Why did the Authority storyline fail?

First and foremost, I'm not sure the storyline has ended so how could it have failed. There is time for them to save it. Doubtful but there is still a possibility.

There were many problems with this angle but it is difficult to make some points in an ongoing storyline. I could say there was never a payoff with Daniel Bryan but that could still happen.

Bryan was made to look weak. They wanted it to seem realistic and I have no issue with that. People moaning about them belittling Bryan are morons because right from before Summerslam the notion, set by Vince, was Bryan should never be WWE Champion. I have no issue with them calling him a B+ Player (partly because he is) as it was used to further the storyline.

The whole freaking point was Bryan proving to Vince, HHH, Steph, Randy Orton, the WWE Universe and himself that he was NOT a B+ player. That is good storytelling.

The Big Show, on the other hand, was bad. Very very bad. They have a storyline filled with verisimilitude and they decide to add some crap about The Big Show and focus way too much on him. Yes it's a TV show but it was unnecessary and no-one really cared. Instantly, The Big Show killed momentum that this storyline had. He was a poor choice but with the absence of Cena and Sheamus as well as CM Punk occupied; there were few choices.

They should have made Triple H face Bryan earlier but with the absence of Cena and them thinking about a Unification it would have been difficult. They thought they needed Bryan to face Orton to help sell the PPV's but they could have had Orton face someone like Ziggler and Bryan face Triple H and I think they would have done the same.

If they teased Bryan getting a match with HHH then it would have been better. Right from day 1 if they had Bryan challenging Triple H to a fight but him rejecting (or even better, Stephanie rejecting for him) then it becomes interesting.

It should have been two things for Bryan that completely consume him. Winning the WWE Championship, thus proving he is not a B+ player and him beating the crap out of HHH. Yes he won the title (twice) but it was taken away from by the tyrant. The problem is that when does HHH get his comeuppance. Would, say, Hell in a Cell be too early. Did they need to ensure Triple H looked as strong as possible for the unification. It's a difficult one.

I suppose they could have had Bryan beat Triple H at Hell in a Cell and thereafter the Wyatt Family are introduced. Even mid-way through the match after HHH takes a beating, the lights go out, Bray cuts a promo and Triple H wins.

Bryan still might win the WWE title at Wrestlemania. At this point, I'm not sure if that is necessary. In all honesty, there is no right answer in what they could have done. It was awkward for them because they were missing some big names and there was the possibility of a unification. One thing they did do wrong was introducing the Big Show. An awful decision.
How exactly has it failed when it isn't even over yet? It mostly sounds like some believe it "failed" because the outcome of the storyline hasn't been what they wanted it to be and/or the involvement of Triple H. Triple H, like so many other top guys in WWE over the past 10-12 years, has had a lot of venom spewed towards him by fans who don't like him for one reason or another.

It's true that Daniel Bryan isn't the WWE Champion like so many were hoping, but that doesn't mean that it's not going to happen in the near future. Bryan's status in WWE, regardless of the outcome, has been elevated in WWE or he still wouldn't be in the spot he's in. He wouldn't be appearing in main event matches on Raw & SmackDown! regularly, he wouldn't have been aligned with CM Punk. The Shield have also been further elevated during their association in the storyline and there's endless speculation that both The Shield & The Wyatt Family are working for The Authority given the various hints & coincidences that've happened, such as the mutual targeting of CM Punk & Daniel Bryan and speculation as to whether or not Triple H is the "Devil" Bray Wyatt refers to.

As for the WWE Championship, I personally believe they made a mistake by not keeping Bryan as champion. For instance, I think Cena vs. Bryan II to unify the WWE & World Heavyweight Championships could have led to big buys for the TLC ppv. I also believe that they've relied too heavily on the screwjob style ending over the past several months. However, at the same time, off the top of my head, I can't recall anytime, going back many years, in which so many fans didn't have a solidified idea as to what was going to happen in the WWE Championship picture since August. There was endless speculation as to whether or not Bryan could beat Cena, the same speculation extended through the Bryan vs. Orton feud and now as to whether or not there's really going to be a single World Champion in less than a week, whether they'll wait until WrestleMania or if it'll happen at all. So for all the various complaints as to how things are so predictable in wrestling these days, there's been a pretty significant amount of unpredictability that's kept us frequently guessing & hypothesizing for the last quarter of 2013.

