Will CM Punk ever main event a PPV?


The Human Gameshark
In light of the fact that CM Punk (and the WWE title) has not main evented a PPV since December if I'm not mistaken, I pose this question...

Will CM Punk ever have the honor of main-eventing a PPV during his current title reign WITHOUT the involvement of John Cena in the same match?
In light of the fact that CM Punk (and the WWE title) has not main evented a PPV since December if I'm not mistaken, I pose this question...

Will CM Punk ever have the honor of main-eventing a PPV during his current title reign WITHOUT the involvement of John Cena in the same match?

He won it at a PPV which did not feature John Cena at all so yes, yes he will.

Will he DEFEND it in such a situation? No. WWE are in a position where they have one star (in Cena) on their roster every week who is bigger than the title. It really is that simple. Cena does not need the title, the title needs Cena.

Cena needs a title run, it doesn't have to be long, though in reality it wouldn't hurt. If Cena chases the title, wins the title and has a decent reign with it and then gets beaten cleanly in the middle of the ring, like Punk already has twice but after short month long reigns, the title gets elevated. This needs to happen or the WWE title will end up being viewed as a stepping stone rather than the grand prize. Plain and simply John Cena = money to WWE and until someone can compete with that he will always be the last match on the card week in and week out. It's business.
When are people just going to except the fact that cm punk in nothing more then a mid card champion.

The fact that they put ryback and a divas match ahead of cm punk last night should tell you something.

On top of that the match was more about who AJ was going to screw over more then the championship. Ever since I have been watching the wwe which has been for many years not once Have I ever seen a diva over shadow the wwe champion.

I have tried being a punk fan, but no matter how hard i try he just isn't instresting. wwe needs to get the strap off of him as soon as possible
He won it at a PPV which did not feature John Cena at all so yes, yes he will.

Will he DEFEND it in such a situation? No. WWE are in a position where they have one star (in Cena) on their roster every week who is bigger than the title. It really is that simple. Cena does not need the title, the title needs Cena.

Cena needs a title run, it doesn't have to be long, though in reality it wouldn't hurt. If Cena chases the title, wins the title and has a decent reign with it and then gets beaten cleanly in the middle of the ring, like Punk already has twice but after short month long reigns, the title gets elevated. This needs to happen or the WWE title will end up being viewed as a stepping stone rather than the grand prize. Plain and simply John Cena = money to WWE and until someone can compete with that he will always be the last match on the card week in and week out. It's business.

If Cena chases the title, wins the title and has a decent reign with it and then gets beaten cleanly in the middle of the ring, like Punk already has twice

I hate to rain on your parade but punk never did beat cena clean. the first time vince distracted cena and the second time cena's foot was under the ropes, it just since they were pushing punk at the time. Cena's foot being under the ropes was never challenged.
Already was stated, but Cena is the cash cow. He sells shirts, moves merch, gets ratings, and will continue to be the biggest storyline regardless of having the title week in and week out. Unless there's someone/something new that takes his place, he's the headlining act. Cena doesn't need anything. Everything else needs Cena. Including relevance to CM Punk's title reign. If they are going to continue with CM Punk as champion, he needs to beat a guy like Cena again to get his momentum back. Punk is secondary is everything, and so is that title. Punk vs Cena III makes all the sense in the world for SummerSlam as I see it. Unfortunately, Cena WILL win if it does happen.
Here are the only 2 ways Punk main events a PPV.

1. He's facing a real main eventer.

2. There are no real main eventers in the PPV.

Punk fans don't want to hear it, but he doesn't draw. WWE does the smart business thing not putting him in the top spot. Sucks for the title, but maybe Punk shouldn't have the strap anymore. His character is infinitely better when he's chasing something anyway.
He won it at a PPV which did not feature John Cena at all so yes, yes he will.

Not meaning to sound like a dick, but he won at it Survivor Series, in which Cena was in the main event.

Nonetheless, I don't believe it will happen anytime soon at least. For all we know, the title reign may be coming to an end quickly. If Punk is to lose, it should be to someone who he can give a nice boost to.

Ziggler was that perfect choice, but that won't be happening. We shall see. At least Cena being in the main event title picture will bring some precedence back to the title.
When are people just going to except the fact that cm punk in nothing more then a mid card champion.

The fact that they put ryback and a divas match ahead of cm punk last night should tell you something.

