Cena VS Orton: An Act Of Desperation?


Over the course of the past month or so, there've been no shortage of complaints in regards to either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship picture. In the case of Cena vs. Del Rio, a lot of people simply couldn't care less. While Cena & Del Rio have almost always put on strong matches, in my eyes at least, it's just not all that interesting. The mind set of many pertaining to Cena vs. Del Rio seems to be along the lines of: "John Cena is champ, AGAIN, and is in the main event, AGAIN." and "Del Rio isn't over enough to have this kind of push." In the case of the WWE Championship scene, frankly, a lot of people are disappointed, uninterested and flat out pissed off that Daniel Bryan isn't the WWE Champion. After all, he's insanely over and that sense of freshness & optimism concerning the title picture that was present during SummerSlam & leading into the first month or so afterward just isn't there now. The mind set, for a good mean, seem to be "Yet ANOTHER title run for Orton." and "Why should I be excited about Big Show, of all people, in the title picture?"

At the past couple of ppvs, there've been reports of fans grumbling negatively about the shows as they've been leaving. The main events are called "main events" for a reason as they're supposed to be the chief attraction. A lot of people aren't into Cena vs. Del Rio as there's no chance of Del Rio beating Cena, plus a lot are disenchanted with Cena always being the top guy whether he's champ or not, and Del Rio just isn't nearly as over as you'd expect someone with the spot he has to be. Orton vs. Big Show has just been dull & generally uninteresting to many, partially because it's something that people have seen a lot of times over the years and partially because, as with Cena, some are tired of seeing Orton in the spot. Even though Orton wasn't champ for roughly 2 years, he's been champ so many times and in the main event for such a long stretch that people are just bored with it.

As a result of all this, part of me believes that the upcoming champ vs. champ match at TLC feels a little desperate. A good many people have voiced the opinion that WWE should go back to having a single World Champion over the years. Aside from each other, the only other guys on the roster that I think people would genuinely care to see go up against Cena or Orton in the title scenes would be CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. As they're both currently occupied with the Wyatt Family, and now possibly also The Shield, I'm wondering if WWE officials came to the conclusion that Cena vs. Orton is all they've really got at this point as far as the title scene goes. After all, the new year is coming up and with it comes the freshness of the start of WrestleMania season beginning with the first Raw of the year, then building up to the Royal Rumble, etc. Maybe they're of the idea that Cena vs. Orton for both straps is going to be enough to ultimately get them through what's left of 2013.
I don't think it's desperation at all. A secret lover angle culminating in a 90 lb woman pushing over a steel ladder with a 250 lb man on it allowing the bad guy to keep a brief case that allows him to call for a championship match any time he wants that he won by fighting five or six other guys at the same time and climbing up a ladder to get the same brief case that he really had no reason to put on the line in the first place is what I would call "desperation".

Cena/Orton is logical booking. How long can these guys avoid each other? How long is Cena supposed to ignore the more important belt and The Authority? Why would Cena wait for The Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania? Most importantly, how long is Cena supposed to let someone else be called "The face of the company"?

I like it. I may actually watch a December PPV. Last night's Raw was a chore but at least there is something big on the line and I can be pretty sure those two guys will go all out in their match and put on a good show.
I agree with George Steele's Barber.

(I just like saying that.)

To me, Cena's career had felt like Triple H's back in 2002/2003 timeframe. He reached a point of oversaturation to me. Part of this was due to the match with the Miz, and then his "feud" with the Rock.

The Rock experiment -- while bringing in a great gate for WrestleMania -- undercut the rest of the roster in my opinion. It was just a bad idea. It told me as a fan that only two guys really mattered this year, and one them isn't wrestling right now. And if one WrestleMania wasn't enough...guess what? We're going to do it again next year. Only this time it'll be for the title. (Oh yeah, we announced that fact in the summer well in advance of WrestleMania too). So now the fact that only two guys matter right now is highlighted, underscored and there's exclamation points after it.

The funny thing is that I like Cena. I think he's a good performer in the ring. When paired with the right guys, magic can happen in that ring. And it was the same way for Triple H.

There are certain people who never should've sniffed the main event past a certain point in time.

