconda vice grip good twenty min match.

Big Show & Shaq vs Mark henry & Khali -Winner Show and Shaq.

(c) Cody Rhodes vs Goldust- Cody retains good 10-15 mins.

MITB.Ziggler vs Christain vs Mysterio vs R-Truth vs Miz vs Del Rio-winner Ziggler.

Randy Orton vs Bryan-Randy wins moves on to the title.

Kane vs Ryder-Kane wins in about a ten min match.
Cody vs Goldust - would love to see this match and w/ dusty as the special guest ref.
Winner Cody causing goldust to retire

Big Show vs Shaq - will be a time filler with few moves and a lot of punches
Winner Big Show

Jericho vs Punk - Great match w/ a lot of back and forth leading to
Winner C.M. Punk

Taker vs HHH standard match like last year, violent and brutal so taker can vanish for another year
Winner Taker 20-0 Lights go out and taker vanishes leaving people to wonder if he's done or if he will be back.

MITB Miz / R-truth / Kane / Swagger / Kingston / Christian / Del Rio
Winner Christian (how cool a heal would he be with the MITB)

Ziggler vs Foley - typical foley taking bumps before
Winner Ziggler

Beth Phoenix vs Karma Womens championship lumberjack match (giving the T&A airtime)

Rock vs Cena - back and forth match before Ryder gets involved to help Rock
Rock Bottom - Rock wins

Kane vs Orton After Cena Kane turns his hate toward Orton leading to the Mania Match
Winner Orton

Sheamus vs Bryan - good back and forth match
Sheamus wins and is the new Smackdown champion
Main Event
John Cena def The Rock

The Streak
Undertaker def Triple H with Shawn Michaels as the guest ref

WWE Championship
CM Punk (c) def Chris Jericho

World Heavyweight Championship Scramble Match
Sheamus def Daniel Bryan (c), Randy Orton, Wade Barrett and Christian

Shaq def Big Show

WWE Divas Championship
Kharma def Beth Phoenix (c)

Kane def Zack Ryder

Money in the Bank
Dolph Ziggler def Cody Rhodes, The Miz, R Truth, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Alberto del Rio, and Drew McIntyre
cena defeats the rock via. 3 attitude adjustments

taker defeats hhh after hbk (guest referee) nails taker with a superkick and lays a defeated game on top BOOOM ! glass breaks austin heads too the ring stunners hbk then taker hits hhh with the tombstone austin gets the count 20-0

punk defeats jericho too become the WWE champion via. anaconda vise submission (jericho goes into mania champion)

sheamus wins a fatal 4 way too become world champion against daniel bryan randy orton and wade barrett then christian imediately cashes in money in the bank and walks out champion

mitb-christian vs ziggler vs truth vs mizz vs rey vs kofi vs sin cara

kane beats ryder

cody beats gold dust

bshow and shaq defeat khali and henry

kharma beats beth for divas title
I actually pretty much agree with all of these matches and picks and how they set up. Sheamus most definitely will win the championship. If he's HHH's guy, and given the streak of Royal Rumble winners not winning the belt at WM, this seems to be set up perfectly for him to win it.

And I agree with Jericho taking the belt at EC and losing it to Punk at WM. I almost feel like it needs to happen this way (partially my bias for liking Jericho and wanting to see him with the belt around his waist once more), but it'll probably be a better result to have Punk lose it, only to get it back on the grandest of stages.

If Kane and Ryder were to have a match, I understand why Ryder winning would make sense, but I just don't want Kane constantly having no contests or losing matches at PPV's. I just feel like after this whole thing with Cena and Ryder are done, he's going to become irrelevant, which I don't want happening quite yet ever since they brought back the mask and a more cynical persona

The only other thing I would include is a Divas title match with Phoenix and Kharma. I understand why you probably either left it off or forgot about it, but this match might actually be a decent Divas match, with Kharma coming out on top and having a dominant championship reign. Now, if only they could get rid of the Diva in the title name and just make it a Women's championship again. I don't know, Kharma and Diva? Just doesn't sound right to me
Cody vs Goldust - Really looking forward to this one but I'm not convinced it'll happen, everyone knows how the WWE loves to fuck the fans.
Winner - I'm calling Goldust to win. The belt has to come off Cody at some point and it might as well go to a real talent.

Big Show vs Shaq - I don't think this is the match you'll see
Winner - Whatever happens, Shaq obviously comes out the winner.

Jericho vs Punk - Building up nicely
Winner - Jericho after they screwed him at the Rumble

Taker vs HHH - I said last year that the conversation between HBK and HHH about telling each other when to quit would be relevant and I stick by it. HBK will pull the trigger on HHH and that'll be the end of him. I wouldn't be surprised if he nails Taker too, counts a 3 for himself and walks out.
Winner - Taker obviously

MITB Miz / R-truth / Kane / Swagger / Kingston / Christian / Del Rio
I'm over this match, it'll be the usual spotfest.

Winner - Out of those 7 it would have to be The Miz as he deserves to be back at the main event, though Ziggler would be preferable.

