Why brand-split naysayers were right, James Ellsworth a slap to intelligent fans.


Championship Contender
No matter how much a few of you here may justify his presence by statements like "He has spent 15yrs, let the man live his dream", and no matter if I were to be bestowed with 50 negative reps or whatever, the fact doesn't change:-

One of the most embarrassing, pathetic decisions the WWE creative, Smackdown Live more precisely, have made as a result of the "brand split" is not only letting a (Insert all the bad adjectives in the world) nobody like James Ellsworth show up for one night, but recurringly.

If that wasn't enough, the guy was in the ring on Smackdown last week, along with AJ Styles, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Shane Mcmahon, Edge, and The Undertaker.

A Chinese proverb reads: A picture is worth a thousand words.

Whoever that thought it was a great idea to let this guy be in the same ring as Edge, Randy Orton and Taker, is the biggest idiot in the world. And since Shane and Vince Mcmahon were aware, logically, it follows that they're the biggest idiots in the world too, for that decision.

No amount of argument, or strident "the OP is just disgruntled etc etc" remarks from anyone here or elsewhere, can justify that act as sensible.

Explain to me- James Ellsworth- that embarrassment of a nobody, with top 10 wrestlers in the world, unarguably the best of the best like Seth Rollins, KO, Roman Reigns, AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, AND Randy Orton. And then James Ellsworth? Really?

The Edge-Taker segment should've never happened the way it did. Humiliating for the Undertaker's legacy, for Smackdown.

But now,

because the brand split means such a lack of star power and creativity (you can only put AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose against each other for so many times in a month, right?) ...they hired James Ellsworth, and he just won a Ladder match.


A little Clarity:- It's not that I hate James Ellsworth, it's just that it's stupid to justify hiring a skinny, no-talent nobody just because of some assumed "novelty" based on how grotesque he looks.

People here and the comments section say "He's spent 15 yr in the indies, let him live his dream".

By your logic, anybody who's spent 15 yrs as Tom Cruise's chauffeur, or mopping floors in Hollywood should be cast along with Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt, too, because...he's spent 15 yrs right?

I wouldn't have minded it at all if the guy had SOMETHING at least, like an OKAY look, talent for wrestling, like Brian Kendrick. I don't see the humour either. It's not funny to put someone grotesque-looking even on the card, let alone on the mainevent of Survivor Series, so JBL and Corey Graves can call him a "chinless freak". It's not funny, it's just an alarming example of subtle workplace bullying.

Is there anything so grotesquely incongruous as the sight of James Ellsworth with Edge, Taker and Orton, or the Survivor Series teams? Seriously?

Not only have the SD Live writers managed to feed you this crap nobody for like 10 weeks or more now, but he just won a ladder match(by defeating AJ Styles) and has been offered a contract!


The brand split is a success. SD Live is such a great show, they speak of "opportunity" and "change", and hire James Ellsworth to be featured in main event matches, including Survivor Series.

Wrestling has never seen such glorious zenith.

On a more positive note:- The Survivor Series elimination match was spectacular, Roman Reigns is still awesome, AJ Styles and Chris Jericho are the best in the world, Seth Rollins is the man, and Raw will always be the BETTER, SMARTER brand, catering to "intelligent" folks, based on nothing else but the fact that they created a future STAR in Braun Strowman in a matter of MONTHS, and didn't hire a nobody like James Ellsworth to add "intrigue" to their mainevent storyline, just because John Cena wasn't available, and because the roster consisted of mostly tag teams, women, and nobodies like Apollo Crews and Curt Hawkins.

(Anyone that ever criticized TNA or WCW for "crap" storylines over the years, should essentially be criticizing the WWE and SD Live for feeding them James Ellsworth, weekly. )

Or stop watching, for a while.
I understand your point of view, but you have to admit that even in the most "mature" "worthy" "whatever" eras of wrestling in the past...there was always a "James Ellsworth".

Its 101 of wrestling, WWF, WCW, ECW, ROH, (not need to say Chikara), name a company...theres at least 1 James Ellsworth.
Again the same person with a similar thread.

