Will Ted Dibiase finally get TV time?


Dark Match Jobber
After legacy split up Ted Dibiase lost in the shuffle on raw and couldnt seem to gain main event status let alone TV time while his former partner Cody Rhodes was/still is,shining on Smackdown.

Apart from three short feuds with R-Truth,Goldust and Daniel Bryan, a "relationship" with maryse, a slap in the face from a giant hand courtesy of Johnny Knoxville,being knocked out by Jerry Lawler, being dropped by his NXT pro and losing (I dont watch superstars so i dont know if he wins alot on there) he never appeared on raw.

The supplemental draft moved Dibiase to Smackdown which is a fresh scenary for him and i believe with the lack of good solid midcarders on smackdown (due to the draft most of them got moved) i think dibiase has been handed a good midcard slot on a silver plate

With that how would you like to see Dibiase being booked on Smackdown?

Face Turn
Dibiase isnt exactly charismatic and to come across as a good heel you need to look angry and look like you actually hate the crowd and your opponent whereas Dibiase just has a plain facial expression the whole time, but being a face all you have to do is smile,help out the top faces(I.E Mark Henry) and praise the crowd which is easier to do than to get the crowd to hate you, with a face turn he can get over with the crowd and have feids with wade barrett or sheamus over a midcard title.

Feud With Randy Orton
this is the feud that never happened back when legacy broke up everyone expected Dibiase vs Orton at wrestlemania but it didnt happen, this could be played that Dibiase believes orton destroyed his career and for that he should destroy Orton then they have a lengthly feud putting Dibiase over.

Fued with Cody Rhodes
A face Dibiase vs Rhodes could be interesting and be booked as Rhodes believes it should be Dibiase with the "messed up face" and not him becuase he is clearly the better one out of Legacy.

Fortunate Sons Faction
I think this could work as
Ted Dibiase- The leader- Son of Ted Dibiase SR
The Usos- Sons of Rikishi
David Hart Smith- Son of the British Bulldog- could move from raw
Joe Hennig-Son of "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig- gets kicked out of nexus

I think this group could work perfectly if done right and could feud with the corre.

so which one of these would you most like to see?
would you book him a different way if so how would you book him?
I think a feud against randy orton would be good. There is some history there to make it interesting and it will help ted dibiase make a flying start to life on smackdown. Imagine how much he would be hated if he got a clean win over orton(not saying that will ever happen but a man can dream cant he).

Besides i dont think orton will be going straight for the world title as i fully expect Christian to win the title and then feud with a heel mark henry. I just dont see an Orton vs Christian feud yet.
Ted Dibiase Jr. suffers from the same problem as Job Bore'ison (JOMO). Neither of them can cut a promo to save their lives. They both have the look, they both have the in ring talent (Dibiase more than Morrison) but they both suck when you put a microphone in their hands.

Another feud between Dibiase and Orton wont help.

A feud between Rhodes and Dibiase could help, but at this point it would be a step back for Rhodes who IMO should be in the upper middle card, or at least at contender for the US or IC title. Rhodes has had a great feud with Mysterio.
Im hoping that DiBiase does get some TV time now on Smackdown because the guy does have talent,

i think he lacks in Charisma and doesnt ooze personality like he maybe should.

He needs to forge his own path and get a new gimmick, the million dollar son thing just isnt working. I mean what was the point of bringing back the million dollar title, he never earned or defended it.

He definetly should not feud with Cody, their paths shouldnt cross again until they are both main eventers (or Cody is squashing DiBiase on route to the World/WWE title)

And the whole fortunate sons thing he has done with Rhodes and they exactly do much with them except job them to DX and then Randy Orton at Mania.
I would really prefer to not have to see Dibiase, he has had his time in the spotlight in Legacy but he honestly does not deserve and could not handle anything bigger than that. It is virtually impossible for him to cut a good promo, the only guy worse with a mic is Joe Hennig. However my real problem is how boring he is in the ring, I went to Elimination Chamber this year and Dibiase had a dark match with Daniel Bryan. He was absolutly horrible and the only reason he wasnt booed to death was DB carried him through the entire match. He was making mistakes left and right and was very sluggish. Without someone to always be with him like Rhodes when they were a team, or a guy talented enough to make his crap look good in a match there really isnt anything Dibiase has shown me that is impressive other than landing Maryse.

