Will you complain if Rock-Brock main event Wrestlemania 31?


Championship Contender
The Rock has revealed a couple of months ago on his twitter that the original plan for Wrestlemania XXX was Rock-Brock.

With WWE launching the network outside of the US in late 2014 / early 2015, they need a big match up that will generate interest and create buzz outside of the wrestling world.

Rock vs Brock is the perfect match for that.

After the disappointing numbers of subscribers for the WWE Network, WWE desperately needs to do something huge.

I can't think of something bigger than Rock-Brock. And well this match is bigger than any title so I'm 99.9% sure if this match happen, it will close the show.

So will you complain if two part timers main event Wrestlemania or would you like to see that match?
will I complain? maybe some. I don't want to see brock vs rock... I don't care about either of them enough to want to see them face each other. I have no problem with part timers, as long as they work with full timers. part timer vs part timer has absolutely no pay off.
Yes. What are two part timers who wrestle 2 in a half times a year combined, going to do? Or why would I care about what happens to either one of them? They are both pretty much dead and gone too me and ARE NOT the future... so this match is useless.

Not to mention it happened before.

Either The Rock wins attempting to make him look like the greatest ever again, or Brock wins carrying the torch that was dropped by The Undertaker at WM30 into the future Wrestlemanias.. which I don't think is really good either cause Brock is aging...

No you do the Daniel Bryan sequel much like the 80s were Hogan's blockbuster movies.

Daniel Bryan sequel pits him against the monster Brock Lesnar.. Bryan wins and takes the torch of The Streak as well as he continues his modern day Hulk Hogan like WrestleMania blockbuster main events. Maybe for the 3rd you put him over Bray Wyatt since there is unfinished business there and for the 4th you can have him go either way with Roman Reigns.

I won't mind Brock vs Rock unless it's headlining WrestleMania for the World Title. Then it's just hindering the product from evolving. Daniel Bryan gave everyone there favorite WrestleMania in years if not all time... why go back to the negatively received WrestleMania's of the years before?
as an international fan i like the match. With brock as wwe champion and rock as challenger at wm31 is big main event. I also like rock winning the belt give a short run and lost to roman reigns is best for buisness.
I like both the Rock and Brock. However, I just can't see this match as being great. Would their egos get in the way, or would their wrestling styles be so different, that the match would like Goldberg vs. Brock part II.
I would be absolutely down to see this match happen, if only to see The Rock go back to being the badass verbal annihilator he used to be on the mic. Recent feuds with Cena and Punk revolving around him "not busting his ass off every week like [they] were" (hypocritically Punk himself would walk out a few months later) have forced him to dial things back. With a fellow part-timer for an opponent in Lesnar, however, he won't have to.

Inevitably some will complain about Rock and Brock taking the main spot at 'Mania. But that argument has grown weaker over the years. If two part-timers generate more excitement than the full-timers, what does that say about the state of the company?
No surprise to see who made this thread, you're obsessed man. Personally I wont complain, it's a waste of time, I'll just tune out until after Mania when it'll be like the match never existed anyway as both will be gone again.
I would not mind seeing Rock vs. Brock at WrestleMania as long as it is not the main event, WrestleMania is to establish new stars and not for two part timers to steal the show.
It's a big match for the biggest event, you'd get some great verbals between Rocky and Heyman in the build up and the match would probably deliver on heat alone. As long as it wasn't for the title and didn't main event then I have no complaints whatsoever. I'd prefer Bryan v Lesnar but I suppose this is fine as well.
You love you some Brock/Rock, don'tcha GOAT?

I'm sure Rocky vs. The Beast would put asses in seats. I can imagine the promos between Rock and Heyman and how badly Rock can make fun of Penis tattooed Pterodactyl man. But as for the question at hand, yes I would complain. I don't want to see two people fight in a predetermined sport without some reason to fight. Give them a reason, and I may be sold.
No I wouldn't complain, I'd welcome it. Forget about the match, just hearing Heyman rip on the Rock for a few weeks will be worth it. And I have no reason to doubt that they could put on a good match.

I don't get wrapped up in the whole "part timers don't deserve it" shit. They're big stars, so they have the pull to dictate the fact that they are part time performers. Maybe some of the guys on the roster who bitch about it should step up and make themselves a household name so they can also have the option of working when/where they feel like it.
I honestly don't know if I'll complain or not. A good deal would probably depend upon the build up to the match, what the story was and if there were any special circumstances/stipulations to the match.

