Who needed to leave raw in the trade but didn't

Cena should not leave RAW!!! Raw is the highest rated show and cena is a big reason. HBK to ECW, or Smackdown????? Hell no, retire you crippled heap of crap. He never showed respect to the wrestling business until he had too...his come back since 2002 is a sad attempt to save himself...
Cena should not leave RAW!!! Raw is the highest rated show and cena is a big reason. HBK to ECW, or Smackdown????? Hell no, retire you crippled heap of crap. He never showed respect to the wrestling business until he had too...his come back since 2002 is a sad attempt to save himself...

PLEASE tell me you arent serious. HBK has had the best wrestlemania matches in the last 6 years. Triple threat at WM20, Kurt Angle at WM21, Cena at WM23, Flair at WM24, and Taker at WM25. not to mention all the other great rivalries with Orton, Jericho and the DX thing in 2006 amoung others. The wwe is not the same without the heart break kid. There is no way he needs to retire for the next 5 years...

but staying on topic i think it wouldve been in wwe's best interest that kendrick was put on smackdown and they brought back london and they could then be something like the motor city machine guns in TNA. make the tag division mean something again..
and they shouldve sent carlito to smackdown, he needs to be singles, thats where he is at his best.
I can't say I hate Triple H, and yes his feuds with Orton are staler then the bread on my counter, but we all know these feuds he does is to either 1) make Orton look like a true heel. or 2) Eclipse Ric Flairs championship record which in my mind will never be as credible as Flairs because he was Champion in NWA, WCW, and WWF where Triple H's (he's on what 13 now?) happened in the WWF/WWE and I think maybe 2-3 of them were actually done before him and Stephanie were married, but 99% of them were when they were dating.

True, most of Flair's came in the NWA and then in WCW. And the NWA had an actual 9-member board who voted on who the World Heavyweight Champion was, and the champion actually defended all over the world against the wrestlers from those other countries. Not to mention, Flair's title reigns usually lasted about a year, and sometimes longer (he had one reign last 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days).

But like another poster said, the rest of the roster has all the reason in the world to hate Cripple-H because he's holding back everyone on the roster. People talk about poor Randy Orton, but look at Cena. Cena goes through everyone on the roster like a hot butter knife through butter, but yet he always has to job to Preparation-H. Flair always made even jobbers look like they had a chance and were as good as the real top contenders. Cripple-H just squashes everyone (look at poor MVP). Nobody wants to be on the same show with him because they all become jobbers when he's in your lockerroom. This is why he needs to either go to ECW, FCW, or just go away completely.

I wish he'd do something stupid to make Stephanie mad, then Vince would finally bury him for hurting "daddy's little girl" and let the rest of the talent on the roster grow.
TBK is being totally wasted on Raw. His match on Superstars was the first I've seen of him in weeks. I think he might be the most underused wrestler on Raw, and would do much better in a less crowded place. If he was sent to ECW, he could start to build his character more, and if he ended up doing this successfully, he could be put into the ECW title picture, and eventually brought up to a bigger show. I believe this to be the best case scenario for him.

whos TBK?
I was hoping for MVP to come back to SD, he was awesome as a heel on Smackdown and he could have some awesome feuds with guys like Ziggler or Mysterio or even Jericho.

So far he has failed as a face and on RAW he won´t find his place because as long as HHH, Orton and others are around he won´t make it to the mainevent.
Gail kim and alicia fox should have stayed where they were on smackdown but if they had to trade then alicia fox to Raw and jillian hall to smackdown

man,i wish triple h would go away forever,at this point,all he's doing is pissing the fans off and embarassing himself,i hope triple h pulls a Rock and leaves WWE and is to embarrassed to even mention it ever again.

evan bourne to smackdown,he would have gotten more ring time on smackdown and he would have shown himself better to the smackdown TV audience,he would have also had great fueds with jericho,kane,ziggler,morrison and mysterio

christian to smackdown for the obvious reason,ECW SUCKS NOW and he could have teamed with edge or had a storyline with him,brothers reunited and it feels so good,lol
i think the miz should of went to smackdown and had a really long term fued with morrison leading them into a number 1 contenders match for the wwe title
True, most of Flair's came in the NWA and then in WCW. And the NWA had an actual 9-member board who voted on who the World Heavyweight Champion was, and the champion actually defended all over the world against the wrestlers from those other countries. Not to mention, Flair's title reigns usually lasted about a year, and sometimes longer (he had one reign last 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days).

