Why, Todd Grisham, Why!? Why Couldn't Punk & King Be Left To Their Own Devices?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Todd Grisham is vanilla personified. No, that's too generous. That makes him sound like ice cream. The only way Todd Grisham could be compared to ice cream is if your mother was killed in a terrible ice cream accident when you were a small child. No, my mother wasn't killed in a terrible Todd Grisham accident but that's how he makes me feel every time he opens his mouth.

I know Punk somewhat lacks the, um, lack of dignity to deliver the "Will Randy Orton get back up after the break? Probably!" lines but it's hardly as if Grisham's the movie voice guy. It's not like King - who's been an announcer for, uh, several years and gave up his dignity a long time ago - couldn't have done it. Hey, they even let Punk plug the videogame. Sarcastically, I might add. The Grish is just so boring he drains all gravity, tension, sexual tension and drama out of any given situation.

The best bit about him being out there was Punk threatening to send him back to Superstars.

As a sidenote, I question the entire three-man commentary dynamic.
Todd Grisham wasn't even on RAW last night, Sam! That was Josh Matthews, a young and up-coming commentator that is actually quite good. He's featured on NXT and his dynamic with Cole is fun and entertaining. He's actually interesting, unlike the very neutral and nonthreatening Grisham. Obviously you disagree - enough to think he was the wrong person - but really it's his first time on the top brand. Of course he needs time to sink into the role, just like Punk! He's not going to be perfect but he has potential to be the next big thing in WWE's commentary.
Regardless of you making a complete mess of the thread I have to agree.

He was shocking and kept making numerous mistakes. One of which was when he called CM punk 'MIz'.

Why he was given the role of the main commentator is anyones guess.
My God, you're right. Boring, young(ish), white announcers are just interchangeable to me. I'd rather you not ban me for racism though. Thanks. Boy is my face red.

Tosh Grithews - as this disgusting, interchangeable pair will henceforth be known - makes me generally uncomfortable. Why, you ask. Calm down a moment and I'll tell you. He makes me think of what I'd be like on Raw commentary. A characterless non-wrestler with no training in commentary. I can relate all too well, Tosh Grithews, you monster.
A characterless non-wrestler with no training in commentary. I can relate all too well, Tosh Grithews, you monster.

Wrong again, Sam! Josh Mathews competed on Tough Enough 2001, and was the runner-up to Maven and Nidia. He IS a wrestler! And he has been doing commentary work for WWE since 2006 - Starting off on Heat, moving to ECW during its dying days, and finally to NXT for its whole tenure. Mathews is completely competent and held his own out there on Monday. he called matches, moves, and sold stories.
damn sam, either you really hate grisham so much you are hallucinating or u were watching a different show in some strange alternate reality than the rest of us.

either way its gonna b ok. drink some water, calm down.

but on topic i dislike mr grisham as well. its like he is cole's younger brother. his dumb, sheltered, extra vanilla younger brother. the one you always see tagging around. trying to talk to the grownups but gets shut down with a swift backhand.

all in favor of todd grisham being 'future endeavored' based on sheer annoyance & having no personality- say aye!
all in favor of todd grisham being 'future endeavored' based on sheer annoyance & having no personality- say aye!

Josh Matthews was at raw because it was like a try-out to see if he can replace Todd Grisham on smackdown and they liked him so he might be replacing Grisham any week now.
and i thought he was alright, certainly better that Grisham
Can someone please explain to me how this thread went from talking about Josh on Raw to bitching and moaning about how bad Todd is?

Personally, I think Josh is an up and coming talent in the commentary booth. He has some WWE experience through Tough Enough and that short feud he had with JBL many years ago on SmackDown.

I think Todd has some potential, but if he isn't given a push, no one will ever see it.
Wrong again, Sam! Josh Mathews competed on Tough Enough 2001, and was the runner-up to Maven and Nidia.

Well, Maven had a pretty slim physique too so I suppose that explains that. I did actually watch Tough Enough but you'll have to forgive me - it was nine years ago and I have enough trouble reading the names that appear on the television screen in front of me.

And he has been doing commentary work for WWE since 2006 - Starting off on Heat, moving to ECW during its dying days, and finally to NXT for its whole tenure.

Yes, I remember him. I know him, much as I forget his name. Has he been a commentator since 2006 or just a backstage interviewer? Because he was definitely the latter of a while. Who knew learning about Tosh Grithews could be so fascinating?

Mathews is completely competent and held his own out there on Monday. he called matches, moves, and sold stories.

Competent is good enough for JoMo but not for a guy I'll have to be listening to throughout the show. I most remember him, despite supposedly playing the babyface role, for being a ******** contrarian. Then again, that's a criticism I'd level at most announcers.
Couldn't disagree with you more Sam.

I'm going to have to assume you haven't watched NXT where Josh Matthews and Cole prove to be one of the most entertaining duos I've ever seen on WWE programming. Josh Matthews has a natural wit and personality that allows him to flawlessly interact with the likes of heel personas. He's the type of guy who makes the smart remark right before the heel walks away, only to be met with a sharp glare from said heel before they get back to business. Now I understand that this personality is not for everybody, but I certainly enjoy it.