If it's for the title, then I'll most definitely complain because there are no two men associated with WWE that have less of a reason to be champion that Brock Lesnar and The Rock. On top of that, they'll almost certainly disappear after WrestleMania XXXI anyhow. Lesnar's current deal ends after WrestleMania, so it'll be his last match unless a new deal is signed or he signs an extension of his current one and The Rock will be going back to Hollywood.

If it's just the two of them being put in to a match for nothing more than to garner interest for the show, I've got no real beef with it unless half the air time is used to build this one match. Even then, I'm not all that sure if the match will be all that great. Lesnar's wrestled twice at WrestleMania since his return and his matches have been met with a lukewarm reception by the live crowds. Personally, I enjoyed his match against Triple H; I thought they both worked hard and deserved better than they got for the effort. For his match against Taker, the magic simply wasn't there and Taker was obviously in poor physical condition.

While I can't say for sure whether I'll be interested in this match or not, instincts tell me that it won't interest me all that much. I might be surprised by the build for the match but I have a feeling it generally be a mic off between Rock & Heyman with Heyman frequently touting how dominant Lesnar is every time he opens his mouth while The Rock tosses off catchphrases while slinging juvenile insults at both of them with it getting physical on occasion.
I wouldn't mind seeing this match at all. They have unfinished business from 2002, and the promos with Rock and heyman would be amazing to watch. The key is to have the two of them around long enough to give the match a proper build, and they definitely need to touch on their Summerslam 2002 match. It won't be the best match ever, but leave the title out of it and it would entertain for sure.
If they main event Wrestlemania, I will be against it. If they compete against each other for the title, I will be against it. If they do it as a one off match just to have them face each other, I will be okay with it, but I don't want those two against each other to be the main focus of Wrestlemania. In no way should two part timers, one who competes every 4-5 months and one who only shows up once a year, if that, headline Wrestlemania.

When Wrestlemania 31 gets here, they can have plenty of options for a big time match if they do things properly. You have Bryan, Reigns, Cesaro, Barrett, Wyatt among others who are poised to be legitimate big time stars. If WWE builds them right and puts the focus on them, they can be the blockbuster superstars that the company lacks. If that is done, there won't be a need to rely on part time guys to carry the event. Besides, honestly what more is there really for Brock to accomplish, he broke the Streak. And Rock, well I'm sure everyone know my opinion on Rock by now.

And the subject of the network launching outside the US, what better way to promote that than having Cesaro and Barrett be at the top of the card?
Like hell I would. The Rock vs Brock Lesnar would be awesome, OK so it would not some technical masterpiece! but you're talking about two HUGE stars here in a top match at WrestleMania, what else can you ask for?
I would have no problem if this match main evented wm and was for the title. I watch WWE to be entertained and that is the only reason. IMO, Brock vs Rock would be bigger than and more interesting than any feud two people on the main roster could have. People on here tend to worry about things that a viewer shouldn't worry about. Stop worrying about who gets pushed, the creation of new stars, WWE stock, and ratings. Let Vince worry about that stuff, just enjoy the show.

I bet that if people on here controlled the WWE, it would go out of business because instead of a HUGE match of Brock vs Rock they would book Bray Wyatt vs Roman Reigns in the main event just because they are young and full timers. A perfect example is that some on on this thread actually said that Barrett vs Cesaro at the top of the card was a good idea lmao
Wtf is all this crap about "the future" "the future" " I don't want to see that because they're not the future" ....get over it. They come back to put on a show for us because they're some of the biggest names of all time and we get to see them wrestle and entertain us for months prior. Stfu and gtfo with that crybaby stuff already ...damn.

The Rock is awesome and so is Brock. I would only complain because I'd rather see Rock vs HHH and Brock vs Batista instead. But I'd still rather see it than complain about how they're not doing anything for the "future". Smh.
Why would I? In 2002, I was 10 and pissed that the rock lost against Brock and never got a rematch for the title.

I wanted this main event for WM 30 but this would truly steal the show if it happens.
I'd prefer if it wasn't for the title, and I'd prefer if it wasn't in the main event(disagree that this match would definitely be big enough to main event over the title - that would depend on what the title match is), but no, I wouldn't complain about it even if it is for the title in the main event.

People will cry about it being part timers and it doesn't do anything for the long term, but the reality is not everything the WWE does has to be with the long term in mind. Especially at WrestleMania. WrestleMania is the one show a year that's all about selling tickets, selling the network, and creating moments that people remember forever, not building stars for the future. And this match would certainly sell tickets, sell the network, and create a moment that people will remember forever. Besides, the extra eyes that this match would bring in(both for WrestleMania and the buildup to it) will help the younger guys who are on earlier in the show. Even if you're only tuning in to see that match, you're going to watch the whole show, and you're going to notice the rest of the guys who perform well.

