Wrestlemania 26- All Purpose Thread (Do NOT post entire Mania cards in here)

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Comparing a couple of main eventers trading titles back and forth is far away a poor comparison to the The Streak. Of course when they main event, it doesn't mean they don't have faith in younger talent. But it would certainly appear so at Wrestlemania. HBK could beat him any other time. Why do it there? You talk of passing the torch to Cena. Really? To Cena? He's already a made man and has quite the title collection under his resume, what would breaking the streak serve for him? Other than enternal heat both back stage and front stage.

I agree, I don't want it broken at all actually. But if you're going to do it, let an up and comer (not now, I'm talking a year or two down the road once they've broken in a little), let them have a crack at it. You do make a great point about Hart playing a role in this. Should be interesting to watch it unfold.

Fair enough, I did try and say that if Cena won he'd have to be a heel and that WWE wouldn't want to/need to do that, but my post was a little all over the place.

if Taker is still around at WM 28, maybe 27 if someone can really break out to ME status then maybe a JoMo would be a good call, although he's a face at the minute, and WWE is lacking in legitimate(I mean ones who generate a reaction) upper midcard faces.

Atleast we agree that Taker should keep the streak.
No Way! Undertaker should not lose the streak! And especially not to some of the new kids coming in. The Streak is his legacy, how cool will it sound that after he is gone, JR is commenting on how the best wrestler in the business never lost at the greatest pro-wrestling event in the world! WWE needs something special to remember 'Taker by, and if he did lose the clean or screwjob fans would be 'hella pissed'. Think about it...( first of all I vote Cena to face Taker at WM, not HBK who should be busy feuding with HHH at the time) even the kids who are Cena fans would not want to see Taker lose at WM, fans all over the world would be angry. But if Taker did win, and beat Cena clean, not only would that shut the Cena Haters up, but the millions of watching will leave satisfied. I mean, if you really want the young fans to get over, then at the very least have them beat him at any other time besides WM. Wrestlemania is Undertaker's time to shine, and let's face it, he doesn't have much time left. Better he leave the business undefeated.
Good job!! Thats actually what I hope happens!!! I actually say good job because you made me think of an interesting twist/scenario to the whole Cena v taker WM26 thing. Better than listening to some gay ass promo from cena and taker wins (this is without the CENA WIN STREAK).. But a promo of staying undefeated until he gets the belt is just awesome!! But taker will win reguardless!!

They are not going to cremate his legacy of being undefeated with anyone ESPECIALLY CENA!... But i honestly hope he fueds with Taker going into WM26 but with his supposed WIN STREAK till he gets a title!!.. But the only way for this to happen is if Cena has some excuse to fight taker!! I think what will happen is that There will be some sort of thing where Cena just makes the challenge to him because the person who wins the rumble will be a RAW person wanting to fued for Sheamus' belt.. Then Cena will try and fued with Taker!! but IM not sure how this will work!! how do you think it can work?
I don't think The Undertaker would lose just becuase it would make so many people upset and just cause chaos. In my opinion like someone said earlier, it would be good and bad to let newer talent win it and stuff, but in my opinion, if anyone ever actually ended his streak, it would be the one and only- Mr. McMahon:worship:. He is the chairman, he doesnt need to win it, but it would make snese, the evil chairman beating the phenom at wrestlemania! thats just my opnion but idk, he probaly wont ever loose.
I think that the way to build this doesn't even need to involve turning Cena heel. I like the concept of Taker cranking out a Rumble win and then Cena challenges him for the right to the title match.

At no point did I want to imply Cena should win. I'd hate to see the streak end, but how awesome would it be for the 4 month undefeated Cena to face off with that streak. I'm thinking about the suspense and marketability.

I could see Cena getting the DX to JeriShow treatment when he faces the champ to get the title back. The match goes on for a while and then the champ quits trying to win and just Intentionally DQ's themselves or gets the ever popular self countout. Meanwhile, there is a new contender crowned that night who locks Cena out of the picture. From here, there are a few ways for Cena to get a shot at the title and also get paired up with Taker. Some take him Heel and others don't. The one I see as most likely to leave him Face is Cena again wins the rumble. He settles his debt with Sheamus and ultimately turns his sights to Taker for the WHC. Which granted, isn't the WWE but hey.

