Why Does Everyone Hate Sean Waltman?


Dark Match Winner
Just hear me out. When he's sober, he's shown that he can carry on pretty good matches. He's pretty good on the stick, he basically carried a non speaking Kane through one of the most under rated fueds ever. I know, as a person he's kinda douchey, but as far as in the ring, I respect the man. My question is, what reasons do you personally have for disliking Sean Waltman?
I personally find him disgusting. I know he can carry a great match, but all his crotch humping doesn't come off right, it just comes across as creepy molester style. As much as I loved the wolfpack, the knowledge of their past problems and deteriorating look just makes it sad to watch.
I wouldn't go as far as saying I hate the guy, but when I watch him I just feel the angle he is goin with his character feels forced. His X-Pac gimmick worked wonders in the Attitude Era but now I don't know- to me it's just stale. Just like the person before me said, his crotch-chopping routine doesn't come off as cool and impactful anymore. His Sixx Pac (or whatever 6-Pac variation) is the same thing as the X-Pac of WWF(E) was. I suppose WWE wouldn't give him rights to the name...so why not go by your regular name or something original instead of a variant? To me that's as unoriginal as calling yourself "The Band" (the term Kevin Nash used in the late late 90s to describe The Outsiders/NWO) when the world knows you're "NWO Originals".
Me personally I am not a fan of paying money for pay-per views in which his is advertised and then having him no show. Same goes for Scott Hall. The last time that he missed it was allegedly because he was not cleared to wrestle in the state... Even if it is true how do you not know that in advance of the PPV. TNA should have known, if we assume they run a decent business they either didn't know or didn't care. Either way its disrespectful to me as a fan when I spend my money on PPV's...
It is easy. Sean Waltman is no longer relevant. He hasn't been for sometime. The story line they are running would be fine 10-15 years ago. But they aren't rebels any more. They are just sad. I loved Scott Hall back in the day. Never have been a fan of Syxx, X-Pac, 1-2-3 Kid or any of his other personas. Hall could go and was a good performer. Waltman was a good worker and ok mic man back in the day. But he has always come off as the kind of creepy cousin you are ashamed of and wouldn't want to introduce him to your friends because he might go after their little sisters.
If Waltman wasn't a wrestler, & was someone in your life, he'd be known as the dick-head loser who no-one likes, but has a few equally twattish friends who let him hang round because he amuses them & has no self worth. Sadly, in wrestling terms, it seems to have got him quite far. Like CultOfRaven said earlier, it's just stale now. He didn't do anything in particular (& that's part of the problem) people just got bored of the same old shit whilst he clung onto it for dear life & pushed it for every cent it was worth (see also, Buff Bagwell!) Maybe hate is to strong a word, but he does certainly reek of nothingness these days
It's a shame when you look at someone like Waltman. He had all the potential to be huge in wrestling. He had a decent gimmick, could cut promos, was pretty good in the ring as well. He chose to let all this go to waste.
The only reason that he still chooses to wrestle is so that fans can pay for his drink/drugs.
He doesn't care about the fans or the business, and he has proved this every time that he has no-showed for events, which he has done countless times
Because the internet is a bunch of haters. They think they can judge someone that they don't personally know because the IWC is filled with a bunch of judgmental losers that have nothing going for themselves so as a result they push their negative energy onto wrestlers that have accomplished more than them.

I don't know Syxx Pac personally. I don't know what he's been through in life. I have no right to judge him and neither will I because no one is perfect. All I will talk about is his wrestling and wrestling wise, outside of WWE where he hasn't been restraint, he is damn good. Maybe you people should check out Syxx Pac in AAA or check out Syxx Pac back in the early days of TNA when he was X-division champion and putting on classics with AJ Styles.

I respect Pac and I'm glad he's sober and doing okay.

