Who will be a bigger Legend: Cena or Orton?


Pre-Show Stalwart
20 years from now who would've had the better career,and been a bigger star,and ultimately who will be a bigger Legend Orton or Cena?I'm gonna go with Cena the WWE title always finds its way back to him like it did Hogan in the 80s and early 90s and his popularity for the past 6 years or so has been unseen for some time.I think Orton will be a step behind Cena in the Championships department and popularity but It could go either way as the years go by..Your thoughts?
It will definitely be John Cena, he could retire tomorrow and still be considered a legend and a first choice hall of famer, you couldnt say the same for Orton. However in 10 years time when they both retire it will be much closer and Orton will have probably closed the gap by a long way but as long as Cena is around Orton wont be a face of the company and to be a bigger legend you have to be face of the company at one point.
It will always be Cena no matter what Orton does in the future. While he may close the gay as someone said previously, though in the end, Cena will always have the bigger legend. He's not call the Hogan of this era for nothing b/c he's top draw, the most depended main eventer, and WWE's most trusted media go-to-guy. Until Orton actually starts appearing on t.v. shows and commercials and have the same media appeal that Cena has which he's starting to do, he will never be considered in the same league as Cena.
I'm an Orton Fan so this is a very bias opinion but Orton will be the bigger legend. because fact is Cena is alreay 33 most wrestlers go until they are about 40 orton is only 30 now this may not be a huge age difference but it matters when cena will probably retire in 7 years and orton still has about 10-13 years left so in the long run Orton will be the bigger Legend
Really depends. It's actually to early to tell for me. I don't like John Cena or Randy Orton too much.

I could tell after 4 years of HBK's single's career that he was gonna be a legend. Just because I liked him so much and he was so much more credible in the ring and on the mic.

It depends on who you like better, who you think will be more memorable for you in the future.
As much as I hate to admit it, John Cena. He's already billed as this era's Bruno Sammartino, Andre The Giant, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Steve Austin & Brock Lesnar. I hope Orton will prove me wrong but as of now, without doubt its Cena.
Orton , i am an orton fan i admit it , but ur all forgetting that while ur saying Cena is this era's Hogan , who's this Era's Stone Cold ?? im not saying he's exactly like him, Orton's gonna do stuff that Cena will never dream off becuz of his Super Cena / Face character .

Orton's already the youngest World champion in history , he had a feud with vince , triple H , shane and he RKO'd Steffane i mean lets look back at the ppl that actually feuded with them?? get my point , Though Cena's popular , Orton will have much more accomplishments he's like Trips if u ask my opinion in regards to the attitudes and stuff , i dunno why but i just relate Orton to Trips a lot :shrug: .

as far ass Accomplishments and actual notable stuff actually done within The WWE i'd go with Orton , he'll be remembered as arguably the most Controversial individual of this era alongside edge. :p
I would have to say John Cena. He is used in the WWE in a way similar to that of the Rock, he is the character that will sell the T-shirts and attract the youthful audience with a catchphrase on an appearance, this despite my opinion that Randy Orton is by the far the superior in the ring. However this has never truly mattered in the industry and despite the fact that both will no doubt be hall of famers and revered for years to come, it wil be Cena that is held in the same light as Hogan, Michaels, Rock et al.
John Cena will be a bigger legend only because he is the most passionate person on the WWE roster. Vince McMahon sees how special Cena is, how much money he brings in, and how over he is with the youth. It was mentioned last week that Miz is getting a huge push because he has replicated Cena in that he is making so many media appearances and being available to do so many extra things. Vince McMahon holds those qualities so high to him and wants people who are passionate about the business and helping his bottom line. Randy Orton is an incredible talent whos an in and out of the ring leader. He has stood up to the biggest stars backstage and will be remembered as a bigger in ring legend than Cena but some say Hogan was the biggest ever yet he stunk in the ring.
I have to go with Orton too. If you look at Orton's record compared to Cena's you will realize Orton has the more impressive record. I think what really helped Orton out was the Legend Killer gimmick. He went out and wrestled legends and beat them at their own games. Also if you look at Orton's list of superstars who he beat and picked up victories over it's more impressive than Cena's. Don't get me wrong Cena has a pretty good list too. But Orton's is better.