On top of that the match was more about who AJ was going to screw over more then the championship. Ever since I have been watching the wwe which has been for many years not once Have I ever seen a diva over shadow the wwe champion.

I have tried being a punk fan, but no matter how hard i try he just isn't instresting. wwe needs to get the strap off of him as soon as possible

To be honest, I think that was more to do with the fact that the bookers probably thought the crowd would need some time to recharge after Punk's match, in order to get the best possible reactions from them during the Raw MITB match.

Sadly, as has been the case recently... While the crowd wasn't terrible last night they certainly didn't get into the matches as much as they could have.

I swear one of the things WWE misses most from the attitude era is the awesome crowds.
As much as I hate to admit it, Punk won't main event something without a company guy with him aka, cena, hhh, taker etc.

I have a serious feeling Punk is only champ for 2 reasons. 1 Cena doesn't want the belt right now and 2. That might have been part of his contract agreement.

It's no doubt that Punk is entertaining and good at what he does, but he's not THE guy...Cena is THE guy. However throughout the past 4-5 months Punk has gotten lame. Same old song and dance.
When are we going to get through the heads of internet smarks that there is a difference between the main event and the last match. I get it, people equate last match with main event, but it hasn't always been that way. Look at virtually every SNME or Feb TME card. The biggest match rarely, if ever, happened last. The winner of the RR gets to 'Main Event' Mania, but when has it been the last match? Hmmm, a few times, but not always. Does that mean it's not a main event? No, it just means that there are double and triple main events. So, settle down kids, he's still a main event player.
Not meaning to sound like a dick, but he won at it Survivor Series, in which Cena was in the main event.

Nonetheless, I don't believe it will happen anytime soon at least. For all we know, the title reign may be coming to an end quickly. If Punk is to lose, it should be to someone who he can give a nice boost to.

Ziggler was that perfect choice, but that won't be happening. We shall see. At least Cena being in the main event title picture will bring some precedence back to the title.

Goddamn it, you're right. Not a dick move by the way I was wrong.

I think Punk needs to lose in a way that boost the title. No-one should be above the belt. You can't bring Cena to the title, you have to take the title to him.

I can see your point about Ziggler in a way, but I disagree, I think he needs to be a guy who gets some good feuds going BEFORE he's in the title hunt, not afterwards.
When are people just going to except the fact that cm punk in nothing more then a mid card champion.

I will never understand people who say this. CM Punk is a draw. The fans eat him up. He puts on great matches and is the best on the stick in the company. He sells the most merch in WWE and is on a historic title run.

Tell me what about that doesn't say main-eventer? I swear people just like to say this because it's cool to bash the "IWC" and hate the Indy scene.

If Punk isn't main event worthy, then the WWE doesn't have anyone who is -- heel or face -- other than Cena.
Already was stated, but Cena is the cash cow. He sells shirts, moves merch, gets ratings, and will continue to be the biggest storyline regardless of having the title week in and week out. Unless there's someone/something new that takes his place, he's the headlining act. Cena doesn't need anything. Everything else needs Cena. Including relevance to CM Punk's title reign. If they are going to continue with CM Punk as champion, he needs to beat a guy like Cena again to get his momentum back. Punk is secondary is everything, and so is that title. Punk vs Cena III makes all the sense in the world for SummerSlam as I see it. Unfortunately, Cena WILL win if it does happen.

Only correct thing you have said was he sells shirts and merchandise. Ratings? Really as I recall it back when Cena was champ ratings were down his last few reigns. Ratings have been down since last year. Blaming Punk is moronic. Last time I checked Cena pretty much opens and closes RAW and closes all PPVs. So that says he isn't a draw since ratings have dropped with him in the spotlight.

As long as Cena is in the picture Punk and any others will NEVER main event a PPV. Ever since HHH had to get over on Punk they ruined his momentum. I am a Punk fan and have been since ROH and TNA but even I have to admit his character has gotten a bit ehhhhh. Not through any fault of his own, more due to Cena, Bookers, VKM, and HHH. I bet Santino would be in the position Cena is in had he had the push Cena's had.
I will never understand people who say this. CM Punk is a draw. The fans eat him up. He puts on great matches and is the best on the stick in the company. He sells the most merch in WWE and is on a historic title run.

Tell me what about that doesn't say main-eventer? I swear people just like to say this because it's cool to bash the "IWC" and hate the Indy scene.

