After CM Punk Loses the Title


Cm Punk has had a big victory on cena.
since then punk has been able to get more attetion from people who disliked him at first. i still dislike punk however.
punk has got a 7 month reign which is strange to have in the wwe unless its your first title run ever.
so here is the big question we all know cm punk time is up.
for being champion. regardless when it happens we know punk as champion will end. where does he go after a 7 month reign of being wwe champion.
it is hard to be back in the main event picture anytime soon.
my idea i would put him in a rivarly against rhodes.
feud in for 4 months.
then put punk on smackdown and let him get injured kayfabe.
then he can come back and get back in the main event zone.
I have to disagree. I believe that after a 7 month reign , he is inevitably stuck in the main event scene for years to come. Side note: you do realize that Main Event does not always involve fighting for the title right? Also why does he have to be moved to Smackdown to get injured as injuries can and do happen on Raw as well. Anyways, I am having a hard time seeing Punks time as champ coming to an end anytime soon. I know it will happen sometime in the near future, I just don't see many contenders for his title on the horizon (until Cena wins MITB). I am happy seeing Punk hold the title for 2-3 years and just be a monster with it until a believable challenger comes up through the ranks
Well yeah the big title dont always have to be the main event.
like cena has been in the main event for the last 6 ppvs.
and he aint champ.
my thoughts is.
main event is
John Cena vs ####
WWE Champ vs no.1 contender
whc vs no.1 contender
so if punk aint in any of the matches he wouldnt be in the main event.
im not saying he would not be a main event.
im just saying he would more be like orton was a main eventer stuck in the middle.
Badly written post there. Anyway, when Punk loses the WWE championship he should just stay in the championship picture and still feud with Daniel Bryan (he will probally get the title). He won't be moving to Smackdown and Orton is coming back soon anyway. Why not keep Punk in the championship PPV matches for a while after he finally loses it? They had Cena doing that for years.

If Cena retired tomorrow then Punk should be the face of the WWE because of his popularity, mic skills, wrestling skills and straight edge lifestyle.
I don't see CM Punk heading back into the mid-card scene. It's a waste of his talent and WWE knows that. If WWE isn't planning on keeping Punk as a top card guy, I doubt they'd have rushed to sign him back the way they did around this time last year.

From top to bottom, Punk has had the strongest & freshest WWE Championship reign in years. Despite not being pushed as hard as Cena, Punk has continued to garner main event level interst & responses from the fans week in and week out for more than a year now. If anything, I see Punk's run as champion as being something of a test and it's a test that he's been passing. Otherwise, I don't think Vince would have kept the championship on him for nearly 7.5 months.

It's all but written in the stars at this point that, at some point in the relatively near future, it's going to be Cena vs. Punk II. We might all be wrong but the general feeling that Cena will win the WWE Championship MITB match at the upcoming ppv. Punk currently has two monster wins over John Cena, once at last year's MITB and again at SummerSlam. When you take that into account and couple it with the fact that Cena has been out of the WWE Championship picture for close to a year, it's easy to think that Cena is due to balance out the scales and it's possible that he might. At the same time, however, that's not the virtual iron clad guarantee that I think it would've been had not a couple of things happened:

1. Punk's strong WWE Championship reign - I pretty much already discussed this earlier in the post but one thing I wanted to touch on a bit more was Punk not being pushed as hard as John Cena. Cena is still THE face of WWE, that can't be argued, but Punk has continuously been involved in solid to strong feuds for the title, often delivering show stealing matches at house shows, television & ppvs. His fan response is right up there with Cena and has been that way since last year.

2. John Cena losing to The Rock at WrestleMania XXVIII - The fact that John Cena lost the overall biggest match of his career, to me, is a sign that Cena is no longer the nigh invincible juggernaut, aka SuperCena, that he's been portrayed as. The loss to The Rock has seen Cena become a bit more "human" than we've seen in a long while. He lost a match to Tensai on Raw, lost it clean when you take into account it was a no DQ match. He also needed the help of 5 other men to defeat Big Show in the cage match at the NWO ppv. If Cena had gone over The Rock and had continued just being the same ultra dominant Cena we've seen in recent years, I don't think there'd be any argument that Cena would be the one to take the title from Punk. Cena's not being booked quite that same way, however.