Who cares if there was a 9-member board voting on the champion? Fact is, after Flair was voted champion he wouldn't lose it until someone else was voted to go over him. How that's any different than Triple H winning a title nowadays is beyond me.

Though, the length argument is valid. Triple H's multitude of championships barely reach half the length of Flair's NWA/WCW/and WWE titles that the WWE touts.

But like another poster said, the rest of the roster has all the reason in the world to hate Cripple-H because he's holding back everyone on the roster.

By everyone do you mean the wrestlers who aren't ready for the main-event yet?

People talk about poor Randy Orton,

Poor Randy Orton?!?! The top heel on Raw? The best heel in all of the WWE? How he's doing badly because of Triple H is beyond me.

but look at Cena. Cena goes through everyone on the roster like a hot butter knife through butter, but yet he always has to job to Preparation-H.

Cena is sooo close to main event. If only he hadn't had to job out to Triple H. Oh. Wait.

Flair always made even jobbers look like they had a chance and were as good as the real top contenders. Cripple-H just squashes everyone (look at poor MVP).

He didn't squash Benjamin, though Benjamin deserved it. He didn't squash MVP, it was a rather competitive match, honestly. He's never squashed Cena. Or HBK.

Nobody wants to be on the same show with him because they all become jobbers when he's in your lockerroom. This is why he needs to either go to ECW, FCW, or just go away completely.

Oh, i think a lot of wrestlers would be happy to have a spot on the Raw roster. The flagship show of the premier wrestling company in the world? Yeah, I'd take that spot. Please don't speak for every wrestler when you have no idea what you're talking about. You're putting words in their mouths, and you don't even know the people.

I wish he'd do something stupid to make Stephanie mad, then Vince would finally bury him for hurting "daddy's little girl" and let the rest of the talent on the roster grow.

Yeah, because ever since Triple H married Stephanie the WWE roster hasn't grown. Bullshit. Cena, Orton, Edge, Hardy, Miz, MVP, Swagger, Punk, and many others have been getting over with the crowd, even with the specter of "Big Bad Triple H" hanging over them.

I'm not saying Triple H is perfect, nor that he's always jobbing out to lower level talent. But he's motherfucking Triple H. He can't just go around losing to every up and coming mid-card talent. He's not Kane/Finlay/or Dreamer.
You wouldn't be saying that if you were a talent that never got pushed because of the owner's son-in-law.when you lose money because of one person it's hard to not take that personal.and besides that the fans are sick of seeing him with the world title every 3 months.he's trying so hard to be Ric Flair.but Flair earned his title reigns the hard way.

Everybody hates HHH mainly because of who he married and I'm personally getting sick and tired of it. He won more world championships before marrying Stephanie than after if that is correct. He's only won the title three times in four years so this whole winning the title every three months is invalid. Sure he has buried some people, but who hasn't? Sure he has used backstage politics, but who hasn't?
Yea they should of drafted some of raws main eventers and they could of split randy orton and triple h.

wwe seriously need to split them two up or at least end the fued between them, its been going on for soo long and every one is bored of it!

Also if they were to draft some of the main eventers it would help the mid carders get higher in the buisness.
Yea they should of drafted some of raws main eventers and they could of split randy orton and triple h.wwe seriously need to split them two up or at least end the fued between them, its been going on for soo long and every one is bored of it!

Yeah I would have been ok with Orton moving to Smackdown just so this dam storyline would end. Its lost all of its momentum. Maybe Orton and Punk could have unified the titles and the champion could wrestle on both shows like back in the day.

Also if they were to draft some of the main eventers it would help the mid carders get higher in the buisness.

Which main eventers would you have liked to see get drafted and which midcarders do you think would have benefited? I for one would have liked to see The Brian Kendrick move to ECW. He could have been champion over there and would have been alot like Brian Pillman. As far as main eventers that needed to move Shawn Michaels could use a move to Smackdown and Undertaker could use a move to Raw. They've both been on those shows for so long a change would be nice.
Who cares if there was a 9-member board voting on the champion? Fact is, after Flair was voted champion he wouldn't lose it until someone else was voted to go over him. How that's any different than Triple H winning a title nowadays is beyond me.

Though, the length argument is valid. Triple H's multitude of championships barely reach half the length of Flair's NWA/WCW/and WWE titles that the WWE touts.

By everyone do you mean the wrestlers who aren't ready for the main-event yet?