If Punk isn't main event worthy, then the WWE doesn't have anyone who is -- heel or face -- other than Cena.

Well said I agree with all you said. IWC just loves to bash the guy like they did with DB. Punk is a huge draw as you can tell by the fan reaction. But as long as Mr. PG is in the picture unfortunately he and no one else will EVER main event a PPV.
As much as I hate to admit it, Punk won't main event something without a company guy with him aka, cena, hhh, taker etc.

I have a serious feeling Punk is only champ for 2 reasons. 1 Cena doesn't want the belt right now and 2. That might have been part of his contract agreement.

It's no doubt that Punk is entertaining and good at what he does, but he's not THE guy...Cena is THE guy. However throughout the past 4-5 months Punk has gotten lame. Same old song and dance.

By company guy what you're really trying to say is someone who draws, right?

As others have said, Punk for whatever reason defends the title on the midcard because he himself is a midcard attraction. He was hot for a minute, but ever since he moved on from Cena he hasn't been quite as popular. He had one month of amazing t-shirt sales and people wanted to dub him the new face of the WWE. Guess what, he's not.

Only correct thing you have said was he sells shirts and merchandise. Ratings? Really as I recall it back when Cena was champ ratings were down his last few reigns. Ratings have been down since last year. Blaming Punk is moronic. Last time I checked Cena pretty much opens and closes RAW and closes all PPVs. So that says he isn't a draw since ratings have dropped with him in the spotlight.

As long as Cena is in the picture Punk and any others will NEVER main event a PPV. Ever since HHH had to get over on Punk they ruined his momentum. I am a Punk fan and have been since ROH and TNA but even I have to admit his character has gotten a bit ehhhhh. Not through any fault of his own, more due to Cena, Bookers, VKM, and HHH. I bet Santino would be in the position Cena is in had he had the push Cena's had.

What's moronic is this idea that Cena has to get out of the way for someone less popular to main event. Even if the ratings are low as you put it, they're not as low as they'd be without the WWE's top star. It's silly to think that if Cena weren't around Punk would magically become more popular. Some people want to blame everyone under the sun for Punk not being more over than he is. Some of you probably think the Pixies would have been the biggest band in the world if stupid Nirvana would have gotten out of the way. Of course it sort of sums up the mentality that's sweeping the world.
At present the belt is ‘stale’ because it’s old and to Punk’s credit he blasted WWE about change and 12.5 months on the belt is the same it looks cheap, it doesn’t fit a lot of the guys the WWE title matches I find hard to get amped about when their bidding for Cena’s old belt, though I understand I’m putting a lot of emphasis on the belt and the fact Punk’s a 8-9 month champion is a credit to him, but in a time where title changes are acceptable I could have named 2-3 PPV’s where Punk putting the belt over would have been beneficial for him, and kept something going new/old but that’s my opinion.

Cena on the hand, he's the top guy NOT having him go for the belt seems kind of daft, he's a company guy yet would rather dance with xyz than go for the companies TOP title??
By company guy what you're really trying to say is someone who draws, right?

As others have said, Punk for whatever reason defends the title on the midcard because he himself is a midcard attraction. He was hot for a minute, but ever since he moved on from Cena he hasn't been quite as popular. He had one month of amazing t-shirt sales and people wanted to dub him the new face of the WWE. Guess what, he's not.

What's moronic is this idea that Cena has to get out of the way for someone less popular to main event. Even if the ratings are low as you put it, they're not as low as they'd be without the WWE's top star. It's silly to think that if Cena weren't around Punk would magically become more popular. Some people want to blame everyone under the sun for Punk not being more over than he is. Some of you probably think the Pixies would have been the biggest band in the world if stupid Nirvana would have gotten out of the way. Of course it sort of sums up the mentality that's sweeping the world.

One month of amazing shirt sales? HA pretty much everyone over the age of 12 is wearing a punk shirt in the crowd.

Punk not over? Wow guess you also miss the crowds every week. And that was not what I was pointing out. I was pointing out everyone says Cena sells. But it's not the truth. And how you you KNOW the ratings would be low without Cena? I think the WWE should try and it see. People always have said bad ratings if Hogan, Austin, Undertaker, Hart, The Rock, etc.. left but guess what EVERYONE IS REPLACEABLE from VKM to Cena. They could book anyone they wanted and push them like Cena and within 3 years they'd be the new John Cena.