I'd like to tack in another question for you guys to mull over. What if Cena DOES get the WWE title back and Taker carries the WHC into Mania? Title Unification v. Streak is another possibility. I still get a kick out of my original idea but what are thoughts on this one too?
mmmm after reading all of the posts in this thread, i started thinking. When if Taker, Cena , and HBK go into mania in a triple threat? I mean, it would be interesting to see undertaker have his streak on the line against to opponents. Although if he loses they would still say that Taker is undefeated in singles matches, so really there is no suspense for us fans. I do agree with Taker being undefeated for his career though. I dont really agree with a mid-card winning it, only if its in maybe 1-3 years from now. But by then, the person challenging Taker will already have had its taste at ME status. Cena dosen't need this win, HBK dosent need this win, (for all the reasons all ready stated previously). Since they had HBK going against Taker last year, i believe they cannot have anyone in that position lower than him in the future. It wouldnt be right, to have an award winning match one year then two years later have a all right match.
Not that he is going to wrestle at WM26, but Cena v. Rock would be awesome, the fan interaction would be something special, and the build up would be great too.

Rock v. Orton, with Orton winning, or losing, and then punting the Rock in the head would be awesome.

Rock v. CM Punk - Different, and I think they'd put on a good match.

I wouldn't mind seeing him face a younger talent either TBH, hell he could wrestle Santino and I'd still pay to see it.
If The Rock is to return it has to be monumental. You do not bring back one of the greatest STARS of pro wrestling to wrestle an up and comer. Period. CM Punk is not worthy. He would make a great opponent, but if I was the booker he wouldn't even be a thought in my head. It has to be someone huge.

There are only 3 names that you can honestly put in the hat that haven't been done at Wrestlemania, that would put a high level of interest in the match itself, and not just the return of the Rock. You have to do HBK, The Undertaker, or John Cena. Anyone else is just 2nd rate for 'Mania 26 and a one time match with The Rock. You need encounters that you haven't seen before. Granted he's faced 'Taker, but never at a 'Mania, and never with the Streak being a topic. You just can't have him come back to face a Punk or a Miz or a Swagger. It would be great for those guys to get the rub, but from a business standpoint it just doesn't make sense at all, because those guys aren't huge draws.

If he comes back for a match, HBK, Taker, or Cena. Anyone else is a waste of a return match if you ask me.
Lol this shouldn't even be a factor, if some of the biggest legend's in WWF/E history haven't been able to beat him for 17 years, including shawn michaels last year, do you honestly think WWE would be dumb enough to let cena win? They would lose so many hardcore fans including me. But if cena lost, they wouldn't even lose one.
hey who do you think the big wm celebrity guest will be there probably gonna be bigger more well known celebs.did you know august 22 when mayweather hosted lindsay lohan was there man im so in love with her if she hosted.wm 26 as for the rock who cares he probably showe up and plug his 700th disney movie
Moving through the past few years we have seen some pretty good Wrestlemania's. But they have never been quite the same as they used to be, could this year be different? I mean look at what is quite possibly on the table for this potentially best Wrestlemania in recent memory..

Edge vs. Chris Jericho
Now this match is more than likely on the cards, it has been said how far ahead Edge's rehab is going, the emotional trauma Edge has been through recovering with Jericho bad mouthing him, and Edge returning face at some point would be awesome.

If not that then..
Big Show/Chris Jericho - Split of the Tag Team of the year.
Chris Jericho/Undertaker - Always been rumored and sought after.

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon - Brets deal runs out after Wrestlemania? This match has to surely be on the cards, the conclusion to the most infamous screw job in history.

If Bret's in bad shape there is the option of; Hart Dynasty & Bret vs. Vince and DX. But if Bret can manage it I'm sure Vince is pushing for mano el mano. Which would be preferred by many.

