Why Is Daniel Bryan Being Buried?

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Dark Match Jobber
So over the last few months we have seen Daniel Bryan go from fast rising star to damn near enhancement talent. Since winning MiTB Bryan has barely had a single notable fued and has been used as cannon fodder for both the Sin Cara Vs Sin Cara fued (yuck) and to elevate a clearly worthless ( opinion ) Wade Barrett. Could this be a program to turn him heel? Could it be a program to have him begin his "redemption" on the road to wrestlemania? Or is "The REAL Best in The World" just lost the confidence of the WWE brass and being de-pushed for no reason or backstage politics, we have all seen the likes of Orton and HHH ruin the push for top guys for imagined or minor personal infractions such as botching a move ( Mr Kennedy ) or saying the wrong thing to the wrong person.

I personally would like to believe that this downward spiral will all lead to the emergence of the heel Danielson (yea he is still Brian Danielson to me) coming out with a more rabid wolverine like gimmick as a submission and MMA master who grinds his opponents into the mat and submits them in a variety of ways. What do you think? Keep the flaming and trolling to a minimum.
Did you seriously just call Wade Barrett worthless in comparison to Daniel Bryan? Are on something?

Wade Barrett is everything Daniel Bryan isn't, meaning he's a total package and complete sports entertainer. Let's do the run down:

Look: Wade Barrett looks like a badass and believable fighter. Daniel Bryan looks like your friendly tech support associate. And now with the beard, he looks like your perrenially unemployeed tech support associate.

Size: Not as much of a factor as it once was, and something you can have a lot of lee way with, but let's face it, even today, bigger men have any easier road in sports entertainment. Wade Barrett is a solid 6'5 and looks like he can hang with monsters. Daniel Bryan is about as tall as my 8 year old nephew.

Charisma: Wade Barrett has showed it from minute one day one of NXT, setting himself up as the clear front runner. Daniel Bryan has no idea what it is. Or, in fact, may actually be allergic to it. Daniel Bryan is a charisma black hole.

Mic Skills: Wade Barrett showed he had them in spades on NXT and proved he could hold his own against some of the best in the business with his work in the Nexus. Daniel Bryan couldn't talk his way out of a wet paper bag. Any time he is on the screen, it is a helpful cue to fast forward.

Ring Skills: The ONLY area Daniel Bryan shows any aptitude in. He's very good technically, although not as good as he's made out to be by his legion of internet marks. He may be slightly better in the ring than Barrett, but only slightly. Barrett can definitely get it done in the ring and put on great matches with any competent opponent.

Wade Barrett is the total package, should have won MITB, and is a clear future main eventer. Daniel Bryan sucks, and is hopefully being buried because they have realized this and will never again flirt with the idea of him being anything other than a modest mid carder.
Miz Mark this is what we call flaming. The post was about WHY DBD is being buried and the reason behind it. Not about the worthless waste of space that is Wade Barret (once again an opinion ) if you want to rant about why Barrett is better then DBD make a post about it. Is Barrett a better talker then DBD? Hell yes. Does he have more charisma? In my opinion no, Danielson was trained by HBK and William Regal, thus he has this thing called ring charisma, he draws you in with his matches and is better at putting on a match then he is at standing there and looking impressive. The fact that you put size as a factor at all just shows you don't know what good wrestling actually is. Look means about as much size because you have guys like CM Punk, and Mick Foley guys who everyone said didnt have the LOOK to be a main eventer. Their combined 13 world titles say that look means nothing. Furthermore Danielson has done all of his work as an individual, where as Barrett has remained completely irrelevant UNLESS he is the head or a crucial part of a stable. His recent WORTHLESSNESS has shown that he cannot stand on his own two feet and remain interesting. K Thx.
They are probably just makin Bryan look weak. They are just trying to convince us Bryan will not be able to win his match in WM. In the end of the day Bryan will rise up on top out of nowhere....one of those kinds of stories
I shouldn't be surprised that people still don't know what being buried means. They just don't have a program for him currently and that's fine. Just stop equating everything that isn't positive to being buried because that's not the case.
You just mentioned 3 programs since April. Winning MITB (and announcing that he will cash it in at Mania), a feud with Sin Cara and a feud with Wade Barrett. Two upper mid-card names. Just because you think they suck doesn't mean he is being buried.
Little Jerry, Not having a program usually entails wrestling different people and gaining roughly the same amount of wins as losses. Danielson was clearly in a program with barrett as they have faced off several times in the last few months including the last 2 PPVs ( Vengance was a dark match for those who didnt read results) The point being that Danielson was used to try and get Barrett relevant again. He was used in the same way during the whole Sin Cara vs Sin Cara train wreck because the brass knew that when you stuck a high flyer like sin cara in there with Danielson you were gonna come out with a good match ( sad that Danielson vs Cara was better then Cara vs Cara considering Mystico NEVER faced Danielson and Mystico probably face Hunico 1000 times in mexico ) And if the poo flinging monkeys that WWE calls creative don't have a program for the guy with the MiTB briefcase but they have loads of ideas for how best to show that Christian still deserves one more title shot then I think we need Freddie Prinz Jr back on the writing team.
I mite get different reactions from other people but i believe he isn't getting buried.