I wouldn't go as far as saying I hate the guy, but when I watch him I just feel the angle he is goin with his character feels forced. His X-Pac gimmick worked wonders in the Attitude Era but now I don't know- to me it's just stale. Just like the person before me said, his crotch-chopping routine doesn't come off as cool and impactful anymore. His Sixx Pac (or whatever 6-Pac variation) is the same thing as the X-Pac of WWF(E) was. I suppose WWE wouldn't give him rights to the name...so why not go by your regular name or something original instead of a variant? To me that's as unoriginal as calling yourself "The Band" (the term Kevin Nash used in the late late 90s to describe The Outsiders/NWO) when the world knows you're "NWO Originals".

It's obvious that you aren't aware that his name was Syxx-Pac before it was X-Pac. X-Pac is actually playing off of the name 6-Pac because he couldn't use the name 6-Pac in WWE or didn't want to. Go google 6-Pac and nWo and learn something.
This thread has been done before, in fact several times I think, but anyway.

Sean Waltman is not a good wrestler. His in-ring technique is well below average. His mic skills are worse. He doesn't cut promos, he just comes out to the ring and yells, usually at the company that last released him.

His personal problems are well documented. While this is none of my business, it becomes my business when I pay for PPV that he either no shows for, or stumbles through in a drunken or drug-induced stupor. Same for on free TV; he's usually drunk, stoned, both, or playing a gimmick where he seems to be, which became stale a decade ago.

Plus, personally I just find him to be a bit of an asshole.

But other than these few points, Sean Waltman is just fine.
my knowledge of Sean Waltman is pretty limited. i have only seen him in the WWF and WWE, though i have read about (and sometimes watched on YouTube) his WCW and TNA stuff. never any of the Indie scene.

that said, i will apologize up front for anything i type here that sounds odd and will blame it on my aforementioned limited knowledge.

i really liked the 123 Kid and X-Pac stuff in WWE. his tag team and feud with Kane was pretty awesome. and he could draw tons of love and hate from the crowd, depending on what role he was playing. he could actually wrestle and do the high flying stuff, had exciting matches, legit title reigns, was solid on the mic.

maybe the reason he is not as well-received is because of the original members of the original Clique, he has been the least successful, in and out of the ring. that's only a guess. but i don't know him as a person and so won't judge what happens out of the ring. i get it. drunks and alcohol and depression are tough to beat. i've got family that struggle with any combination of the three, so i won't pick on him too much.

other than that, and not just towards Waltman but the other guys in the Band, it's just a little sad (not pathetic, but literally sad) to see them trying to do the gimmick that was so awesome and revolutionary a decade ago today.
to me he is just a bad person and this is based on everything that i read and here, so i know i am getting only half the story. he treated chyna like garbage and was a horrible influence on her fragile state. then when they weren't together, him and his new girlfriend went out of their way to bash her in public, which is so lame in itself.

between this, no showing events and the bad publicity he gets all the time, i can see him being the biggest jackhole that ever lived.

he did have a lot of promise, but it was almost like once he tasted fame and was pushed, he felt he deserved to be pushed even though he didn't at times. he wanted things handed to him.
Exactly what you said he can carry on pretty good matches. I'm sorry if your a fan but Waltman has never been considered the best hes never had an amazing match like his friends HHH, HBK, Hall and Nash (The Clique). He had promise at a young age having a solid match with Bret Hart and Defeating Nash but really he never did improve thats why people don't like him. He cannot compare lame oldstyle wresling with The Phenominal AJ Styles or Kurt Angles amazing in ring techniques, and Samoa Joe. The list goes on.
I'd say that Sean has always struggled to get over on his own bat and this comes from his initial WWF run as the 1-2-3 Kid (prior to which he had a Rey Mysterio style rep in the smaller feds, as the Lightning Kid) where he started out as a jobber, then was used as a tool to turn Razor Ramon face via seemingly lucky/ interference victories. From here all his high profile appearances have been as a lesser member of a faction which has damaged his credibility as an individulal character or a believable bad-ass. As such he comes across as only being usable in a group dynamic, but as he has never been integral to any group, fans are nonplussed if he's there at all. 20 years down the line, Sean Waltman's legacy will just be footnotes in the histories of the nWo, Dx and the Cliq (well, unless you count his controversial relationship with China).