Kevin Nash never should've been in a feud for the World Title with Triple H back in 03. Neither should've Scott Steiner. They ended up reflecting badly on Triple H because they themselves couldn't be carried to a good match.

Alberto Del Rio is a failed experiment -- a midcard talent that it being foisted on us repeatedly and told he's one of the best. Honestly, putting Del Rio in back to back title matches is ludicrous. So is putting The Big Show in the other title match. Big Show was a big deal in 1998/1999 when he first arrived in the WWE. 15 years later, he's not. He's been given Main Event slots countless times, presumably as reward for his loyalty, but just as likely because of VKM's incessant belief that big guys sell tickets.

So, all that said, Cena Vs. Orton is a GOOD main event. It's not desperation to put two quality performers together and put both titles on the line. That just makes sense, storywise. Having a blazing hot undercard that has a crazy three way feud between Punk/Bryan, The Shield and The Wyatts is AWESOME. You don't want to break that up right....I'm glad Bryan is getting this cooling off period because this is great stuff.

To steal from Barber...Desperation is a SummerSlam main event between Cena, Punk.....and the Big Show because we have nowhere else to put him.
I'm pretty disgusted atm tbh.This is the first time in a while where I skipped right to the end of the match because I just cant stand too watch. I skipped Cena vs ADR and Orton vs Big Show and, Raw's 2v2. I cant stand, every part of my body, not even my brain, my fucking body tells me jesus fucking christ I cant watch this.

Its a clear act of desperation as their numbers are really nothing to be proud about ( in their eyes at least ).

I know some people like this and that's fine, everybody has their view, that's totally fine, im glad some are enjoying it at least.

But for me seeing Cena champion, seeing Orton champion and fucking the Big Show put there for no reason basically, cause now its Randy vs Cena, is just plain stupid.Yea its good for business, fuk it.
That perfect picture last night of Cena as champion, Randy as champion and Triple H and Steph in the middle just shows absolutely nothing has changed.
It's an awesome main event, but you know something is going to happen where they both leave and remain champions. Or maybe they switch and give Orton the WHC back.

TLC isn't exactly a huge PPV. I highly doubt the belts will be unified. A tad desperate, yeah. Hard to see it not being this way considering it's not a big PPV to begin with. You would think they could have done something else to keep this storyline going.

But no way will the titles be on one guy.
Maybe it's desperation, or maybe it's the launching pad for the Triple H/Stephanie vs. Vince McMahon power struggle that has been alluded to many times since WM29...... that may be culminating at WM30.

If they're going to stage this "apocalyptic" power play, it would figure they'd need the top wrestlers to accent it's significance. Perhaps this is why Daniel Bryan was taken out of the picture; at first, the Levesques' were using Randy Orton to torture Daniel.....now, they seem to be messing with Randy's head, for the sake of......well, we don't know yet, do we? But even as they've installed Orton as their top guy, they've been trying to keep him from getting too cocky; which is a hell of a task with a guy like Randy. As popular as Daniel is, this mega-program is going to need the biggest names, not the flavor of the moment.

In the meantime, Cena is Cena. I doubt anyone needs an explanation of why he would be included in this feud. After all, if you're going to have a war at the top involving management, it would make sense to fight the scheduled battle with the two world champions.....and no one has even started to play with Cena's head yet; but that will come.

So, Cena vs. Orton might not be an act of desperation to unify the world belts; instead, it might be the instrument the brings about the Levesque vs. McMahon extravaganza.

