Why Cena Again?

Because they are simply rehashing the chicken**** heel, with a foreign accent running around with the belt vs the super American guy who loves kids, milk and the American army for the 958th time.

The interesting angle will be Punk vs HHH feud, whereas Cena and ADR feud is written, wrestled and done for in our minds already, we know where its going.
Hm, I'd say the reason why John Cena is doing this programm with Del Rio now is not even so much that Del Rio needs Cena to put him over... but the fact that if Cena wasn't working with Del Rio now, there would be nothing to do for Cena.

After all, the OTHER high-profile feud on RAW right now is going to be the Punk/HHH/Nash triangle and however that will play out with the potential involvement of maybe Stephanie and/or Vince McMahon or a potential other third party - and I do believe that this will in fact be the MAIN storyline for the RAW weeks to come.

On the other hand, who is left for Cena to work with? It could be argued that he could work with Ziggler, who is still a heel, but I suppose his program with Alex Riley is far from over, and besides it would de-mote Cena to mid-card status (feuding around the US-Title), which WWE will certainly NOT do. So the ONLY other main event calibur guy to feud with Cena right now is Alberto Del Rio, alone for the fact that he has the WWE title, which makes him a main event player by default.

But besides ADR, there really isn't a big enough heel on RAW right now to justify feuding with Cena, as another Cena/Miz feud is out of the question after the LONG program they had leading into WM. R-Truth/Cena has also been touched upon already, and then there's not even much mid-card left anymore for Cena, let alone main event calibur. Sure, they could put Morrison against Alberto Del Rio right now, though that would just be another case of Morrison getting buried, because there's no way WWE are going to strip ADR of the title this soon, especially not by having him lose to a not yet established main event guy, but more of an upper midcarder like JoMo.

So the only logical thing is to pit ADR against Cena now, have Cena put ADR over as a REAL main event player, and then probably JoMo will get his shot... he will still most likely not go over ADR, but once ADR is a more established main event player (which can by achieved by a program with Cena), it will be less degrading for JoMo if he loses to ADR. Eventually, I suppose either Cena or CM Punk will get another chance at ADR's title around Survivor Series, with Punk either getting the WWE title involved in his angle with Triple H & Nash, or Cena regaining the belt and maybe feuding with Ziggler (if they want to launch him into the main event picture in a few months after his current US title reign) to get warmed up for the Road to Wrestlemania.
John Cena has nothing to do atm believe that or not. CM Punk is in the main storyline atm with HHH/Nash. Have Cena fight for the belt who cares it'll keep the kids happy while the real fans can enjoy CM Punk fighting the company itself saying pretty anything he feels like. Someone like John Cena holds CM Punk back on the Microphone compared to the likes of HHH/Nash.

Also, ADR is the champion and clearly he needs someone to feud with. ADR/Cena is kinda fresh and should have a couple good matches. He can feud with him on the Mexico tour. Hopefully it keeps Cena out of the main story and not ruin it.
As tempted as I am the bash the hell out of Cena, I wont. The fun in that is just getting old. But, yes I do feel that Cena should back off from the title picture. I don't have a problem with him for Night of Champions, as its the most logical choice right now. Depending on if Del Rio wins, push Ziggler for a month. Since it appears he is going to be a face soon, this could help in his transition. As much as I dislike Cena, it would be good for him to sit back and relax for a month or two. Keep him on tv, just to keep the kids happy, but dont overkill him like its been done for so many years.
It makes sense to throw Cena back into the title picture, as much as it might seem like he is hogging the spotlight again. Cena is ideally placed to challenge Del Rio's status as an 'unworthy' champion - Cena's character is honest, hard working, and stands up for the 'integrity' of the belt.

If he gives Del Rio the rub he might actually get him over, but Rio seems a long way off to me at the moment. Punk is the only other option to fight for the belt but he is in arguably a bigger feud against the established order and them conspiring against him. Makes perfect sense to keep him out of the title picture. He will also gain big babyface heat which obviously he needs at this juncture in his career following a recent turn.

Cena also has the chance to regain the belt after being screwed himself, distracted at MITB and called with his leg on the rope at Summerslam. What better way to do this than feud with Del Rio who got the title in all of about 4 seconds?!

Morrison isn't ready (and never will be if you ask me), plus they've reintroduced him weakly and haven't given him time to be a realistic figure in the ME scene. Rey had his little chance to shine and is now injured, plus we've seen Del Rio v Rey far too many times over the last year. They don't seem to want to do anything with Kofi which is a shame because he has the tools in my opinion.

I can't think of anyone else. RAW is WOEFULLY short on top babyfaces, in fact the brand is short full stop.
Again, as many posters have already said, putting Cena in the WWE title hunt is the correct decision. The following wrestlers COULD have been a good wrestler for ADR to feud with as far as potential for generating good quality matches is concerned, but....

  • Rey's injured and will be taking a much needed time-off.
  • CM Punk's character is more concerned with challenging the powers that be.
  • Morrison's return hype(Hell, Morrison in general isn't that credible aside from being a mid card performer) is not that strong to the point that it would help ADR's heel championship run to be more over.
  • Dolph isn't a face yet(Or will it be Swagger who gets a face turn? Their segment this past RAW confused me).
  • Miz is a heel plus he and R-Truth are currently being built up as a heel tag team and inevitable tag team champions.(Evan and Kofi are destined to be just transitional champs)
So, feuding with Cena is the best way to go here. ADR feuds with a high-profile character who is also currently the biggest star in the WWE for the past 5 years thus making the former's heel run get more credibility, Cena gets a new feud and all the little jimmies get to see their idol compete for the championship.
You have to remember that it's business, If you have a cow that gives the best selling milk in your farm, why would you not use him to his potential?

John Cena sells, plain and simple. He gets heat and love. No matter what you say, you're still going to watch RAW and say "There's go Cena do the same ol' same ol'. CENA SUCKS." That's just adding fuel to the corporate fire my friend.

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