Who Saves Bryan First?

Who Saves Daniel Bryan?

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Big Show

  • CM Punk

  • John Cena

  • Other Superstar

  • No One will help him

  • The Roster will save Him

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Its going to be RYBACK, I know you may think that im nuts but its gonna be him. He is going to be the one, and he is gonna say I am the only one around here that can push people around not you or anyone else!!!

This is actually true considering what the dirtsheets reported about him turning face soon. It would be a big surprise in my opinion.

Anywho, HBK will definitely be out there soon. He's not going to sit and let one of his boys take a beating like that. Especially from his "best friend" Hunter.
any individual who gets involved will over shadow Daniel Bryan as the face. This hero will be looked as such.

The big baby faces of the company have to remain on their own. The entire demeanor is about over coming the odds.

To me having the entire roster help never gives 1 person the spot light over Bryan.

If you have HBK return the attention automatically goes from Bryan to HBK or any wrestler for that matter. If you use the whole roster or at least a group of wrestlers then no single person becomes the main attraction and Bryan can remain in the spotlight.

if a group or the entire roster get involved triple h can't fire them, but can put them threw hell over the next few weeks/months.

But if it had to be someone that we wouldn't think i'd say one of:

1. Ultimate Warrior (fits well against Hunter as he squashed him years back)
2. HBK (of course we know why)
3. Goldberg (evolving into a feud with Ryback)
4. Shane McMahon (power struggle)
Thinking it has to be someone not currently shown on stage/or currently not an "active" superstar: The Undertaker, for retribution for The Shield "taking him out", Kane, just b/c of his past w/Bryan, or...The Wyatt's. B/c what exactly are The Wyatts currently doing now since Summerslam? What is creative's next move for them? It might be possibly fast forwarding several months, but what a better way to turn them face? Lights go out, everyone's expecting Taker, and then you hear "We're here"...or hell, why not Batista? Who knows HHH and Orton better than The Animal?
The payoff to the storyline has to be Big Show and Kane at night of champions. Nobody will get involved up until that point. I imagine Bryan will have Orton in the Yes/No lock, the shield hit the ring, take out the ref, and start dishing the punishment to Bryan. The Big Show hits the ring and takes out The Shield, maybe some others too brawl into the crowd. Bryan finally gets up and gets hit with an RKO and pinned but, still no ref, Hunter jogs out, black and white stripes, and counts but Bryan kicks out. Bryan grapples and hits Orton with a big knee, knocking him out. Hunter hits the pedigree when the lights go out. Kane returns, clears Hunter out of the ring, huge pops as Orton and Bryan are left alone. The fight restarts just as the ref is coming too, Bryan gets the yes/no lock on as the ref gets back in the ring, and signals for the bell about 2 seconds before Randy taps. The music hits and we have a new champ... BUT, the ref has disqualified Orton, Bryan wins but Orton retains. Bryan goes absolutely mental, and dishes out an almighty beating to Orton.
I voted Dolph. However, Big Show was VERY close second for me. I think Dolph could use the instant babyface credibility because he such a new face. He's been heel for all his career up until a couple months ago. The person who stands with Bryan will be arguably on top tier of babyfaces. Ziggler needs this momentum to solidly put him that platform. So, solely because I think this opportunity will elevate a face, I say Ziggler helps out Bryan first.
It has... HAS to be Dolph Ziggler.

Big Show needs to be a red herring and as many said already, the guy who will get involved will become a massive face, Big Show doesn't need it and it could make a star out of Dolph.
Or how about the biggest surprise of all? The one who saves Bryan is....Orton. By getting caught with drugs again and being forced off the air for awhile.
Honestly, there's a lot of logic and sense if Show is the one that "saves" (I would rather say helps) Bryan, but like many said and even Isenberg, the one who is going to help Bryan is going to have massive pop and Show doesn't need it at all. He's over, he has a current storyline going on with th Shield, he had his time as champion...On the other hand, Ziggler NEEDS to be really over and a be credible former champion anot a fluke/paper champion like he is being shown until this moment.

