Will CM Punk jump to...

Rampage Bentley

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Recently I started thinking about how CM Punk's contract is set to expire in September of this year, however that's not the only thing rumored to happen in September, with all the talk of ROH getting a TV deal in September, how plausable is it that CM Punk would jump to give them some star power?

Do you think CM Punk is jumping to ROH?

Do you think he should jump to ROH?

If not, what do you think his best option is?
No, he won't. From what I've been hearing, they're getting closer and closer to a deal, CM Punk will probably stay put. People might just be making a big deal out of nothing, to be honest. Although, IF Punk leaves, it would be possible, but doubtful. He might just be burned out, he might just want the rest. I don't think Ring of Honor can really afford CM Punk anymore, either. He's a huge worldwide star, unless he REALLY feels as if he owes something to ROH, there's just no way he'd go back. I don't think Vince would let him either. He'll stay put.
If CM Punk went back to Ring of Honor I would literally jizz my pants.

He won't. But if he did it would be the happiest day I have had as a wrestling fan, since being at Wrestlemania 19! He would bring huge exposure to the brand, and would guarenteely get more people watching, which would boost interest and the fanbase which in-turn increases the company as an asset which would develop into ROH on national television.

That's only a dream though. Much like Crock said I've read that he's almost locked to re0sign with the WWE.
Honestly, I don't believe he will jump anywhere. I think he'll stay put right where he is. From the rumors that have been spread, its been a difficult negotiation, but not an adversarial one. They haven't resorted to mudslinging. So odds are he'll stay.
I think punk would be best to stay the contract issue is the only thing keeping him from big the top heal and winning the WWE championship. If punk resigns I believe he will become the top heel on Raw.
I doubt he will go back to Ring of Honor. He's too big of a star now and there's no way he'll make anything close to what he made in WWE in ROH.

I'm sure Vince McMahon will do whatever he can to hold onto Punk. He's one of the WWE's top heels at this point. But, on the chance he does leave, it will probably be only for a short while to allow him to recuperate. Then he'll come back and all will be good.
He's one of the top guys in the biggest wrestling company on the planet. He's not going anywhere. Vince likes to have the rights to everything, but even he's not that stupid to let CM Punk go over a name. He'll stay.
Look, CM Punk is good on Raw. But he is not great. He is not stealing the show...at least not yet. Tens of thousands of people in different cities arent going to WWE events to see CM Punk. In my opinion, CM Punk could offer a lot of talent and a good character to ROH, however, as far as ratings would go, I think he would only attract hard core wrestling fans who probably would be the guys watching anyway. In my opinion, he should stay with WWE and work up to being a top draw, if he can reach that high- i think he has a decent chance.
CM Punk will resign with WWE. He'll take time off after Summerslam and then come back after a few months at a PPV such as Survivor Series
Good question. There are 3 options for CM Punk.

Option 1 : He stays in WWE and his contract allowes him more down time.
Option 2 : Goes to TNA when his contract is up gets the downtime anyways.
Option 3 : Goes to ROH when his contract is up gets the downtime anyways.

Now my bet is that he choses either option 1 or option 2, because if he choses option 1 he gets more exposure and more money. If he choses option 2, well he gets more time off and exposure. Option 3, well we don't know how ROH is going to be broadcast on a similar level as WWE or even TNA so exposure might be a problem.
I've heard many CM Punk interviews, and he seems way to faithful to WWE to leave, and he has a list of things he wants to accomplish, as he happily stated that a few months ago. And not only that, he stated many times that he did ALL there was to do in ROH and Japan, so he's not going back.

And even if he doesn't resign, it will only be a break, much like Chris Jericho did last year. CM Punk is not going to ROH or TNA, I know that for sure.
Look, CM Punk is good on Raw. But he is not great. He is not stealing the show...at least not yet.

The thing is, we have to think of how huge a superstar needs to be to attain the status of being able to make Vince McMahon squirm at the thought of his leaving WWE.

The idea is to figure which wrestlers command so much power that huge amounts of fans look forward to their appearances. Yes, everyone has their own favorites who might not be main eventers (Drew!) but I'm talking about the ones who get segments of their own because they can carry the whole show while they're on screen. His is a must-see personality.

Cena is the main guy. Undertaker certainly qualifies. So does Triple H.........and you know what? So does CM Punk. He's not perfect in the ring nor is he impressively built, but when he's on camera, fans aren't taking a bathroom break. Whether they feature him alone or have him in charge of a group, he's the one you're watching, no? Creative writes the scenarios, but no one brings them off as effectively as Punk.

I don't know what the hold-up is in negotiations. But whether he's threatening to leave to get more money, rights to his ring name, or a vacation, he's one of the very, very few performers in WWE who has the power to take a risk like this. He knows his value, and he's acting accordingly.

This is what I'm figuring, but if I'm wrong......if he truly wants to leave WWE after working so hard for years to make the big time so he can go back to the minor leagues........let him live and be well. Meh.
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I can see that happening.

It's not so much wrestling that is allegedly turning Punk off right now but the schedule. And Ring of Honor is a place that Punk loves and has an easy schedule.

He obviously loved the place, he cried during his retirement. So if the rumors are true, sure. I know Ring of Honor would love to pick a former WWE champion up. And I'm sure he would love to work. And his friend Colt is there, so even more incentive.
If Punk's contract ends at the same time ROH gets their TV show started, it won't be of any use for three months, y'know, the ol' "no-compete" clause?

Just sayin' is all.