Orton and Cena have been kept out of each other's way for a long time now. Perhaps their ultimate confrontation was being saved for this. If the stakes are to be "control of WWE" at it's highest corporate level, the powers-that-be may have decided that no one less than the most accomplished performers merit center stage to bring it about.
no, i do not believe this is desperation but part of the hhh/bryan slow burn. when bryan was stripped of the wwe title i thought the only way to fix the push would be to have the beard win the rumble and win it at wm30. now i think the same but with a twist. So at tlc have it look like the authority is about to screw cena and at the last min screw orton and side with cena. now i don't think they'll actually have cena turn heel, but could you imagine bryan vs cena/authority for both belts. a win like that will propel bryan into mega stardom as well as ending a terrible story line. also to make it fair have vince say before the rumble that "who ever wins, gets a clean shot at cena no interference" so what do you guys think?
It's not desperation, it's called "what's best for business." WWE has made billions and billions of dollars in the pro wrestling business. As it's getting close to Wrestlemania season, in particular the 30 year anniversary of WM, they want to build up their two top guys. They want Cena and Orton in the spotlight. Why? Because, despite what the IWC thinks, these two are best for business. They lead to the PPV buys and the WM hype. WWE wants people to buy Wrestlemania. They know that for a large number of fans, they'll buy it no matter what. Most of these fans make up the IWC. So, they know they don't have to give you a 60 minute Punk-Bryan Iron Man match. They know you're buying the PPV. What they want is to cater to the people that buy one PPV a year or who aren't even fans but check out WM each year. That's who they are catering to. That is what equals more buys. They've got two buff guys who look like champions, who can talk on the mic and, have had some pretty good matches. This is why they're doing Cena-Orton, champion vs. champion. This feud will lead into WM where it will culminate in an actual unification of the two top titles. Like it or not Cena and Orton are the two top guys in the company, that's why this time of year, they're in the spotlight.
I read all the posts and understand your frustrations. But,personally, i got excited by the tease. The words they chose were carefully planned, Stephanie said "we have been talking about this for a while" or something to that affect.. Cena said he wants to see who the real champ is in his own way (i am getting bored of his stay strong, fight hard stuff - but then again its making millions and millions just loke Hogan and his "say your prayers and take your vitamins" (and roids - alledgedly)

This is perfect set up to Unification - like SDS said, thats what this is all leading to. 30 years of Wrestlemania, the 50 years of WWE and Unification of World titles.

You know it.. they both climb ladders, one takes the others title, so it just swaps around - and we go on and on teasing and tit for tat who is the best culminating in WM!

I think its pretty cool and its the best WWE can do to make things interesting for a while.

If Mr Madden has posted something about this can you point me in the direction - i wanna see what he thinks, love that guy!
I'm seriously shocked that there are people that are in support of this feud.....you're the problem! you're the reason why the WWE can't move on to the future, because you support the repetitive trash we've been getting! Orton can talk on the mic? news to me! Everyone chants for Bryan and you guys still think Orton/Cena are whats' best for business? its apparent now that Orton is the reason buys aren't coming for ppvs, he's headlined all the ppvs since September and the buys have sucked...no matter who he is facing..hes' the problem and for some reason they refuse to see that! Its gross
I was going to create separate thread before I noticed this one; so; I am going to ask the question that has been on my mind for sometime now,

What is wrong with another John Cena vs Randy Orton clash?

Both men are good workers. Both have had pretty good matches in the past. When was the last time they seriously feuded? The "I Quit" match I believe from a couple years ago and since then both men have been faces. Orton more anti hero than face. You get the point so it isn't like they have been constantly wrestling each other. I remember all the Orton/Wade Barrett matches wishing they would stop wrestling each other cause it felt like they were wrestling every show, that is the feeling I get when people say "God no, another Cena vs Orton match? Seriously?"

Which brings me to the question, what is so wrong about Orton vs Cena happening again? These two were going to clash at some point. WWE held off as long as they could, especially with Orton turning heel at Summerslam.
I'm seriously shocked that there are people that are in support of this feud.....you're the problem! you're the reason why the WWE can't move on to the future, because you support the repetitive trash we've been getting! Orton can talk on the mic? news to me! Everyone chants for Bryan and you guys still think Orton/Cena are whats' best for business? its apparent now that Orton is the reason buys aren't coming for ppvs, he's headlined all the ppvs since September and the buys have sucked...no matter who he is facing..hes' the problem and for some reason they refuse to see that! Its gross

Blaming Orton for the pay per view buys?

Battlegrounds had an unimpressive card. So did Hell in a Cell. So did Survivor Series. Mind you, Hell in a Cell and SS had the man everyone cares about, John Cena on the last two pay per views. If people aren't tuning in for Orton they are tuning in for Cena. And according to the numbers the buyrates aren't great. From all the pay per views Orton headlined, can you honestly tell me either of those pay per view cards were epic? How many of those pay per views were actually worth the price of admission. Sure. Lets blame Orton... Cena coming back hasn't improved the pay per view quality either.
Blaming Orton for the pay per view buys?