Poor Randy Orton?!?! The top heel on Raw? The best heel in all of the WWE? How he's doing badly because of Triple H is beyond me.

Cena is sooo close to main event. If only he hadn't had to job out to Triple H. Oh. Wait.

He didn't squash Benjamin, though Benjamin deserved it. He didn't squash MVP, it was a rather competitive match, honestly. He's never squashed Cena. Or HBK.

Oh, i think a lot of wrestlers would be happy to have a spot on the Raw roster. The flagship show of the premier wrestling company in the world? Yeah, I'd take that spot. Please don't speak for every wrestler when you have no idea what you're talking about. You're putting words in their mouths, and you don't even know the people.

Yeah, because ever since Triple H married Stephanie the WWE roster hasn't grown. Bullshit. Cena, Orton, Edge, Hardy, Miz, MVP, Swagger, Punk, and many others have been getting over with the crowd, even with the specter of "Big Bad Triple H" hanging over them.

I'm not saying Triple H is perfect, nor that he's always jobbing out to lower level talent. But he's motherfucking Triple H. He can't just go around losing to every up and coming mid-card talent. He's not Kane/Finlay/or Dreamer.

Whoa, somebody sure needs a woman. Maybe if you had one you wouldn't be so hostile.

Anyway, you're obviously a dense one if you don't know the obvious difference between a 9-member board choosing the World Heavyweight CHampion versus Cripple-H booking himself as champion. If you don't understand the difference, then I feel sorry for you.

And anyone with two working eyes can see that Cripple-H HAS been squashing the rest of the roster. Heck, even Stevie Wonder could see this.

I see you must be in-love with Cripple-H, but at least be factual and honest in what you say rather than blindly defend your hero who happens to be the biggest cancer in this business since the other HHH (Hollywood Hulk Hogan). I mean, I'm a huge Atlanta Braves fan, but I'm not running my mouth saying they're the greatest team in sports. I mean, the team stinks and I admit to that. I am a fan, but an honest one. You can like Cripple-H all you want, but be honest. Just ask the guys backstage about him (start with Steve Austin).
Whoa, somebody sure needs a woman. Maybe if you had one you wouldn't be so hostile.

Anyway, you're obviously a dense one if you don't know the obvious difference between a 9-member board choosing the World Heavyweight CHampion versus Cripple-H booking himself as champion. If you don't understand the difference, then I feel sorry for you.

And anyone with two working eyes can see that Cripple-H HAS been squashing the rest of the roster. Heck, even Stevie Wonder could see this.

I see you must be in-love with Cripple-H, but at least be factual and honest in what you say rather than blindly defend your hero who happens to be the biggest cancer in this business since the other HHH (Hollywood Hulk Hogan). I mean, I'm a huge Atlanta Braves fan, but I'm not running my mouth saying they're the greatest team in sports. I mean, the team stinks and I admit to that. I am a fan, but an honest one. You can like Cripple-H all you want, but be honest. Just ask the guys backstage about him (start with Steve Austin).

You may need the woman my friend.

So you say that HHH has squashed the rest of the roster, well who hasn't? The reason HHH is champion most of the time because he is the best option is the most reliable choice. All the greats have used backstage politics and you can't say that HHH has been the only one.
You may need the woman my friend.

So you say that HHH has squashed the rest of the roster, well who hasn't? The reason HHH is champion most of the time because he is the best option is the most reliable choice. All the greats have used backstage politics and you can't say that HHH has been the only one.

Well, you using the name "Little Jerry Lawler" explains why you'd say that. But I'm not talking about Lawler, Von Erich, Jarrett (Jerry AND Jeff as well), Bockwinkle, Colon, or anyone else who was also the promoter. I mean talent.

Yes, alot of people have used backstage politics, but none married the owner's daughter and got to book himself as if he was the owner of the company. And NO, HHH is by no means the best option. Maybe if they let others take the ball and run then you would see that they have other people deserving of main event status (at least Jeff Jarrett finally learned this in TNA). THIS is one of many reasons, AGAIN, I say HHH needed to be drafted away from everyone else.

And BTW, I'm doing just fine with the ladies.... :icon_wink:
Well, you using the name "Little Jerry Lawler" explains why you'd say that. But I'm not talking about Lawler, Von Erich, Jarrett (Jerry AND Jeff as well), Bockwinkle, Colon, or anyone else who was also the promoter. I mean talent.