I don't know why but I see a Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H, final chapter coming along, with a title on the line perhaps? Their final showdown at Wrestlemania, perhaps out of respect for one another, not necessarily a heel/face confrontation. HBK's long spoken retirement match?

John Cena vs. The Undertaker. Cena has promised to remain undefeated until he gets the title back, he has a couple of re-matches, doesn't win but screwed some how, count out, no pin fall or submission losses. Then he gives up and turns his attention to another streak, that of The Undertaker. I think we may see Shawn vs Taker again, but I think it will be at Elimination Chamber or the Rumble. Either Taker will be screwed by Cena, or Shawn by HHH? Who knows.

Then after that we have the Money In the Bank match. so heres what I see playing out/ hope for..

Edge vs. Chris Jericho (WHC Match)

The Undertaker vs. John Cena (streak on the line)

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon, No Hold Barred.

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (WWE title match)


Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase JR. Release of The Marine 2 means more likely a face turn for DiBiase.

Money in the Bank - So many potential participants;
Sheamus, Kofi, MVP, Miz, Henry, Masters, Bourne, Rhodes, McIntyre, Punk, Ziggler, Swagger, Morrison, Escobar, Kane, Hardy, Knoxx, R-truth, Mysterio, Jackson, Kozlov, Regal, Christian, Shelton, Tatsu ??? How can you choose?

Plus I really hope we see a good Divas match, even if its just champ vs champ again. A good wrestling match, no gimmicks, a wrestling match, ala 22 with Trish and Mickie.

I can believe how many possibilities there is, WWE CAN'T mess this huge opportunity up, if wrestlemania is a disappointment, WWE is worse than I thought..
do you guys not remember HBK calling for a wrestlemaina rematch the night of the slammies? my bet is its going to be Taker v HBK

Just because Shawn challenged Taker doesn't mean it's a lock. IMO it's a swerve, why announce it this early? I can see maybe Shawn getting involved with HHH or Bret Hart instead in some shape or form.

For me:

Either Jerishow v. Edge + Christian
Or Jericho v. Edge (maybe a title on the line, maybe not)
Cena v. Taker (streak v. WM steak)
Shawn v. HHH for the title
Orton v. Kingston OR Dibiase
MITB - What I'd like to see - Miz, Morrison, Swagger, Kofi, Christian(if not in match with Jerishow), Punk, Shelton, Ziggler.
Maybe Harts v. Legacy for the titles if the Harts aren't involved with DX.

And even with that, there are some big names missing that I guess would come in. Storyline wise we will start to set towards WM in the new year, it's a little bit of a guess at the minute because not THAT much is getting teased.
Does anyone really expect a good match between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon? If Michaels really does take on Undertaker, which I don't think the challenge is a guarantee of, then there's no hope of a Hart Dynasty/Bret vs DX/Vince. That match would be INFINITELY better. If it's just one on one, it's going to be awful. You want to help push young talent, throw the Hart Dynasty into the mix of Bret Hart, Vince, and DX, and they'll be set. Maybe even make it for the Tag Team title, and have Bret and Vince just manage. Or they could do something with a stipulation, where if Hart Dynasty beats DX, thus Bret beating Vince, Bret becomes GM of Raw, like they did with the Donald Trump vs Vince thing where they had two guys fight for them, loser loses his hair (terrible still).

