Why is Roman Reigns being so limited?

That N Word

Actively evolving
Spidey gave me a tip and told me to don't just hearsay without proof.But I think I don't need proof to say that a lot of people in the IWC has complained "Oh Roman is overrated" , "Roman Sucks." But I took it upon me to look deeper into it and looked up some moves and mic moments of Reigns.I've seen is he don't really suck he is a great wrestler and could even have MOTY with his moveset.I also seen he is pretty good on the mic.I want to know why is Roman so limited.Why is he just basically not trying to show people what he can do.Here is some on those moves

(in case you can't see the video here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbjBhdxZUhM )

I've also seen he is great on the mic.Check one piece of evidence.


(in case you can't see the video here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA4Mo3azr8o )

Your thoughts?
WWE are clearly playing it safe and giving Reigns the Cena treatment.

And at the moment, as a fan, I am still enjoying him! I am drinking the coolaid (or whatever you yanks drink).
WWE likes a repetative moveset so that the fans can get accustomed to their heros style. WWE also likes to make sure their biggest assets remain unharmed and are suspect to as little risk as can be possible in their matches.

When it comes to his Mic work. Reigns is likely scripted to the very letter. WWE writers want absolutely NO risk in him cutting a bad Promo (although as the current hero, he can do no wrong with the fans). And they want EVERY scrap of the glory when he comes out ontop in the end.
They wrote the script. They made the decisions on his match booking. And its all down to THEM when Reigns Reigns Supreme.
Shit rolls down hill. And all the glory goes up the pecking order.
This isn't rocket science. He is a certain look and size so WWE want him to stick to moves that compliment that, attitude that fits it and booking that makes the most of that. There are other guys on the roster to be the technical whizzes or all rounders or high flyers. To push Reigns in the way you're suggesting diminishes the chances for Cesaro, Rollins, Ambros, Barrett and Wyatt. They have a lot of newish talent all finding their niche on the roster so they don't want them overlapping.

The problem guys like Ziggler and Sandow had is that they can "do" everything so become masters of nothing. They have lots of moves but no real place on the roster. Thwagger, Cena, Orton, Kane, RVD all are guys who have a style that fits their look, moves that compliment and fans know and pop for. They know what happens when Brock does shooting star presses...so he doesn't do them and they don't let other guys do stuff too far "out of their area" cos it makes it harder for the others, makes the roster less different and eventually everyone harder to get over. One of the most famous marketing gimmicks of all time was named after this principle...

KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
Not to mention, the WWE typically doesn't want a wrestler to unload their entire arsenal of moves on Raw (free television). They like plenty being saved up for a solid 15-20 minute bout on the PPVs.
First of all I wouldn't go far enough to say Roman Reigns is over rated by any means. The guy is a legit main event player and potentially the future of the company. I think the reason Reigns is seen as being so limited is because its a part of his character. SCSA and The Rock were both outspoken and talked smack, John Cena is shown as an emotional guy who believes in his virtues but Reigns is that reserved guy who is very calculated at what he does.

The other reason I think Reigns is so limited is because he was in the Shield. Being in a trio with two awesome promo guys and wrestlers while your still kind of that "green rookie" can be hard. When it came to promos he was always the short and sweet threat delivery guy and when it came to matches he was always the heavy artillery who was used to finish it.

Now that Reigns is on his own I think he will have a much greater chance to shine and hopefully he has learned from his former Shield mates and he goes on to have a lot of success because I truly see that potential in him to become a top guy.

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