What i think is wwe is purposely giving db a losing streak to build up to a give him a heel turn.I am predicting what will happen with him.

Every 2 or 3 weeks Daniel ma boy will get one match and lose all the way to mania.At mania he cashes in on.....lets say orton.He wins the world title at the big one.At the smack down taping he celebrates as a face.It will be him vs orton or whoever you think would still be face and still capable of being champion by mania then orton, maybe sheamus.They go in to the Extreme rules ppv in an steel cage match face vs face for the title in a.Bryan will do something heelish to win the match quickly.When he does his first heel promo he will get heat because he will look especially nasty if he keeps his promise with that wrestlemania beard.Just trimming that beard a bit will give a cm punk affect.
Excuse me, Raven1788, but you just made a thread where you stated that Daniel Bryan shouldn't be used to put over Wade Barrett because Barrett is worthless and asked why Daniel Bryan is being buried. I replied with a detailed look at how wrong you are and an explanation for why Daniel Bryan is being buried. That is is no way, shape, or form flaming.

HBK and Regal absolutely have ring charisma, Daniel Bryan does not. He has never once drawn me into a match or made me ever care to see him do anything live or on television.

The fact that you act like size isn't a factor show you don't know how wrestling works. Just as I said in my previous post, like it or not, size impacts success and a bigger man is going to have an easier road and a better spot than a comparable but smaller man. That is a fact and to act like it isn't is absurd.

As for your arguments against look, CM Punk, Mick Foley, they absolutely have look and have it in spades. They may not be big, musclebound, or handsome, but Punk looks like a badass who won't take shit from anyone and isn't afraid to throw down. He looks like a believable real world fighter that you wouldn't be surprised to see going at it in an octagon or on the streets. And Foley looks like a deranged SOB would will screw your world up and take anything you can give him in terms of punishment. Neither of them look like a generic office worker who you'd drop your jaw at seeing get physical.

Your final point- Daniel Bryan has done all of his work as an individual... and has been boring and useless during all of it. He has made 0 impact and been totally unentertaining. Wade Barrett was the driving force behind the biggest faction in recent history and one of the hottest angles in recent memory, and while the booking of the Corre and its desolve has taken him back a step, he has remained a consistently entertaining performer and his new push is reestablishing him as a singles star.

Wade Barrett > Daniel Bryan. Bryan doesn't deserve the amount of success he's already had, and with any hope his string of losses and low card matches is indicative of his future use in the WWE, where he is fine putting on decent by insignificant matches in the first hour of the show but doesn't belong doing anything of importance.
Alex, I think he's being buried because he has been on the losing end of every fued he's been in since he won MiTB. Barrett and Cara are both deffinatly upper mid card names ( my opinions of them aside ) however once again the post is about WHY, or what is the purpose of these losses in the grand scheme of the trajectory of what WWE wants to DO with Danielson.
While I disagree with Miz_Mark (Barrett's good, but not better than Bryan), I do agree that he wasn't flaming or anything. He's making a valid contribution to the thread, whether or not you like it, Raven.