Okay, I get it that you don't like Smackdown Live and like Raw. This is an unpopular opinion but you're entitled to your own opinion. If you see Smackdown Live as so much bad show, then just leave watching it. Then, you won't have to see James Ellsworth too.

Every wrestler remains a nobody until proper booking and adequate talent doesn't back that wrestler.

The stars of today were nobodies too in their initial start but proper booking and adequate talent made them grow their credibility.

In nutshell, just leave watching Smackdown Live. Or don't make similar threads stating that Raw is good and Smackdown is bad.
The only thing I'll say about this thread is, James Ellsworth is over. Period. Scoff all you want, it's true. Do I agree with putting him in main events and having him close shows, not necessarily. Still, I find it amazing that some people seem to struggle with the most basic component of professional wrestling. If you're going to be angry at anybody, be angry at the fans that cheer and chant for Ellsworth, not "Vince and Shane" for doing what any smart business man would do.

I suggest you either get over it or stop watching Smackdown. That's as nice as I can be about it.
Am I the only one who just laughs at fools like this when they say a slap to intelligent fans? So you are implying you are in a class of fans smarter than everyone else who watches.
The only thing I'll say about this thread is, James Ellsworth is over. Period. Scoff all you want, it's true. Do I agree with putting him in main events and having him close shows, not necessarily. Still, I find it amazing that some people seem to struggle with the most basic component of professional wrestling. If you're going to be angry at anybody, be angry at the fans that cheer and chant for Ellsworth, not "Vince and Shane" for doing what any smart business man would do.

I suggest you either get over it or stop watching Smackdown. That's as nice as I can be about it.

I concur.

If you're personally offended by his presence, just stop watching until (what I can only assume will be) his short run is over. The underdog character has been a staple of wrestling for as long as wrestling has existed, Mikey Whipwreck, Colin Delaney, Zack Gowen, I could go on and on...Whether it was creative, or just his look, something got him over, and if you're over you've got a place on the roster, simple as that.

I recently heard Jericho say on a podcast that the list was more over than half the roster, to which Vince McMahon replied "I wish the list could work". That pretty much sums it up, Ellsworth is the list in human form, he's good for a laugh, gets a big pop, and he's moving merch. When the novelty wears off, and it will sooner rather than later, he'll go back to the indies where he'll be making a lot more per appearance, and we'll see him occasionally ala Gillberg. No harm no foul. This is a traditionally slow time of the year anyway. I'd rather see him in there with AJ to keep AJ champ longer, than to have them wasting dream matches on D list shows.
Well i tried to be more polite but clearly its undeniable that the OP dont get whats important in wrestling.

Everything that gets over...ITS GOOD for business (sorry...cliche but true).

Some times we might like it more, others not so much, but deny an over character usually brings bad results....remember when Roman was fucking over? instead of take advantage of that....they delayed his push....and well...the rest is history.

They did the same with DB, except that (questionable by a lot of people) in my eyes they played the slow burn with Bryan and it worked on a Stone Cold / Rock level...he still is the most over WWE Superstar since those 2.

Im not saying they should push Ellsworth to the sky and make him undisputed universal world champion of the world (rip british bulldog), but you have to use your assets and right now, Ellsworth is a valuable asset for WWE.
For someonewho claims to hate the product, you make an awful lot of stupid threads OP. We understand, you are a special little snowflake who just has to tell the entire world that he hates the product and is no longer watching full time. Congratulations. You truly are special.

Ellsworth is over, you can't deny that. When someone is over in wrestling, you push them. WWE hasn't always done this well, but they are doing it will Ellsworth and I for one am entertained. I will keep watching, even when the shows are bad, just to cancel out OP and his non watching.
James Elsworth is like the perfect anti-Roman
He was a 1 time comedy jobber that somehow connected with the fans, and kept getting thrown bones as a fan favorite, and organically has gotten over and gotten himself an actual job with the company.

I don't see ANYTHING wrong with him being given a position as a comedy jobber, I mean, he's a cross between Santino and Heath Slater. he fits the role perfect, and the world needs jobbers.