Yes, alot of people have used backstage politics, but none married the owner's daughter and got to book himself as if he was the owner of the company. And NO, HHH is by no means the best option. Maybe if they let others take the ball and run then you would see that they have other people deserving of main event status (at least Jeff Jarrett finally learned this in TNA). THIS is one of many reasons, AGAIN, I say HHH needed to be drafted away from everyone else.

And BTW, I'm doing just fine with the ladies.... :icon_wink:

I see you are yet another person who thinks HHH's success is due to marrying the owner's daughter. HHH has had more titles before he married Stephanie than after so how do you explain that? Others have taken the ball and failed with it so they turn to reliable wrestlers, HHH being one of them.
I see you are yet another person who thinks HHH's success is due to marrying the owner's daughter. HHH has had more titles before he married Stephanie than after so how do you explain that? Others have taken the ball and failed with it so they turn to reliable wrestlers, HHH being one of them.

Actually, Paul has held more titles AFTER he started dating Stephanie in real life.

And yes, the only reason the others "failed" is because of his ego and not letting them hold the belt for any real length of time. Just look at Goldberg, Benoit, Orton, HBK, Edge, Cena, Jericho, and anyone else who got near that belt (the only time Cena had a decent run was when HHH was out injured again, but look at Cena since HHH returned). And people like Booker T, Steiner, Christian, Kane, Benjamin, etc.... never got the chance they deserved (Booker eventually won it, but not when he should have) thanks to Mr. Egomanic.

Again, if you want to know why Austin left, look no further than Cripple-H. Even 'Taker hate his guts. You can almost understand why.
Actually, Paul has held more titles AFTER he started dating Stephanie in real life.

And yes, the only reason the others "failed" is because of his ego and not letting them hold the belt for any real length of time. Just look at Goldberg, Benoit, Orton, HBK, Edge, Cena, Jericho, and anyone else who got near that belt (the only time Cena had a decent run was when HHH was out injured again, but look at Cena since HHH returned). And people like Booker T, Steiner, Christian, Kane, Benjamin, etc.... never got the chance they deserved (Booker eventually won it, but not when he should have) thanks to Mr. Egomanic.

Again, if you want to know why Austin left, look no further than Cripple-H. Even 'Taker hate his guts. You can almost understand why.

Goldberg had the belt for three months and Benoit for five months so they have had long title reigns. HBK has stated he doesn't want the title and Cena had the belt for nearly two damn years so what are you talking about?

Tell me how did Christian not getting the belt relates to HHH and give me two valid reasons. Benjamin sucks so he doesn't deserve it and Steiner as champion would have been laughable.
Goldberg had the belt for three months and Benoit for five months so they have had long title reigns. HBK has stated he doesn't want the title and Cena had the belt for nearly two damn years so what are you talking about?

Tell me how did Christian not getting the belt relates to HHH and give me two valid reasons. Benjamin sucks so he doesn't deserve it and Steiner as champion would have been laughable.

You call 3-month and 5-month reigns long? Not THAT is laughable. See, I grew up in an era where Ric Flair reigned as the World Heavyweight Champion for 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days - in ONE reign. When Lex Luger was United States Heavyweight Champion for almost 18 months. Hogan was WWF Champion for 4 years (well, Hogan barely defended; whereas Flair and Luger defended their titles almost every night of every week).

And don't tell me that Benajamin sucks (he has more pure athletic ability than just about the entire WWE roster), and Christian should've been World Heavyweight Champion.... but Preparation-H refused to job.

Then again, you're only 21 so I shouldn't expect you to really understand the business. Especially being a Cripple-H mark. Sorry, but truth is he has been holding people back.
You call 3-month and 5-month reigns long? Not THAT is laughable. See, I grew up in an era where Ric Flair reigned as the World Heavyweight Champion for 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days - in ONE reign. When Lex Luger was United States Heavyweight Champion for almost 18 months. Hogan was WWF Champion for 4 years (well, Hogan barely defended; whereas Flair and Luger defended their titles almost every night of every week).

Three and Five months aren't long reigns your right but in this day and age its dam near impossible to hold the title for two years like Flair did. When Cena held the title for two years the majority of his fans revolted out of boredom. It wasn't until he got injured and was out for three months and the fans got a breath of fresh air that they re-embraced him.

And don't tell me that Benajamin sucks (he has more pure athletic ability than just about the entire WWE roster), and Christian should've been World Heavyweight Champion.... but Preparation-H refused to job.