I believe Bryan losing will lead to a heel turn, or as someone else mentioned, the start of an "underdog" storyline. The former would be best, because anyone who has seen a heel Bryan in the indies would know that a heel Bryan is awesome.
Miz Mark,

For starters you listed reasons why Barrett is better in your opinion not facts ( If I have to say opinion again I am gonna scream) Secondly both Punk and Foley were thought to not have the look neccessary to make it in WWE from the get go and redefined how we look at someone capable of being a world champion. When Punk first entered WWE with his long hair the tattoos and the handwraps the brass shook their heads. When the idea of Foley being a world champion was first floated no one could picture him carrying the strap because of his look. I do not think size is a factor at all, does it help crappy wrestlers ( key word "wrestlers" not entertainers ) get a better spot because Vince loves guys who look roided out their minds? Of course it does see Bobby Lashley, Batista, and recently Mason Ryan. None of these guys could lace Danielsons boots but they will get pushed to the moon because being a genetic jackhammer means you put asses in seats (trololol) As far as Danielson LOOKING like someone who would never win a fight I cannot be in any more awe of how dumb that sounds. The dude trains at Randy Coutures MMA academy. I would bet money that is the most legitmately dangerous fighter on the roster right now. Does he look like the nastiest fighter in the world? Nope....neither do Anderson Silva, George St-Pierre, or my boy Frankie Edgar...but they all have big gold belts that say you will respect my authority. For those actually staying on the topic thank you and I am now done with the outside issues. Miz Mark I like your arguments start a thread about Barrett and I will be happy to continue the argument.
Raven1788, did I ever say "these statements are unassailable facts and cannot be argued by anyone in the universe?" Of course they are opinion. We're talking about an entertainment product, all that exists is opinions. I understand that Punk and Foley were incorrectly perceived as not having a good look, but they proved that there are more than 1 good luck for wrestling. That in no way negates the fact that Daniel Bryan looks like an accountant. You are apparently under the impression that having functional eyes makes me sound stupid. It doesn't matter if Daniel Bryan trains with Randy Couture (and let me just shout out for Captain America while I'm at it). Anderson Silva and GSP absolutely look like fighters, Frankie Edgar doesn't as much, but that is irrelevant. They are ACTUAL FIGHTERS so it doesn't matter what they look like, their ACTUAL FIGHTING SKILL is what matters. Daniel Bryan is in the ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS. He PRETEND FIGHTS FOR MONEY. If he could legitimately defeat every other wrestler on the roster it wouldn't matter. They don't cast the best fighters in the world to play action movie leads, they cast guys who LOOK like they can fight. In the same way, wrestlers are supposed to LOOK like they can fight. Someone doesn't need to be 6'4 260, but being at least near 6 feet helps, and not looking like an accountant helps. Daniel Bryan could legitimately be able to whoop ass, but he looks like a putz and he can't make me believe that he's a threat in the pretend fight world. And he cannot entertain me on the mic. Now, if he was a legit fighter, it wouldn't matter, he wouldn't have to be able to give a good interview or look formidable, he'd just have to go out and legit win fights. But that is not the industry he has chosen to work in, and in this industry the shortcomings that define Daniel Bryan are the reason why there is very much a ceiling on what he can accomplish in WWE, and may very well be why he is losing frequently on television, and definitely is why I personally don't ever want to see him perform. Now, as for your inane suggestion that I'm not "on topic" and attempt to pull an "I am going to say my side of the argument and then say game over so you cannot speak," sorry, but I'm not playing. I will continue to make valid contributions to this topic just as I have from post one.
Daniel Bryan is not being buried at all in my opinion. Like Little Jerry Lawler posted above, he just doesn't have a programme right now. He holds the Money In The Bank briefcase so his time will come either through that or by other means. Not everybody on the roster can be pushed to the top at once. Wade Barrett is going through the same thing (I really like Wade and disagree with your opinions on him but that's for another thread). Wade looks set to start heading in the direction for some kind of push right now though, I am sure Bryan will get his chance soon enough. He is hardly being buried.
I say he's going to get a heel turn, or something similar. They've been booking him to start getting angry over losing so much, so you know something is probably going to happen. While I personally wouldn't want to see him heel just yet (There are over 9,000 heels atm), I would like to see him enter a stage of ruthlessness.