As to Triple H & Stephanie themselves, I think they've been great heels who've generated a ton of heat. Triple H as the cocky, self-assured corporate executive that views himself in a downright kingly fashion ruling over ignorant peasants is easy to dislike. Stephanie, in my eyes, has been nothing short of fantastic in her role as this condescending, conniving, mean spirited bitch who got off on flaunting her power. She's not as blunt as Triple H or her old man would be in this role and it works for her.

Overall, I think that this storyline has been put on the backburner a bit in order to not only put more focus on the impending implications of unifying the titles, but to extend the storyline so that it can last until WrestleMania. For the most part, as of the past few weeks, The Authority have been more like standard authority figures and I'd say that they'll be featured more prominently once Vince returns to television.
Its failed because Bryan was the underdog trying to prove he is good enough and never lost. Bryan consistently beat the Shield and Orton to a point where Bryan needed to be out of the picture so that the Shield and Orton could be made to look strong again. Bryan is the underdog so he can afford to take some losses if he is made to look strong but no he ran two 3 man gauntlet and won, beat each member of the Shield individually, beat the Shield in numerous tag matches and beat Orton almost everytime. If Bryan was made to look strong but took a few losses to The Shield and Orton they could have had more credibility as dominant heels and they wouldn't have needed to beat up the Big Show to make them look strong.

Also HHH needs to get back to being a heel and continue bullying people, insult them on the stage and putting faces in near impossible situations and when there in them let them lose a few times.

Also currently the Authority is only known to be in the main storyline. The equal second stories are Shield vs Punk and Wyatt's vs Bryan. The Shield seem like they are working for HHH but they could be working for Heyman or for themselves. Wyatt's are working for the devil who we don't know so they are not confirmed to be working for the Authority. From what I have seen of the Corporation they were involved in just about every feud on the card and it made them look powerful as they used there big roster of guys to dominate. However the Authority has HHH, Kane, Orton and The Shield, 6 guys on the dominate heel faction just doesn't work they need to recruit more and be allowed to get more wins even if they use heel tactics to get them.
The way I see it the way it looks is as if it fails.But at the slammy's I see HBK superkicking Bryan (SOTY winner.) (I'm not for this as much as everyone else)(Cena Heel Turn) But I see the story becoming better at TLC when Orton is on the ladder the lights go off the Wyatts attacks Orton and goes to drag him to the back while Cena climbs the ladder Orton rkos's them all tries to run back in the ring as HHH out of nowhere pedigrees him.(Seeing how Orton is boring as a heel now).Cena Grabs both titles and celebrate with the authority becoming the new "Authoritve Champ."Claiming the fans made him do this he got sick of them.They chant "You Sold Out" he tells them to "shut up He say's did they really think he was going to turn on his friends for them for some kids.All he cared about in his career was titles."Say's "he is a legend show me some damn respect i'm bigger than a Rock,a Hogan,and Stone Cold,a Ric Flair an Undertaker."Orton apperantly is "injured".at Royal Rumble he returns with Mr.Mcmahon who trying to fire Hunter but he can't because Hunter reminds him of 2011.He calls out HHH for Mania for control of the company once HHH accepts Orton from behind RKO's him setting up a match.
Cena vs Taker-WWE Undisputed title Career vs Streak (Last Man Standing) Undertaker wins the rumble.Cena comes and stand on stage walks away.The Wyatts assult him from behind.Taker calls out Cena who tells him he doesn't have to be here because he's the champ and a legend.We don't see Cena until EC when it's Taker vs the Wyatts.(HHH makes this to punish Taker.)Cena runs is and AA's him followed by a tombstone.and counts to 10.This type stuff keeps happening until Cena ask Taker about a last man standing match.Taker say's on one condition Career vs Streak.Cena beats Taker after a Wyatt assult at Mania.

HBK vs Daniel Bryan at the slammy's HBK superkick Bryan.Bryan continues to challenge Michaela who won't accept until Bryan keeps assulting Michaels family.Michaels eventually accepts.

As you see HHH vs Orton is the first one.

This leaves Lesnar in a match vs. against CM Punk

The Shield vs The Wyatts (Shield gets jealous.)(The Shield splits after losing.)etc.
for Kane I see him in a loser leaves town 6 way between Kane vs Rey vs Show vs RVD vs Jericho vs Christian.