Ryback obviously could benefit with this, turning face and such but I still can't buy him as a main attraction. I insist, Ziggler NEEDS this.
I would love to see Kassius Ohno aka Chris Hero be the first one to save him. Im sure no one will see it coming and it would be a great feud to start Ohno off with. Bryan and Ohno both are well known in the indys so it could work out real well. However recent reports have said that Ohno isnt making it to the main roster until he starts listening to the higher-ups.
Current faces:

Mark Henry - Teaming up with the Big Show to go after tag titles
Cody Rhodes - Is obviously being teamed up with the Miz
The Miz - Is obviously being teamed up with Cody
the Big Show - Teaming up with Mark Henry to go after the tag titles
Daniel Bryan
CM Punk - Is still feuding with Paul Heyman which I imagine will end soon
Dolph Zigler - Is still tied up in a feud with Big E
RVD - Is in a feud with Alberto Del Rio

None of the other faces are really being used much besides Prime Time Players and they even they are in a feud..

Wait.. There's one guy.. Christian! He's not in any feud and I think he will end up being involved in the storyline with Daniel Bryan..
I'm not sure why they'd have anyone save Bryan. Isn't he supposed to be the guy getting the push here? Anyone who comes to his aid will scoop his momentum. If he's to be the guy he needs to do it alone. At least for now.
I'm leaning more towards Big Show because of his overall history in the WWE. He's been around since the Attitude Era and has been up against the McMahons, Triple H and Randy Orton at various times throughout his WWE career. Big Show also has a good deal of history against The Shield, as Show has been a pretty frequent target of theirs in various beatdowns and six man tag matches in the past.

What I see happening is that Big Show will go down first to help Bryan and will rally against The Shield for a bit. Once The Shield starts to get the better of Show, possibly due to Orton giving them a hand, I see Mark Henry going down to give Show a hand since they're both said to be going after The Shield and the tag titles. After this, I see possibly Ziggler & Miz coming down. Show, Ziggler & Miz are the three that Renee Young talked to last night just before Bryan's gauntlet match, so I'd say Bryan's allies will be made up of Show, Henry, Ziggler & possibly Miz by the time it's all said and done. I think it'll come about next week, resulting in a big 8 or 10 man tag team match for the go home Raw before NOC.

I largely agree with this however I think Show will make the save but it will be awhile before anyone else joins in. I think that will happen because Big Show is nearly capable of taking down the Shield alone so it can definitely be done with Bryan there too which will lead to weeks of them trading off who gets the upper hand while also having Ryback face Bryan as a big challenge like the gauntlet leading up to NOC and just when you think Bryan will for real have his moment this time, Ryback comes out and joins the "Corporation" because as we all know they love big muscle guys. If the storyline works out like it is in my head it could be a long story with lots of twists and turns such as Ziggler and Miz joining D-Bry's team only to have Miz later turn on him bringing him back to what he does best. In the end though, this is all leading up to either Punk joining up with Bryan to stop HHH's regime or Cena's return to put a stop to it.
Logically I can't see how they keep Punk out of this angle much longer unless Heyman has a whole cast of guys lined up for him to face through Christmas. He hasn't been on the stage either week despite Triple H's orders, it's as if him and Heyman are having their feud in an alternate universe. However this is no bad thing for Bryan right now.

The notion that Bryan should do it all on his own doesn't work, the odds are too great and why pass up the chance to get another face over huge? Whoever helps him is instantly made and I think Dolph is the ideal choice as it will give him a boost but at the same time I don't see Dolph taking away Bryan's spotlight.

Obviously Show is being made to look the most likely but I wonder if it will be a swerve, I also see Miz swerving Bryan at some point as there is some good history there to work off.
I believe big show should be the one to help first. Maybe a well placed KO to HHH or ORTON. I don't think it would take away from Bryan at all because he is still the main focus of this whole story. I think they should bring up that big show has an iron clad contract he made with Johnny and that HHH can't do anything to him. Plus He is already feuding with the shield, so it all goes together. I believe all of this will lead to a survivor series match. HHH, orton, and the shield vs bryan, ziggler, miz, big show, and mark henry. I believe they will try to add Punk to the mix, but I see him as too much of a loner at this point to join forces. I do believe punk will have verbal interactions with HHH about his idea of the face of WWE. I also agree that I could see the miz possibly turning on bryan.
I think Big Show should head into the ring if there is another beatdown, pretend to help Bryan but then hit a KO Punch on him. Gives a character who is so scared of HHH's power trip that he turns heel.

