Biggest Problem with the Authority


Championship Contender
When the Authority debuted it was HHH and Steph as leaders with Orton as their champion and the Shield as the back up/muscle/security for the Authority facing off against Bryan and this led to both good matches between Bryan and Orton as well as Bryan v members of Shield in either singles or tag matches.

Now however it is still HHH and Steph but with Rollins as the champ and Big Show, J&J and Kane back him up. Steph and HHH have been overused as they have been on Raw for atleast 30 minutes of every show for the last 18+ months. Rollins is an improvement on Orton as it is believable that the top executives would back him instead of Orton. The biggest issue comes when you try and compare Big Show, Kane and J&J to the Shield. The Shield are young, highly talented, dominant and over with the crowd. Big Show and Kane are old, slow, stale and crowd have no interest in seeing them, J&J are amusing and comical figures but the Face of the company shouldn't be backed up by a comical relief pair.

If the Authority angle is too continue WWE must go back to what made it successful and that was talented people from top to bottom in the group and therefore when they should look at replacing all but Rollins with a stable of talented younger guys and the trio I would pick is Owens, Corbin and Neville because Owens is a more powerful version of Ambrose, Corbin is like Reigns with explosiveness but still alot of greenness and Neville is the highflyer like Rollins. This way alot like the Shield did it would establish 3 of the top prospects at the top of the card and allow them to shine on the big stage against guys like Ambrose, Reigns, Orton and Cena. If your not sure about the idea, I'll ask a simple question, what would you prefer Reigns, Orton and Ambrose v Big Show, Kane and Rollins w/ J&J or Reigns, Orton and Ambrose v Corbin, Owens and Neville
I agree with the fact that The Authority needs to drop Big Show and Kane from their stable and choose someone else dominating instead. But I don't understand why Baron Corbin, Kevin Owens and Adrian Neville??

Neville is a great athlete and he's a red hot face. Why would you want to put him in a heel stable when the dissolution of the stable is imminent?

Kevin Owens is apparently deemed and booked as a mercenary, who does anything and everything just for him and him only. Let him go on wild in the WWE Main Roster destroying everyone.

Baron Corbin? Again Why? He's a lone wolf. So he isn't suitable for the heel stable The Authority.

I agreed with the idea that The Authority needs new members, in my opinion, the members should be
*Triple H
*Stephanie McMahon
*Seth Rollins
*Luke Harper/Bad News Barrett
*J&J Security
The reason I chose the 3 I did was because it could give WWE a chance to call up 2 of the top prospects and give Neville a clear direction. Unless WWE give Neville the IC title he could get lost in the shuffle of the mid card and putting him in the Authority would give him the big stage where he could show off his talent. Corbin and Owens were the options I picked as I wanted to use powerhouses from NXT and these are two of the best. I think in terms of guys like Sheamus, Harper and Barrett they could all fit the group well but I was looking to use it as a chance to call up some NXT guys to allow fresh matches because Reigns v Kane or Show has been done to death but Reigns v Owens or Corbin would be really interesting to see
What I the biggest problem is HHH & Stephanie. The same old story every week on Raw, it reminds me of the NWO days. Good idea at first, but then every week Nitro became the same.This is now the same on RAW. And what is worse - HHH and Steph are off tv at the moment and the acting leaders are not convincing enough. They need to desolve the authority. Send steph to smackdown as a face GM that doesn't get involved anywhere near as much as the authority do now.

Also - have Hunter start a new faction like Evolution/DX was. But all new guys that he can turn on and help make them bigger stars.
If the Authority angle is too continue WWE must go back to what made it successful and that was talented people from top to bottom in the group and therefore when they should look at replacing all but Rollins with a stable of talented younger guys....

Your point is taken, yet I feel the biggest problem with the Authority as currently constructed is that it tends to be confusing when trying to figure why they exist in their present form.

Mr. and Mrs. Levesque are the decision makers, yet they haven't been doing much to protect Seth Rollins lately.....and one might ask why that would be their mission in the first place. But since the build-up to WM31, Triple H has been involved with his own problems, concerning Sting.....while Stephanie was more interested in confronting the Rock, for no reason I can think of.

Seth Rollins has protection of his own.....but look at who they are. J & J Security, two little guys who "protect" Seth by taking beatings for him. If you were hiring a security firm to protect your family, you could do better than Noble & Mercury, no?

There's Big Show, who has absolutely no reason to be working for the Authority that I can think of. Wouldn't one presume he has career aspirations of his own? Actually, he does, doesn't he?....having just fought Roman Reigns in a feature match at Extreme Rules. Why in hell does Show associate himself with the Authority? Why does he want to protect a little weasel like Rollins for whom Show seems to have so little respect?

Then, there's Kane. Honestly, I've been enjoying what he's been up to; one of the best revelations in WWE came into being a few years ago when it was discovered the Big Red Monster had speaking ability that had been previously untapped.