Bottom line is unless he gets an interesting feud going and seriously works on all aspects of his game he will be be sent to superstars to die off.
Well, i just had a funny idea while reading a topic where someone was suggesting that Randy Orton should return to his "Legend Killer" gimmick. It hit me!

Ted Dibiase the Rookie Killer!

Ted is obviously very frustrated with the fact that so many new comers have come in and stole his spotlight. So he is making it his goal to end all of their careers. Have him pick a feud with a fairly recent new comer, but not someone too popular that he can't go over. Have a few people like Heath Slater, David Otunga, and another job to Ted in order to build Ted up as a legitimate threat. Then put him in a feud with a really popular new comer like Sin Cara or someone. This would give Ted tv time and be interesting to watch.

Idk, just food for thought :).
I think a feud against randy orton would be good. There is some history there to make it interesting and it will help ted dibiase make a flying start to life on smackdown. Imagine how much he would be hated if he got a clean win over orton(not saying that will ever happen but a man can dream cant he).

Besides i dont think orton will be going straight for the world title as i fully expect Christian to win the title and then feud with a heel mark henry. I just dont see an Orton vs Christian feud yet.

I disagree. I think people are reading too much into Mark Henry's heel turn. Throughout the entirety of that match, I could not figure out why Mark Henry was out there. The "heel turn" was a means to an end, it had little to do with advancing Mark Henry's character and more to do with needing a plot-twist to get Cena drafted back to RAW.

Ted Dibiase Jr. suffers from the same problem as Job Bore'ison (JOMO). Neither of them can cut a promo to save their lives. They both have the look, they both have the in ring talent (Dibiase more than Morrison) but they both suck when you put a microphone in their hands.

Another feud between Dibiase and Orton wont help.

A feud between Rhodes and Dibiase could help, but at this point it would be a step back for Rhodes who IMO should be in the upper middle card, or at least at contender for the US or IC title. Rhodes has had a great feud with Mysterio.

I was thinking along the same lines. Maybe they'll just use Rhodes to help re-establish Dibiase as a wrest....er....."performer" and then see how things go from there.

Though I also do agree that it kinda would be a step down for Rhodes. He's really started to impress me with his ability to step out into his own. Hopefully he'll be able to help Dibiase without allowing himself to get dragged down.
Christian and Mark Henry have feuded before, in ECW and it wasn't good, because neither of them is world title/main event worthy.

As for Dibiase Jr he needs to talk to his dad, and learn how to cut a promo. If hes to be paired up with his brothers in the fortunate sons that we've heard about for so many months, hopefully one of his brothers carries the load as the mouthpiece because Ted just doesn't have it
Christian and Mark Henry have feuded before, in ECW and it wasn't good, because neither of them is world title/main event worthy.

Um, you got your facts wrong bud. Christian and Mark Henry never had any kind of feud over the ECW World Title. Henry had his first reign end a little before Christian came back, Christian feuded with Swagger and Dreamer during his first reign, and Henry was gone from Raw before his second reign began. So yeah, never happened.

As for Dibiase, look I really don't like this idea of putting a heel performer who isn't over at all as the forefront of a stable. Barrett is one of the few rare exceptions, but Dibiase has had his credibility shot so badly that I think a stable will fail terribly. As for whether or not he'll receive more face time, sure, I can see that happening. Smackdown is really lacking in the heel department and with guys like Rhodes and Henry likely to get a push, someone has to be elevated. The way I see it, the 2 major feuds on Smackdown are going to involve some combination of Sheamus, Orton, Rhodes, Christian, Mark Henry, and maybe Alex Riley. I fully expect Barrett to be fucking with his former stable mates after they break up, so in my opinion, that leaves the door wide open for Dibiase to be featured on TV in one way or another.

