Who needs a push on raw


The Corre
So I did threads on who should be released from smackdown and raw now im going to put who should get a push on raw.

David Otunga: I don't care wheter you people like him or not I really enjoy this guy. Honestly I think if he can imrpove more in wwe he has the skills to be main event type wrestlers. He has the look of a main eventer and the body of one( No Homo there).

Evan Bourne: Simply amazing.

JOHN MORRISON: !!! This guy is fucken amazing ! He should be a world champion by now I love his skills yo. This guy would destroy Cena any day in the world.

Santino Marella: This guy has some good skill if you watch him carefully. He does alot of stuff that other wrestlers in wwe cant do now. For example he gets the crowd hyped when he enters. He has a nice move-set (Dont hate its great). And he has more moves than CENA what a shocker:rolleyes:

Ted Dibiase: Get rid of maryse. Give him back that priceless gimmick good things will happen.

Tyson Kidd: Where to start with him ? Well watch his matches before he was a jobber and you'll know why he should get a push.

Zack F'n Ryder: This guy is great as well. His matches and promo's back on ECW were awesome I watched ECW only because of him. He has good mic skills a nice catch phrase "woo woo woo" and he can accutually :-O wrestle !
I have to agree with you in regards to;
Ted DiBiase - Maryse has done nothing for him and it has done nothing for her. A year ago Ted had a mania match with Randy Orton (and Cody) and this year he will most likely be in the pre-show battle royal, an absolute waste of talent.

Tyson Kidd - this guy is great for his size, which is probably why he is being jobbed out to NXT. Mason Ryan us terrible but is massive... Tyson Kidd is an amazing athlete so he is the bottom of the pile.

John Morrison - most improved wrestler of the year in my eyes, the only thing i hate about JoMo is the stupid music and the stupid slow motion entrance, he needs to come across as a credible challenger to the top so get rid of the music.

But more importantly Zack Ryder needs RAW time, this guy has it all, the gimmick, the look, the skills, he has what it takes to be a decent Intercontinental CHampion. I really hope we dont see his name in the post Mania future endeavoured list.

other people needing a push include... William Regal, give him a stable, someone to manage at least, he is an amazing personality.
Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan.

Put them in a feud together and let them tear the house down all over the universe like they did in their PPV match from last year.
Its clear that Dolph Ziggler is in for a BIG push. Just look how he was thrown into the main event on Smackdown.. And now, he's traded to WWE's flagship show, Raw. Im pretty sure the creative team has something big planned for him in the future.
I honestly, to save my life, will never understand why people praise Zack Ryder. The man has an awesomely stupid Jersey Shore gimmick; that should be enough. Maybe if they dumped the gimmick or gave him something less idiotic, then I'd change my tone. But as for Ryder now (and Santino, for that matter), they're just comedy characters that shouldn't be treated as anything more. Again, if Ryder were to stop with the, "Woo, woo, woo," crap, I'd get behind him more. I'm not even saying that he has to completely abandon his current character by changing his costume, or anything like that, but they have to quit the Jersey Shore shit before I jump on the Ryder wagon.

But, while I mentioned Santino, I feel like it's too late for him to ever break away and become more than he his. I mean, he's a two time Intercontinental Champion, and a Tag Team Champion: that's most than a lot of serious wrestlers even get the chance to do. Granted, he and Kozlov won the Tag Titles at possibly the lowest point in the history of the belts, but it still counts, in my book. However, with that unibrow, the horrible fake Italian accent, and the fucking cobra, I just don't see how he could be anything more than a comedy character. Like I said, he's done a lot for a comedy character, but he should just stick to making little kids laugh, not wrestle for titles.

My only problem with comedy characters winning the title is that whenever it's been established that guys like Santino and Ryder can't wrestle (Santino goofs off in the ring 90% of the time and Ryder lost a WWE title match in 10 seconds), I can't suspend my disbelief anymore whenever they win titles against the guys who are supposed to be serious athletes, and it all just makes me feel like a fool. The comedy characters take the fun out of it all, for me...just realized how ironic that is. lol.

But, as for the thread's question, I think JoMo desperately needs a main event push this year, or else he may just not ever get one. Also, I'd like to see DBD work his way into the main event here in a year or two, and maybe have Tyson Kidd build his way up to the US title picture. I'd also like to see Otunga work his way into the US pic once the New Nexus is over.