Now, his mixed feelings about his job.....and subsequent interaction with Triple H over same, has become one of the most entertaining segments on Raw. His ambivalence over protecting Seth Rollins is terrific theater.

So yes, I think Kane belongs in the Authority, yet I wonder more why Triple H and Stephanie are surrounding themselves with these guys. If the accent is to be on Seth Rollins, let him take his people and operate without the Levesques........but if Trips & Steph are corporate power of WWE, they don't need an entourage at all since no one is threatening them physically.....and if someone did, Triple H is more than capable of handling it himself.

We don't need Seth Rollins aligned with the Authority.

Separate 'em.
Concerning The Authority, I think it's generally suffering from the same sort of problems that eventually plague just about every other faction or angle at any given time; some of it's the fault of management while some of the blame has to lie with fans themselves.

Often times in any form of media entertainment, the success of an antagonist often depends upon the protagonist. The Authority was at its peak during its formation the night after SummerSlam 2013 through WrestleMania season last year and one key reason was because of Daniel Bryan. Fans were massively interested in Bryan and invested in the storyline of this "B+ Player" being told that he wasn't "good enough" by an arrogant backstage politician & current executive and his equally arrogant, condescending wife who'd never had to struggle for anything in her entire life. EVERYONE can relate to such a story in some way because all of us, or at least someone very close & dear to us, has been told by someone in some way, shape or form that they're not good enough. Everyone loves a good underdog story, but they enjoy it all the more when they genuinely believe in the underdog and that said underdog really is good enough. Injuries came along and derailed Bryan's epic storyline, and I think it's fair to say it was epic because it's hard to remember the last time so many fans were invested in any single storyline in a good many years, and nobody's really come along to be in The Authority's sights that fans are as invested in. After Bryan, we've seen the likes of John Cena, Erick Rowan, Ryback, Dolph Ziggler, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Sting and a few others challenge them, but there simply hasn't been the same level of interest. Cena & Orton have been WWE's golden boys since the mid 2000s with nearly 30 World Championship reigns between them, Rowan & Ryback are generally a couple of mid-card nobodies right now, Ziggler's over pretty well but he's been the victim of various stop & go pushes that's been brought about by inconsistent booking decisions, loss of momentum due to injury or both, Roman Reigns hasn't connected greatly with a hefty number of fans, some of whom don't really see what the big deal is about him, Sting's a highly respected legend who generated some great nostalgia interest but there never really was anything to be lost or gained with his WrestleMania program.

I think one of the problems has to do with us as fans. While this can't be applied to every single fan of course, we all know that a good deal of modern fans are impatient with impossibly lofty standards who want everything exactly the way they want it, when they want it, who they want doing it, for it to be epic, not to take too long to happen but doesn't feel rushed either. I agree that poor judgment can still play a part here but, at the same time, look at how often people make up their minds before even giving something a chance; and when I say a chance, I mean a genuine chance in which something is given time to be fleshed out.
Well we all dislike Kane and Big Show, but they are big, strong, and get over with their size, sadly both have been so poorly used over the last 10 years that neither one has any kind of dominant presence anymore like they should.

I think Kane and Big Should should be removed though and replaced with..... Luke Harper and.... Erick Rowen, yep thats right. Former Wyatt Family members, BUT they don't just add them as is, instead they both get a makeover, including a haircut like what Cena or Orton has, and a clean shave, with a minor attire change like suits or what ever, kind of making them a little legit. And from there Harper and Rowen feud with Big Show and Kane (who would both now be faces). Right now Harper is really going nowhere, and Rowen is close to being a jobber if he doesn't make a change, neither do anything on the mic, so its a win win for both, and they both have the size.

Also I would add Sheamus to the group only to have him be in the role Rollins use to be in, so when the fans do totally get behind Rollins, they can turn Rollins face and let Sheamus become the leader and "face of the company" / top heel. Works perfectly.
So yes, I think Kane belongs in the Authority, yet I wonder more why Triple H and Stephanie are surrounding themselves with these guys. If the accent is to be on Seth Rollins, let him take his people and operate without the Levesques........but if Trips & Steph are corporate power of WWE, they don't need an entourage at all since no one is threatening them physically.....and if someone did, Triple H is more than capable of handling it himself.

We don't need Seth Rollins aligned with the Authority.

Separate 'em.

The reason why Mr. & Mrs. Levesque needs Seth Rollins is, they want the company's most prestigious and powerful Championship The WWE WHC Championship to be with them. They doesn't want it to go anywhere else. That's the reason why they aligned with Paul Heyman and brought back Brock Lesnar. Once it goes off their hands they had Plan B. So if the Authority is gonna exist Seth should be with them..

Often times in any form of media entertainment, the success of an antagonist often depends upon the protagonist.

Its so true isn't it? No one is against the Authority right now. Roman Reigns was solely up against Big Show. Randy Orton has been targeting Seth Rollins and Seth's concern is just that he doesn't want Randy to be the Face of the company when the Future is already the Present!