Plus Orton is the Youngest World Heaveyweight Champion and the Longest reigning IC champion is how many years. I know John Cena's year long reign was impressive in today's time too but there are plenty of guys who and impressive runs with the title and much more impressive than his. I give my vote to Orton as being the bigger legend.
Well all u Cena fans can say cena right now but Orton is starting to grow with the fans and Ican see him being heel for 2 oe 3 years more. Orton is becoming a Cena but in a better way though, lets say in a Austin he doesnt care if you like him or hate him hes gonna do what he has to to stay the best. Plus now Orton is doing appearences for WWe and he'll probably end up being more liked by the fans in a year or 2 when he finally gets good at being Anti-face.
And to add to the guy above me Orton is not the longest reigning champion. He was during his reign when he held it from December - July which is 7 months but Shelton Benjamin held it that same year from October to june which is longer by a month i think.
And Ithink Orton would be more Passionate if they were both faces at the same time from 2005 - now i think Orton would be bringing in more money why Hes a 3rd Generation its in his blood and he loves it and knows everything about it. Whereas Cena i dont think he wouldve been able to comepte with a face Cena and as its been said before Cena is always at the right time and place when something happens in the company and they wanted orton to be heel to fued with the likes of Undertaker Hogan Foley Dusty which made his heel character interesting
I'm no Cena fan, but he'salready left quite the large mark on the WWE, with all of the title runs, the commercials, the movies, the talk shows, the rap albums. The resume speaks for its self, and quite honestly, not only has Orton not come close to anything that Cena has done but he likely never will.

The Rock/Austin set the bar too high, and Cena as done a commendable job, but like I said, the bar was too high. Now the same thing has happened again, Cena has set the bar too high for Orton, that's not to say that someone won't pass Cena, The Rock, or Austin. I just don't see that someone being Orton.
I have to say John Cena. He's this era's version of Hulk Hogan. He's Aqua Man. He cannot be stopped.. he honors HLR, Honor, Loyalty, Respect. He's hated and loved so named another wrestler who could evoke such reaction. He has allowed himself to be pinned or beatiing up, drop the belt, unlike Hulk Hogan who left the WWE because he wanted to do Hulk Hogan's way.
John Cena definately, obviously Orton's better in the ring but Cena's popularity with the kids knows no bounds
I can see orton having much more longevity then cena, and in recent times Randy has been getting super pops, while there's long been that element of disdain for cena from some, even with him being supposedly the top face in WWE. I think when it's all said and done randy will be considered one of THE greats and the biggest legend of the two.
I hate to make comparisons with past wrestlers and current talent but I really think Orton will be the 'Savage' to Cena's 'Hogan'. Cena is the face of the company and the number one guy, and although Orton is undeniably over right now, I still think he will be one step behind Cena. Whereas Savage was better in the ring than Hogan, Hogan had that mainstream appeal and connection with the crowd that Cena had between all of the crowd between '04-'06 and the kids from '06-present day.
Many could argue that Orton has a lot of world title reigns and headlined many a PPV, but during an era of two world titles and a 14 PPV year, it kind of becomes slightly devalued. I guess this is why I'll never accept HHH as good enough a world champ as Flair because the title is hot-potatoed around.
I guess the main factor that swings it for me is that there are always rumours circulating about bringing in Hogan or Rock to wrestle one more time at Mania. The opponent? John Cena. I'm not saying that Orton can never reach Cena's status, I'm just saying that with Cena having got there first, he'll always have that edge on Orton. Kinda like how Austin just edges Rock in most people's estimations.
You shouldn't be comparing Cena and Orton to Hogan and Savage. Savage was only briefly allowed on top and never beat Hogan in a match on ppv for a title.

While Cena does represents Hogan, Orton is a hybrid of the Ultimate Warrior and The Rock. Orton has gotten the better of Cena before, and has become wildly popular with the fans like Cena.