Shelton Benjamin holds three straight victorys over Triple H during the time that you could argue was Benjamins prime. So don't sit here and say Triple H wouldn't put him over because he did and when did Christian face Triple H that Hunter refused to put him over I'd really like to know.

Then again, you're only 21 so I shouldn't expect you to really understand the business. Especially being a Cripple-H mark. Sorry, but truth is he has been holding people back.

I'm 16 and I know a good amount about the buisiness or at least I feel like I do so age has nothing to do with it. You can't even get your facts straight. I'm not a Triple H mark but even I can acknowledge what he has done for the buisiness. He just verbally put over Jack Swagger and Evan Bourne in an interview and wam bam they move to Raw. That's using your political power for good. I think you may have a personal vendetta against Triple H because he is so close to beating Flair's record for World title reigns. He is only three away from tying Naitch you know.
Actually, Paul has held more titles AFTER he started dating Stephanie in real life.

And yes, the only reason the others "failed" is because of his ego and not letting them hold the belt for any real length of time. Just look at Goldberg, Benoit, Orton, HBK, Edge, Cena, Jericho, and anyone else who got near that belt (the only time Cena had a decent run was when HHH was out injured again, but look at Cena since HHH returned). And people like Booker T, Steiner, Christian, Kane, Benjamin, etc.... never got the chance they deserved (Booker eventually won it, but not when he should have) thanks to Mr. Egomanic.

Again, if you want to know why Austin left, look no further than Cripple-H. Even 'Taker hate his guts. You can almost understand why.

Goldberg did go over Trips for the belt
Benoit also beat Triple H for the title
Orton has beaten Triple H for the belt numerous times
HBK, if I understand correctly, has asked not to have more title reigns. Also, he beat Triple H for the belt
Cena had one of the longest reigns in recent memory, and Triple H wasn't injured for all of that time. Not to mention that Cena being out of the title picture for like 3 months isn't neccisarily a bad thing, nor caused by HHH
I'll give you Jericho, I agree with that
Booker, possibly. I think they just didnt want him carrying the company, more than HHH holding him back
The broken down shell of Scott Steiner we saw in 2003 had no business in a wrestling ring, nevermind as champion of the WWE
Triple H never even feuded with Christian, I doubt he had anything to do with his poor pushes
Kane I don't think was held down by Trips, I'm pretty sure the bookers decided to make him lose the mask
Benjamin was put over multiple times by HHH, and he was in no way shape or form ready to main event at that time anyways
I'm not going to get into this fairy tale land of Cena or HHH (let's be realsitic)

The point of the draft was to rape ECW so they could get ready for their next batch of future endeavors ummm i mean the talent initiative. I for one am pleased with the direction they are taking ECW its a smart way to repackage talent that can't get over which leads me to.....Primo

With Carlitos heel turn they should have planned it a few weeks earlier sending Primo to ECW giving him one last chance to be accepted by the fans before he gets his pink slip sadly now he will slowly disappear from our tvs while his brother moves up the card. By the end of the summer Primo will be wished his future endeavors

TBK would have been a good choice for ECW however with Big Zeke there they would screw it up and Kendrick wouldn't get his push They would have reteamed them and they whould end up down the same road as Chavo & Bam Neely ( one gone one on the way)
You call 3-month and 5-month reigns long? Not THAT is laughable. See, I grew up in an era where Ric Flair reigned as the World Heavyweight Champion for 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days - in ONE reign. When Lex Luger was United States Heavyweight Champion for almost 18 months. Hogan was WWF Champion for 4 years (well, Hogan barely defended; whereas Flair and Luger defended their titles almost every night of every week).

And don't tell me that Benajamin sucks (he has more pure athletic ability than just about the entire WWE roster), and Christian should've been World Heavyweight Champion.... but Preparation-H refused to job.

Then again, you're only 21 so I shouldn't expect you to really understand the business. Especially being a Cripple-H mark. Sorry, but truth is he has been holding people back.

This is a new era my friend where title reigns seem to last only a month so a 3 or 5 month reign is very long. Since 2004, only Cena, HHH, and Edge have had longer reigns than Benoit. I'll take a 3-month reign in the midst of all these title changes any day of the week.

And I'm telling you Benjamin sucks. Athletic ability doesn't get you anywhere. He's not good on the mic and he is one of the worst workers in the WWE. How many matches of his did anybody care about- probably that one against Michaels and he has done shit since. He was most over when he had his "mother" with him. Vince doesn't think Christian is world championship material and I halfway agree with him. You say Christian should have been champion. The best time for that was mid-2005 when who was champion? It wasn't HHH, it was John Cena. HHH was out from Vengeance to mid-October so tell me how HHH held him back. Please tell me so I can take your post seriously.

