Who would you put in a Hogan led Stable


Occasional Pre-Show
So far with the launch of the new WWE network I've been watching the late 80s and early 90s PPVs. It's funny to watch what moves Wrestling thought was believable and the commentary.

One thing that is vastly different from today's product is the lack of stables. Sure we have Paul Heyman, but few and far between did we see fellow Heyman client's interfere and move a storyline and create a new rival. Bobby Heenan would constantly utilize his other henchman to run interference in matches which would lead to new story lines. Furthermore, it completely enhanced the Tag Team division. Hart foundation with Jimmy Hart, Brain Busters & Collosal Connection with Hennan, Fuji with Demolition, Orient Express, etc....

Hogan's return gives the WWE the option for him to run a stable and build up some mid card talent and draw extra heat for some top card talent. My question who would you put in a Hollywood Hogan led stable? (Not NWO but definitely back in black.

I'd put in Hogan's stable:
Dolph Ziggler: This will put him over the top where he belongs. So many ways to win with out winning clean (IC title run)
Ryback: An enforcer that can change a storyline from Dolph to Ryback via interference.
Miz & Drew McIntyre: Two guys that are talented that in a way can be teamed up to challenge the Usos.
Bad News Barrett: Just to add a fifth guy that has talent and can easily be inserted in any of the other four spots when a heel/face change occurs.

That's my group...what would you do?
Ziggler miz and ryback i like but i would remove barrett and mcintyre seeing they both been n stables and seem 2 much like ryback n da enforcer department. I would replace em w/axel who is a believable member going off that hogan knew his father and grandfather. And Sheamus 2 add a bonafide maineventer and someone hogan can say reminds him of himself. Or how bout this? Hogan makes a stable of mad former world or wwe champions. So u keep ziggler Miz and sheamus and u add Christian and big show. Specially since show and hogan have long history. Da only way u can join is if u r a former wwe or world champion.
Ziggler miz and ryback i like but i would remove barrett and mcintyre seeing they both been n stables and seem 2 much like ryback n da enforcer department. I would replace em w/axel who is a believable member going off that hogan knew his father and grandfather. And Sheamus 2 add a bonafide maineventer and someone hogan can say reminds him of himself. Or how bout this? Hogan makes a stable of mad former world or wwe champions. So u keep ziggler Miz and sheamus and u add Christian and big show. Specially since show and hogan have long history. Da only way u can join is if u r a former wwe or world champion.

The only thing I worry about with an all World Title club is it just won't build up mid card talent. Big Show would be interesting as it would parallel Heenan leading Andre into WrestleMania III and you can have Show turn on Bryan for a title shot. I do like your idea of Axel, but I just like Barrett and McIntyre as while you're correct they are former stable members, they have never had managers lead them. I think a good manager can help heels like Barrett and McIntyre where they take advantage of distracted opponents by Hogan.
I would have da hogan lead stable of former champions feud w/da midcarders who r trying 2 take da next step. Sheamus feuding w/reigns or cesareo or big e would b gold. Christian/miz/ziggler feuding w/ambrose/rollins/cody/sandow etc would b fresh. Show as da enforcer who we all know will put over young stars would b catalyst 2 da aforementioned feuds w/sheamus
Hollywood Hogan? Really?

Hulk Hogan is 60 years old.

His time in wrestling is passé.

No reason for him to be involved in any angle / storyline / stable especially if he can't do anything physical.
Hollywood Hogan? Really?

Hulk Hogan is 60 years old.

His time in wrestling is passé.

No reason for him to be involved in any angle / storyline / stable especially if he can't do anything physical.

Yes really...since you seem to not have a clue about guys like Classy Freddy Blassie. He was in his 60s as a manager and they didn't touch him. You call it Hollywood stable because he says he'll make them all stars. While you think his time is passé he's an ICON in the business. It's a way to utilize new stars.

Thanks for not really contributing to the topic troll.:banghead:
Truthfully a stable led by hogan would give wrestlers a huge rub. Going off da original stable that colon put 2gether titus oneil would work as well
YAWN. What did the IWC complain about for the few years Hogan was in TNA how he buried wrestlers and stole the spotlight from other wrestlers...now he's back in WWE and here we have a thread asking us which wrestlers we believe should be in a stable headed by who else but Bury Bollea. I dont support any group headed by Hogan but wouldn't mind seeing him take a GM role for the time being just to have a checks and balance type system within the Authority storyline..any stable headed by Hogan would result in the wrestlers in the group being over shadowed by Hogan. I mean really...a WWE version of Immortal...What's next Bad News Barrett forming the Bad News Bears stable?
YAWN. What did the IWC complain about for the few years Hogan was in TNA how he buried wrestlers and stole the spotlight from other wrestlers...now he's back in WWE and here we have a thread asking us which wrestlers we believe should be in a stable headed by who else but Bury Bollea. I dont support any group headed by Hogan but wouldn't mind seeing him take a GM role for the time being just to have a checks and balance type system within the Authority storyline..any stable headed by Hogan would result in the wrestlers in the group being over shadowed by Hogan. I mean really...a WWE version of Immortal...What's next Bad News Barrett forming the Bad News Bears stable?