My biggest question, though, is what happens to Mason Ryan after Nexus ends. I mean, does he stay as Punk's enforcer, or does he just go on and dominate his opponents? I mean, if they do anything less, I'll see it as a waste of a build-up. I'd say, push Otunga and Ryan when Nexus ends.
Melina and Gail Kim (Gasp!)

Melina : She had the potential to be the biggest heel on Raw, but was given no build and just stopped smiling. She's a great female wrestler, and was getting the best crowd reactions when she was face. She should be in the title picture or some sort of "entertaining" story line

Gail Kim : Me Putting Melina first is just me being biased, if anyone deserves a push it should really be Gail.K. Unlike Melina, she's never even gotten a chance to shine, short time or not. She debuted, had a series of good matches with McCool and was forgotten about. I know they had plans for her, and didn't follow through because she didn't get the crowd reaction they wanted. But if they gave her half the screen time that K2's ass gets, it would be a completely different story.
I'm 100% behind the idea of a small push for Ryder. Yeah, his gimmick is "awesomely stupid;" it's also relevant and not as ridiculous as some other gimmicks we've seen--Festus, a pirate, whatever. I think that he has the mic skills to really get under fans' skin and be a successful annoying midcard heel just by mimicking the guido you run into at the bar or at the gym on a weekly basis.

I'm also for a Tyson Kidd push. Awesome in the ring and not too shabby on the mic, either. I like the Napoleon-complex personality he's beginning to develop. They seemed to hint at a feud with Daniel Bryan (which would be great, imo), but then Kidd's bodyguard disappeared, and, well, so did Kidd himself. Maybe after 'Mania he'll pick the feud back up with Bryan (if Bryan's not feuding with Ziggler or Sheamus, either of which I'm also very okay with)
I agree with the first 3. As for the last 4.... Santino just sucks I don't even find him funny. I've given up on DiBiase and it looks like WWE has too. Ryder... meh... whatever although he is a great jobber. And Tyson Kidd could be a US Title contender for sure but main event? No thanks.
John Morrison is a phenomenal athlete but I think to get the big push he so desperately deserves, his mic skills need work. Also, what's up with Sheamus? He, along with Jack Swagger, had their little run and then they were placed in the mid-cards. I think Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison could be an awesome feud if WWE wants to put it together. Put Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne in here with them and it would be fantastic. Right now, though, Morrison and Ziggler should get the big push with Bryan and Bourne not far behind.
I wanted to differ from what everyone else was saying, so I went a different route. I think The Usos need a push. These guys are one of the last true tag teams in the WWE right now and they need a push. Give them a program to work with Koztino. Have Tamina turn heel again and say she was just messing with Santino's head. Give them the tag belts and build a division around them.

On a side note, Zack Ryder does not need a push, he needs TV time. He is a great wrestler and has a funny gimmick. I liked his segments with Edge before Edge got traded. Even if he cuts promos and then jobs, it will make me happy. Give him a mid card strap for a few weeks. That will be fine.
i agree with most of you guys but one guy that i would like to see a big push for Chris Masters. now i understand he is a little older now but i think he has a pretty decent skill set and everyone loves seeing him lock in the master lock! hes got the build to be a WHC or WWE Champ. Hell even if its by MITB. that would be a great way for any of them to get a push. i mean thats how punk got into main event picture and miz
I agree the Usos should get a push since I don't think they got one. I saw raw talent and potential with them that never got to develop.

JoMo, he needs the strap this year and I mean the big one, gold for him 2011.

Ziggler is ready and he has the skills to do so.

Dibiase is ready for a change and when he was with Legacy he looked like the one with the most potential and they squashed him.