Battlegrounds had an unimpressive card. So did Hell in a Cell. So did Survivor Series. Mind you, Hell in a Cell and SS had the man everyone cares about, John Cena on the last two pay per views. If people aren't tuning in for Orton they are tuning in for Cena. And according to the numbers the buyrates aren't great. From all the pay per views Orton headlined, can you honestly tell me either of those pay per view cards were epic? How many of those pay per views were actually worth the price of admission. Sure. Lets blame Orton... Cena coming back hasn't improved the pay per view quality either.

What he failed to mention is that Daniel Bryan was also in the main events against Orton but somehow it's Orton's fault, not Bryan's.
I was going to create separate thread before I noticed this one; so; I am going to ask the question that has been on my mind for sometime now,

What is wrong with another John Cena vs Randy Orton clash?

Both men are good workers. Both have had pretty good matches in the past. When was the last time they seriously feuded? The "I Quit" match I believe from a couple years ago and since then both men have been faces. Orton more anti hero than face. You get the point so it isn't like they have been constantly wrestling each other. I remember all the Orton/Wade Barrett matches wishing they would stop wrestling each other cause it felt like they were wrestling every show, that is the feeling I get when people say "God no, another Cena vs Orton match? Seriously?"

Which brings me to the question, what is so wrong about Orton vs Cena happening again? These two were going to clash at some point. WWE held off as long as they could, especially with Orton turning heel at Summerslam.

What's so wrong? It's not CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Bray Wyatt or whoever else the IWC is obsessed with at the moment. That's what's wrong. If it's not a 60 minute iron man match between those guys then it "sucks." People always forget that WWE is in it first and foremost to make the most money, not please us or to give a guy that "deserves" the title a chance. Cena and Orton are their two most proven commodities and that equals PPV buys and money. That's what it boils down to.
Is this Champ vs. Champ match an act of desperation? Maybe, a little bit.

I've read all of the posts and it seems that people are just focusing on the story-line aspect of this match. I, however, think that this match is an effort to make the TLC PPV generate as much money as possible. So how does one make an admittedly small PPV generate big numbers? One put's the two biggest names in the WWE together in a match for the two biggest prizes that the WWE has to offer. The past few PPV's have under performed IMO. So I think that the WWE is trying to end 2013 on the highest note possible by having the biggest match possible on a PPV that's not known for being a big money maker.

Again, is this an act of desperation? IMO, yes it is. Otherwise; why would they have this HUGE match on such a small event as TLC. Now, they didn't say that this was a title unification match, however, I'm sure that a lot of people are thinking it is. So why not save this match for WrestleMania XXX? Again, so they can sell the TLC PPV.
I'm seriously shocked that there are people that are in support of this feud.....you're the problem! you're the reason why the WWE can't move on to the future, because you support the repetitive trash we've been getting! Orton can talk on the mic? news to me! Everyone chants for Bryan and you guys still think Orton/Cena are whats' best for business? its apparent now that Orton is the reason buys aren't coming for ppvs, he's headlined all the ppvs since September and the buys have sucked...no matter who he is facing..hes' the problem and for some reason they refuse to see that! Its gross

i partially agree with you. Cena vs Orton is not something new. They are the veterans. We have seem them at the top for many years. Its almost 2014, and these two are feuding for the world and wwe titles. WOW.

You cant tell me you support this rivalry and yet bash the rock being in the mainevents 8+ months ago.
Firstly, all I can think about is how long were they planning this. Was ending the brand split the perfect plan to lead to a unification just before WM30. That is a logical enough assumption.

Simply looking at this year alone we have to consider both Bryan's incredible rise and Cena getting injured. Personally, I'm not convinced that we would be having Champion vs Champion if the two aforementioned factors didn't happen. Cena getting injured meant that Orton, the second biggest guy of the last decade, become WWE Champion.

If Cena doesn't get injured then what would have been the plan? Would someone else have taken the WHC? Would Orton take the belt? What would the authority be doing? What if Ziggler didn't get a concussion, would he have been the champ right now?