Yes, Matthews made his mistakes last night and he was anything but perfect, but it was his first time on RAW, and he had to work with King for the first time (if I'm not mistaken), and Punk for the second time. You can't honestly expect him to get the hang of it his first night out there, can you?

Now I am a big Matthews fan, so this is a slightly biased defense of him, but I think if you continue to listen to Matthews commentary, you'll find he's actually very entertaining.
First off Josh Mathews doesn't seem that bad they just need to give him more of a character and tv time. As far as Todd Grisham he really does suck as a WWE commentary but if you ever seem him do play by play on Fox's channel for major league soccer he actually aint to bad at the job. I think he just has problems with the fictional part of the announcing team on WWE.
I like Josh. Good up and comer as some of you have pointed out. Yeah he made a few mistakes, but come on everyone makes them. Cole makes quite a few as well. It's gonna happen. Sit back and just enjoy.
It was so much better having Josh Mathews doing the play-by-play than Michael Cole as Josh doesn't constantly talk about The Miz like he wants to butt fuck him. It worked last night because Josh Mathews was really the neutral commentator then King was the commentator favoring the faces and then CM Punk as the hilarious heel commentator. I would in the end like to see Josh take over for Todd Grisham on SD as Todd just seems to be a better fit as a backstage interviewer.
Tosh Grithews... interchange-able white commentators... LOL

Although I actually like Josh Mathews is commentating skills, he is more entertaining than Todd Grisham, but yeah in the whole scheme of things they are both pretty bad o_O
I've read your argument against people like Todd Grisham and Josh Matthews and such, and it seems to me that the fact that they are a bit more understated than the ones in the chair next to them is at the core of your dislike of them. I'll admit that these people are not as dynamic or funny as their announce partner and I think I should point out that they're not supposed to be. Their primary purpose is as supporting characters to allow the more dynamic and funnier commentators to do what they do best.

Every team attempting to get a reaction out of a crowd, particularly in a comedy sense which is the primary purpose of the commentator's table these days, needs at least two elements: the instigator and the straight man. The straight man gives feed lines, reacts to the instigator, and keeps the routine moving along while the instigator delivers the memorable lines and responses to the straight man's feed lines, goes off on tangents, and generally attempts to cause trouble for the straight man. More often than not, it's the instigator (people such as Punk, Lawler, etc.) that people remember and enjoy, but these instigators would have a hell of a harder time doing what they do without the support of straight men such as Matthews and Grisham. Incidentally, this is one of the reasons why these two make such great interviewers in that they ask the necessary questions to allow the wrestlers to go on a rant, then get out of the way and let them do it.

I will say, though, that Cole and Lawler have the uncanny ability to play both roles, sometimes switching off with each other between matches.
I like Matthews as an announcer. He's funny, has good chemistry with most people he works with at the table and gets across the stories well. I definitely wouldn't mind him replacing Grisham on Smackdown if it was a tryout like someone in the thread said.
i do understand your point @ klown karnage about people possibly gravitating towards the instigator but i disagree as well....i think people remember good commentators point blank period....Gorilla Monsoon's voice still resonates in my ears today....JR is a legend.....Mike Tenay....Gordon Solie.....i remember all these guys just as well if not better than their "instigator" counterparts.
This has turned into a much different post than what is on the tin. However, I prefer Josh Matthews over Todd and Michael Cole. I am not saying that he is more gifted or better than the other two as a person or what not but I find he is somewhat like J.R. When I listened to J.R. it was like having a best friend or a friend hanging out with you and talking with you about the matches. Josh is not on the level or caliber of J.R. however my point being he sounds like one of the guys. Someone I'd watch wrestling with. It makes me feel more at home with the product. I could sit and watch wrestling with Josh's on air announcer more than I would Cole or Todd because I cannot take Cole seriously since watching him 1997 and on and Todd seems a bit nerdy to be hanging out with watching RAW. I believe that Todd and Cole do great at what they do but I prefer Josh Matthews hands down. Thank you folks! Have a good one!
Josh Matthews could be huge! Allow me to compare him to someone else. This guy was the host of smackdown and not nearly as entertaining. I'm not saying Matthews is terribly entertaining but he is certainly more entertaining than this person I am speaking of. Both were the last eliminated in Tough Enough. Both have a generic boring look. So all he needs is a catchy nickname and the opportunity to run his mouth and Josh Matthews could be WWE champion someday. Why not? Mathews and the Miz have a lot in common. None of what I brought up was embellished. Do I really believe Josh Matthews could be WWE champion? Of course not. But given we are forced to endure The Miz and champion anything is possible. It would not surprise me at all to see Josh in the ring. You can say that there is no way but who really thought at this point in his career the Miz would be WWE champion. The guy looks like the second coming of Crash Holly right down to the smae stupid look on his face. So why not give Josh Matthews the same opportunity that was given to the Miz? It couldn't be any worse.
Todd wasn't on Raw last night as everybody already pointed that out but speaking of The Grish he reminds me of the Joey Styles, Jim Ross, Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Gordon Solie, Ron Trinadad (AWA), and them types of the announcer and not the color commentators of the Jerry Lawler, CM Punk, Josh Matthews, Matt Striker, Taz, Bobby Heenan, Jesse Ventura, Dusty Rhodes types are the color commentators w/ lil or some wrestling backgrounds. I say give Grish a shot of callin a PPV w/ Punk, and Cole and we'd see if he'd can take it. Plujs the reason why Matthews was called from the back is because Vince likes the WCW Nitro 3 man team style. So quit whining and watch n git ur facts straight before u post.
In general, Josh Mathews (if that is who we are talking about) is a pretty good commentator but I do agree that last night he was a bit.... awkward? It seemed like Punk & King were carrying along a segment then Josh was just sitting there like a deer in headlights with no room to say anything.