I think WWE has realized that they do have to really start building other main event guys to one day take the reigns from Cena. On top of that, WWE has built Cena to such a level of star power that he can lose and not really suffer any loss of stock because of it. Hell, if anything, Cena's stock seems to be higher among most fans than it's been. His loss to The Rock, his brutal match against Lesnar, his feud with Show have humanized him in my eyes. He's overall been more interesting I think. If Cena does win MITB, he's someone that can cash in the contract and lose without it really damaging him.

As for when Punk's title run will end, personally, I think it'll last somewhere around a year, maybe more. If it goes to WM 29, I'll be very surprised but I certainly won't be disappointed.
Can't see Punk dropping the title yet. I think he will reign champion for at least a year. This will take us upto Survivor Series and maybe beyond.

Daniel Bryan has plenty of time to be champion so i really can't see him holding it this year. He will come close to beating Punk but will always be a whisker away. Bryan has shot to the top in a short space of time and i doubt they will rush to make him champion yet.

After Punk is done fueding with Bryan i can see Punk fueding with Cena (around Summerslam) Punk will beat Cena again. I would keep Punk as John Cena's bogie wrestler. This would further make John Cena look human and not to overpowered.

It seems to me that Punk won't get a shot at the Main-Event unless he fueds with Cena. I hope a fued between the 2 is coming and it's face vs face. They have great Chemistry, they proved this last year.

When Punk finally loses the belt (early next year is my prediction) he will remain relevant as a Main Eventer. A year long title reign to his name and he has the better of Cena, which will keep him right up there with Cena.
Cm Punk has had a big victory on cena.
since then punk has been able to get more attetion from people who disliked him at first. i still dislike punk however.
punk has got a 7 month reign which is strange to have in the wwe unless its your first title run ever.
so here is the big question we all know cm punk time is up.
for being champion. regardless when it happens we know punk as champion will end. where does he go after a 7 month reign of being wwe champion.
it is hard to be back in the main event picture anytime soon.
my idea i would put him in a rivarly against rhodes.
feud in for 4 months.
then put punk on smackdown and let him get injured kayfabe.
then he can come back and get back in the main event zone.

We all know Punk's time is up???????

Really junior, what gives you that idea?????

WWE giving Punk a lenghty title reign has enabled him to finally get over with the doubters and haters and given the main event picture amuch needed boost of fresh talent and a guy who can wrestle, tell a story and cut one hell of a promo.
Witjh Orton unreliable and out of the main event scene, Mysterio continually injured, Cena forever being hammred for always having the title, WWE needed to get Punk over. Punk got himself over even better than WWE could have.
Sure his WWE title reign will end in good time, but he will regain the title sat some point, more thsan likely multiple times as is the common theme in WWE.
It appears if you believe the spoilers sites and gossip pages that Cena is returning to the main event and WWE title scene. As he more than likely will win MITB, he will probabnly get his victory back against Punk at Summerslam and take the title. THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION THAN CM PUNK rematching an feuding with Cena again. Putting him in a fued with a guy who is a mid card and clearly not ready for the main event level is a ludicrous idea. CM Punk is in the main event picture for the forseeable future, regardinless of how anybody feels about him.
Well yeah the big title dont always have to be the main event.
like cena has been in the main event for the last 6 ppvs.
and he aint champ.

It's great, I can turn it off and know I won't miss anything :)

Didn't he say he had a new belt to reveal? I guess Cena beats him and he says something along the lines of that's cool he's not the champ anymore but he's still the best in the world and brings out the new belt .. or he beats Cena and reveals a new one :d
1. when Punk drops the title, I would hope it would be to Daniel Bryan (he deserves it more than anyone, ESPECIALLY John Cena)
2. he's going to remain in the title picture for at least another month or two after he loses it, and then go on to feud with someone else, I must say I love your idea of having him feud against Cody Rhodes for a few months, that gives somebody else a chance to chase the title.
3. Kayfabe injury? are you serious? he's one of the most popular guys in the company, they ain't taking him of tv for a kayfabe injury, that's just stupid and you should hit yourself for saying that. love him or hate him, CM Punk is th number 2 guy in the company and he ain't going anywhere)
Will Punk eventually lose the title? Yes, of course.