What would b different from nwo and immortal is da stable doesn't feature hogan. Hogan and Bischoff 4 yrs hogged da spotlight and constantly were n da ring giving promos. Now u just have hulk take a mentor role and b n background and let da wrestlers do da talking and b da storyline. Hogan is just da manager n a heenan or heyman type way. And i like da image of hulk playing a classy Freddie blassie like character. It could b a great throwback 2 da past
YAWN. What did the IWC complain about for the few years Hogan was in TNA how he buried wrestlers and stole the spotlight from other wrestlers...now he's back in WWE and here we have a thread asking us which wrestlers we believe should be in a stable headed by who else but Bury Bollea. I dont support any group headed by Hogan but wouldn't mind seeing him take a GM role for the time being just to have a checks and balance type system within the Authority storyline..any stable headed by Hogan would result in the wrestlers in the group being over shadowed by Hogan. I mean really...a WWE version of Immortal...What's next Bad News Barrett forming the Bad News Bears stable?

Hogan was going to overshadow everyone in TNA because NO ONE watches TNA. I don't want a checks and balances with Hogan against the authority because that would truly put him in a role where he's over shadowing other talent needlessly. While he may overshadow some talent in a stable he'd give them credibility. A GM spot just focuses on him and him only and is counter productive. As a leader of a stable he can toss a promo to his wrestler and give the wrestler more focus. As a GM he can't really do that.

Heenan would overshadow many of his talents and it worked out great because he would always talk first in any promo.
W/hulk leading a former champion stable da 1 i put 2gether earlier da only wrestler who truly reached his peak is show and 2 some extent Christian. Sheamus/ziggler/miz have not and could parlay association w/hogan 2 main event matches storylines and world title reigns if done right
For a "back in black" stable I would stick to a more basic stable. Have 4 guys; one near the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, one near the US/IC Championship, and two near the Tag Team Championship levels.

Cesaro: WWE wants to give this guy a push and I would love to see him get a push. He could be "trained" by the Immortal Hulk Hogan and use that as a push into the main event level.

Ryback: Kinda in the role of The Muscle. He can go after the IC/US Championship and also help in altercations or interference.

The Brotherhood: They fit in with the "look" Cesaro has, and are "brothers".
I would have Cena,and The Real Americans due to them all playing patriots.Or I would have a legend stable with him Cena,Taker,HHH,Orton and Flair (Manager)
I would have Cena,and The Real Americans due to them all playing patriots.Or I would have a legend stable with him Cena,Taker,HHH,Orton and Flair (Manager)

That would be cool to have a Hogan stable and a Flair stable. Easy to sell a contract, hire an outside henchman to interfere, so many story line possibilities that can push these stars.
To me, a proper stable should have a main eventer, a mid-carder, a tag team, possibly a guy who plays the enforcer role, and a manager. In a NWO black and white type of stable, in which Hogan would be the manager/mentor, I think these guys would fit the best, whether it was a face or heel stable.

1. Cesaro - This guy is on his way to the top of the WWE, but the obvious problem is his inability to cut a problem. His in-ring skills are outstanding, no denying that. But he does need a mouthpiece, and Zeb Coulter has played that role for him perfectly for quite a while now. With Hogan in his corner, there'd be nothing holding Cesaro back from main event status.

Other possibilities for this role: Roman Reigns, Big E, Sheamus

2. Dolph Ziggler - Now that there is only 1 World Championship belt in WWE, I think Dolph makes for the perfect mid-card guy and Intercontinental Champion. With all of his disgruntled rants lately, it could be something that grabs Hogan's attention and makes him decide to take him under his wing.

Other possibilities for this role: Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, Titus O'Neil

3. Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel - I think it's ridiculous that these 2 aren't being used. With the current state of the tag team division being less than stellar, it's a no-brainer to me that if they were put back toghether, that they could liven it up and put on some great matches with The Usos. It wouldn't be a bad idea to give them Natalya as a valet also, with her being Tyson Kidd's real life wife.

Other possibilities for this role: Barrett & Sandow, Ryder & Hawkins, Ryback & Axel

4. Ryback - The obvious choice for the enforcer role would probably be Big Show, given his history with Hogan in WCW, but I think the point of this stable would be for Hogan to mentor younger, up and coming guys. Ryback of course fits that description better than Big Show. Ryback would strictly take orders from Hogan as far as interferring in matches for his stablemates and occasionally roughing up foes backstage.