Ziggler vs Foley - Bleh, I couldn't care less about Foley anymore
Winner Ziggler obviously unless they want to bury him

Beth Phoenix vs Karma Womens championship - I'd like to think this will happen but I suspect it'll be some lame-ass filler where you get as many of the women a payday as possible.
Winner - Karma obviously. She can't lose her first match

Rock vs Cena - I'm far from convinced it'll be a great match, the only thing that's certain is Cena will get the reaction from hell, which means...
Winner - Cena. The heel turn is coming though it wouldn't be unlike the WWE to rob the event and make it happen on the following RAW. Cena will cheat to win, setting up the rematch

Kane vs Ryder - The underdog story which obviously means
Winner - Ryder. The kid needs to gain some credibility back after being Cena's little buddy, which turned everyone against him.

Sheamus vs Bryan Vs Barrett Vs Orton - It's going to be bloody Orton isn't it. This injury story is a result of poor booking and trying to find a way into the match for him and after a lot of "injuries" and being the top guy on Smackdown it seems inevitable that he's walking out with the belt, setting up Orton Vs Rhodes for Summerslam.

1.) SINGLES MATCH - Kane (w/ Eve) vs. Zach Ryder
Ryder wins, freeing Eve from Kane’s control, letting her remove the mask she was forced to wear.

2.) CROSS PROMOTIONAL 6-MAN TAG - Randy Orton & R-Truth & Kofi Kingston vs. Wade Barrett & Dolph Ziggler & The Miz
The heels lose. Barrett & Miz blame Ziggler (Vickie) for the loss, attacking him and causing Ziggler to turn face.

3.) INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH - Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Goldust (w/ special guest referee "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes)
Cody loses via DQ (retaining the IC belt) after relentlessly & mercilessly attacking both Goldust & Dusty Rhodes.

4.) BODY SLAM MATCH - The Big Show vs. Shaquille O'Neal
Mark Henry interferes and is body slammed by both Show & Shaq.

Sheamus defeats Bryan to become the new World Heavyweight Champion.

PIPER'S PIT - Host: Rowdy Roddy Piper (of course) - Guests: selected memebers of WWE HOF Class of 2012
Alberto Del Rio interrupts "The Pit", calling out newly crowned WH Champ, Sheamus!

6.) LAST MAN STANDING MATCH - The Undertaker vs. Triple H
HBK/Shawn Michaels interferes, trying to take ‘Taker down with “Sweet Chin Music”. But the match ends in a double-count out, until it is ordered into Sudden-Death…where The Undertaker reigns once again!

7.) WWE DIVA'S CHAMPIONSHIP FATAL 4-WAY MATCH - Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Kharma vs. Tamina (w/ Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka) vs. Natalya (w/ Bret “The Hitman” Hart & Jim “The Anvil” Niedhart)
Tamina defeats Phoenix to become the new WWE Diva’s Champion.

8.) WWE CHAMPIONSHIP CAGE MATCH - CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho
Punk defeats Jericho to retain the WWE Championship.

9.) NO DQ SINGLES MATCH - John Cena vs. The Rock
A host of WWE Superstars interfere to sway the match in one direction or another, since it’s no DQ. Kane attacks Cena. Ryder makes the save. Barrett attacks The Rock. Orton makes the save. The Miz attacks Orton. Dolph makes the save. At one point the ring is flooded with Superstars, as Cena & The Rock fight their way through to get to each other. Finally, after the ring is cleared, Jericho comes down to attack both The Rock & Cena, until Punk makes the save. Jericho gets an “AA” from Cena. But Punk gets a “Rock Bottom” from The Rock! “Stone Cold” Steve Austin stuns EVERYONE – Jericho, Cena, Punk, & The Rock! Cena ultimately triumphs over The Rock.

This is what I would pay money to see...interference, run-ins, guest stars, and all!
The Rock vs. John Cena
Winner: The Rock
Match Length: 25 minutes

CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho,
WWE Championship

Epic MOTY candidate stuff.
Winner: CM Punk
Match Length: 32 minutes

The Undertaker vs. Triple H,
Hell in a Cell Match

Makes sense both made a career out of dominating in HIAC and hopefully ditch the HIAC ppv.
Winner: The Undertaker
Match Length: 19 minutes

Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton,
Fatal Four Way Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Makes sense. Bryan and Sheamus never got their Wrestlemania match, Orton and Barrett are feuding (kind of ?), Barrett and Sheamus have history, Bryan attacked Orton.
Winner: Sheamus
Match Length: 14 minutes

Alberto Del Rio and Hunico vs. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara,
Tag Team Match

Alberto "injured" Rey on Raw a few months back while Sin Cara and Hunico can finish their feud at Mania.
Winner: Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara as long as Del Rio doesn't take the pin
Match Length: 9 minutes

Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Goldust,
Intercontinental Championship

Winner: Cody Rhodes
Predicted match length: 8 minutes

Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Kharma,
Divas Championship

Winner: Kharma
Match Length: 7 minutes

Dolph Ziggler vs. Mark Henry vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase vs. The Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Kane vs. Drew McIntyre,
Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Match Length: 10 minutes

Big Show vs. Shaquille O'Neal,
Bodyslam Challange

Winner: Big Show
Match Length: 5 minutes
The only other thing I would include is a Divas title match with Phoenix and Kharma. I understand why you probably either left it off or forgot about it, but this match might actually be a decent Divas match, with Kharma coming out on top and having a dominant championship reign. Now, if only they could get rid of the Diva in the title name and just make it a Women's championship again. I don't know, Kharma and Diva? Just doesn't sound right to me

Yeah kinda just forgot about that one. I agree on Beth Pheonix vs Kharma.

I also forgot about Miz and Truth. I think they will be thrown into the MITB match too.

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