Who Will Retire First?

Who will go first?

  • John Cena

  • Randy Orton

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Randy Orton vs. John Cena. Who will retire first?

Both these men have started their careers right around the same time. They both have won multiple world titles, and a few midcard titles too. They both are at the top of their respective brands.

Yes I realize that these men still have around 5-10 years(if not many more injuries). But IMO, Randy Orton will be the first to fully retire. In about 5-7 years, Randy will retire, unless he goes to TNA. If another injury comes, then he will probably get back on painkillers, and get his third strike. In that case, he will probably go to TNA.

Cena will still be a draw for years to come. Even when he FULLY retires from the ring(hopefully he doesn't pull a Hogan and wrestle when he is 60), he probably could be used as a pretty good manager in WWE. If not that, then he will probably be an agent. But he still has around 10 years.

Your turn! :)
I think it will be John Cena first and the main reason why when he broke his neck when Edge retired last year in April no one saw that coming and he said something that stuck in my head he was wrestling on borrowed time, and I truly think Cena is wrestling on borrowed time as well from his broken neck.
Most likely, Randy Orton. I just don't believe he has as much passion for wrestling like Cena does. Cena oozes passion and shows that every day in & out of the ring but Randy not so much, I think Randy is only in it for the riches actually, and when you have as big a passion like Cena, it's likely you're gonna stick around for decades. And with Cena being a top draw, promoters are gonna do their best to try and keep Cena around to boost their product and I see him caving, while Orton on the other hand, they'll probably try and be quick to kick him out due to his reputation. Weren't the WWE actually considering releasing Orton like a month ago? I think Cena will be exactly like Hogan, he'll be wrestling with all his injuries till he's old, completely broken down and can't go anymore.
Orton has had his issues before so it's always a possibility those issues could come back and get him fired. He could also decide the injuries are building up and it is time to give it up. I am not really saying I doubt Orton's passion for wrestling, but it is clear Cena bleeds the WWE. I just see him as one that will be on our screen in some form or another for a long time to come. It is his life. I just don't get that feeling from Orton as much and feel he will be the first one to call it quits.
I think Orton will end up retiring first. While both of them will likely be around for many years.... Orton seems more like the type to retire completely. Cena has so much passion for pro-wrestling. It's his life. The only thing that could possibly prevent Cena from staying longer than Orton would be a career-ending injury because he would never leave otherwise. I completely agree with those who are predicting that Cena sticks around as long as Hogan has.

Orton will probably be around for several years, but he might get tired of it all one day. I don't see that ever happening with Cena. Assuming Cena did get a terrible injury and he had to retire from the ring, he would only be retiring from the actual matches. He'd still be involved with pro wrestling and WWE for as long as he possibly could, moving into a managerial or training role at that time. Orton on the other hand, injuries or not, will retire first because at some point he is going to step away from wrestling and Cena never will unless he is forced to.
Agreed! Orton will be first to go i can totally see him losing interest in wrestling tomorrow next week or 10 years from now. Orton has had his fair share of injuries in his career already and that takes a toll as you get older. Not saying Cena has had his fair share i just think Orton will grow tired of this one day.

Cena on the other hand i dont see him ever evaaaaaa (quoting Y2J) getting tired of the business. Cena is the type of guy that u can cut all his limbs off and he still wanna wrestle. He has so much passion for the business its his heart and soul. It shows in his promos his matches everything.

Not so much with Orton,he kinda just goes through the steps IMO at least. Cena shows Passion lays his heart on the line and shows his feelings. Cena will be around a helluva lot longer than orton (Once Orton retires IMO he will disappear not the case with Cena.)
I think it will be John Cena first and the main reason why when he broke his neck when Edge retired last year in April no one saw that coming and he said something that stuck in my head he was wrestling on borrowed time, and I truly think Cena is wrestling on borrowed time as well from his broken neck.

Ok, take it easy. Let's not say anything too crazy. Edge had a broken neck. Edge's neck injury was one of the most serious you can sustain and still recover from. He was out for over a year, there was a legitimate possibility he would never wrestle again, and he was certainly on borrowed time. John Cena did NOT have a broken neck, or anything close to it. I hesitate to call a neck injury minor because no neck injuries are minor, but as far as neck injuries go, Cena's was minor. It's the kind of thing you don't even always need surgery for. His career was never in jeopardy(barring extreme complications), he made a full recovery, and he was only out for three months. This is like comparing a paper cut to a severed limb.

Anyway, this topic has actually come up before, and the answer's still the same. Randy Orton will retire first. From this point on, Cena's probably going to wrestle twice or thrice as long as Orton. Cena loves the business, it's his entire life. He's like Ric Flair. Even if he tries to retire, he probably won't be able to stay away. Randy Orton, not so much. He's more like a Shawn Michaels or even a Batista. Once he gets sick of doing it, he's going to stop, he's going to leave and never return.
There were rumors last year one of the reasons leading to his suspension with drugs was being burned out. It's very simple to do when it comes to the demanding business that is professional wrestling, especially the WWE.

