Sean Waltman Joins Bridge Burning Brigade; Bashes Carter, TNA on Twitter

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

@TNADixie Highly disappointed with you as a person who claims to care. More disappointed in your handling of the only alternative to WWE @TNADixie Been meaning to tell you that since your Co. tried to make it look like I no showed your PPV. Im just sick of @TNADixie running around playing this benevolent role, when it's a facade. @TNADixie BTW Congrats on hiring Bruce Pritchard. Perfect fit . One of the biggest lowlifes in the business. Treats ppl like sh** if he can Mark my words TNA will be a part of WWE's video catalog before the decade is up."

Waltman is referring to the 2010 Lockdown PPV where he was unable to work in Missouri due to the Athletic Commission not licensing him due to hepatitis. The night of the PPV, TNA instructed the announcers to act as if Waltman had no shown the PPV. He would appear for the company in a non-physical role after that before departing.

When a fan responded to Waltman, saying that if he wasn't a "boozer and a fool", he might still be employed by TNA. Waltman responded, "@TNADixie Had nothing to do with it. Plus are u serious w/ the crew they have there. Plus, I am sober & never cared 4 booze."


Waltman now joins the obvious Scott Steiner among ex-TNA employees who've totally trashed the company in some form of social networking.

Thoughts on all this?
This is out of nowhere. I know that former talent has issues with TNA, and thus uses Twitter as their soapbox. That being said, I'm not putting much stock in this. Did Waltman rant about this after it happened in 2010? And if he didn't, why now? He's back working with WWE, so it seems blasting Dixie and TNA now is all for naught.
Waltman isn't burning bridges more than he's playing sides I think. I believe that if Sean had his way, he'd be back with WWE in some capacity. This most recent blasting of Carter specifically and TNA in general is essentially an olive branch to Vince/Hunter/WWE as if to say "yes guys, I'm fully back on board."

Truth be told, Hunter is probably looking for a reason to bring his friend back into the fold, regardless of specific capacity. Problem is, there is quite a bad stigma on Waltman for the things he did following his last tenure in WWE. Pac has to clean that image up a bit since the business has changed so much since the Attitude era. I think that's why Waltman also made it a point to disclose that he was sober and not drinking alcohol.

Bottom line, X-Pac wants back in WWE in some capacity especially now that Hunter is seemingly running the day-to-day. The rest of the company (particularly Vince I'd imagine) is hesitant on taking another chance on him. His criticisms of Dixie/TNA well after the fact are little more than goodwill towards his potential new employers. Pac has seen the err of his ways and is ready to come back to the WWE family.

That's my take on it anyway.
All I can say this is any company that wants to push Garrett Watts.. I mean Bischoff needs to re-think its priorities. I don't think TNA only has 10 years like everyone speculates. I think they can last as long as they want. They'll just be as directionless as they are today. Its funny that in the wrestling business, TNA has actively hired people that everyone seems to hate, not just the IWC. I feel like TNA had potential to be a threat to the WWE once upon a time, then they kept hiring kevin nash, dustin rhodes and vince russo. They had Jarret keep the belt over viable stars, Monty Brown cough cough. They rushed the Angle/Joe series, repeatedly buried their homegrown talent. Put ex wwe guys over their established stars. Continually booking Sting to win at bound for glory only to lose the next night on impact, killing abyss' character, the main event mafia storyline that didn't go anywhere. So I mean considering all that nonsense. The ship sank a long time ago but like cockroach. it survives.
Mark my words, this is some type of work. Steiner/hogan -- dixe/waltman, who else is going to to be fired and than start trashing TNA? The painting is on the wall.. This social network trashing is going to go on for a while than watch, once many people are aware of it, the "invasion angle" begins..
I don't really understand Dixie Carter bashing by this schmuck or anyone. The fact of the matter is that Dixie is the number one reason that an alternative to the WWE even exists. TNA would have lasted months, not years without her. I think it is a shame that she does not get more credit for that just because of some perceptions about her that are mostly baseless. It seems like most of them stem from the idea she doesn't "understand the biz." It is an interesting choice of words to me because many people raved about Heyman's wrestling mind. That didn't seem to stop him from going bankrupt. Meanwhile that stupid mark Dixie has a company about to have its 10th anniversary that continues to expand internationally. Maybe it is time people got over "the biz" nonsense and started giving her some credit for how she handles business.
he's already back in the company in a backstage capacity.