Why is Cena vs Taker a lock? Cena isn't even champ, and Taker is still champ. If Cena wins the belt, Taker will have to lose the belt. The only way I can see this happening is if Cena loses to Sheamus in the rematch, wins the Rumble, then goes to Smackdown to challenge Taker's streak. But he's not going to leave Raw. And Taker isn't going to leave Smackdown. Honestly, there's a better chance we see Undertaker vs Batista, maybe throw Rey in there, with Batista as some sort of ultra-heel (in my greatest hope I want him to be the Leviathan gimmick again, just pure evil to combat undertaker). I don't think Cena is going to win the belt by 'Mania, since his road to wrestlemania starts now, assuming that he's going to reach the climax at mania. With that said, he'll probably win the rumble, and it'll set up something Sheamus. But that can NOT be a Wrestlemania title match. Maybe they throw in a bunch of mid-carders to keep the storyline that Carlito tried setting up continue, with giving other guys a chance. John Cena, being the class act that he is, has Carlito, Kofi, etc in the match at 'Mania, having a multi-person match (6 guys?). This'll give Orton something to do, as I don't see the face turn as of DiBiase a lock yet either. There's also Big Show that needs to get factored in somewhere. Or who knows, maybe WWE will allow Sheamus vs John Cena to headline Wrestlemania. oy.

I think no matter what nothing is set in stone at the moment, or locked, and that's a GOOD thing. We've been complaining about predictability for a long time, and there's so many possible scenarios that it's at least something. I hope it ends up being worth the 60 dollars.
I hope it ends up being worth the 60 dollars.

It's only (roughly) 23/24 dollars to order it in the UK ;)

I agree with your point about predicatability though, I hope WWE swerves us with HBK v. Taker, and we get something else instead, mainly because this years match was epic, and it would be nearly impossible to top, seeing as there is only going to be a limited amount of new spots that they can do, especially given their age, and each being a year older than last. I think it would be a great match, but not as epic as before.
I really hope sheamus doesnt lose the title on monday and is involved in the title match at WM. I feel that if he is built up properly he can be in a title match but not main event the show. Im also really looking foward to seeing edge/jericho since that can be an epic match without having a title involved.
Here are my WrestleMania matches:

MITB match
I predict that this mach will involve 8 people, so i would choose The 2 Legacy members, Evan Bourne, John Morrison, Drew Mcintyre[Have no idea how to spell], Matt Hardy, Shelton Ben and Jack Swagger. I would want John Morrison to win as I seriously think he is a already a good wrestler and will become a great wrestler in the near future. Ted.Dib would be turning face in this match as before this Legacy will make a pact to 'Eliminate' the other competitors and they would let luck decide who will be Mr MITB[Maybe by scissors papper stone or something? =P] and Cody would attack Ted with his finisher or a ladder. Evan Bourne isnt ready to win but this match would allow him to kinda 'prove' himself. Matt is actually already in the main even league, it all depends on whether WWE is willing to give him the chance, but having him in this match could maybe have him spark a feud with Swagger by when Swagger is about to win the Briefcase out comes Matt out of no where to deliver a Twist of Fate off the ladder. Shelton can say that he has the most experience in the MITB and he will win it. Well, actually i put him in this match as he can make it more entertaining with his 'SpiderMan-like' abilities.

Former Best Friends Collide... Again... In A Last Man Standing Match!

Batista Vs Rey-Rey

If memory did not fail me, at least i hope it dint 8p, there hasnt been a LMS match in 'Mania and this match would be Epic, with Batista coming out victorious, as Rey needs a surgery and he can get it done following this match. I can see Rey trying to Hurricarana Batista from the Ring onto the floor through 2 tables stacked on 1 another but Batista catches him and PowerBombs Rey through the tables, and Rey would not be able to make the 10 count.

Most Dominant Vs Most Dominant

Sheamus Vs Big Show

Well, this happens after Jeri-show breaks up, IF Jeri-show breaks up. Sheamus can say that he is the most dominant force in the whole of WWE, but Big show takes offense to that, and they attack each other the following few Raw Episodes and Finally decides to settle this at the GrandDaddy of them all. I would go for a sheamus win, but he cheats. As seriously, Big Show is HUGE! Do you expect a kick to make him tumble? Or do you even expect to carry him Scott Hall style? Not in a million years. I think the referee would be knocked out in the middle of the match and Sheamus would take take Ring Bell to knock out Big Show. Why ring bell, you ask? A steel chair cannot even knock him off his legs and a Singapore cane would only tickle him! This match could go on to Backlash as Big Show could say that Sheamus cheated and the guest host grants him a Rematch at Backlash.

Streak Vs Charisma?