People don't go to house shows to watch Heath Slater, as entertaining as he can be. They don't go to watch Jinder Mahal, The Great Khali, etc. Face it they go to see John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Triple H, etc. I'm not trying to take away anything from any of the undercard/midcard guys as they're certainly spectacular at what they do, but they're in the midcard because they don't put asses in seats.

Due to this reasoning it is ultimately very hard to give a main eventer time off just to give them time off to recouperate, and with Orton getting burned out on the business in the past I don't see why it's not plausible that he wouldn't burn out again.

On the other hand John Cena is a legitimate work horse. The business is his wife. The man works 300-325 days a year, and so much that it likely ultimately lead to his divorce. Cena has more passion for the business than likely anyone we've ever seen.

He comes off as Stone Cold in that aspect to me, just a legitimate work horse. However, if there ever comes a day that Cena is simply incapable of working the 300 day work schedule I don't see him continuing, much like Stone Cold. If he's incapable of giving his 120% to the fans I simply do not think Cena is the type of guy to work a 50-100 day work schedule. But I do think that Randy Orton would be willing to take the "Shawn Michaels" schedule more willingly than John Cena which could increase his career by 5-10 years longer than Cena's.

Taking all those aspects into consideration I find it very difficult to decide which one will retire first. Seems it's more of a race between who burns out, and who simply cannot push their body to the limits they consistently push it to. If I just had to take a guess I would say Orton is more likely to retire first, but if I examined the facts there's only so far you can push your body.
I don't think Orton will make it to retirement, I think he will fail the wellness policy for a third time and get released.

Shame as I'm an Orton fan and one of those anti-Cena guys lol.
No matter what happens to Orton as far as his reason for leaving, on tv it'll be portrayed as a retirement. He'll give a teary eyed speech, thank the fans, pause, look up, his dad will make a surprise appearance, they hug, the locker room will vomit everyone onto the ramp and it'll be replayed a thousand times on the next episode of Raw.

No matter what happens to Cena, he will never retire. He just never gives up, mostly because there's nothing for a fucking idiot like him anywhere else in the world. At least Randy could manage a Shakey's Pizza or something. I don't see Cena surviving in a world where he doesn't have everyone else involved wasting their potential on making him look better than absolute shit.
Orton, no doubt. And it's absolutely nothing against him. But if he's put up against Cena then yeah, he's gonna be leaving first.

It's like everyone has already been saying, Cena's got a lot of passion for the business and he's not gonna give up just because his body'll get tired as the years go by or when his ache's start to ache a little more from all the injuries he's sustained.

No. I believe he'll be the next Undertaker in the way that he'll be in the business much later than people thought he'd be. I believe he'll be in his mid-late forties and still be doing Wrestlemania and headlining Raw.
I think Orton will retire first.

He doesn't seem to have the undying passion for wrestling as John Cena does. Infact, I could see Cena being a Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair type figure and wrestling well into his 50s and definitely remaining around the WWE for many years to become. He bleeds wrestling, it is his life.

Randy Orton doesn't seem to love the business in the same way. I get the feeling he would find it easier to walk away and do something else when he gets fed up with the schedule, the injuries and feeling beat up all the time. He has already had a couple of wellness policy violations so I could quite easily see him failing another test and getting released, then just turning his back on the business.

I don't expect either to leave in the near future though. They could go another 10 years at least if they remain healthy.
I don't think Orton has the love for the business that Cena has, well maybe that's the wrong wording, I don't think Orton has the same love for the lifestyle as Cena does.

I genuinely think Orton will have quit or been fired within the next two years
I think that Orton simply because John Cena will stay the face of wwe forever. John Cena will still be the face of the wwe when Orton's kids are wrestling in wwe. Im not kidding when I say this.
Most likely, Randy Orton. I just don't believe he has as much passion for wrestling like Cena does.

That's an understatement. It's hard to measure the motives of some of these legacy wrestlers. After all, Orton is third generation; when you take up the same profession as your father and grandfather, sometimes it's because it was presumed that's what you'd do.....and there wasn't much of a choice involved within the family. Yes, of course Randy could have chosen something else, but he didn't, and when this is the case, you sometimes wonder if his passion for his profession is as intense as you hope it will be.

Personally, I think he's great at what he does. I think Randy is a far better performer than his Dad and Granddad ever were. From what we've read (or haven't read), his forebears were more dedicated to their professions and less likely to get into trouble outside the ring than Randy. Toward that, Orton is (allegedly) one violation away from dismissal. As always with these matters, we don't really know whether WWE would follow through if Randy screwed up another time: he's an awfully valuable asset to simply fire, no?