There are many unanswered questions that leads me to think that this decision for Champ vs Champ is something they just thought up or they were planning on doing it much later (after the Rumble)

Cena is a 14 time World Champion. Orton is an 11 time champion. They have had a great feud with each other which features some pretty brutal matches. There have been THE guys in the last 10 years and it makes perfect sense that these two face off.

Buyrates might be poor; Del Rio is a key main-eventer but I don't think Vince panicked into this decision. Cena vs Orton; Champ vs Champ makes sense. People have been calling for a unification for a number of years and I don't think this represents panic. I'm not convinced about the timing but I would hardly call it desperation to have this match at TLC.
I don't feel it's a desperation at all, in fact I like the way it was presented to us. I'm really sold on this Randy Orton as a heel, he's the best he's ever been and he only has John Cena and CM Punk to deal with as far as big babyfaces go. Another reason I enjoyed that decision is that it's something I wasn't expecting at all and it makes sense - listen, we all know John Cena is the face of the company, so they might as well put him in this feud, because after Alberto Del Rio he didn't really had anyone else to feud with, at least not anyone actually over to make TLC anything shorter than exciting.

What I feel here is that WWE isn't doing a clean finish in three weeks, I can see them both retaining their respective title and have the final showdown at the Royal Rumble. Is that going to piss of a lot of fans? Sure it will, but it will make the match that much bigger, at least for me. It's also a unpredictable match, because I don't know if WWE is gonna give up on Orton just yet, he's been fairly good with what he had to work with and John Cena is bigger than the championship, he can entertain himself after that with someone like Triple H or a Wyatt Family.

However if the decision is actually make John Cena, both the World Heavyweight Champion and the WWE Champion, I would like to see him go to WrestleMania and face a Royal Rumble winner like CM Punk in the main event. Either way, I'm enjoying it and I'm with Jack-Hammer on this one, I loved Cena's work with Del Rio and I'm enjoying a lot of his matches, even with him playing safe for WrestleMania season - put that John Cena against Randy Orton and we can all have a classic bout from the #1 babyface and the #1 heel, or in the very least we will have a solid in-ring performance.

One thing is for sure, the landscape of the WWE seems to be changing and changing real fast - maybe that's what lead you to think about "desperation".
I don't quite see it as desperation. It seems to be quite deliberate. They're teasing title unification so close to Wrestlemania which just makes it seem like something big is in the works. WWE scraped their main event plans with Daniel Bryan due to low buy rates. Its one thing to be invested in a storyline, its another to show it through means the WWE really cares about. The same mistake was made when CM Punk was WWE champion and buy rates, along with ratings went down. When the IWC likes a particular superstar it needs to do everything within its power to prove it to the WWE. That means purchasing merchandise and ppvs. WWE makes $100 million off Cena per year, you have to prove that guys like Bryan are worth much more, which is incredibly hard now that the show is geared towards children. Initially I didn't like the idea of Cena vs Orton, especially when it was rumored to take place at Wrestlemania instead of TLC. Its a rivalry that we've already seen a hundred times, however, the title unification and establishment storyline do add some fresh variables to the situation. I'm reserving judgement on this storyline until it further progresses, but calling it an act of desperation is premature given that we have no idea what angle WWE is working here.
As much as I dont care for it. I see why they did it.
In the company, Cena is the number one face. Everyone knows of who he is, same goes for Orton. But people know his a dick.
So this is the Mr.T vs Hogan.
It will sell tickets, make money, might even be a moment of the decade. Just a smart move to make money.
Its a little dickish to throw out any other challenges and only focus on these two guys and will ruin some good stories. But money over matter.
I wouldn't call it desperation. They need to generate interest in the TLC PPV event. Although, the gimmick alone should still be able to sell that show. You have a Tables match, a Chairs match, a Ladder match, and a TLC match all in the same show. They don't need to put the two world champions against each other in a TLC match to get me to want to buy this show. I'm not everyone though, others might disagree. I highly HIGHLY doubt that the unification will happen at TLC. They are robbing us of the biggest moment in over a decade if they have it on a show that will have significantly lower purchases than Wrestlemania or even Summerslam. It wouldn't feel like as big of a deal if it happened on a smaller show.