Fair point... Wikipedia says he's a talent scout for FCW. That's a fairly expendable job in my opinion. Waltman could be easily replaced if he were to do something stupid. Waltman would also likely be one of the first cut if heads had to roll for something other than his behavior as well.

I think my point still (mostly) stands though. Waltman would like to be back in the WWE proper (ie; on one of the "A" shows, onscreen or off). Hunter would probably like to put him into a role more prominent than talent scout for the companys minor leagues. I'm sure there is doubt across the board given how, uh, volatile Waltman has been in the past.

I still think this is Pac trying to stroke the ego of his new boss and say that he's "all in."
Yeah. I saw One Night in China, Sean. Tell me you never cared for booze.

That being said, a couple of months ago Sean Waltman performed on a wrestling card in a restaurant that seats maybe one hundred people a few miles from me. In his shoes, I'd probably burn a whole fucking city to get some attention for myself.
Yeah tna sucks bad right now but so do waltman and Steiner. I love to hear Steiner talk on the mic cause its so funny but he cant wrestle. I agree with Steiner though about Hogan. TNA a change of direction bad or it wont be around much longer. Get rid of Hogan stop having so much talking and have some good matches. I think its worth a try.
It does worry me how many people come out of TNA and seem to have nothing but bad words to say about the company. Waltman, Steiner, Daffney etc. I honestly can't remember who and don't quote me on it but I remember a few folk on the AOW saying they wouldn't even consider working there.

I don't know what's happening behind the scenes and I'm not going to try and guess. Steiner is hardly sane so things like this might mean little but they need to be very careful. The last thing they need is people not wanting to work for them and a bad reputation will spread quickly in a buisness like the wrestling one.

In terms of what Waltman actually says a lot of it rings true. Giving out the impression he no showed an event wasn't clever when he had a legitimate reason for not doing it. Whether TNA will become part of the WWE by the end of the decade. I hope not.
seems like waltmans got sour grapes about being fired from the company eh? him and steiner both really started whining and complaining out of nowhere but both seem to be bitter they were let go from the company but waltman was let go over 2 years ago....doesnt he have better things to do then whine and complain about his former company on twitter?
Waltman isn't burning bridges more than he's playing sides I think. I believe that if Sean had his way, he'd be back with WWE in some capacity. This most recent blasting of Carter specifically and TNA in general is essentially an olive branch to Vince/Hunter/WWE as if to say "yes guys, I'm fully back on board."

Truth be told, Hunter is probably looking for a reason to bring his friend back into the fold, regardless of specific capacity. Problem is, there is quite a bad stigma on Waltman for the things he did following his last tenure in WWE. Pac has to clean that image up a bit since the business has changed so much since the Attitude era. I think that's why Waltman also made it a point to disclose that he was sober and not drinking alcohol.

Bottom line, X-Pac wants back in WWE in some capacity especially now that Hunter is seemingly running the day-to-day. The rest of the company (particularly Vince I'd imagine) is hesitant on taking another chance on him. His criticisms of Dixie/TNA well after the fact are little more than goodwill towards his potential new employers. Pac has seen the err of his ways and is ready to come back to the WWE family.

That's my take on it anyway.

he's already back in the company in a backstage capacity.