When he did have room to speak, his play by play was pretty good and he could carry story-lines but he didn't really fit in there. You also have to remember that he was a "fill-in" so I thought he did great with what he was given.

On a bit off-topic note, I really did enjoy the episode a lot more with CM Punk & King doing the commentary without Cole, Punk really makes the show 10x more interesting. I really think Punk & King would be a better 2-man team even though we all know Cole isn't leaving RAW anytime soon.
Man...what is with some people today?? First going off about the Nexus issue, now JOSH MATHEWS being a commentator on RAW as his tryout?? Dude, its called doing his job. I personally found him to be quite entertaining last night. I thought it was better than it was going to be. Josh and Matt Striker won a Slammy one year for announce group of the year. Maybe WWE creative is trying to get that same lighting strike again, not that I would fault them. I know Cole does tend to take up quite a bit of the spot light with his many 'talents' and friends in high places per se. So it would be only natural to try to get two people who are just as workable together on one show as they have been in the past. I really don't see any problem with this. I do know that lately, Grisham has been a little like the '3rd wheel' where you have Striker on SD being the fact finder, and Cole being the 'heel' and Grisham, just ....THERE. I found Punk, King, and Matthews very much a breath of fresh air on Raw, and I think this is what they needed to solidify that Matthews is probably who will take over for Grisham and relegate him back to being a backstage interviewer, besides, Matthews KNOWS his stuff, he's been a wrestler, he was on Tough Enough, he's done matches, he works well with other wrestlers, and he's never been in the doghouse (yet that we know of) with Creative. So this would be a perfect springboard to let him spread his wings. I'm not so sure why some people are crapping all over the guy.
This has turned into a much different post than what is on the tin. However, I prefer Josh Matthews over Todd and Michael Cole. I am not saying that he is more gifted or better than the other two as a person or what not but I find he is somewhat like J.R. When I listened to J.R. it was like having a best friend or a friend hanging out with you and talking with you about the matches. Josh is not on the level or caliber of J.R. however my point being he sounds like one of the guys. Someone I'd watch wrestling with. It makes me feel more at home with the product. I could sit and watch wrestling with Josh's on air announcer more than I would Cole or Todd because I cannot take Cole seriously since watching him 1997 and on and Todd seems a bit nerdy to be hanging out with watching RAW. I believe that Todd and Cole do great at what they do but I prefer Josh Matthews hands down. Thank you folks! Have a good one!

AMEN!!! And THAT is what announcers SHOULD do. HHH, was reportedly much more liked behind the scenes by the announce team because he let them do their thing as opposed to Vince swearing and yelling at them. But back on topic. Todd is a step up from Douchebag Cole, Josh is a Step up from Todd. I'd rather a Josh/King/CM Punk trio day in and day out than Cole/King. I can see it now. King and Punk bantering back and forth and Josh sitting there just laughing it out making it seem like we REALLY have Heel/Face announcing going back on. This could be big. If only WWE would get RID of Cole for good and allow this trio to develop things could be great. WWE doesn't get it though. These things take TIME. JR/King didn't start out PERFECT together it took some time and some evolving.

But I agree with you having an announcer that sounds like someone I'd watch WWE with and makes me feel more at home is MUCH better than the snore job that has developed in Michael "Vintage, Am I a heel or face, I'm blowing the new GM and am too popular for the IWC, how the hell did i ever get a wife she must be one desperate fuck" Cole . Yes that is his new nickname FTW!
For one, it was Matthews who was doing the play by play, not Todd Grisham. If iot were Grisham, id agree wioth you, as he needs to go back to strictly being a baqckstage interview guy.

But I really enjoyed Matthews work myself. Neither Punk nor Lawler, especially Lawler, has the chops to make it as a play by play guy. I felt Matthews interjected excitement into the role. He called the moves, which cole rarely does. Yeah, he did the same tired "We'll fiond out when we return from commercial break" bit, but so did Jim Ross. Its just part of the job.

I dont like Coles heel character, esepcially when hes ragging on EVERY face. The three man commentary booth gelled nicely last night. Matthews strictly called the play by play for matches for the most part. Lawler defended the faces at every opportunity. And Punk was somewhat unbiased in that he called it as he saw it, he didnt play favorites. Id much prefer Matthews, as it allows Lawler and Punk to gel with their dynamic, which is working well to me.

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