The actual unification needs to happen at Wrestlemania or Summerslam. Something that epic needs to be at a more prestigious show. An argument can be made for Night of Champions due to its gimmick, but I stand by my statement that the two biggest shows are where this needs to be taking place at. What then will happen at TLC, and is a unification even possible before Wrestlemania season begins? Sure, it's possible. I fully expect a complicated finish to where the belts are not unified yet. This will be a slow build toward a huge conclusion at Wrestlemania. The Royal Rumble winner might get thrown in too making it a triple threat. Anything could happen between now and then, and let me tell you, my interest is certainly there. It increased quite a bit when I found out about the TLC match. I doubt I'm the only fan who is now more interested in the next PPV event. So, desperation? No. I wouldn't call it that. Quite the contrary. Unless the unification does end up happening at the end of 2013. If it does, I'm sure WWE has some sort of long term plan anyhow, even though I would much rather it be saved for the biggest show of them all, it's the perfect time to do it with it being the 30th edition of the brand this year.

Let's wait and see what happens before complaining or ranting too much.
I'm going to have to say its desperation, they need the PPV buyrates and putting the two "top" guys in the main event, title vs title is a money making match.

However, as it was pointed out by Cena on Monday night, the fans want change, yet the WWE and its hierarchy ignore it time and time again.

Think its time they realize numbers are down because the writing is terrible and has no continuity.

I'm optimistic that they DO in fact unify the titles, bring the IC title back up as the secondary championship that can be used as a launching pad like the days of old and have the united states act as the tertiary championship.

We'll see how it pans out in the next 3 weeks I'm hoping they turn things around because the booking lately has been questionable
I'm seriously shocked that there are people that are in support of this feud.....you're the problem! you're the reason why the WWE can't move on to the future, because you support the repetitive trash we've been getting! Orton can talk on the mic? news to me! Everyone chants for Bryan and you guys still think Orton/Cena are whats' best for business? its apparent now that Orton is the reason buys aren't coming for ppvs, he's headlined all the ppvs since September and the buys have sucked...no matter who he is facing..hes' the problem and for some reason they refuse to see that! Its gross

This match isn't about Cena vs Orton so much as it's about cutting the main event scene in half. I'm not sure why you seem to ignore that. That the match happens to be Cena vs Orton is just a matter of circumstance since they're the two champs at a time when the WWE has decided to pull the plug on having two world titles. But that's all this match between them is, a means to an end. And I say it's about damn time.


Now, I'll clarify that I don't think we'll get a resolution on the matter at TLC. I think it's borderline obvious that each man will pull down a separate title and still have a claim to being the champion. I see this leading to The Royal Rumble - and I seriously hope that chaos at ringside, again, prevents the situation from being resolved. Admittedly, I'm a fan of a 4-man tournament (or even an 8-man tournament) being held at WrestleMania 30 to determine an undisputed champion. But that's just me...
I wouldn't call it an act of desperation. In reality, Orton VS Cena is the only match up that's capable of generating any kind of interest for pay per view.

Bryan and Punk are busy with The Wyatt Family (and for Punk, you have to factor in The Shield now), and in a perfect world, IF Bryan was available, you can't reinsert him into the WWE Championship picture. The fans have no reason to believe in Bryan having a realistic chance at beating Orton after all the screwy finishes. You can't use Big Show anymore, and Del Rio is beyond stale in the WHC scene, because he spent the VAST majority of 2013 clogging up the title picture as champion or chasing the title.

On the current roster, Rey Mysterio and Mark Henry are the only two guys, who fit the profile of a respectable challenger for Orton or Cena. But you can't invest too much time and energy in Mysterio and Henry, because they're too injury prone.

So when it's all said and done, WWE backed themselves into this corner, because as the top face, Cena is the only viable challenger for Orton right now and vice versa.
When did it become desperation to have your top face feud with your top heel? I know I'm not the smartest person in the world but I'm pretty sure that this is what you're supposed to do with your two top guys. I have no problem with this. It seems to me that fans forget how the old day were. How many times did we see Rock vs HHH, Rock vs Austin, Taker vs HBK...wrestling has been repetitive since at least the 90's. Orton and Cena will have a good feud like they always do. Sit back and enjoy it or dont watch it.

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