Fair point... Wikipedia says he's a talent scout for FCW. That's a fairly expendable job in my opinion. Waltman could be easily replaced if he were to do something stupid. Waltman would also likely be one of the first cut if heads had to roll for something other than his behavior as well.

really? and you base this information on what? oh yeah you just made that shit up. just a case of you squirming and saying "even though im wrong, im right!" lol you presume to KNOW an awful lot.......

pac trashing tna is hilarious! more people should do it. im not one of those who cry for tna and say "i dont want them to close, those poor wrestlers and their families!" first of all, they should have saved their money better. not making enough? get a new job. tna closing down would be THE BEST thing to happen to wrestling right now. that influxx of free agent talent would spike the business in a good direction. another company will form, they always do. or current ones will get bigger. or both. tna is a cancer on the business. i watched from the weekly tna ppv days all they way up until the hardy incident at whatever the fuck ppv that was. of course now some mark will post "well its been getting better and now tna>wwe, give it a try again!" LMAO. seriously when i was a fan id see posts like that to other people and this was like 2007, 2008, 2009, etc. really? looking back what exactly was better about tna in those years? or any years? so before you post that for me, just remember how stupid those before you look after posting it. the only tna episode i might watch now is the final one...and ill probably just read the spoilers.
Waltman isn't burning bridges more than he's playing sides I think. I believe that if Sean had his way, he'd be back with WWE in some capacity. This most recent blasting of Carter specifically and TNA in general is essentially an olive branch to Vince/Hunter/WWE as if to say "yes guys, I'm fully back on board."

Truth be told, Hunter is probably looking for a reason to bring his friend back into the fold, regardless of specific capacity. Problem is, there is quite a bad stigma on Waltman for the things he did following his last tenure in WWE. Pac has to clean that image up a bit since the business has changed so much since the Attitude era. I think that's why Waltman also made it a point to disclose that he was sober and not drinking alcohol.

Bottom line, X-Pac wants back in WWE in some capacity especially now that Hunter is seemingly running the day-to-day. The rest of the company (particularly Vince I'd imagine) is hesitant on taking another chance on him. His criticisms of Dixie/TNA well after the fact are little more than goodwill towards his potential new employers. Pac has seen the err of his ways and is ready to come back to the WWE family.

That's my take on it anyway.

I doubt this. There really isn't a reason for HHH to want to get involved in anything Waltman does. He wasn't a part of the clique. Yeah maybe he was on a minor level, but it's not like he was in big with Michaels, Hall and Nash. I doubt HHH holds any loyalty to this guy, especially given the fact that problems seem to follow him everywhere.

If I was Waltman, I'd be gracious just to be involved in any aspect of the WWE, even if it is only as a scout.
I doubt this. There really isn't a reason for HHH to want to get involved in anything Waltman does. He wasn't a part of the clique. Yeah maybe he was on a minor level, but it's not like he was in big with Michaels, Hall and Nash. I doubt HHH holds any loyalty to this guy, especially given the fact that problems seem to follow him everywhere.

If I was Waltman, I'd be gracious just to be involved in any aspect of the WWE, even if it is only as a scout.

Um...he wasn't part of The Kliq? Really? Dude, Waltman was in The Kliq before Triple H was, and he's still good friends with all of them despite his problems.
really? and you base this information on what? oh yeah you just made that shit up. just a case of you squirming and saying "even though im wrong, im right!" lol you presume to KNOW an awful lot.......

Sheesh... confrontational much? I said it was my opinion on the matter, not the end-all be-all. The talent scout positions seem to be a revolving door of sorts in wrestling. They also seem the most likely to be axed when cuts are made.

closet_fan said:
There really isn't a reason for HHH to want to get involved in anything Waltman does. He wasn't a part of the clique. Yeah maybe he was on a minor level, but it's not like he was in big with Michaels, Hall and Nash. I doubt HHH holds any loyalty to this guy, especially given the fact that problems seem to follow him everywhere.

He was enough of a part of the clique to be present at the Hall of Fame ceremony not once, but twice. Also, I have my own doubts that WWE in general would want anything to do with Waltman had it not been for HHH holding such a high position in the company. I can't think of one good reason for WWE (save a Trips and possibly Michaels endorsement) to want to have anything to do with Waltman. On the contrary, I can think of at least a few key reasons why they wouldn't.

closet_fan said:
If I was Waltman, I'd be gracious just to be involved in any aspect of the WWE, even if it is only as a scout.

Absolutely agreed.
So it took him the better part of 2 years to come out with this? Yeah someone needs some attention and took the easy shot.

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