Will he lose it to anyone whose name isn't John Cena? No chance in hell

Punk v Cena is the feud that needs to happen. It was money last year and now that Cena is chasing it will be money again. Cena takes the title at Summerslam (giving Punk an impressive nine month reign) Rematch, Cena wins again. Now we have Punk chasing the title in Cena's hands - guess what happens next?

Punk wins the Rumble and defeats Cena at WMXXIX. Torch is passed, title is elevated, Punk becomes the new #1 face. Then finally, FINALLY, the WWE will be in a position to turn Cena heel; at WMXXX - after WWE have proof that Punk has proven more profitable here's the catch though - if Punk as number one face isn't money in the bank for WWE, Cena will stay face.
I feel that he should still be in the title hunt and keep him in the main event picture and keep him in strong feuds as well. I like the feud with D Bryan so if they can keep that going then that would be good.
I'm sorry but I flat out DISAGREE!

I don't CM Punk's "time" is up AT ALL!

I think not only will he be in the WWE title picture for a long time to come, I don't see him losing the title.

Arda Ocal recently voiced his opinion of Punk having a "Two Year Title Reign". Which I don't know about quite two full years but I think Punk should hold the title all the way till Mania 29! We rarely get long title reigns, his reign has been the best in recent memory, he deserves it, and I don't think ANYONE deserves the WWE title more on that roster. WWE still has the world title to switch between Rhodes, Barrett, Ziggler, Del Rio or whoever else they they want as champ.
I don't see him dropping to the mid card after losing the title because they just put him on the cover of WWE13. If they are going to make him upper mid card (which i don't think they will) it will be when they start hyping WWE14.
Part of me says at summerslam punk goes over cena and then at Night of Champions cena wins the title(In front of his hometown, for that feel good moment WWE loves so much for there top faces) but at the same time I see him keeping the title just because he is on the cover of WWE12.

Even so I wouldn't expect WWE to pull a fast one on us and have Chris Jericho win the MITB, and Cena getting the title shot at summerslam in another way.

Either way I'd rather them keep the title on him until say the Rumble(Have Jericho cash it in there if he wins). Loses at the Rumble,(Rumble winner picks the WHC) and then it builds towards him having a match against whoever won it from him at wrestlemania thats how I would book it anyway.
What a weird post.

Did you honestly say write in a injury angle to get their second draw off of television? Are you insane?

Why the hell would the WWE want to write Punk out of the main event and into the mid-card? It makes no god damn sense. He is CLEARLY the No. 2 guy in the company now that Orton shit all over himself.

He has carried the company's top title for over 7 months and could easily carry it for another 6 more. He is rumored to be in the mix for a MEGA WrestleMania match. And you want to write him off of television?

Obviously Punk is going to lose the title eventually. Could be soon to Daniel Bryan ... could be much further on down the road. But when the title goes bye bye ... Punk will not go ANYWHERE near the midcard.

All you Punk haters can get used to it. He is in the main event scene to stay.
CM Punk has established himself as a Main Eventer since last year. That means he's not returning to the mid-card, and he shouldn't. He's been WWE Champion twice now and he's had several victories over John Cena. What does that tell you? He belongs at the top. The fans respond well to him. His mic skills are topnotch. He fulfills all the requirements of a Main Eventer. He's also a believable Champion since he still loses matches. While there are similarities between this reign and John Cena's first WWE Championship reign in terms of length and title defences, I think by making CM Punk come out on top in each of his title defences, the WWE has restored a lot of prestige back to the title. CM Punk is how a WWE Champion should be and he's the type of Champion I've wanted to see since John Cena. Hell, even Triple H back in the day with his lengthy reigns was the ideal Champion to be. I just wish they'd do the same for all the other titles, especially the Tag Team titles. Anyway, once CM Punk loses the title, he should continue to fight other Main Eventers. He should do something similar to John Cena and consistently elevate in headliners against surprise opponents. John Cena wrestled The Rock and Brock Lesnar. There might be someone that CM Punk can work with who's name isn't Chris Jericho.

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