Why did Charlotte VS Paige fail so miserably?

4. The Nature Gene: too much, it's too much. Mimicking her father seems to be the thing she is best at but there is too much of it. Charlotte is a tall, athletic tan blond who grew up in privilege, the complete opposite of 99.76% WWE's fan base. I would think that there is more the creative team could do with that. Plus, if you are going to have Charlotte being Natch 2.0 wouldn't it make more sense to make her a devious heel.

Holy crap, it's like someone from WWE saw this post and is developing a new character for Charlotte as we speak. Outside of New Day this was the best thing on Raw last night. A decent fast paced match with a bit of a swerve and follow up Charlotte segment that wasn't cringe worthy leading me to be curious where things are going.

Nice work WWE.
Charlotte is an atrocious actress .....

Ironic, isn't it? Both of Charlotte's brothers had extensive wrestling training, as did Charlotte. Their Dad made sure they were thoroughly grounded in the science of the 'sport,' yet both boys were terrible actors.......they could be taught to wrestle, but were two of the most wooden-faced, unemotional mummies I've ever seen when trying to sell a talking part.

With the sister, at least WWE is trying to bring out any acting ability that might be there. Yes, she took well to the wrestling part; I would even say she looks better in a fight than Reid or David ever did. But, just as the company has improved Roman Reigns non-fighting repertoire by leaps & bounds, here's hoping they can do the same with Charlotte Flair. A bit less crying would be in order; she hasn't got the reach to bring that off yet.

Still, since they are continually trotting Ric Flair out to Charlotte in the ring, they ought to realize the confusing effect it has on fans. How are we supposed to react to Ric......and by extension, Charlotte? At numerous times during Ric's career, we've experienced both love & hate, haven't we?

I say, if you want us relating daughter to father.....and having her emulate so much of what we remember of him...... make her a heel and let her take after him the way we recall Ric from so much of his career......the dirtiest player in the game.

Besides, if she's bad, her sucky acting ability won't be as evident.

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