The last one kinda sound dumb but yeah
I think what is being referred to as the "Authority storyline" was really just setting a status quo, an origin story if you weeell. Like any other wrestler or entity that debuts, the initial importance is somewhat overblown but then settles in to a more stable role. I think this summer/fall has been about setting up Wrestlemania season rather than the usual experimental phase which has not been so successful the past few years.

Of course, this assumes Creative has been doing this on purpose, and doesn't explain why the unification match is being (allegedly) hotshotted.
I believe the Authoristy storyline has failed, like most WWE storylines of the modern era because the suspense of disbelief has vanished and there is no continuation within the storyline. Go back to before Summerslam, Cena had just beat Mark Henry (which was a feud set up by a great angle - but was a let down overall) and he got to pick an opponent at Summerslam. He chose DB for no real reason other than they are both dating the Bellas.

The Authority seemed to be heading in to a HHH V Vince storyline, and it was presented that HHH was the babyface, until he turned on DB at the end of Summerslam for no real reason at all. Sure they did give an explanation but it would have been more believable if HHH had said "Ratings are down, Cena is off and we don't have faith in an unproven commodity like DB, so I have decided to try and do something different.. but not sure what. Nor do I know where it will lead. But it doesn't matter because I-AAAAAAAAAA am-AAAAAAAAAAaa THAT-AAAAAAAAAAAA DAMN-AAAAAAA GOOODAAAAAAAAAAA". It did not make sense because Cena had just beaten a mid carder for life before losing to DB so it is not like he was white hot or anything but still - it was a great match and Cena really put him over in the right way. But then for HHH to suddenly team with Orton, the man who punted him in the brain and his father in law and wife - they turn to him because he is a better commodity to DB?

Then the whole thing with HBK - nobody wants to really boo HBK (or HHH for that matter) and if they are - it needs to be done properly and it needs a bigger build up and a "will they / won't they" set up to keep suspense. I accept they did this to a degree with HBK but for HBK to superkick DB over something so silly as him attacking HHH. In the storyline context, HBK should be aware that HHH is wrestler, so is DB, if HHH is in the ring he will be at risk and shouldn't turn on DB that way. But unless HBk is going to return to face DB ; what was the point (HBK is one of my all time favourites by the way and the best US wrestler ever). As for HHH/Orton VS Big Show feud - I found it boring. Big Show was good, but his best days were 15 years ago. Why are the WWE not building for the future.

The Wyatts and Shield have come out of this well, as has Cody Rhodes. But it has damaged some really big names.

That is why it has failed.
Failed before its over? I feel this would actually open up starting Royal Rumble with either Daniel Bryan winning the Rumble and again entering the Authority angle OR it would be CM Punk. That's how WWE prefer to start things towards Road to Wrestlemania.

Yes. Not denying the fact there were few mistakes than calling it failed at this moment. Biggest mistake was the booking of Big Show. You remove Daniel Bryan and get Big Show from no where - I really did not understand him getting into this Authority angle, the law-suits and actually main-eventing Survivor series & then it ends there with John Cena showing off his gold to Randy Orton.

Plus, Kane the wrestler is no more was also one of the mistakes IMO. Once Kane sold out to Triple H & Stephanie the next thing that hit my mind was hell will get break loose as Authority will unleash the monster but that did not happened.

Am not sure of others, but did not expected John Cena to enter this Authority angle this early after he won against Del Rio at Survivor Series.
The storyline failed because the hero was booked as the plucky underdog instead of the badass take-no-prisoner rage against the system hero. When the underdog keeps failing to accomplish his goal, you don't think he was being held back by circumstances. You would think he is at where he belong. It is simply the perspective of who is booked in the hero role. If it was Cena/Punk/anyone with a longer history in the main event, the perspective would be he was being held back rather than simply not getting it done.

The blame laid on HHH is just ridiculous when him and Steph were brilliant in their roles in the storyline. HHH got KOed on an episode of RAW, Steph verbally humiliated the Rhodes and Big Show. If HHH was booked like the 'coward' heel, you haters would say he was booked differently that what he once was and the hero beat the 'lame' version of HHH and didn't get the rub from knocking it out the badass HHH.

HHH can't win.
Exactly,and pretty precise.
That is why I said only Cena and Punk could have gone toe to toe promo wise, and buried HHH and Steph. Big Show nor D-Bry did that.
Also, Orton was booked like an afterthought even though he was bandied about as the face.