I don't think people hate Waltman as such, they just don't give a toss unless he's being rammed down their throats.
It's obvious that you aren't aware that his name was Syxx-Pac before it was X-Pac. X-Pac is actually playing off of the name 6-Pac because he couldn't use the name 6-Pac in WWE or didn't want to. Go google 6-Pac and nWo and learn something.

1. It was Syxx, not Syxx-Pac. Already mentioned the 6-Pac/Syxx-Pac/X-Pac variant. Looks like I'm teaching you. Funny how that works.

2. I never said X-Pac was his original name. If you wanted to get technical, he was "1-2-3 Kid" before Syxx and he was "Lightning Kid" in his debut before the 1-2-3 Kid moniker. You argue a pointless argument.

3. This is a forum. As individuals we are going to rant, bash, dispute, praise, and or mark out to superstars we believe are worthy to insult or compliment. It's called having your own opinion. If you can't get this through your head then don't log in. Simple. It's obvious the majority find him irrelevant in today's wrestling, so please do not insult the people that are giving good reasons not to like him. It's kewl to say that you like him or whatever, but give good enough reason and don't insult. That makes people give you disagreeable rep.
In short? Because he was part of the Kliq – an elitist group of self-serving sycophantic wrestlers who held a lot of talent down when they were on top of the wrestling world. Because of their tendency to do for themselves before others, that entire group was essentially black listed among wrestling fans, and Waltman was no exception to that.

Factor in the fact he's working a decade old gimmick that never really got all that over in the first place, his tendency to abuse drugs & alcohol to the point he no-shows live events, tapings and PPV's and his generally lackluster ring performances/mic work and you've got a recipe for disaster IMO.
This thread has been done before, in fact several times I think, but anyway.

Sean Waltman is not a good wrestler. His in-ring technique is well below average. His mic skills are worse. He doesn't cut promos, he just comes out to the ring and yells, usually at the company that last released him.

His personal problems are well documented. While this is none of my business, it becomes my business when I pay for PPV that he either no shows for, or stumbles through in a drunken or drug-induced stupor. Same for on free TV; he's usually drunk, stoned, both, or playing a gimmick where he seems to be, which became stale a decade ago.

Plus, personally I just find him to be a bit of an asshole.

But other than these few points, Sean Waltman is just fine.

I agree 100%. I've never marked out for this guy, never thought he did anything exciting or original, always though he was overpushed and overrated. He was not the Evan Bourne of his time, even though some try to make him out to be. He was just a guy who got over with the boys and always found a way to get them to make sure he made a few bucks. I totally agree that in real life he seems like a creeper that would end up with Chris Hansen on Dateline one day.
Because the internet is a bunch of haters. They think they can judge someone that they don't personally know because the IWC is filled with a bunch of judgmental losers that have nothing going for themselves so as a result they push their negative energy onto wrestlers that have accomplished more than them.

So to refer to a whole bunch of people as haters and losers, even though you don't know them, that's ok?

I don't know Syxx Pac personally. I don't know what he's been through in life. I have no right to judge him and neither will I because no one is perfect. All I will talk about is his wrestling and wrestling wise, outside of WWE where he hasn't been restraint, he is damn good. Maybe you people should check out Syxx Pac in AAA or check out Syxx Pac back in the early days of TNA when he was X-division champion and putting on classics with AJ Styles.

I dont know him either but I have read interviews with him where he openly states he's on crystal meth and a pot head and isn't sorry for that fact. To me, that means he's a twat. As for being good when not restrained I refer you to his work in TNA since he first joined, and pretty much all his work after early 99. He finally had his addictions and laziness get out of control, the fans noticed and turned on him. If his work had stayed good he'd have been cut a lot of slack, just like Benoit was (even though his gimmick never evolved).