Just have Rock come out and say he's invoking his rematch clause for the title and have Heyman/Lesnar interrupt him, or vice versa, and then Lesnar F5s Rock and go from there.
This match isn't bigger than any title. The title is the biggest match. Lesnar and Rock don't match up the same. Rock - Hogan and Rock - Cena are better matches because of the "face of each era" thing. Lesnar needs some other fighter-like guy to create big buzz.

I will complain is that match closes WM because I don't feel it is so important, nobody has anything to gain, no one needs to prove anything, there is nothing at stake, the match will probably be bad, it won't feature the titles, it won't feature the younger talent, it will be the part-timers Mania again... Should I go on?

The people who will subscribe for the Network don't need a big match at WM to do so. This was obviously the case the first time. Casual fans will never buy the Network because they will never want to watch stuff from back in the day, and since they rarely ever buy PPVs, it doesn't really make it up to them.
The once per year fans, aka randoms, will only watch WM. They have probably not even heard of the Network, since they haven't watched the weeklies, so there goes that.
The more dedicated/diehard fans will either:
-buy the Network because of all the stuff that they will be able to watch from back in the day OR
-not buy the Network, because they don't want to spend 10$ (whatever) for something that they THINK they can find online (whatever).
Bottom line is, I don't think anyone will sub for the Network, simple because "Lesnar vs the Rock is headlining WM". Personally, I can't see why people would spend so much money just for that, when they can just stream it / download it right after it is done.
No I wouldn't complain, I'd welcome it. Forget about the match, just hearing Heyman rip on the Rock for a few weeks will be worth it. And I have no reason to doubt that they could put on a good match.

I don't get wrapped up in the whole "part timers don't deserve it" shit. They're big stars, so they have the pull to dictate the fact that they are part time performers. Maybe some of the guys on the roster who bitch about it should step up and make themselves a household name so they can also have the option of working when/where they feel like it.

It's funny to say "guys should step up" when so many guys have tried to step up, but Vince cut off their wings once they reached some kind of connection, falling back to the mid-card/jobbing card. Ziggler if the best example for this I believe. Other names are Cody Rhodes, Ryback, Sandow, Fandango etc etc.
It's funny to say "guys should step up" when so many guys have tried to step up, but Vince cut off their wings once they reached some kind of connection, falling back to the mid-card/jobbing card. Ziggler if the best example for this I believe. Other names are Cody Rhodes, Ryback, Sandow, Fandango etc etc.

No Vince clipped their wings when he realized they weren't going to sell ppvs. Seriously who is gonna by a ppv with Fandango in the main event? I understand that the internet fans think the guys you named are great, but the only one of those guys I can see headlining ppvs is Ziggler. And he'd be a main event player if he learned to stop putting his foot in his mouth.
No Vince clipped their wings when he realized they weren't going to sell ppvs. Seriously who is gonna by a ppv with Fandango in the main event? I understand that the internet fans think the guys you named are great, but the only one of those guys I can see headlining ppvs is Ziggler. And he'd be a main event player if he learned to stop putting his foot in his mouth.

Leave Fandago to the side. You can't deny that Ziggler for the best reaction ANYONE got in 2013 when he cashed in. Then, when he defended his title against Del Rio, he was the heel and the entire arena cheered him, thus forcing the double turn. People were behind him so much, he was getting a big reaction, even prior to that. After that, he was just put in a feud with Big E (cause hey, we need big guys), and then got to the Zack Ryder status. I don't think I'm talking as a fan of Ziggler here, these are just facts.
Leave Fandago to the side. You can't deny that Ziggler for the best reaction ANYONE got in 2013 when he cashed in. Then, when he defended his title against Del Rio, he was the heel and the entire arena cheered him, thus forcing the double turn. People were behind him so much, he was getting a big reaction, even prior to that. After that, he was just put in a feud with Big E (cause hey, we need big guys), and then got to the Zack Ryder status. I don't think I'm talking as a fan of Ziggler here, these are just facts.

You're right, but the problem with most fans is that as soon as Vince turns their back on the wrestler, so do these fans. I've been a Dolph Ziggler fan since he was caddying for Kerwin White in 2005. Last year suddenly EVERYONE jumped on the Dolph Ziggler bandwagon when he won the title. But as soon as he lost it and Vince started jobbing him out, the fans turned on him (especially on this site, WrestleZone fans are the worst. The opinion of Ziggler went from "He's such a great champion, he deserved a better run!" to "Ziggler is f***ing garbage, nobody cares about him. He's such a waste" in about two weeks). Most IWC fans are sheep who think they're being "rebellious" when in reality they do everything Vince wants them to do.

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