Really? The whole grunge scene sucked lol I was in the pPunk scene in the 80's and 90's and the "grunge" scene was a scene for the trust fund kids who were too afraid to be real rebels but could pretend to be. Just another MTV creation.
Well said I agree with all you said. IWC just loves to bash the guy like they did with DB. Punk is a huge draw as you can tell by the fan reaction. But as long as Mr. PG is in the picture unfortunately he and no one else will EVER main event a PPV.

1 show me proof where he sells the most merch.

2 Just look at the people they have had cm punk defend against. If they really wanted to push him they would have him feuding against established main eventer's like Triple H or randy orton or some other who have already proven to have legendary careers because that is what a company does when they are behind someone and wanting to push their career forward.

Hell he has yet to pin John Cena clean. The first time he won vince distracted cena long enough for punk to recover and pick up the win. The second time he had a chance to beat cena clean. John cenas foot was under the rope. Even though it was never challenged.

3 If punk was that over a diva wouldn't of been able to over shadow the wwe championship.

4 I wasn't watching wwe at the time when cena was getting his push on smackdown, but when he got his push on raw unlike cm punk he didn't take a backseat to anyone.

Last I have a feeling cm punk is going to fade away after he loses the championship. I will be very suprised if he stays in the main event scene much longer.
Sadly, no. It's a shame too, because Punk is favorited by a lot of fans (including myself). The "powers that be" in WWE are afraid that if Punk does main event a PPV, especially a big one, that he'll become more liked or more "important" than Cena. Like I said it's a damn shame. IMO, Cena is Punk's only ticket in getting in the main event anytime this year.
1 show me proof where he sells the most merch.

2 Just look at the people they have had cm punk defend against. If they really wanted to push him they would have him feuding against established main eventer's like Triple H or randy orton or some other who have already proven to have legendary careers because that is what a company does when they are behind someone and wanting to push their career forward.

Hell he has yet to pin John Cena clean. The first time he won vince distracted cena long enough for punk to recover and pick up the win. The second time he had a chance to beat cena clean. John cenas foot was under the rope. Even though it was never challenged.

3 If punk was that over a diva wouldn't of been able to over shadow the wwe championship.

4 I wasn't watching wwe at the time when cena was getting his push on smackdown, but when he got his push on raw unlike cm punk he didn't take a backseat to anyone.

Last I have a feeling cm punk is going to fade away after he loses the championship. I will be very suprised if he stays in the main event scene much longer.

You realize wrestling is scripted right? So that pretty much kills arguments 2-4. I know you're what about 10? Punk has been outselling Cena since last year. Look you Cena lovers are going to defend the guy no matter what. I don't care if it's Punk or whoever as champ. The writers and VKM want Cena so that's the way it is. No one is going to get a fair shot as long as Cena is around. Look at Ryder. I agree he is annoying but he built up his own following just like Punk. WWE powers to be didn't like it so they squashed his momentum. Just as they did with Punk with the HHH fiasco and many other. They have who they want and screw everyone else. Hence why ratings have been terrible. VKM is living in the 1980s.

You're probably one of the people who thought Yes! Yes! Yes! would die off but it hasn't! I've seen it chanted at TNA, ROH, and MLB games.
By company guy what you're really trying to say is someone who draws, right?

As others have said, Punk for whatever reason defends the title on the midcard because he himself is a midcard attraction. He was hot for a minute, but ever since he moved on from Cena he hasn't been quite as popular. He had one month of amazing t-shirt sales and people wanted to dub him the new face of the WWE. Guess what, he's not.

What's moronic is this idea that Cena has to get out of the way for someone less popular to main event. Even if the ratings are low as you put it, they're not as low as they'd be without the WWE's top star. It's silly to think that if Cena weren't around Punk would magically become more popular. Some people want to blame everyone under the sun for Punk not being more over than he is. Some of you probably think the Pixies would have been the biggest band in the world if stupid Nirvana would have gotten out of the way. Of course it sort of sums up the mentality that's sweeping the world.

The whole Cena is main eventing every ppv since whenever to me could simply be Vince McMahon paying Cena back for allowing Rock to go over at WM. It could be that simple. The way the WWE pay structure works is the guy in the top match gets paid the most. Vince really could just be paying Cena back for doing the job.

