Who is your favorite wrestler?

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Shining Wizard

Gregory Helms > You
My favorite wrestler is Edge. He has a lot of talent and skills. I love when he cuts a promo. He is very entertaining on the mic. He puts up a lot of good matches too. When he beat Cena for his first title run I marked the fuck out like I never marked out before. When he lost one month later, I hated Cena more then I hated him ever. He became my favorite wrestler at Wrestlemania 17 when he did the spear off the ladder onto Jeff? Who is your favorite Wrestler?

P.S- I'm suprised I didnt see this thread.
my favorite male wrestler is and will always be Kane, mainly because I am attracted to his gimmick, but I have also managed to see that he is a great wrestler who is loyal to the company and is a role model backstage

my favorite female wrestler is much harder to pin point as their are so many of them, so my top 5

Molly Holly - Molly is an awesome techincal wrestler who has trained many superstars over her career, but surprisingly, she is still quite young herself

Cheerleader Melissa - one of the best female wrestlers in the world today, she is one of the few US women who wrestles in the Japanese style

Mschif - the ultimate psycho, not only is she can she bring the pain, but her ability to take pain is awe inspriring

Lufisto - the badest bitch on the planet, the queen of hardcore, this woman is notorious for her hardcore ways, as she is one of the few women in the world who would destroy their own bodies week in and week out in gruesome fashion

Mariko Yoshida - quite possibly the best women's techincal wrestler in the world today, she is a true master of submissions
my favorite wrestler has been The Undertaker since i started watching wrestling till now qnd maybe even forever. He is one of those "true" legends of wrestling who he has done it all and continues to put on one hell of a show every night. He's been through many gimmicks in his career, and to me, none of them are bad. I likedTaker the best though when he was biker and just fucking shit up every week and could finally be allowed to show his true self on tv. I could watch matches with him in them all day long(with the exception of bathroom breaks and eating.) But even with incredible in ring skills, mike skills he never needs but always has,classic feuds and matches, hes just the main player of WWE that never was. He should have been right next to Hogan as the most known icon in wrestling, but, alas, his gimmick does not portray what a liitle child wanting to wrestle should be like. Hes one of those big man who can wrestle there ass of like any Chris Benoit, HBK, or maybe even Ric Flair.I also understand theres a SMALL portion of Batista fans out there who thought that Taker would lose at Mania,his yard of all places, and now they think Taker will lose the title to Batista at Backlash,a month into his reign.Well you guys need to start realizing Batista is nowheres near legendary status and has been with the company for about five years, along with 2 undeserved title reigns.Remember, Undertaker has ALWAYS been with WWE as Undertaker(Not WCW's whatever they named him) for 17 years running and still has it in him to put on classics every now and then.

*btw good thread that can get alot more out of people about the kind of wrestling they like (Hogan = influence and immortality, Bret Hart = pure wrestling talent)
Right now it's gotta be a tie between Shawn Michaels and Triple H.

Shawn Michaels because I grew up watching him pretty much in his prime. He won the championship for the first time literally the same month or so that I started watching wrestling,so his career kind of parallels my history as a viewer, plus I truly think he's one of the greatest of all time.

Triple H just recently started becoming one of my favorite wrestlers. I couldn't stand him when he was the champ all the time, now that he's gone a long time without a championship you kinda wanna see him win it again. You can tell when he comes out that he truly is one of the best in the business and that he really cares about WWE and the fans as well. Gotta love that.
Currently It's probably Austin Aries. He has the charisma and the look and he's a decent worker. The only problem I see for him is his height. I believe he's only about 5'9''. Although that didn't stop Rey Myserio and his charisma is miniamal at best. I really think he could be a huge player given the oppertunity.

As for WWE I'm not sure. The best wrestlers aren't usually given a proper oppertunity. I'd say Jamie Noble. Which proves my point. He's been back in WWE for over 18 month's and he's made about 3 PPV appearences. He's one of there best wrestlers and he isn't even given an oppertunity with a worthless belt like the Cruiser title.

Old school without a doubt is Tom Billington. The two biggest stars in WWF in the 80's were probably Savage & Hogan. But in a match I doubt even Savage could hang with him.
all time has to be Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle

but lately The Briscoes for sure...i love thier look, i love their Skynard entrance, i love thier matches, havent seen a bad one yet
I really enjoy Homicides work. He was what really really got me into TNA with LAX vs Styles and Daniels. I love all of his ring of honor work, he has had so many classics. The only shame is his awful 3 month title reign due to TNA.
shawn michaels has been my favorite for years I also enjoy Benoit Jericho pretty much the entire Hart Family um as far as heels Randy Orton and Kennedy I also like Undertaker even though he is not as good as he used to be and Ric Flair is still fun to watch at 58
I never watched Wrestling for the actual wrestling aspect of it, I was into it for the "Entertainment" part of it, and I would have to say my two fave wrestlers of all time were Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero. They were both hilarious, I couldn't get enough of them. They could both go from being a heal to a face and back in and out every week. It's a shame Eddie died, and that Chris left, but I hear Chris is coming back, so I'm sycked about that! I also don't see why you all hate people like Cena, Batista, and a few Lashley haters out there. I find them all pretty entertaining at times, they've had their moments. I personally loved the speach Cena gave some time shortly before wrestlemania 23, hyping all the people and things there..." And Ladders that lead to briefcases, Filled with gold!" I loved that.
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