So tell me since I'm 21, how don't I understand the business. Don't talk shit about what I don't know because you don't know all that I know. There are plenty of great posters around here with the understanding of the business that are younger posters than me so look around for a change. Oh, none of my posts have said I'm a Triple H mark because I'm not one. I haven't been a fan of his since 2002. I just point that most people shit on him for stuff that's not fair.

Benjamin still sucks.
This is a new era my friend where title reigns seem to last only a month so a 3 or 5 month reign is very long. Since 2004, only Cena, HHH, and Edge have had longer reigns than Benoit. I'll take a 3-month reign in the midst of all these title changes any day of the week.

And I'm telling you Benjamin sucks. Athletic ability doesn't get you anywhere. He's not good on the mic and he is one of the worst workers in the WWE. How many matches of his did anybody care about- probably that one against Michaels and he has done shit since. He was most over when he had his "mother" with him. Vince doesn't think Christian is world championship material and I halfway agree with him. You say Christian should have been champion. The best time for that was mid-2005 when who was champion? It wasn't HHH, it was John Cena. HHH was out from Vengeance to mid-October so tell me how HHH held him back. Please tell me so I can take your post seriously.

So tell me since I'm 21, how don't I understand the business. Don't talk shit about what I don't know because you don't know all that I know. There are plenty of great posters around here with the understanding of the business that are younger posters than me so look around for a change. Oh, none of my posts have said I'm a Triple H mark because I'm not one. I haven't been a fan of his since 2002. I just point that most people shit on him for stuff that's not fair.

Benjamin still sucks.

And yes, you sound imature... just like a 21 year old. (And Shelton has at least 1000% more talent then you could EVER dream of having..... who cares about if he can talk, because the old saying is 'talk is cheap').

I'm not the only one who isn't blind to the power-trip politics of Paul Michael Levesque. Maybe we've been watching two different shows, and maybe people are imagining that Steve Austin, Mark Calloway, Scott Steiner, and Bill Goldberg all hate his guts, but what I am saying seems to be the general consensous in the wrestling business.

Again, myself being old enough to remember pro-wrestling throughout the entire 80's (and with quite an extensive knowledge of the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's), as well as the 90's, I can tell you (and anyone else in my age brackett and older can too) that Triple-H is as big of a cancer (if not bigger) than the other HHH - Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

I stand by my statement that he needs to be as far away from both the ring and the booking as possible. In fact, a draft wouldn't be good enough. Even though I grew up an NWA fan, and later WCW, I'd rather see the old ECW come back rather than send that cancer Cripple-H there..... so if FCW is a possibility (or worse) then do it. I guarantee you, if Cripple-H was away from this business the product would greatly improve.
And yes, you sound imature... just like a 21 year old. (And Shelton has at least 1000% more talent then you could EVER dream of having..... who cares about if he can talk, because the old saying is 'talk is cheap').

I'm not the only one who isn't blind to the power-trip politics of Paul Michael Levesque. Maybe we've been watching two different shows, and maybe people are imagining that Steve Austin, Mark Calloway, Scott Steiner, and Bill Goldberg all hate his guts, but what I am saying seems to be the general consensous in the wrestling business.

Again, myself being old enough to remember pro-wrestling throughout the entire 80's (and with quite an extensive knowledge of the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's), as well as the 90's, I can tell you (and anyone else in my age brackett and older can too) that Triple-H is as big of a cancer (if not bigger) than the other HHH - Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

I stand by my statement that he needs to be as far away from both the ring and the booking as possible. In fact, a draft wouldn't be good enough. Even though I grew up an NWA fan, and later WCW, I'd rather see the old ECW come back rather than send that cancer Cripple-H there..... so if FCW is a possibility (or worse) then do it. I guarantee you, if Cripple-H was away from this business the product would greatly improve.

By the way it's "immature." Thought you would know that since you claim to be so much wiser than I am.

Can you see me right now? So I don't want to hear that Shelton Benjamin has more talent than you can ever dream of happening. I had a dream where I beat Benjamin which pretty much happens in 90% of his matches.

HHH has used backstage politics but who hasn't. HBK, Hogan, Flair, and all the greats have done it. You can whine and complain all you want but HHH will stay in the WWE until he retires and have a hand in taking over the company so you're just going to have to live with it.

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