Also, to the guy who wants Wade Barrets love child... Barret isn't even in Daniel Bryan's league. All he's good at is promos and decent in-ring work. When Daniel Bryan was US Champ he actually put on highly entertaining matches every week and even at several PPV's, and Wade Barret hasn't had one actually really solid and entertaining match since he wrestled Jericho.

While Daniel Bryan was wrestling matches on SmackDown and STILL putting on match of the night most nights Wade Barret was walking out of the ring and getting count-out or dq losses into infinity. But I guess he had a cocky smile when he did it- THAT'S CHARISMA! /sarcasm
This is now turning into a Wade Barret Vs Daniel Bryan thread. We should continue the Wade thing in the Wade Barrett thread. I personally like both and although see Daniel Bryan as the better "wrestler" I think Wade is the better WWE type star as in has the WWE look, mic skills and can put on a decent match. In my opinion both have what it takes and both look destined to become WWE superstars for years to come if booked right and allowed to develop.
Zangash I want your love child.

Miz Mark you again make several well put together arguments but I still think there are holes. I don't think Danielson looks like a accountant but I will say he doesn't look like the wrecking machine he is. He does however go out on a nightly basis and do his job which is to put on good matches. Maybe I am old school, maybe I don't subscribe to the "you have to be able to work the mic to get over" philospohy, But I will be damned if being an AMAZING wrestler doesn't mean you can't work your way to the top. Bret Hart was never the most charismatic guy ever. He looked like your typical long haired guy in a singlet. His promos were good but if you met him on the street you wouldn't say "wow that guy would woop my ass" but he could get in the ring with a broom and put on a 5 star match and that is why when vince got into trouble with steroids in the WWE he put Bret in the top spot to show that you don't have to look like a greek god to be at the top of the mountain. I will make no bones about I do not like guys who are big, can talk, and can't put on top quality matches. But I give props where props are due I just see no reason to put over a guy like Barrett who in my mind has been extremely irrelevant since leaving Nexus, even his IC title reign didnt strike me as entertaining.
It could quite possibly be that since Daniel Bryan has already stated that he is cashing in the MITB briefcase at WrestleMania, WWE creative just doesn't see him as a priority right now. I believe that DB will start to get pushed after Royal Rumble and become a viable contender for the title...
Ahhhhhhh yes. Another thread about another superstar being "buried." There needs to be a dictionary of terms on here for all these little noobs and nooblettes that they should be required to read before they start posting threads full of ridiculouslessness and tons of fail.

Does Daniel Bryan still have the MitB briefcase? Oh, he does? Well that answers your question right there. How the hell can you bury someone that carries around a world title shot on a weekly basis? Just because someone loses a matches DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY ARE BEING BURIED. HOLY F*CKING SANTA CLAUSE SHIT. Before you posted this ridiculous thread did you think about that maybe a losing streak or something of this nature is part of a greater storyline? Stop watching wrestling week to week and start watching it month to month or quarter to quarter.
Hahaha. Everyone has their own opinions and there is no need to criticize each other for it. Anyways, I agree with some people I don't think he's being "buried" per say. But, I do think they need to have him on Smackdown every single week. He is the MITB winner, and should be on at least smackdown every week, and should be on Raw every now and then.