If a company had nothing but Stone Colds and Rocks, the company would burn itself out in no time, just look at Randy Orton vs John Cena to see why you need sub-stars to work a company.

Someone's look doesn't matter if the fans are over with him, I'll repeat, he's the anti-Roman, he's someone that Im sure nobody expected to get over, that the Fans connected with for WHATEVER reason, while Romans the stereotypical superstar that's been forced down our throats as the next Cena, and the dude gets a constant boo as a face because of it.
James Elsworth is like the perfect anti-Roman
He was a 1 time comedy jobber that somehow connected with the fans, and kept getting thrown bones as a fan favorite, and organically has gotten over and gotten himself an actual job with the company.

I don't see ANYTHING wrong with him being given a position as a comedy jobber, I mean, he's a cross between Santino and Heath Slater. he fits the role perfect, and the world needs jobbers.

If a company had nothing but Stone Colds and Rocks, the company would burn itself out in no time, just look at Randy Orton vs John Cena to see why you need sub-stars to work a company.

Someone's look doesn't matter if the fans are over with him, I'll repeat, he's the anti-Roman, he's someone that Im sure nobody expected to get over, that the Fans connected with for WHATEVER reason, while Romans the stereotypical superstar that's been forced down our throats as the next Cena, and the dude gets a constant boo as a face because of it.

That's the issue with fans these days, both the live audiences and the IWC bums here.

You'll boo someone perfectly agile, athletic, awesome looking, basically someone who has "superstar" written all over him, someone who had two amazing matches each with AJ Styles and Seth Rollins between April-July! But you'll chant "Ellsworth ellsworth ellsworth". Talk about how stupid most WWE fans and people are.

And yes, to the guy who asks "Are you implying some fans are smarter than others?" You're damn right they are! You're stupid if you even have to ask that or be offended.

Also, @Everyone else :-

No one's saying Ellsworth should be unemployed. Every Era needs Jobbers, a Gillberg, if you will. Who denied that?

But remind me, when did Austin, Rock or Hogan lose to Gillberg, or was involved with someone like Gillberg? That's right, they never did. The one time The Rock was involved with Gillberg was in the buildup for his match against Goldberg, and that was HILARIOUS. James Ellsworth isn't hilarious. Gillberg was. Imagine Gillberg winning a ladder match against Austin or Rock to gain a contract LOL.

Because may be they were smart enough back then to not let your top guy fight a non-wrestling nobody like Ellsworth.

You people have completely lost your mental faculties if you go by the logic of "If XYZ is over, if he moves merchandise, he deserves a spot". By your logic, tomorrow, they'll hire more James Ellsworths just because people nowadays are so stupid that they chant "Ellsworth", and we'll have James Ellsworth 1 teaming with Dean Ambrose against James Ellsworth 2 and AJ Styles. (LMAO)

LOL. You're wrestling fans. Talk about wrestling. Criticize TRASH like Ellsworth, if it's TRASH.

Don't give me the stupid "He moves merchandise so he deserves a spot" argument because none of you work for the WWE, none of you are any richer or poorer because James Ellsworth "moves merchandise".

Even if he did deserve a job (something I'm not against), the OP clearly stridently states:- Ellsworth in the same ring as Taker, Edge and Orton= Incongruous.

Ellsworth in main events week in and week out- Incongruous, disgraceful, stupid.

But you're so lost in the WWE bubble that they feed you trash like Ellsworth for 10 weeks straight, and you still justify it with stupid, capitalistic arguments like "he's over and he moves merchandise".

Since you're so smart you understand Wrestling 101 and how someone's "OVER" !
For someonewho claims to hate the product, you make an awful lot of stupid threads OP. We understand, you are a special little snowflake who just has to tell the entire world that he hates the product and is no longer watching full time. Congratulations. You truly are special.

Thank you for taking some time out from your precious life, to notice me and my mental and spiritual evolution so as to know that my time is precious and that I'm no longer watching full time, and to acknowledge that I am special.

I truly am special! A mountain though and not a snowflake.

Ellsworth is over, you can't deny that. When someone is over in wrestling, you push them. WWE hasn't always done this well, but they are doing it will Ellsworth and I for one am entertained. I will keep watching, even when the shows are bad, just to cancel out OP and his non watching.