The thing about top guys and I'm not just limiting this to Cena is that on their way to the top they have had almost an entire roster put them over. In order for a cash cow to be created, many others are used to put them over. However at some stage in that wrestlers career, they need to start giving back, and start creating the next cash cow. Now this can be Punk or Bryan or Barrett or Ziggler or whoever Vince chooses but Cena needs to start giving back at some stage. I'm not saying nowish as he still is quite young, but with Punk holding the belt for so long, WWE are missing out on a big pay day by not promoting the WWE Champion whoever it may be as much as the cash cow whoever that may be. (I'm not going to get into the debate over Cena or Punk)

The Undertaker was seen as this invicable force (and still is) but when Stone Cold could beat him at every turn. He was the man. this never really hurt Taker, but just created another top star for the WWE to bank on. This cycle has been going forever, but Cena has been at the top for a very long time. Look at Hart to Michaels to Austin to Rock to Triple H to (roster split) Batista/Cena.

With CM Punk or Daniel Bryan's momentum, why not have him beat Cena? This would bring them up to another level, they are obviosuly able to handle the responsiblilty at the moment, but they wont get to the next level until the cash cow puts them over. At this stage of his career, Cena will always bring in money just like the Undertaker, but if WWE is to continue the next lot of big stars needs to be created and sooner rather than later at this point in time.
The only reason CM Punk is stale, is cause, he stop being the voice of the voiceless. Like I have said before, you can't hit the next step no matter how good you are if the company isn't behind you. If your the start and end of every show, they'll be talking about you, as in the casual fan.

This the worst thing to have happen to the WWE, Cena is above everything, and Vince don't want to give the ball to anyone else. I partly blame this on Linda Mcmahon run for Senate. I'm afraid will be dealing with Cena as the main event to he retires or gets hurt. Hell, I'm enjoying TNA a lot more now days, and I didn't think I would ever say that.
You realize wrestling is scripted right? So that pretty much kills arguments 2-4. I know you're what about 10? Punk has been outselling Cena since last year. Look you Cena lovers are going to defend the guy no matter what. I don't care if it's Punk or whoever as champ. The writers and VKM want Cena so that's the way it is. No one is going to get a fair shot as long as Cena is around. Look at Ryder. I agree he is annoying but he built up his own following just like Punk. WWE powers to be didn't like it so they squashed his momentum. Just as they did with Punk with the HHH fiasco and many other. They have who they want and screw everyone else. Hence why ratings have been terrible. VKM is living in the 1980s.

You're probably one of the people who thought Yes! Yes! Yes! would die off but it hasn't! I've seen it chanted at TNA, ROH, and MLB games.

I highly doubt Punk is outselling Cena. Maybe during the summer of last year he briefly outsold Cena, but I don't think he's surpassed Cena by any means. Because if he did, why is he still taking a back seat? Is Vince McMahon just disregarding his business' best interest to punish people in the IWC? Take a look at the WWE's hirings the past year. This idea that they've got some kind of grudge against anybody who comes through the indie scene makes less sense by the day.
I am going to make this short and sweet I hope.

Yes CM punk will be in a main event if he does the following:

1) Turn heel ( the fans will still like him, well miss the dumb kids Cnea and Mr. Jackson have them locked down)
2) Be real, stop pretending to be original and do it. Keep fighting for the ice cream bars ( get the ice cream get everyone) Stop saying Clobberin' time ( create something original)
3) Don't hold the WWE title Unless you going to be a true heel.
4) This is the most important so it gets bold. ONLY FIGHT JOHN "The Ego" CENA The Ego is so huge he can't share the spotlight with anyone but himself he needs to be there like a crack head needs the rock.
5) This is a all else fails option. Hire New Jack to take The ego out. I don't mean a work. I mean a legit real mugging with weapons and cars. Literally put The Ego in the Hospital for 10-12 months.
6) really quit the WWE and join TNA

If Cm Punk does 1-4 or 5 or 6 then he is a guaranteed spot for a main eventer. Until them just be happy your there and the fans like you even though you fake as Pamela Anderson's tits
My answer is no.

Eve was right, ever since he became champion again at Survivor Series I think, he has benn overshadowed by everyone. Those people include, Cena, The Rock, Brock, and AJ. His title reign has been good I must say, but every time Cena main events Pay-Per-Views over him it lessens the reign. How they had John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis as the main event over CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan at Over The Limit is beyond me.

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