Other possibilities for this role: Big Show, Rusev, Clay
I don't know exactly who i'd have on hogan's team but before you do that, you must look at another stable that they would face. What could possibly make sense is having a stable of A+ wrestlers led by Triple H, possibly the new version of Evolution featuring Randy Orton, Batista, Sheamus, and a 4th being a former heavyweight champion or just throw HHH in there as the 4th wrestler and include Ric Flair as another mentor/mouth piece. Then have Hogan lead the anti-Authority group of all guys that can be the future of this business that are being held back such as Bryan, Ziggler, Miz, Ryder, or Axel. Heck even Kofi Kingston could fit that role. If Punk ever comes back, it could be Hogan that brings him back as the 4th member. These wrestlers can all tell great stories without needing any belt besides the heavyweight title. We have seen Hogan as a heel and its kind of stale and at this point of his career, he shouldn't play that role anyway. I know this idea is the the "New Bloods vs. The Millionaire's Club" but the same stories are re-done all the time, just fresh faces and fresh ways to tell them

i kinda agree with the dude above^

however; i'd do something different and make it a FACE stable; the "FACE" version of Evolution..


Hogan's Evolution (CLEARLY A NEW NAME LOL)!

I don't know - it's random - Mojo and Rose come out of no where; but the two spots i couldn't give to established stars (even mid-carders like Dolph etc.)
I would LOVE for Cena and Hogan to make a heel turn together. That would be epic, but incredibly unlikely. Therefore, with Punk gone, and DB being kind of untouchable right now in the sense that you can't screw with his character again like the failed Wyatt attempt, that leaves very few stars to align with Hogan.

Brock is with Heyman, Orton is too boring, and that leaves Batista. Dave is really good friends with Titus O'neil (who was my first pick actually) and I think this could benefit Titus the absolute most.

I think with Hogan starting off the backstage promos with his craziness, and jokes about the opposition it would get things going and allow Batista and Titus to play off him. I could see Batista smirking while Hogan is saying his part and then getting on the mic himself and cutting these same types of promos he's doing now bragging about himself. The same with Titus.

Hollywood Hogan, Hollywood Batista, and the up and coming Titus O'neil would be quite the force. I would add a bunch of girls with them too...either Divas like Rosa Mendes and the Redhead from Total Divas for example or random chicks like the NWO or The godfather always had.

....now that's a stable!
this could work with a payoff at mania 31 having a stable led by hogan vs a stable led my a now hof ultimate warrior. closest we would get to another hogan vs warrior match. give hogan 4 guys and warrior 4 guys all midcard. and have them build towards a program that ends at mania 31. that way you potentially have new fueds with 8 different guys and it gives them all chances to shine. we all already anticipate a hogan warrior face off after all the shit talking that has happened over the years. i mean warrior can still go, but hogan probably not so much. so let them settle it through proxys as them mentoring some needy midcards.
I would LOVE for Cena and Hogan to make a heel turn together. That would be epic, but incredibly unlikely. Therefore, with Punk gone, and DB being kind of untouchable right now in the sense that you can't screw with his character again like the failed Wyatt attempt, that leaves very few stars to align with Hogan.

Brock is with Heyman, Orton is too boring, and that leaves Batista. Dave is really good friends with Titus O'neil (who was my first pick actually) and I think this could benefit Titus the absolute most.

I think with Hogan starting off the backstage promos with his craziness, and jokes about the opposition it would get things going and allow Batista and Titus to play off him. I could see Batista smirking while Hogan is saying his part and then getting on the mic himself and cutting these same types of promos he's doing now bragging about himself. The same with Titus.

Hollywood Hogan, Hollywood Batista, and the up and coming Titus O'neil would be quite the force. I would add a bunch of girls with them too...either Divas like Rosa Mendes and the Redhead from Total Divas for example or random chicks like the NWO or The godfather always had.

....now that's a stable!

Can't edit this post, so I gotta re-post to edit it. I'd def add Alicia Fox too...she's another exotic hot chick that would be a perfect fit. 3 chicks, 3 dudes. Would be awesome seeing Hogan being a Mac daddy pimp lol.
Evolution 2.0 but a stable of faces!!!!

The Past - Hulk Hogan
The Present - John Cena
The Future - Big E Langston
The Future - Jack Swagger

I really think they could play up the Real Americans thing and adding Swagger who I think would be better as a face (not often I say that) could really be built up well working with Hogan and Cena. He looks great, he wrestles great, and he is no slouch on the mic, just needs to improve.
As we know from experience (well those of us who are old enough) Hogan stables only invole those who are his friends and those who are over. So today, a hogan stable would be:
Big Show, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan.
I couldn't see Hollywood Hogan ever coming back. It would be hard to take a 60 year old bad guy seriously. Undertaker is 48 and it's already something to take him seriously.

I could see Hogan as a manager for a good guy, some of the younger wrestlers could benefit from his presense at ringside to get fans into their matches and promos like Big E, Sheamus, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler.

They all come off bland
No one.

Hogan is good for occasional "Hey, remember Hulk Hogan? Holy shit, here he is!" nostalgia appearances. His usefulness as a regular onscreen character of any sort--wrestler, manager, even general manager (at least on a long-term basis)--is pretty much nil.

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