This comparison will become more complete in the next 2-5 years b/c we have yet to see if Orton can remain injury free and if his current popularity would last.
Orton , i am an orton fan i admit it , but ur all forgetting that while ur saying Cena is this era's Hogan , who's this Era's Stone Cold ?? im not saying he's exactly like him, Orton's gonna do stuff that Cena will never dream off becuz of his Super Cena / Face character .

Orton's already the youngest World champion in history , he had a feud with vince , triple H , shane and he RKO'd Steffane i mean lets look back at the ppl that actually feuded with them?? get my point , Though Cena's popular , Orton will have much more accomplishments he's like Trips if u ask my opinion in regards to the attitudes and stuff , i dunno why but i just relate Orton to Trips a lot :shrug: .

as far ass Accomplishments and actual notable stuff actually done within The WWE i'd go with Orton , he'll be remembered as arguably the most Controversial individual of this era alongside edge. :p

I say Cena cause will Orton job to younger guys or take moves like he's supposed to I say hells no cause he's a pussy while Cena will job and take moves to rookies cause it's about the future of the biz til Randy does these things it'll always be Cena as the bigger legend cause Cena's a workhorse and has earned his way where he's gotten and Randy had his daddy's help and bitches and complains when he doesn't get his way. As much as some fans hate Cena's guts I'm 1 of the Cenation and i'm 28 yrs old to. And dude yes Orton was the youngest World Champ of the title Kane hasd now. But Brock Lesnar is the youngest ever WWE Champ of the title Sheamus holds. So the youngest WWE champ is Lesnar not Orton.
im going to go with orton, has the greatest accomplishment in the wwe as being the youngest man to hold the world championship. you say cena because hes on tv shows, commercials? well to me how does that exactly make you a legend in the ring? it doesnt. your accomplishments are based on in ring abilities and championships, no matter how many cena holds he was never the youngest. orton is even the bigger superstar today, he gets more cheers then cena and mysterio arguably the 2 faces of the company because little kids love them so much. i agree with the person that said cena has maybe 7-10 years max, but orton has 10 years at the least the very least, i saw an video interview saying when he turned 29 he still had 15 years left in him, cena is more likely to go to movies prly at 40, and lose the momentum of being a bigger legend the orton while orton is still kicking ass, i do also agree this ers hulk hogan? Cena! this eras STSA? Orton, who had the better character even when hulk went heel? the rattle snake. hints the viper. will be superior in this argument. it wont be cena just because he does suck vinces dick along with all the 12 year old out there.

the wwe doesnt keep seperate records for both belts, orton is the youngest guy to ever hold a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. and thats both the wwe and heavyweight. brock was surpassed by orton. and on that note orton is also a bigger legend then brock is.
john cena by far he will most likely go down as one of the top ten wwe wrestlers of all time up there with hogan, austin, rock and bruno. I dont see that happening with orton even if his popularity continues to go on strong.
You shouldn't be comparing Cena and Orton to Hogan and Savage. Savage was only briefly allowed on top and never beat Hogan in a match on ppv for a title.

While Cena does represents Hogan, Orton is a hybrid of the Ultimate Warrior and The Rock. Orton has gotten the better of Cena before, and has become wildly popular with the fans like Cena.

This comparison will become more complete in the next 2-5 years b/c we have yet to see if Orton can remain injury free and if his current popularity would last.

Obviously Orton is not a like for like for Savage, that would be a ridiculous statement to make. He definately incorparates certain aspects such as being over with the IWC and smarks due to his ring talent as Savage is always lauded as a legend on these forums. And yes, you can argue he can play the face and heel role brilliantly like The Rock. But i still stand by original point that Orton will be one step behind Cena.
It's not a bad thing; Cena has really bridged the gap between pro wrestling and the mainstream media in the way that Hogan and The Rock did before him during a time when the steroid scandal and the Benoit tragedy really hammered the WWE hard, and there is no real shame in being second to a guy like Cena. If we're asking who will be remembered as being better in the ring, then i'ld go Orton. Better feuds? Orton. But bigger legend? I can't see any current superstar bar Taker and HHH being bigger legends than Cena. When they talk about Hogan, they mention his title reigns and how big he was outside of wrestling and i feel Cena fufills the same criteria today. A year long title reign in this day and age in the WWE is remarkable and i think that may swing it for Cena.

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