Be it as a jobber or possibly getting a push, I'm sure that he'll get some TV.
Dear lawd I hope not. Ted DiBiase has shown no signs of life since coming to the WWE. Even in Legacy he always seemed bored an uninterested. He's not that talented a wrestler, he's not that talented on the mic, and the only thing he has going for him is his look and his pedigree, which just simply isn't enough.

There are many more wrestlers who are much more worthy of a push on Smackdown right now than Ted, as Ted basically allowed every angle he was given on RAW to flounder. Focusing on just wrestlers who aren't getting strongly pushed yet: Daniel Bryan, Mark Herny, Brodus Clay, Trent Barreta, Tyson Kidd, and Yoshi Tatsu are all more worthy of pushes than Ted, and I'd be willing to bet that three of those six rank higher with the WWE bookers than DiBiase.

I don't get why people are STILL looking for things to do with Ted DiBiase Jr. He's a bust, he'll float around the WWE for a few years and do a job here and there before he eventually realizes that wrestling isn't for him and he'll move on. He is not his father, nor will he ever be, and to expect anything more out of him than what he's shown us so far is setting yourself up for disappointment.
Dear lawd I hope not. Ted DiBiase has shown no signs of life since coming to the WWE. Even in Legacy he always seemed bored an uninterested. He's not that talented a wrestler, he's not that talented on the mic, and the only thing he has going for him is his look and his pedigree, which just simply isn't enough.

There are many more wrestlers who are much more worthy of a push on Smackdown right now than Ted, as Ted basically allowed every angle he was given on RAW to flounder. Focusing on just wrestlers who aren't getting strongly pushed yet: Daniel Bryan, Mark Herny, Brodus Clay, Trent Barreta, Tyson Kidd, and Yoshi Tatsu are all more worthy of pushes than Ted, and I'd be willing to bet that three of those six rank higher with the WWE bookers than DiBiase.

I don't get why people are STILL looking for things to do with Ted DiBiase Jr. He's a bust, he'll float around the WWE for a few years and do a job here and there before he eventually realizes that wrestling isn't for him and he'll move on. He is not his father, nor will he ever be, and to expect anything more out of him than what he's shown us so far is setting yourself up for disappointment.

I actually dont agree with nothing that you have said, which is odd, since i think that you are an amazing poster

I feel that Ted DiBiase is very underrated!
When he was part of the Legacy, he was the one who speak, not Cody Rhodes!
He has at least good mic skills and he can perform in the ring, i think that him and Cody have learned a lot with Randy Orton!

You are a "wrestling" fan, but WWE isnt a wrestling show anymore, is a soap opera ( :wtf: ) so they have to entertain us, they have to create stories and sell it to their viewers and fans, so Yoshi Tatsu will never ever be more than a jobber and he can wrestle but he literally cant speak English!
Mark Henry "thing" is make me a little bit bored, he had his time. I've seen him on the main event, i dont need to see him again he sucks!

Daniel Bryan > Ted Dibiase? Yes, its simple. But what can they do with him better than what could they do with Ted? Really nothing! He had a stupid debut and one month later he was fighting The Miz in a bad storyline, he can wrestle, maybe the best in WWE, but can he sell? IDK!

Ted Dibiase can be part of awesome storylines, that we didnt need to force our mind to it!
Ted Dibiase (face) vs Cody Rhodes (heel &/Or champ) has to happen, but first give Ted the IC Championship in a controversial way like a Championship Scramble match and get it in the last seconds!
In my mind he can be better than his father, if he wants to!
Imagine if this happened:

Cody Rhodes vs. Jobber in a squash match on smackdown, cody win by doing his face mask smash thing.

Cody Rhodes gets the mic and starts talking about what he would do rey mysterio if he saw him again. Then Ted Dibiase's music hits and Dibiase comes out without maryse. IDK if they broke up yet.

Dibiase would talk about how it was when they were in Legacy together and how everyone thought that Dibiase would succeed and Rhodes would lose and go on to say it should have been me, and go to attack cody rhodes.

It could make for an intersting feud and they have alot of history together, also Rhodes is not going to be doing anything because mysterio is on raw now.

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