It's great if you're entertained and if you like what you see on a consistent basis.

Also, kudos to you for your devotion to the WWE, Vince McMahon, and James Ellsworth. You're very faithful and consistent faith in anyone or anything is rare to come by these days.
I never understood why some fans will take wrestling so seriously all the time. Wrestling is suppose to be fun and entertaining and that's what james ellworth is. He's the reason why I love watching smackdown every week over raw, because guys like ellworth remind me of when I started watching wwe in the late 80's and the entertaining characters on they had on the show every week which seem have all but disappeared because of the more serious tone the business as taken lately.

So , yeah, he might not be everybody's cup of tea, but he seem to be over with the majority of the wwe universe so what's the problem really.
Like other's have said, Ellsworth is over with the crowd so the WWE is seizing that opportunity. They are a business and in business to make money. If he moves shirts, gets people to watch and cheer, then it's a win win for them.

I don't really see the problem here. Ellsworth is a comedy jobber, a good gust of wind would blow the guy down, but fans like him. Just because the OP doesn't does that mean that he shouldn't have a job. Shit the roster would be half empty if the WWE got rid of the wrestler's I didn't like.

You talk about Reigns being a star and having superstar written all over him. Well he does look like a star, but the fans don't connect to him for some reason. They prefer someone like Ellsworth, you know someone who might be more their size, or God forbid someone that looks like them.

No one expects him to win the title and go on to a HOF career but he's fine doing what he does right now. The more that commentators like JBL and Graves insult him, as they are supposed too and they do to others, the more the fans get on Ellsworth's side.

The bottom line is if you don't like Smackdown Live, then don't watch it. No one is holding a gun to your head are they? In my opinion though it's much better than RAW and I will continue to watch it, Ellsworth included.
A little Clarity:- It's not that I hate James Ellsworth, it's just that it's stupid to justify hiring a skinny, no-talent nobody just because of some assumed "novelty" based on how grotesque he looks.

People here and [in] the comments section say "He's spent 15 yr in the indies, let him live his dream".

By your logic, anybody who's spent 15 yrs as Tom Cruise's chauffeur, or mopping floors in Hollywood should be cast along with Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt, too, because...he's spent 15 yrs right?



No, my friend, that's not right.

You made a lot of broad assumptions, but this one really stands out.

First off; this is because you hate James Ellsworth. You've completely validated your opinion that he shouldn't be on tv, and you won't feel justified until he's off tv. He's earned your reaction, instead of your yawns he's earned your passionate hatred. You're chasing conclusions that you feel are indicative of your status as an "intelligent" fan, but because you're reacting like a typical mark that means that you're really just a dumb-dumb like the rest of us.

Don't imply that James was hired just because he's considered to be an abnormal novelty, and then ride a logic train that acknowledges his experience. Also; try to make your points without arguing with imaginary people, you're making the strawman fallacy that much more obvious when you refer to imaginary people.

Do you honestly think that mopping floors in Hollywood and thereby being hired as an actor is analogous with paying one's dues in the ring and thereby being hired as a wrestler? You're a fucking loon dude.
A Chinese proverb reads: A picture is worth a thousand words.

A little Clarity:- It's not that I hate James Ellsworth, it's just that it's stupid to justify hiring a skinny, no-talent nobody just because of some assumed "novelty" based on how grotesque he looks.

I wouldn't have minded it at all if the guy had SOMETHING at least, like an OKAY look, talent for wrestling, like Brian Kendrick. I don't see the humour either. It's not funny to put someone grotesque-looking even on the card, let alone on the mainevent of Survivor Series, so JBL and Corey Graves can call him a "chinless freak". It's not funny, it's just an alarming example of subtle workplace bullying.

Is there anything so grotesquely incongruous as the sight of James Ellsworth with Edge, Taker and Orton, or the Survivor Series teams? Seriously?

Dude, calm down, we get it now. And I for one am totally cool with your feelings. However, I think you may be confusing your "intelligence" with your desires. You watch wrestling for your own specific pleasures and James Ellsworth doesn't give you pleasure like some of the other more wrestlers that you find more appealing. That's ok. I support your pride in who you are.