Kelly Kelly needs the title. She can wrestle and the fans love her. Honestly, she should have gotten the title instead of Eve. Also, I am ready for Laycool to break up because they bore me.
Michael McGillicutty: Looks real "perfect" in the ring. McGillicutter was smooth. too bad he just took the PUNT TO THE SKULL so he should be out for a while. If the "new" Nexus lasted longer, I could seen him branch off and do real good. Wouldn't want to see him get repackaged but I'm sure its gonna happen if anything.
Yeah I totally agree about the Usos, why is it whenever WWE has a real tag team they make them job to some random pairing like Kozlov and Santino?
I think Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler will both be getting huge pushes after Mania, possibly Morrison too. Its just hard to push anyone else when you have Cena doing 10minute promos, and WWE spending tons of time and effort to shove the Miz down our throats trying to convince us he is Wrestlemania worthy(he's not).
i would have to say jomo, he stole the show with the miz on the first match of 2011, i know his mic skills are not the best but, his in ring makes up for that.

also evan bourne, he was hot before he was getting injured, i say he comes back strong maybe they will put him in the u.s. title picture, how about a triple threat match, db, sheamus, and bourne, that would be great
ahh good topic!

John Morrison: amazing athlete, i hate how hes being misused on raw and getting lost in the shuffle and personally i think its sad he has very little shot of becoming the wwe champion because of orton & cena being face also so hes stuck under them :wtf: :disappointed:

Daniel Bryan: great wrestler, should be pushed into the main event picture this year also i think he should be packaged as a submission wrestler who can kick anybodys ass on any given night...will it happen? i doubt it but i can hope it happens. :)

Ted Dibiase: last year he had a wrestlemania match with randy orton & cody rhodes and hes done nothing sense then :banghead: hes good in the ring but he should ditch maryse and go back to the priceless gimmick wouldnt mind seeing him get the us title in the near future.

Micheal McGillicutty: he should go back to being Joe Hennig and use the same type of gimmick his father used but a little different,also after the new nexus is done he should turn face and be in the us title picture....id love to see him have a fued with Dolph Ziggler with Ziggler always saying hes perfect and Joe using a gimmick like his father had leading to them fueding to find out who really is "perfect"

Tyson Kidd: really good in the ring its sad hes stuck being a jobber on superstars :disappointed: i thought that when he got Jackson Andrews as his bodyguard he was gonna get a push but i guess wwe dropped that idea sense Jackson Andrews hasnt been seen with Kidd sense the slammys. :confused:

Husky Harris: after the new nexus is officaly done he should remain heel and be in the us title picture he has the talent but i think he needs to lose sum weight before he can be a top midcarder, also maybe he should go back to using his real name?

i would LOVE to see the people i listed above get the push they deserve but i highley doubt any of them besides morrison and MAYBE mcgillicutty have a chance to get the push that they deserve. :banghead: :disappointed:

also to the people who say Santino or Zack Ryder should get pushed...

Santino will never be more then a comedy jobber wwe tried before and it didnt work hes not a beliveable champion and when him and kozlov held the tag titles i was just bored with them....hes fine in a team with kozlov but they should just be a comedy team not getting the titles....ever again.

Zack Ryder: put him in the us title picture but with his current gimmick he will never be more then a jobber i mean Sheamus beat him in a wwe title match in 7 seconds! his best days might have been as a Edgehead awhile back... :shrug:

also i think Evan Bourne should get a push and win the us title very soon hes really good and when he returned to raw i was really glad to see him!
Hands down. Mark Henry. He is an amazing talent plays both fun guy or heel great. maybe match him up with awesome kong or something. J/K But really Henry would be a great push. Doesnt have to be a title push either.
Orton needs to go to Smackdown! after mania. As far as pushes I think Ted DiBiase, Maryse, Gail Kim, Skippy Sheffield when he returns from the injured list, The Uso's, Goldust, Mark Henry, Michael Tarver, Michael McGillicutty when he returns. I think the WWE could handle a Diva's Tag Title as they've got enough diva's for that.
Tyler Reks: He was getting a big push when he came back then he disappeared again
Chris Master:Masters needs at least an I.C title for the work he's been doing
Curt Hawkins :Love the gimmick he should join the Corre or something.
i think its a damn shame what the wwe is doing with the usos, Dibiase and def john morrison...but prolly the most deserving wun would be Goldust, and here's how.