It's obvious that you aren't aware that his name was Syxx-Pac before it was X-Pac. X-Pac is actually playing off of the name 6-Pac because he couldn't use the name 6-Pac in WWE or didn't want to. Go google 6-Pac and nWo and learn something.

Learn to use it yourself. He was Syxx in WCW, Nash and Hall sometimes called him syxx pac but never officially, you just have to watch WCW ppv's he appeared on to see that you're wrong.

The sad thing with Waltman is he genuinely feels he always attracts the right kind of heat and, thus, his character is relevant and over. This has resulted in more fan resentment and created one big cycle that, sadly, he's not going tp break out of at this stage of his career.

I think Cornette was right about him way back in late 97
I think saying that his wrestling is poor is a pretty inaccurate statement. I watched him wrestle Jerry Lynn in Minneapolis about a year ago at First Ave. It was an amazing match, they absolutely tore the house down and put on an absolute classic. He has had so many big matches in the E and many of you really have no idea what your talking about. KB on the reviews is always ripping him and I feel he was involved in alot of good feuds and put on some classic matches. Long live pac.
Personally, I've been a fan of him since the Lightning Kid days and can appreciate the matches he had with other light/cruiserweights. Additionally, he had some good matches wityh larger talent like Kane, D-lo Brown, etc.

I agree that his gimmic is a little stale and so he needs to reinvent himself a little. Also, he needs to add some more moves to his repertoire. Wouldn't be bad idea to utilize the Buzz killer sometimes. Third, it start using his real name and drop the Lightning Kid, 1-2-3 Kid, Syxx, X-pac, 6-pac or whatever it is this week. He is still a pretty good worker as proven from his time is WSX and AAA. If he has kicked his demons, then he needs to go to the Eddie Gurerro School of Redemption, get out there and work his butt off and show he's worthy of a upper mid-card or main event push. Main event is unlikely but stranger things have happen
I wouldn't necessarily say that I hate the guy. The truth is I don't. I don't know the guy personally and while he does sound like a complete tool given the details of how he's conducted himself in his personal life, I don't know what his side of the story is.

For me, I think most of my dislike for the guy lies with him not being nearly as good of a wrestler as he's made out to be. Sean Waltman has been fortunate enough to be friends and associates with some of the biggest names in wrestling and those relationships are the primary reason he's accomplished most of what he has in wrestling. I've watched the guy ever since the days he was the 123 Kid and I've just never really been impressed with him.
Me personally I am not a fan of paying money for pay-per views in which his is advertised and then having him no show. Same goes for Scott Hall. The last time that he missed it was allegedly because he was not cleared to wrestle in the state... Even if it is true how do you not know that in advance of the PPV. TNA should have known, if we assume they run a decent business they either didn't know or didn't care. Either way its disrespectful to me as a fan when I spend my money on PPV's...

Actually he did inform TNA that he won't be able to show, and TNA was happy about that.

I think Sean actually is pretty cool somewhat, I think he could have a decent run in the X-dvision, and then possibly help put another future star over. All I can see though..
I've hated the guy ever since he was in the GWF under the name, "The Lightning Kid." Everything about the guy angers me. His look, his voice, his personality, his poor attempts at what he called humor, and even his wrestling style.
He looks like the guy who's always at the drug dealer's house trying to pawn off his used Nintendo 64 for a line of Oxycontin. That's why. He's a fine athlete, but a shit person. He cares about no one but himself and being high. He's a liability most of the time he's in the ring and I'm almost positive he'd fail a piss test 9 times out of 10.

He's disrespects the business and to me, doesn't have respect for anyone but his stupid ass self.
This is Sean Waltman's offence in every match

Spin kick generally near the middle of the ring

3 kicks to the chest jumping kick to the head in the corner

Bronco buster

X-factor, which he can vary how it hits about 4-5 ways

The end.

Every match, he has these spots and nothing else, they look identical in 75% of his matches.

This is why people hate him, he's as repetitive as a skipping CD.

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