Undertaker Vs Christian

Can anyone not say that WWE is stupid to waste Christian's talent just because he went to TNA? No one can. And he can say that he is looking forward to 'Mania, because he wants to have a match that can steal the limelight, steal the show. And who better for him to wrestle with than the Legendary Undertaker? Undertaker accepts his challenge and Christian says that he will not be intimidated and all that usual Vs 'Taker at 'Maina stuff and at WrestleMania, Undertaker will win, as i think that he will only lose if he is retiring, and even if he is, i dont see Christian being the one who beats him, but this match would probably be a Top 5 match of 2010.

Its Time For Divas!!

I'd probably want this match to be a Fatal-4 Tag Divas match for the 2 women titles with the winning tag team winning the championships, 1 Raw diva would team with 1 from smackdown. I would team Michelle Mccool with Maryse as Champions Vs Gail Kim and Maria Vs Jillian and Layla Vs Beth and Melina. Before this, Michelle and Layla would become enemies and Beth and Melina would put their differences aside. I think Beth and Melina would win it.

A Monstrous Wassup For StraightEdge!

Kane and R-truth Vs CmPunk and LukeGallows

I know you must be thinking - What!? Kane and R-truth Vs CmPunk and Luke? I put it so as R-Truth would feud with Punk so its obvious and Kane would face Luke in a Singles match on a SD episode and CMPunk screwed Kane when he was about to win. Kane starts to feud with both Punk and Luke. Probably would need about 6 weeks to buildup for this match as i feel that this match would be sort of a warmup match for Mania. Lol =P

Former Partners Collide

Edge Vs Chris Jericho for the World HeavyWeight Championship.

Somewhere between now and Mania, Jericho would win the title and cuts a promo saying he is the best at what he do and stuff. But someone takes offense to that : Edge. Edge would win the RoyalRumble as a suprise entrant come out and say that he talks a lot and stuff and Chris would say he is the weak link blah blah blah. This of course leads to WrestleMania, And i would say Jericho would win the duel, as i think its not appropriate for someone to come back from an injury and straightaway win the World title. Jericho would say I told you guys edge was the weak link and this would lead to a potential Ladder match at BackLash. Of course, this match can only happen if Edge recovers in time for the Rumble! C=

Its time for the NEW generation!

Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith with Natayla vs DX with Bret Hart

Yes, this match screams STUPID, but for this feud, the Hart Dynasty would turn on Bret, saying they are better than the best [ Bret is the best there is, best there was, best there will ever be] and that Bret is a 'thing of the past. DX would help Bret and Challenge the hart dynasty to this match. Oh and, this match would only happen if HBK isnt retiring after Mania 26. This match could also potentially give the hart dynasty a SUPER push.

This Match Again?

Cena Vs Orton for the WWE Championship.

Come on, this match would most Probably happen. Vince can never get tired of the company's poster boy going against the person who gave him a punt. Cena has already lost the Championship and so, Orton can now challenge the champion for it. I would go for a Cena win and say that Orton cannot beat him while still remaining a face. Orton would fall into deep depression and someone would rescue him, turning him face!
I want Orton Face as i am a huge fan of his! The last match would be plain to see but still exciting =P

Okay, thats all my matches. Comment Please!
I was just wondering what everybody thought about the HBK challenge to Undertaker for Wrestlemania 26? Is it a good thing we may witness a classic like this ever again? Is it a bad thing seeing as how Taker has lost a few steps since then (in some peoples opinion)?

Personally, I'm torn. Man I wanna see it again, I want it to be like Spiderman 2 was to Spiderman; similar in ways, but so much better in others, and much more evolved, but I'm afraid it'll be like Spiderman 3, which is just poor. VERY poor.

What do you guys think???
I want to see it again but not at mania....because there is no way shawn would lose twice in a row and I do not want anyone to break the streak even shawn.
The only way to top Taker/HBK I is for Michaels to end the streak. If that doesn't happen, the match shouldn't happen. How could it be any better than the first one?
I think this threads been done already, so dont be surprised if it gets closed or move,unfortunately you were a little late on the topic.