Have him drop the Goldust gimmick, and have him come out and say how he's been in the wwe for like 15 years and has never been taken seriously. That he is no longer goldust, he is Dustin Rhodes and have him take on a heel persona. Goldust can cut some of if not THEE best promos in WWE if given the chance. Not only that, but he's prolly wun of the most underrated wrestlers ever in WWE. say he has main event written all over him f he changes his gimmick and get the proper push
1. Dolph Ziggler - ready to be a main event player permenantly. Has the look, puts on great matches, I think as a face alot of personality could come through. I'd like him to ME on RAW, however I think RAW is a place for the big boys, and the rest are lost in the shuffle. SD should be where he reigns.

2. John Morrison - JOMO has been ready for a long time, I still think he was the best WW(ECW) champion to date. His heel promo's back then were epic and entertaining, and we all know his matches are sensational.

3. Mark Henry - send to smackdown, as a dominant heel, just as he was in 2006.

4. Ted Dibiase - for the love of god, will somebody in WWE creative realise that he is a talent not to be lost, and a guy who could easily mimic Randy Orton's legend killer gimmick rise to stardom.

5. Corre - not the group the individuals. Barrett is a top dog IMO, Gabriel can be your new Morrison/Benjamin of the midcard. Zeke needs a push. He can play the role Batista/Big Show used too.
Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan.

Put them in a feud together and let them tear the house down all over the universe like they did in their PPV match from last year.

Absolutely this. Both guys are just amazing at what they do, and that match was one of the best i have seen in a LONG time. Ziggler can match it with almost anyone, and he showed what he is capable of in his matches with Cena.

As for people needing pushes;

DiBiase: Again, has so much potential imo, and is being incredibly mis-used. Watch the match he had with Bryan on NXT if you already haven't, it was brilliant. But he has been so damn buried that it is going to be tough for him to come back from.

Zack Ryder: Not much needs to be said, as everyone can see this guy has untapped potential both in the ring and on the mic. He is as CM Punk said, entertainment. Even if him and Primo appear on RAW tagging for a while, im happy, i just want to see this guy on RAW. He could put on a feud with Bryan for the title, or go to SD! and challenge Kofi. This guy needs a push ASAP.
Daniel Bryan, World Class superstar. Needs to be built into a WWE star worthy of his Indy Credentials.

Dolph Ziggler, Mr. Perfect's Gimmick hasn't fit anyone as well as him. Entertaining in ring, Mic work isn't far off.

David Otunga, He needs a push up or a push out. I don't care for him, but his position as the Nexus' Lacky is going to be the end of his career if it doesn't change for better or worse.

Jomo, He will be a World Champion barring something extraneous happening. Its just a matter of time.

Mason Ryan, His look alone will make him a main eventer, but I don't see him being a major champion.

Joe Henning, too green to be pushed now, but hes going to be worthy of at least mid-card title this decade.

Sheamus, Get him out of the Midcard, hes a World Champion contender. He just had an anti-push, World Champion -> King of the Ring -> Jobbing to MARK HENRY

Scott Stanford, I would like to see him commentate for a Raw show at least once, wasn't sure he was actually on Raws Roster til I checked their official page. Hes very entertaining and focused on his job.

Ted Dibiase, he needs somethng to do. He was fine with Legacy, and he even landed a movie deal (Granted it was a WWE movie). His Gimmick is more solid than Cody's, but hes fallen into a jobber spiral.

Overall, I have never seen anything with as much potential as the Raw Roster right now. the next 5 years will be the best growing period Pro-Wrestlings seen in a long time.
John Morrison, either has a heel or face. He's surely gotta be future WWE/World Heavyweight Champion! To be honest I had expected him to be WWE Champion long before the likes of Miz or Shaemus
I agree about Reks and Masters but they are Smackdown guys for the time being and the same post is on the SD forum so you can take that over there. Christian as well. I wasn't even thinking about Golddust since he seems to have fallen off the face of the earth, but he is definitely deserving like someone said make him a heel let him talk a bunch of shit about how he's been devoted to the company for 10-15 years and he's had to play this dumbass character the whole time. As for Evan Bourne I don't see why everyone loves this guy so much he's Billy Kidman with shorter hair, a few high flying moves and no personality. He would be an acceptable mid carder and maybe US Champ but he should never be in the main event, they already had cruiserweight guys become main eventers like Rey and it wasn't that great. WWE has always needed to develop a real cruiserweight/lightweight division, now seems like a good time with Sin Cara, Bourne, Rey, Trent Barretta, Primo, and Tyson Kidd.

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