Honestly, many people don't like them but I think the Authority played their role well, its just the Protagonist in the story didn't match up fully, so.....cue the return of John Cena to the story to rescue eveything.
Would have been interesting if they used Punk instead.

If they return to the story, judging by how things look... then there is a possible Vince return and a Mcmahon struggle, and also, the Wyatts might well end up replacing the Shield as Henchmen of sorts...D-Bry joins the Wyatts, with Vince returning as 'The Devil".
Anything is possible.

Interested to see if this story will return, or the new Unified belt will take precedence over the feud.
Exactly,and pretty precise.
That is why I said only Cena and Punk could have gone toe to toe promo wise, and buried HHH and Steph. Big Show nor D-Bry did that.
Also, Orton was booked like an afterthought even though he was bandied about as the face.

Honestly, many people don't like them but I think the Authority played their role well, its just the Protagonist in the story didn't match up fully, so.....cue the return of John Cena to the story to rescue eveything.
Would have been interesting if they used Punk instead.

If they return to the story, judging by how things look... then there is a possible Vince return and a Mcmahon struggle, and also, the Wyatts might well end up replacing the Shield as Henchmen of sorts...D-Bry joins the Wyatts, with Vince returning as 'The Devil".
Anything is possible.

Interested to see if this story will return, or the new Unified belt will take precedence over the feud.

I think a better story would be for The Authority to help Cena win at TLC, and to have them embrace him as Face of the WWE, but he doesn't want it. They shower him with praise and gifts and he keeps giving them the cold shoulder. The crowd boos him just because of his affiliation with the Authority, but he keeps telling everybody that he doesn't want anything to do with them. He tries forfeiting the title, but they don't allow it, so he tells Randy he'll give him the rematch he deserves.

He then beats Randy due to a fast count (obviously an Authority interference) and Cena then gets pissed at the referee and hits an AA on him. He then tells Randy to get up, because they're having another rematch, but Randy is hurt. He tries walking away. Cena screams that he deserves a rematch. Randy reluctantly agrees. He screams for a referee to come out. Randy gets back in the ring, and Cena immediately pummels him to the floor. He hits the AA. Pins him right. Then starts screaming FAIR AND SQUARE!! THE CHAMP IS HERE!!

His insecurity and his attitude start getting the best of him. When Daniel wins the Rumble and challenges Cena for WrestleMania, Cena notices how everyone cheers Bryan and keeps booing him. He starts getting obnoxious and tells Daniel that he can't beat him. Bryan says he already did, but Cena says he didn't beat John Cena, he beat a man with a broken elbow. He beat him at 10%, but he can't beat him when he's 100%. He mentions that Daniel is a B+... And that's when we realize that Cena has officially been put in the Authority's pocket.
Another funny thing about the Authority is that Daniel Bryan and the Big Show have cause for a legitimate feud with HHH.
HHH was the reason that D-Bry was hit by HBK. Nothing came about.
HHH was the reason that Orton beat the Big Show. Again, same ending.

Both have been written out it seems.Both at their respective endings in the feud were Main Protagonists, but never got to end. Their mini stories basically had anti-climaxes.

Now we have Cena flirting with the Authority.
CM Punk blaming the Authority for his predicament.

And Vince McMahon is sure to return in time for Wrestlemania.
Not to forget, there is the small matter of "the Devil" that the Wyatt Family mentioned.

If the Authority angle is picked up again leading onto Wrestlemania, it will be interesting to see who is put forward as the Main Protagonist/(s)
WWE failed on so many things this year, but yes this has been a failure, they have had an ungodly amount of failures in the past few months, kinda shocking with how good the future looked following the Summerslam screw job.

But from tonight it looks to be getting interesting again. I just don't like to see things dropped and forgotten so quickly, right now on TV its as if Big Show & Triple H never had a feud, they just stood in the ring like two old buddies during the Orton/Cena promo.
After Last Night's RAW show, things got a bit clearer with regards to the Authority angle.

HHH vs Punk was teased.
HBK vs Bryan was also teased.

Orton going against the Authority is now a possibility after the pedigree.
Cena aligning with the Authority was also teased, that image at the end really could have meant anything from Cena being a Good Guy and helping the "lady" to her feet, to a possible heel turn that many want.

Only thing that puzzled me was, does Big Show have amnesia.
Why has he been written out completely after being the Main Protagonist in the Authority storyline? Surely, he must have some sort of role after everything that happened, including being distracted at Survivor Series, however bad that segment of the storyline was...

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