I doubt Punk's going anywhere, likely the guy does need a break, but I just don't see him going back down the ladder, so to speak.
No chance in hell. It wouldn't make any sense for him to. He can either work for the WWE and make six figures and have international exposure, or he can work for ROH and make nowhere near as much money and have nowhere near the amount of exposure. As an ROH fan, there would be fewer things that would make me happier than seeing Punk back in the company, but I just don't see it happening.
I've heard many CM Punk interviews, and he seems way to faithful to WWE to leave, and he has a list of things he wants to accomplish, as he happily stated that a few months ago. And not only that, he stated many times that he did ALL there was to do in ROH and Japan, so he's not going back.

And even if he doesn't resign, it will only be a break, much like Chris Jericho did last year. CM Punk is not going to ROH or TNA, I know that for sure.

Actually, you don't know for sure. It's like Sting said once, "The only thing that's for sure is that nothing's for sure..."

It's not a given that CM Punk is going to stay with WWE, it's very likely, it's the best possible outcome out of all this, but it is NOT a guarantee. Nothing is ever a guarantee, I don't know CM Punk on a personal level nor do I claim to, however if he were to leave WWE, I wouldn't be surprised.

Whether it's a return to ROH or TNA, I couldn't tell you for sure, the rumors about his ring name controversy with Vince have been one of the biggest reasons for a potential departure, and you know what if CM Punk does leave for that reason then good for him.

This is why, he might have a great six figure income coming his way if he were to stay with Vince McMahon but if he were to give up his ring name well that's going for short term gain that can result in a big picture loss.

Think about it like this, despite what most people want to think WWE is NOT the ONLY place to wrestle, sure it's the most recognizable place to be, it is THE organization.

However, if CM Punk were to lose the rights to that name it would cost him dearly in the way of promoting himself for non-WWE sanctioned events and that's one thing I don't think a lot of the people bother to keep in mind. Granted WWE's money might be the best out there, but it would cost CM Punk dearly if he had to give up his ring name just to get a nice paycheck with WWE.

Especially when you consider it was CM Punk that created the name in the first place, it's his choice to do what he wants, but he stands to lose more in the long run than he could ever gain the short term with WWE. If he can find a compromise with WWE than it's all well and good. However, if he wants to do like what MVP did and go elsewhere that's just as well too, he's an entertaining as hell performer and I don't think he's going to go the poorhouse if he leaves WWE.

You really can't speak on any true authority on what CM Punk is going to do unless you are the man in question.
His best financial option is to stay with WWE, that much is obvious. I see it playing out 2 ways. First, he signs with WWE and stays status quo. Or second, he leaves, maybe goes to ROH just to help them and to keep his ring rust off. Then after a sort of hiatus, he returns to WWE recharged and ready for the spotlight again.

I've read that one hiccup in the contract talks is his ring name and the fact that WWE wants to own it and Punk wants to keep it. I don't think that will ultimately lead to a falling out as Vince may want it, but I think in the end he would give in and allow Punk to keep it. Another stalling point I read is that Punk wants more down time. Now he's good, but he hasn't been around long enough to have an HBK-like or Undertaker-like deal. Those kind of things are earned through decades of dedication and company loyalty. I believe it was one of the reason's Kurt Angle is now on Impact Wrestling. I'm no talent agent, but my advice to Punk would be let the contract run out, take a break, but not too long. Then when you're re-charged come back and make an impact. But most importantly, do NOT burn any bridges with Vince, because he may welcome you back, but it may take even more work to get back to the ME.
id love that. be perfect in conjunction with ROH's new tv deal and could really take them higher. Besides, I enjoyed his work there
I guess we really won't know until his contract supposedly expires. I'm not really following Punk's contract negotiations right now so I'm not sure if there's any truth to statements being made about him coming close to an agreement which will lead to him re-signing with WWE. If he truly is unhappy and (probably most importantly) if money is not a problem for him, I wouldn't be surprised if he left. As a Punk and WWE fan, I hope he doesn't leave the company. Working with WWE, I'm certain he'll be able to stay financially secure. In addition, he's still fairly young and still has quite a few years left in him. He can still definitely bring a lot to the table for the company. In my opinion, the odds of Punk ending up in TNA are higher than his odds of returning to ROH and I find those odds slim at best.
I don't see him going to TNA he does not want to bury his career..... The only things I see Punk doing is simple. Taking time off and resigning with WWE, or taking time off and signing with ROH for awhile and then EVENTUALLY going back to WWE. Vince would not spew on Punk for going to ROH as he would for him going to TNA, as while TNA is no where near a threat it's still the place to go to light your career on fire(and i don't mean build it up, I mean obliterate it). ROH would let Punk be Punk the way he always has been(they did last time so why fix what ant broke?) so he would keep his heat and help the company grow which would not rub vince the wrong way and he would get to keep his foot in the door with the big leagues.
He is staying in WWE, god, he won't even think of going to TNA or ROH. Or even back to Japan, whether it's NOAH or New Japan, or the one he actually did go to Ground-Zero. He might take a little hiatus, but he's staying, get it.
No, I heard thathe is just getting burnt out, and needs time off, ala Chris Jericho. Hes been on the road, away from home continuously since 2006? without any major break. Yea I'd be burnt out as well. I would think he'd wait till the contract runs out, take a break and then come back, again ala Jericho.

Another story was that Vince wanted to own the name CM Punk. And Punk didnt want to, which was stopping im from re-signing, but Vince is smart and if he lets Punk keep the name and stay with the company its win - win, so no, neither way do i see him leaving the company.

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