While Randy Orton is perched at the end of a tradition, John Cena stands at the beginning of one. He either loves his sport with a passion....or is an Academy Award-level actor because he's sure got me fooled. The man is an original; Cena even provided a counterpoint to The Rock by telling us he would stick with pro wrestling even while delving into other pursuits (i.e., movies). I believe him.

Cena has the type of charisma Orton would love to have. Or, maybe more fittingly, Orton doesn't care about that at all. Perhaps he doesn't love wrestling; it's just what he happens to be good at. If so, this would go a long way toward explaining why John Cena will be in WWE long after Randy Orton has trashed his last hotel room while employed by the company.
OKAY, guys..........
let me tell u this that neither following reasons are considered for a wrestler to retire:

1] passion ( as most of all u think.)
2] wellness policy failure.
3] age......
4] injuries (not considering carrier end'r like EDGE; ALL pro wrestlers have a minor or
major injuries.)


1] lack to gain fan basis anymore. (either you are made to retire or released actually
both being the same....)
3] do not have same potential to compete for GOOD matches any more ( simply used as
-jobber or to put younger over ex. Y2J)


BEST EXAMPLE IS CENA..................................?????? YES HE IS!!!!!!!!!

SO...........they should be no doubt that ORTON will retire earlier as HE IS NOT best of heels neither face....he doesnt have solid gimmick as CENA...!!!!!

SO AS BRO "SANDMAN" HAS SAID "its only major injury that can all save us to see CENA for more 1000 episodes of RAW.......!!!!"
I think Orton will retire first, only because I can see John Cena becoming another Hulk Hogan. Rather than gracefully drift off into the sunset, I imagine Cena will try to milk this cash cow into his 60's and beyond. By doing so Cena, like Hogan, will add shame and embarrassment to what would've been a once great career.
I agree with most of you, i think Randy Orton will retire first, because Orton sees wrestling as a job and Cena sees wrestling as his life, like some people say, the only way Cena will retire first is if he gets a career ending injury, and even then, he will probably remain in the WWE in some capacity, like comentating or on a GM role, and if and when Ortin retires, except for the HOF, i don't think that he will look back at wrestling.......
Uh, I don't know how you guys seem to think you can judge Orton's lack of passion for the sport. You really think you're going to get an honest assessment from what you see on TV or in print?

In all honesty, what I believe will determine who retires first is who is more financially secure. You really think Flair and Hogan would still be out there as much as they are, if they saved their millions? As much as a wrestler may love the sport, they're generally not going to stick around longer than they should if they're financially secure. I'm of course not counting a few appearances and maybe a "dream" match or two.

In that, I don't know their finances, but I bet you after Cena's divorce is all done with, Orton probably will have more money in the bank. But who knows? Orton's wife might've spent all his money and he'll have to keep humping the business for all it's worth long after his WWE days are over.
I think Randy Orton will wrestle more dates for a shorter period of time than John Cena. He'll retire sooner, but he'll be a lot busier in the meantime. I see John Cena going the HHH/Jericho route; tapering back in a couple of years, spacing out his professional wrestling appearances, while working on his 'brand' outside of professional wrestling. I practically expect that he'll start doing movie work outside of WWE Films.

Randy Orton won't have those opportunities. He's a great professional wrestler, but I don't see anyone rushing to get him guest appearances on Leno or Letterman. He doesn't transcend the business, like Cena does occasionally. He doesn't have major business interests outside of professional wrestling. Professional wrestling is what he does, and I think he'll do it until he starts looking bad. At that point, he's got his money and appears to have been financially responsible; he'll ride off into the sunset and chase other interests, whatever those may be for him.
Are we talking retire as an active in ring competitor or retire from the wrestling business all together?

Either way I think Orton will be the first to do both, despite being 3 years younger than John. I can't see Orton sticking around in a backstage role and Cena seems like he is more likely to take up a job as a trainer or agent or even a 3rd announcer one day.

Orton is also more susceptible to injury, and that won't do him any favors. The only way I see John bowing out first, barring a major injury, is if issues in his personal life get to be too much.
Depends on injury bottom line you cant say randy will go first because like the wwe say ANYTHING can happen in the wwe john could become disabled at anytime (god forbid) even though he super lol. And how do people know randy dont love the business just because he doesnt grant over 300 wishes dont mean he dont care outside the ring. My guess if both ran 10 years (both having 20 in all) and never geting a injury or suspension cena would be burned out and randy would just be ready to mmove on
You must not watch wrestling or read about it. It would be Orton. Cena is a lifer like Taker and HHH. Unless Cena gets hurt and has to pull an Edge Cena is staying. Orton I dont think it matters to him anymore.

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