You would rather James had thick arms like Roman Reigns, a square chin like Cena, a tight waist line Rollins, and a full sculpted chest like Orton. That's something you should have the right to feel and no one should do anything to discourage that. When you lay in bed at night and fantasize about being a wrestler, you would rather picture yourself being mounted by a guy like Seth Rollins as opposed to James Ellsworth. Or maybe some nights when you really want a good romp you picture yourself being mounted by more of a bear type like Brawn Strowman. It's all cool dude. I just don't think you need to get all upset about Ellsworth, he doesn't take that much away from all the other guys that give you the most pleasure. And remember Wrestlemania season is right around the corner, it gets better .

Just one question, why don't you post more about the Women's Division?
I think people have got behind James Ellsworth for the same reasons that they got behind Daniel Bryan. I think if Bryan was still wrestling, you wouldn't need a "James Ellsworth" as much, and it would be Bryan beating Styles in a ladder match (which would have been an awesome match, BTW).

I don't think Ellsworth will have the career that Bryan did, mind you. I don't think that the fans are so strong on Ellsworth that they will demand that he headline a Wrestlemania and win the title, or boo when he isn't included in a Royal Rumble. I think he will have more of a "Santino Marella" type career. However, I think that the "Yes Movement" have found someone new to cheer for, now that DB has retired, and that is James Ellsworth.
Wrestling is all about entertainment. Smackdown is entertaining, Elsworth is entertaining and over. Also is good comedy. What's wrong with that?

It's time for people to realise that wrestling is entertainment, not a sport. If it was a sport, then tell me why you need a storyline behind everything.

As long it's entertaining, it's working. It's a show. Just with a live audience.

Also, remember this one time, when freaking Hurricane beat feaking Rock? Or when Tensai beat Cena?

Elsworth is the big answer to questions like: "why isn't Ziggler in the main event? He's so good in the ring, he can outwrestle half the locker room". Well, boohoo, wrestling skills are the 49% of the sports entertainment bussiness. The other 51% are stories, charisma and entertainment.

Elsworth tells a good story. It's not he will be here in a year from now. He will always be a jobber.
Something else, just look at the people who have made WWE and themselves money over the years. Cm Punk, Bryan, Cena, HHH, Austin, Rock, Edge, Hogan, Warrior and yes, James Elsworth. Do you know what all these have in common. They stood out from the rest.

Do you know why Rollins and Roman aren't working as top babyfaces? Because they're vanilla. We've seen people like them come and go. Where's the charisma? Where's the personality? Where's the story?
If you think you're an intelligent wresting fan, you must listen to Meltzer and Alvarez whilst you flip the bishop. Everybody else just thinks you're an asshole.
Something else, just look at the people who have made WWE and themselves money over the years. Cm Punk, Bryan, Cena, HHH, Austin, Rock, Edge, Hogan, Warrior and yes, James Elsworth. Do you know what all these have in common. They stood out from the rest.

Do you know why Rollins and Roman aren't working as top babyfaces? Because they're vanilla. We've seen people like them come and go. Where's the charisma? Where's the personality? Where's the story?

Rollins is working, he gets cheers and applause for his efforts, and Reigns need to turn heel. If the OP won't say it, I will, I HATE Ellsworth. I don't get why he is getting cheered, Slater and Jamie Noble look like they could beat this guy up. Unless he has some hidden talent he isn't allowed to show I don't see how he is good in the ring. Guys like Santino and Slater are creative, what's Ellsworth got? Pretty sure the IWC came up with the no chin thing, and the fighting chance line sounds cliche. Not to mention his look wouldn't be fitting in the indies even.
It's only partially the company's fault unfortunately, they brought him in and had him beat the WWE champion, but fans actually liked it. It baffles me so much, I don't find him funny or creative, Ambrose does most of the joking for him and I already dislike him, and people bought his shirt more than freaking GOLDEBERG'S. Unless Goldberg comes out and does the same thing he did to Brock to Ellsworth, I won't be happy.
Rollins is working, he gets cheers and applause for his efforts, and Reigns need to turn heel. If the OP won't say it, I will, I HATE Ellsworth. I don't get why he is getting cheered, Slater and Jamie Noble look like they could beat this guy up. Unless he has some hidden talent he isn't allowed to show I don't see how he is good in the ring. Guys like Santino and Slater are creative, what's Ellsworth got? Pretty sure the IWC came up with the no chin thing, and the fighting chance line sounds cliche. Not to mention his look wouldn't be fitting in the indies even.