The way I see it going down is Big Show tries to help Bryan against the Shield and Randy Orton at NOC (Match ending in a no contest because Orton shouldn't be winning clean against Bryan right now) then the next night on Raw, HHH can say there will be repercussions for Big Show. This makes Big Show scared enough to turn on Bryan, makes HHH's power trip look much more dangerous and gives Big Show a nice high card heel spot.

I think they should try and draw this out more before they have someone come to help Bryan. Let Bryan win on his own for a month or so, keep putting him over members of the Shield and occasionally non title matches with Orton. But have Bryan screwed out of the title a few times. Then say by Survivor Series you can have a story of Bryan trying to find allies in a 5v5 match, with each of Bryan's allies being hesitant about joining. The Shield, Big Show and Orton vs Bryan and whoever WWE wants over as a face. This way when Bryan finally does get help it isn't going to hit his own spot as hard and it could potentially get 4 men over as faces rather than just one or two. Plus it leaves room for a surprize 5th member on Bryan's team, whether it is a return or a face turn.
Just thinking aloud here but this would be a dream come true for me.

One more week of Daniel Bryan being beat down and the roster just watching. Nobody can do anything when Triple h tells orton to hold DB up to pedigree him. When all of a sudden

IF YA SMELLLL !!!!!!!!!!!

The Rock runs down to make the save. He charges not for Orton but for Triple H. He tosses triple h out of the ring. And triple h and orton are left standing on the ramp in the middle of the rock and DB in the ring and the rest of the roster on the stage.

Basically this would be a build up to the rock vs hhh at wrestlemania. One of the dream matches i never saw on the big stage. The fatal 4 way doesnt count.

The rock owes nothing to DB but is doing it out of hatred for triple h for treating DB the same way he was back in 2000. The rock vs the dx,mcmahon-helmsley regime.

Another logical choice would be austin but i dont see austin wrestling. HBK too.
I swear doesn't Big Show have an iron-clad contract? They should bring it up again into this storyline by having Big Show just snap one day flip his lid because he can't watch Bryan get the shit kicked out of him and gives Triple H a KO Punch laying out the COO of the company and then we don't see Triple H for at least 2 weeks and then Big Show laying out all 3 members of The Shield with KO Punches too freeing up Orton for Bryan only for Triple H to come back and try to fire Big Show for knocking him out but Triple H then realizing he can't fire Big Show because of his iron-clad contract but instead goes about trying to punish Show in a different way that being Big Show having to square off against his new best friend Bryan in a match
Just thinking aloud here but this would be a dream come true for me.

One more week of Daniel Bryan being beat down and the roster just watching. Nobody can do anything when Triple h tells orton to hold DB up to pedigree him. When all of a sudden

IF YA SMELLLL !!!!!!!!!!!

The Rock runs down to make the save. He charges not for Orton but for Triple H. He tosses triple h out of the ring. And triple h and orton are left standing on the ramp in the middle of the rock and DB in the ring and the rest of the roster on the stage.

Basically this would be a build up to the rock vs hhh at wrestlemania. One of the dream matches i never saw on the big stage. The fatal 4 way doesnt count.

The rock owes nothing to DB but is doing it out of hatred for triple h for treating DB the same way he was back in 2000. The rock vs the dx,mcmahon-helmsley regime.

Another logical choice would be austin but i dont see austin wrestling. HBK too.

I would love this scenario because it would set up Rock to face a heel HHH at Mania and then maybe you could have Vince in the storyline turn face and have Rock represent Vince at WrestleMania 30 facing Triple H for control of the WWE and Rock saving Daniel Bryan would be great because he wouldn't do it for Bryan but rather because he wants to beat the living hell out of the COO
Whoever said HBK is right. He was at Summerslam, he saw the injustice. He also managed him and has been best friends with Hunter. David vs Goliath.
Whoever said HBK is right. He was at Summerslam, he saw the injustice. He also managed him and has been best friends with Hunter. David vs Goliath.