But as for the subject.no id rather have somebody else face taker. why redo a match that was already perfect from the beginning? how would they even top it?hell in a cell?last man standing?i doubt it. if its another 1 on 1 whats the point? last years match was as good as its going to get in my opinion, theres really no point in doing it over again,id rather somebody new to face taker, like Cena or Jericho. it would be nice to see them go at it again, just not at wrestlemania.
That's a good question.

Personally, I feel it won't top the original. We've had a classic between the two less than a year ago so why try it again with that additional pressure? Both men ain't getting younger, saying that... if any man was getting younger I'd be getting worried and calling him Benjamin Button. Point is, I'm at odds at why they'd wish to do this... other than maybe one of them potentially retiring soon.

I think one factor though that no-one has considered is HHH. Don't be surprised if a triple threat was to happen at Mania. Have HHH joke that they do everything together lately, another quick camera angle of the Bellas looking shocked getting the wrong idea again. Some humour for once not involving merchandise sales. And just like HBK getting seemingly angry that HHH wanted to get involved in this. Then at one point in the match or after the match... BAM! Heel turn for one member of DX. Potentially being Shawn. WM26 could do with a good turn to make it memorable and I think this would bring about the DX split aswell as giving Undertaker a memorable victory (both HHH and Michaels!) but believable too (tensions in the match costing DX?).

I'd like to see the above option as it also narrows down another RAW main eventer so we could see some young blood get a push at this Mania.
I do want to see another HBK Taker match...but i think that is why there should only be one HBK Taker match it was so good it left you wanting more.

I think the way they can do this match to make it ineresting is to have Bret Hart guest referee it. Dont forget HBK assisted bret harts win of taker at summerslam 98 that could be almost a reason for Bret to make people believe he would assist michaels not to mention that would "screw" wwe and vince's marketing around wrestlemania during the match though it could end with taker getting the win with perhaps minimal but important interference from the hitman which causes taker to tombstone hbk
For me, I'm don't really subscribe to the whole nothing can equal the original way of thinking. Sequels are not always inferior to the originals. Some sequels are not only as good as the original but are some are better than the originals.

At the end of the day, I think that too many people are taking this a little too seriously. It's a wrestling match after all. It's not like being asked to write sequels to Shakespeare's greatest works and make them as good as the original. Taker and HBK are two of the best workers in the business. In the late 90s, the two of them had some really epic encounters and downright fantastic matches. They have great chemistry together and any match in which the two of them are going at it one on one is going to be great. Remember the 2007 Royal Rumble and how the crowd popped when it was down to Taker and HBK for the win? They went nuts because they knew it'd be a great encounter and it was. Another Taker/HBK match at WM can be every bit as good as it was at WM 25 even if the outcome is the same.

Even right now, people have been talking about it on this forum for two weeks and the anticipation is already building up. Will the streak end this time around? How will they set it up for WM? Could it be for the title? Could it be a streak vs. career match? Already it has the makings of a classic match and we're not even 100% sure that it's even going to happen or not. We know that they can pull it off in the ring, they've done it lots of times before. If the WWE decides to go forward with it, I think the build up to the match may ultimately determine how the whole thing stacks up to what they did this year. If the WWE does go forward with it, I think that the feud needs to be more personal this time and needs to built up longer. Personally, the best place I think to start would be at the Royal Rumble by having HBK cost Taker the WHC.
I cannot see this match happening again because there is no logical result this time around. HBK should not lose in the same match twice in a row and Taker is not going to lose at Wrestlemania. I can understand the wish to try again this year. The WM25 match did not go as smoothly or as brilliantly as those with rose tinted glasses would have you believe, infact it was downright clumsy in parts and the botched swan dive cost the match time and fluidity. I'm quite confident that a rematch would be better.
If this match happens at all, it'll be at the January 4th show. Both will be busy at the Rumble and the seeds have already been set for HBK Vs HHH and Undertaker Vs Cena.
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