And going to the Barrett-Danielson comparisson. (My Opinion) Both are good at what they do. Why is there a need to continueously compare everyone to everything. DBD has an amazing ring ability, tries something new all the time, has decent mic work. His fault is that he isn't a big "typical wwe" body. Barrett has amazing mic skills, has a decent ring ability, but his moves because stale (their the same moves just in a different order really -- Example would be when him and Cena had their ppv match, Im pretty sure he did three top rope elbow drops or at least attempted that many), but he does have a "typical wwe". Both guys are great in many ways and have their flaws as well. Everyone is different. Say what you want but there has never been 1 wrestler that has a Perfect 10 for every single aspect of being a wrestler/sports entertainer.
Shafe - Love how you state I don't know what being buried means when I explained it earlier and then say I should have thought about maybe its a storyline when I said that could be one of the possible explanations in the opening post. Try and read posts before commenting K Thx Bye.

MJDM- [/QUOTE] what you want but there has never been 1 wrestler that has a Perfect 10 for every single aspect of being a wrestler/sports entertainer.[/QUOTE]

Undertaker says you sir are wrong
Shafe - Love how you state I don't know what being buried means when I explained it earlier and then say I should have thought about maybe its a storyline when I said that could be one of the possible explanations in the opening post. Try and read posts before commenting K Thx Bye.

what you want but there has never been 1 wrestler that has a Perfect 10 for every single aspect of being a wrestler/sports entertainer.[/QUOTE]

Undertaker says you sir are wrong[/QUOTE]

Undertaker is bad on the mic. It's why he almost never speaks and does everything through his actions.

What you meant to say is C.M Punk.
CM Punk would lack size that most people would attribute to being one of those aspects and Takers promos during both the Ministry and American Badass times were pure epic win.
Did you seriously just call Wade Barrett worthless in comparison to Daniel Bryan? Are on something?

Wade Barrett is everything Daniel Bryan isn't, meaning he's a total package and complete sports entertainer. Let's do the run down:

Look: Wade Barrett looks like a badass and believable fighter. Daniel Bryan looks like your friendly tech support associate. And now with the beard, he looks like your perrenially unemployeed tech support associate.

Size: Not as much of a factor as it once was, and something you can have a lot of lee way with, but let's face it, even today, bigger men have any easier road in sports entertainment. Wade Barrett is a solid 6'5 and looks like he can hang with monsters. Daniel Bryan is about as tall as my 8 year old nephew.

Charisma: Wade Barrett has showed it from minute one day one of NXT, setting himself up as the clear front runner. Daniel Bryan has no idea what it is. Or, in fact, may actually be allergic to it. Daniel Bryan is a charisma black hole.

Mic Skills: Wade Barrett showed he had them in spades on NXT and proved he could hold his own against some of the best in the business with his work in the Nexus. Daniel Bryan couldn't talk his way out of a wet paper bag. Any time he is on the screen, it is a helpful cue to fast forward.

Ring Skills: The ONLY area Daniel Bryan shows any aptitude in. He's very good technically, although not as good as he's made out to be by his legion of internet marks. He may be slightly better in the ring than Barrett, but only slightly. Barrett can definitely get it done in the ring and put on great matches with any competent opponent.

Wade Barrett is the total package, should have won MITB, and is a clear future main eventer. Daniel Bryan sucks, and is hopefully being buried because they have realized this and will never again flirt with the idea of him being anything other than a modest mid carder.

This post says it all. Daniel Bryan is beyond worthless. He has NO mic skills, and therefore will never be of any interest to 95% of people who watch wrestling. He needs a mouthpiece and needs to reinvent himself as something interesting.

There are plently of guys that can wrestle. In my opinion, he shouldn't even be midcard. If you can't entertain people and make them care about your character on a TV SHOW....then go away.
what you want but there has never been 1 wrestler that has a Perfect 10 for every single aspect of being a wrestler/sports entertainer.

Undertaker says you sir are wrong[/QUOTE]

Undertaker is bad on the mic. It's why he almost never speaks and does everything through his actions.

What you meant to say is C.M Punk.[/QUOTE]

Untertaker has the look, has average mic skills and has one of the most epic gimmicks in wrestling history.

Daniel Bryan looks like nothing, has no mic skills, and has no identity at all.
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