Imagine if it were to be Shawn Michaels, Triple H's best friend that ends up saving Daniel Bryan with Michaels giving Sweet Chin Music to all 3 members of The Shield which would be great and not only that but seeing Shawn at SummerSlam for the first time in such a long time Shawn actually looks great and Shawn he can be like a manager of sorts for Bryan considering he did train Bryan and basically he is the reason why Bryan is even in this business to begin with and not only that but it puts Shawn against Hunter too
While the WWE may be reluctant to do it because he is leaving, why not have Ted DiBiase make the save for Bryan. He could bring up Legacy and say how he's been held down much like what they're trying to do with Daniel Bryan. He says he's leaving so he's got nothing to lose and attacks Orton/HHH, giving hope to the rest of the roster. If they don't want to give someone leaving the company a big spotlight, the new corporation could take out DiBiase before HHH fires him. I think it's a win-win situation.
While the WWE may be reluctant to do it because he is leaving, why not have Ted DiBiase make the save for Bryan. He could bring up Legacy and say how he's been held down much like what they're trying to do with Daniel Bryan. He says he's leaving so he's got nothing to lose and attacks Orton/HHH, giving hope to the rest of the roster. If they don't want to give someone leaving the company a big spotlight, the new corporation could take out DiBiase before HHH fires him. I think it's a win-win situation.

You know what you actually have a point, that would be a good way for DiBiase to go out of the WWE by having him make the save for Bryan by saying that he's leaving but that he has nothing left to lose and attacks either Orton or Triple H I like it but then The Shield will most likely take him out for good which would give The Shield even more of a spotlight but also it would give DiBiase the treatment that he deserves after staying with this company for 5 years ever since 2008 when he first broke in
How about no wrestler saves Daniel Bryan? How about the Raw before NoC DB comes to the show telling HHH and company that Daniel Bryan has talked to the mysterious Board and they have a message for HHH and company at the end of the show? This could send HHH and Orton in a tail spin for the full three hours. HHH could call Vince who tells him he has no idea what's going on and to just play it cool. To close the show have HHH, Orton and The Shield in the ring together with Daniel Bryan. Start a video that looks very formal and steal everyone's attention, when a figure finally appears it is Hacksaw Jim Duggan who says, "Now a message from the Board, now turn around tough guys! Hoooooo!". Daniel Bryan will be there to crack the shit out of all of them with a two by four (the "Board"). He'll have some revenge on HHH and company that he exacted on his own without making anyone in the group look weak. He can leave the show holding the two by four and Orton's belt chanting "Yes! Yes! Yes!" with everyone else pummeled and writhing in pain.
Ugh...of course this was your idea. Your posts are historically terrible. Nothing gets the crowd to go nuts and the TV audience to want to tune in next week more than... a play on words starring a former mid-carder?? My God, I was just thinking how awful the ideas on this post were and then you wrap it up with the worst of the bunch.

The person saving Bryan would not necessarily steal his thunder. I am thinking of Austin's huge pop during Foley's title win on RAW (The turn of the Monday Night War). I agree HBK vs HHH at XXX could be great. But, whoever it is, I am hoping creative doesn't drop the ball here because they can go any number of ways with this angle and it could be gold.

OR maybe the Duggan scenario starts the same way, but when he says now a message from the BORED...they all turn around and it's a bunch of people who have just read George Steele's Barber's posts.

Please do not criticise other people's ideas. If you have something to say about another post; quote the post, explain why you disagree, maybe give some insightful analysis and be respectful. This is a forum where people's opinions should be treated with respect.

To answer the OP, if we're booking this for ourselves, I'd have Daniel Bryan bring someone in like a part timer or legend. The surprise and the legend's nostalgia will obviously make the storyline unpredictable and add a new layer, as we're all expecting the person to jump the gun to be a current WWE Superstar.

The most bold move, would be to bring back the Undertaker. He has a reason. He has a motive. He was attacked by the Shield, so why not bring him back early to get revenge? Only thing pulling him back is his legend's contract and potential injury concerns - which I have personally heard no word of, as of late. Having Undertaker in any capacity will keep the ratings up, as WWE RAW will be going up against Monday night football soon.
Why has noone suggested the absolute biggest spin of a save? What if Lesnar came out to save Bryan? Since Lesnar has hate for the WWE power and his history with HHH...could you imagine the pop? I think Lesnar saving Bryan would be right up there with a Rock or Austin save.

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