The Authority won't look demanding unless someone is gonna come up really against all their injustice!

What I the biggest problem is HHH & Stephanie. The same old story every week on Raw, it reminds me of the NWO days. Good idea at first, but then every week Nitro became the same.This is now the same on RAW. And what is worse - HHH and Steph are off tv at the moment and the acting leaders are not convincing enough. They need to desolve the authority. Send steph to smackdown as a face GM that doesn't get involved anywhere near as much as the authority do now.

Also - have Hunter start a new faction like Evolution/DX was. But all new guys that he can turn on and help make them bigger stars.

Firstly, Triple H and Steph overused? I think Triple H have appeared on two episodes of "Raw" since WM31, so that is hardly overused. They have not opened Raw in the last few weeks with Triple H's monologue, but often with Randy v Seth. Kane has been doing Triple H's job, to build discention between him and Rollins.

Secondly, here we go, pretend to make this thread about the Authority when it is really just an NXT mark wanting WWE to promote the latest NXT "flavours of the month" and then dare to compare them to the Shield, three ex- NXT guys who actually earned a call-up to the big time.
Seth is the man hunter and steph R perfect in there roles and j and j security R brilliant the big show and Kane R dead weight and got to go the should bring in Samoa joe and a up and comer from nxt
I never understood the logic of entrusting tasks to people who fail time and time again. At some point YOU as the BOSS begin to look inept. That's the problem with The Authority!

I don't take you seriously when you can't replace guys who have been failing for months to achieve any task given to them.

As far as changing up the stable...I'm down for a refurbished Authority but they need something BIG in order to continue. Getting rid of Kane and Big Show is a given, getting rid of J&J is also necessary. Beef the group up. I'd have J&J replaced by The Ascension, no I wouldn't put them in suits I'd leave them just as they are but as Rollins more serious bad ass bodyguards...that look like real BODYGUARDS they can be a legit threat to any opponent regardless of size.

I'd also bring in a new Director of Operations. Maybe a gimmick that Damien Sandow could really get into. His strength is in talking and as Dir. Of Op. that's all he would really need to do.

Just making those changes would shake the Authority angle up tremendously.
The biggest problem with the Authority is the fact that it's run it's course, and is now boring and predictable. The evil boss overlords have been done to death, and when the two biggest heels HHH and Stephanie aren't even full time wrestlers, there is no need for them to be hogging the spotlight every week.

I've said this before. The reason Austin and McMahon worked was because it was just between them, and Austin quite often got the better of him. It was funny and you had no idea what was going to happen from week to week. From filling McMahon's car with cement to the beer truck and zamboni's it was always entertaining. This group doesn't entertain me, they bore the crap out of me.

Every week it's the same old thing. HHH comes out does a 20 minute speech about how good for business the Authority is, Stephanie the same. Meantime the crowd is dying on it's feet. And we all know what the ending will be. Either a tag match or a singles match with lots of run ins and interference from either Kane or Big Show. You can literally go to bed at the 10:00 hour and not even read the spoilers the next day to find out what happened.

The only reason HHH hasn't been on lately is because Stephanie is off doing that foundation thing she was made a part of. Guaranteed though when she comes back, they'll be right back out there doing the same shill again.

They don't need any new members, they don't need members are all. Give us a RAW GM and get the Authority off the TV for crying out loud. Just look what being part of the Authority has done to Kane, and Rollins. Kane is a shadow of his former self, and Rollins even though he's the champ is the biggest wimp on the roster right now.

They are past sell by date, and have overstayed their welcome. They remind me of those people that you invite for dinner and never leave until almost forced out the front door.
I agree with the fact that The Authority needs to drop Big Show and Kane from their stable and choose someone else dominating instead. But I don't understand why Baron Corbin, Kevin Owens and Adrian Neville??

Neville is a great athlete and he's a red hot face. Why would you want to put him in a heel stable when the dissolution of the stable is imminent?

Kevin Owens is apparently deemed and booked as a mercenary, who does anything and everything just for him and him only. Let him go on wild in the WWE Main Roster destroying everyone.

Baron Corbin? Again Why? He's a lone wolf. So he isn't suitable for the heel stable The Authority.

I agreed with the idea that The Authority needs new members, in my opinion, the members should be
*Triple H
*Stephanie McMahon
*Seth Rollins
*Luke Harper/Bad News Barrett
*J&J Security

Sheamus would be perfect, especially since he got ties to HHH. I can't take Harper and Barrett seriously as threats.

If they repackaged Ascension, they would be a good look too.
Sheamus would be perfect, especially since he got ties to HHH. I can't take Harper and Barrett seriously as threats.

If they repackaged Ascension, they would be a good look too.

Ascension yeah that can be a good idea! But they've been booked as jobbers so far. Albeit I wouldn't mind them joining the Authority but a few weeks of them Dominating the Tag divisions or interrupting and attacking the Superstars during singles matches and makes them look strong and legitimately ready to join the Authority!


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