I believe we have forgotten what a real babyface reaction feels like. For a guy that has been in the main event scene for 2 years now, he's OK. But not the "face of the company" that people thought he was gonna be.
I believe we have forgotten what a real babyface reaction feels like. For a guy that has been in the main event scene for 2 years now, he's OK. But not the "face of the company" that people thought he was gonna be.
I never expected him to be the face of the company, not sure who was claiming that. I expect him to be one of the guys, but not THE guy. Though I still believe he gets a good pop. I'm surprised you didn't defend Ellsworth after my insults, I truly feel he is a cancer.
I think people have got behind James Ellsworth for the same reasons that they got behind Daniel Bryan. I think if Bryan was still wrestling, you wouldn't need a "James Ellsworth" as much, and it would be Bryan beating Styles in a ladder match (which would have been an awesome match, BTW).

I don't think Ellsworth will have the career that Bryan did, mind you. I don't think that the fans are so strong on Ellsworth that they will demand that he headline a Wrestlemania and win the title, or boo when he isn't included in a Royal Rumble. I think he will have more of a "Santino Marella" type career. However, I think that the "Yes Movement" have found someone new to cheer for, now that DB has retired, and that is James Ellsworth.

Ellsworth is someone that may have found himself with a cushy gig if this was WWE 8 or 9 years ago. During that time, that's when Santino Marella was in the company and became essentially the goofy, harmless class clown of WWE that nobody really took serious. WWE treats its titles far better now than it did 4 years or so ago as if Santino popped up today 10 years younger with the same gimmick, I don't see WWE giving him 2 Intercontinental, a Tag Team and United States Championship runs. I could easily see the two of them together as a comedy tag team.

I can't really compare him to Bryan because they're so different in some key ways. Bryan had a ton of athleticism and was one of the top in-ring guys in pro wrestling for the better part of a decade whereas Ellsworth has displayed no athletic or in-ring ability to speak of. He's an underdog in a sort of likeable way in that he helps heels get their comeuppance but I think that's as far as it goes. People were into Zack Ryder and demanding he be pushed circa 2011 and were elated when he won the United States Championship; however, that interest quickly died out once Ryder became champ. It's like many were rooting for him so long as he tried really hard, showed a lot of heart but ultimately came up short. That's more along the lines of what I see for Ellsworth because I honestly think there'd be a pretty big backlash if Ellsworth, of all people, somehow managed to defeat AJ friggin' Styles for the WWE World Championship.

In Bryan's case, they saw he had the ability to go along with the heart and desire, more along a Rocky Balboa type I think. In Ellsworth's case, he strikes me more as a Rudy Ruettiger type. A biopic called "Rudy" was made about the guy back in 1993 and it's basically about a small, undersized, unathletic young guy who harbored a dream of playing football at Notre Dame. He only played for 3 plays during the entire time, one of which included his only real stat: sacking the quarterback for Georgia Tech during the last home game of his senior year on November 8, 1975. Rudy had a very brief moment in the sun and he's remembered for having a ton of heart and courage that people responded to, but not a whole helluva lot of ability. Nobody genuinely expected Rudy to be one of the all time great football players or athletes, but they liked that he was getting a bit of an opportunity and were glad that he has a few minor contributions to add. I think that Ellsworth is someone who strikes me as very much a Rudy in that he's had a few bright spots already but I don't think anybody really is expecting him to, or really even wants him to be, a top star.

Ellsworth is over right now, fans get a kick out of his shenanigans and WWE might as well milk that for all they can because I think it's just a matter of time before the novelty wears off.

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